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Sometimes Sunny 7: Fit

Sometimes Sunny Escape 7: Fit is another Japanese point and click type room escape by Haretoki. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun! .

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Sometimes Sunny 7: Fit Walkthrough

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  1. nice and difficult. Can't solve anything at all! I just found a red ball like a key that doesn't fit anywhere...

  2. I have 10 minutes before going to work, but this looks like it will take longer lol

    Got the red star knob and a green ball so far.
    For the green ball, use the books and the digital thingy to get 3 letters....

  3. Use the books and the 1-7 lights to make three letters. Gets the green ball.

  4. Got green and blue ball, some kind of panels and a lever. I really could use that screwdriver. :)

  5. BF'd dials to get screwdriver.

    6 4 9 12

  6. Peke, could you share a little on HOW you acquired your items?

  7. Ho hum, got to go to work now, be sure to leave plenty of clues.

    Bye all..

  8. Sorry. I was trying to hurry since I have to leave for work. Actually have to quit now. Damn. :(

  9. Used coin on vending machine to get basketball, which knocked blue ball off back board into a basket below. Can't get to the blue ball, but the panel under the satellite dish was open. Box behind panel gave me a key which opened the cupboard with the 4 panels. That gives the clue to the 4 blue buttons in alcove, which takes you to another room.

  10. It seemed like OIL or OIU but nothing. I tryed combinations of letters according to missing numbers from books, but nothing. And I also have to go to work, so I think I' ll leave it for later.

  11. @doris: no need to guess.
    Take a pen and a paper and find out which numbers (1 to 7) are assigned to which digit bit ( = one horizontal or vertical line)
    (e. g. #5 is lower right)
    Combine groups of them to get your 'spacy' 3-letter word. :)


    Peggy I could need a hint for the buttons in the alcove...these arrows don't tell me anything...

  12. arbeitslooser, the green dot is the top left button. Just follow where the arrow points.

  13. @Doris: you get lights on in groups of two. When you are in 1-2, you get two lines on, when you move to 2-3 one of those lines turns off (a new one turns on in its place) and the other one remains on. That one which remains on is the one for the number 2. The same goes for the rest of the numbers. Figure out each one and you'll see which letters form.

  14. In 2nd room, blue squares behind the mirror panels is clue for the 9-button cupboard. Gives you an air nozzle (or pin) which will deflate basketball in 1st room to access blue ball.

  15. thanks arbeitslooser, but still don't get it. Maybe I'm stupid for this, or maybe I need more coffee. Anyway, I have to quit, I must go to work. Bye all.

  16. At last orb... what are the 4 plates for?

  17. doris, draw a digital number 8. Label the middle line #1, the top left line #2, the top line #3, and each line around. Using the numbers on the books, draw out the numbered lines to create letters.

  18. @doris the machine always shows TWO of them. When the first and the last light is on, the 1st and 7th digits are shown. If you press the button NOW, you will see which digit goes off (the 7th) and which goes on additionally (the 2nd).

  19. (not digits but digit bits sorry)

  20. Have gotten 4 orbs. Anyone figure out what the 4 plates for?

  21. Before going to second room remember to drop the tied SD back to the pipe. Bye.

  22. Doris I'll be nice and say UFO is the 3 letters

  23. Still can't get the arrows...(feeling blond(e)...)

    As far as I can see, it says

    arr_BR - dot - arr_BR - dot - arr_dn - arr_right - arr_BR

    It is pretty difficult following these directions with only 4 buttons. So you may spoil away now, this is confusing as hell to me...

  24. arbeitslooser,

    br, tl, br, tl, bl, tr, br

    (I hope I've remembered it correctly.)

  25. BR, TL, BR, TL, BL, TR, BR I think

  26. @arbeits, I think it was: dr, ul, dr, ul, dl, ur, dr. When it's point you have to click the top left, for the others you have to click the one that the arrow points (as if the arrow was starting from the top left button).

  27. Thanks guys, and @Verito your last half sentence that was the confusing part I spoke of ...

    Horrid room :)

  28. Down to needing the yellow orb. Think that the mirrors will block the lasers, but have been unable to affect it so far. Slashes: couple together every two to get up/down arrow solution.

  29. Rofl arbeits!
    Well, I'm going in circles, I used red knob on star shaped thing and got a 4 digit number, but it doesn't work on the cubpoard, where should I use it?

  30. Vertigo, watch for the segments of the digits that remain dark no matter what number you're given.

  31. Ohh, there was something on the back of the door, behind the 4 buttons. I could put the 4 panels there.

  32. That worked with the lasers and could get the yellow ball. But I don't understand the 4 digits yet. I can change the 4 digits with the button, kingofkrypton. ¿?

  33. Ohh, you meant the dark lines inside the green areas! Got it now, thank you!

  34. Verito, it's the empty segments you use to make the numbers.


  35. @Verito that explanation was way too confusing...

    Let me have a go at it...

    Do you see the FILLED digit segments the amount of which never changes per digit?

    Well, take a pen and paper again and write down only the filled segments. The digit you need will be formed from the REMAINING segments, e. g. if you only have a segment top left and bottom left, the result will be a '3'. Always the complement.

  36. Hopefully we can educate each other. I can't seem to manipulate the revolving door panel with the four buttons in order to apply the four plates. With the digits, imagine that all digits have all segments lit and then take out the ones that show up filled in, as if they're going dark and the rest remains lit up. That will leave you with the four numbers that are constantly present, but only partially represented.

  37. POP I see you got it now, but maybe this explanation will help someone who comes later one...

    Can YOU please elaborate on what "the door" is with "the four buttons"?
    I'm still looking for the hotspot where to get rid of my "blinds" (or what the hell they are)

  38. Guess I was late with that breakdown. Sorry for getting your name wrong initially, Verito.

  39. How to put balls , BYGWR not working

  40. Lol, thank you very much for all the help, guys, and no problem kingofkrypton (I kind of liked Vertigo lol).

    For the door between the two rooms, click on the button as you always do to change rooms but STEP BACK real quick so that the door rotates alone but you're not in it. That way you'll see the back side of the door that you haven't seen so far.

  41. AND same question as Zoran, the code from second room isn't working for the order of the colours.

  42. Clever. A more active gameplay than in most of these. Maybe the first real-time move I've seen.

  43. Zoran, please elaborate. What does 1 - 5 mean?

  44. OHHH that was sneaky!! Thanks Verito...(btw which Vertigo did you refer to, the DJ Vertigo who did the Oxygene IV trance remake many, many years ago?!)

  45. The last bit with the door not being the last step gave me pause, and the external shot of the house was a nice touch. Thanks to all for good info.

  46. 1 is blue, 2 is red, 3 is white....

  47. Peggy, if you haven't yet, use gear from first room down-left from basketball goal in small counter in second room. Turn the gear to change the colored dot shown. The placement of the dot in the diagrams is where the orbs fit in the five-cavity board on the wall opposite the rotating door in the first room. The number of dots in each diagram is just a useless false trail, I think, only the positions are important.

  48. @arbeits, I don't know any of those! lol and Verito is the familiar form of my real name.
    @Peggy: I understand now, not only the place matters but also the order in which you place the balls.

  49. #1 is center, 2 - bl, 3 - tr, 4 - br, 5 - tl. Colours are the same as the clue, they just need to be placed in a certain order.

  50. Where's the white ball?

  51. I got the key and out now. Thank you all for your generous help.

  52. Joe & arbeit, white ball is at the top of the ladder.

  53. White ball was on top of the stair, after you solve the up-down puzzle.

  54. Ah therefore...I just thought it's an up-down switch that is not functional...didn't think I'd have to "play" a combination on the switches...

  55. how did you all get blue ball???

  56. The number of dots in each diagram is just a useless false trail, I think, only the positions are important.

    Wrong! That's what I had thought too. It's not only the positions that are important; you also need to put the balls in RIGHT ORDER! Otherwise nothing will react.

    So there is three dots with seemingly nothing in. That means, that you have to put the white one as third (in the position you get from subtracting all others)

  57. confused - how to get ladder down??

  58. How did you guys get the yellow ball? I can't do anything with the panels and the lasers.... :(

  59. @Sue, I think it was with the basketball? You need to get the basketball from the machine (get coin first) and it will bring it down. Then you'll have to get an item from the other room to open valve and deflate the basketball.

  60. i dont get the hint for the ladder... any help here

  61. Ah i got it, you have to step away when clocking the button to turn the door.

  62. @Akiko, for yellow ball you need to see the back of the door between the two rooms. Look at my comment at 12:11 AM for that.

  63. See clue at 11:49 from kingofkrypton for ladder clue.
    Couple the slashes on poster. The first two slashes depict the down button, the next two indicate the up button...

  64. got that Verito - now stuck with up/down arrows for ladder
    have 4 balls, nothing else

  65. @Tijuna and Sue: you have to use the clue with the / and \ slashes. Take them in pairs and put them together: if you have \ / put them together to get \/, i.e. an arrow down.

  66. ty Peggy/kingof... saw it now

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Yeah! finally out :)
    needed a lot of help, thx for the comments.
    great game

  69. Well, I have a red star shaped lever and a green ball. Can't see anything else to do.

  70. pdgph use red "dot signs" beseid basket ball as clue for the 4 levers aboeve cupboard

  71. @Sue,

    Thank you. Yes, I forgot to say that I've already tried this, but the hint doesn't work for me. I tried : N S W SE and S W N SE, but none of these orders works.

  72. pdgph, there's a spoiler comment at 10:53

  73. well the red dots are not the order- figure out what dial makes "how many moves"

    for ex: dial 1 is only up/down - so its South or 6 o'clock

  74. Dial SPOILER


  75. where to use green ball or star shape red knob? ..cant find place ..

  76. no one is here i think ..could not figure anything, stuck with star knob & green ball ....

  77. @raasti.. colored balls use at the very end - you need 5 red knob for 2nd room

    solve 4 dials puzzle and then find key behind now opend door under satellite

  78. yes i read this you solve dial puzzle ? there is no hint at least i can see ..only a spoiler you figure out dials ?

  79. the black signs with red marks beside b-ball basket

  80. raasti, each dial makes a different number of stops. Coordinate those with the clue. Dial that stops 2 times will be South, the dial that stops 4 times will be West...

  81. @Peggy, @Sue,

    Yes, there is a spoiler, but where is the link with hints near the basket ball basket ?

  82. & peggy ..the game is over smart for me basket ball is resting in basket on blue ball to get blue ball now ?

  83. blue ball later

    now look under satellite

  84. @Peggy,

    Thank you for the explanation !

  85. YW. I love being able to help.

  86. you no i used spoiler for dials ..but now i figure out you people got it you people are so smart ..:)

  87. raasti, the green ball is used at the end of the game. And the star shape red knob is used in the second room.

  88. you no * know ....btw I'm not talking about looks just mentioning your brains LOL

  89. raasti, you make me laugh.

  90. Nice and logical game. Especially like the part where one have to step out of the rotating door. Original.

  91. I read the comments about the green arrows and dot. I can see : bottom-right dot bottom-right dot down left bottom-right, which is simply impossible to relate to 4 buttons.

  92. POP, I suppose that the cupboard itself is the basis of the directions... (-:

  93. dot is top left pdgph

    imagine arrow pointing from there
    so its br, tl, br tl, bl, tr, br

  94. i got the green arrow thing on my own..its feel good but now stuck with mirrors & 9 button grid cant get it ..

  95. stuck on getting the yellow ball, is it something to do with the movable mirrors on the wall, where the blue squares are? or do I need the 4 "plates" in inv? can't seem to find a use for them :s

  96. mirrors - use door trick as explained from verito:

    step in door push button as if you wanna change rooms - BUT step back only door truns - reveals back of door

    9 button grid?? well where you got mirrors from - see blue squares? apply to grid

  97. ok got it ....i think i need some tea or coffee its so simple ..

  98. raasti, if you move the mirror panels around, you'll notice 2 blue squares in the left column, one in the middle column, and one at top of right column. Just click the corresponding buttons on the panel.

  99. There must be a way to block the lasers with the mirror panel, but how ?

  100. ok now hav 3 balls & star knob what to do smart peoples ;)

  101. Thank you for the explanation about the mirrors and the door. It reminds me good old Myst where we had to enter a lift and step back before it went up...

  102. not enough info raasti - which color balls? do you have red SD??

  103. @ pdgpg MYST I loved it - seems ages ago

  104. The red knob goes in the second room, in the star-shaped hole, to get the 4 digit clue (but pay attention to hints above, it's not a direct clue).

  105. nopes sue just yellow ,blue & green ...

  106. im paying attention VERITO but cant find a place for red knob ....but let me try again .

  107. didi you put blue SD from1. room back in tank?

    then open in 2nd room bl cupboard door

  108. raasti, remove screws on panel down & right of lasers. Star knob goes there.

  109. I see on that device in the second room, blue ball is 1, yellow is 4 etc. But is there also a hint somewhere what 1,2,3,4 and 5 is on the place where you put the balls?

  110. ok got red SD ...after verito yelled at me ..;)LOL

  111. small-tool, comment at 12:22:

    #1 is center, 2 - bl, 3 - tr, 4 - br, 5 - tl. Colours are the same as the clue, they just need to be placed in a certain order.

  112. Finally I'm out. Special thanks to Peggy and Sue !

  113. Hi S-T! I think I just followed the order given in that device, so I started with blue in the middle and so on.

  114. Yep I saw the spoiler Peggy, but is there also a hint in the game why 1 is centre, 2 bottom left etc.

  115. I think the colors were presented in the clue in the order as well as position they were to be placed.

  116. the position like in clue s-t

    blue - center - red (2) bl....

  117. may i ask 1 more question ..where is clue for ladder up /down arrow ?

  118. raasti, you can ask as many questions as you want.

  119. The ladder clue is the poster with slashes on the wall. Group them in twos. The first two will indicate the down arrow, the next two will indicate the up arrow.

  120. LOL Raasti, I yelled? Awww I don't yell, I swear. You're funny.

  121. @ Peggy the give answer of my question ..LOL

  122. ok thanx ..I'm so sensitive Verito ..LOL;)

  123. Ok, thanks. Now I see, in a way it's given in that same clue as well. Green is certainly top left and from there you can go on.

  124. thanx for all the help ......finally out .....never got out without all hints let me think again not hints but spoilers ..D

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Great game! And I would never have thought to step back from the rotating door. Great find and thanks for the hint, Verito!

  127. Many problems with posting today. Is it still live?

    I still need a red and the blue ball out of the basket and a place to use the cotter-thing (3rd place in inventory)

  128. The red balll you get from doing the 4-digit code in the second room.
    That third thing in your inventory is used to inflate the basketball above the blue ball and then you can get that blue ball.

  129. Pop, got the blue ball from using the cotter (or plug) with the baskeball.

  130. And finally got the red ball - out now.

    For the 4-digit code erase the filled parts of every digit from a 8-base and you get 4 new digits (1 from 1st, 3 from 2nd, 2 from 3rd and 1 from 4th)

  131. The first few comments I could follow and all of a sudden everyone started talking about things that seemed way off. All I have is the green ball and the red star-shaped thingy that doesn't fit anywhere...

    Sooo stuck! Help anyone?

  132. @Sue. Thanks for the help with the mirrors, easy from there. out now :~)

  133. The first thing you have to do now is the 4 knobs/dials. The hint for that is the device bottom left of the basketball hoop.

  134. Thanks st. I tried that before, but I doesn't work. Its up, down, left and 4-o'clock-position, isn't it?

  135. Yep, but in a different order. Try how many turns a dial can make. Like the very first dial only has two steps, so you use the second one of the hint (down) for that one.

  136. My goodness, I just figured it out... I'm still sleeping. ;)

  137. Loved this game! It really required some creative thinking.

    I did pretty well on my own, but I never would have realized the door revolved between the 2 rooms if not for the comments in here - I thought it was an elevator. I also left the blue ball to the end, since I didn't understand what that (what someone called a cotter) thing was. But since it was the only tool I had left, I pointed it at the basketball, and broke up laughing when the basketball got tiny!

    Great game.

  138. SPOILE for upDown puzzle


  139. spoiler for stairs
    d, u, d, d, u, d, d, u, d, u.

  140. Spoiler for order of ball placement at the end:

    1 blue ctr
    2 red, BL
    3 white, UR
    4 yellow BR
    5 green, UL

  141. how do i use the mirrors to get yellow??

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Walkthrough
    1. Take red key from bottom of bookshelf.

    2. Combine clues from books with 1-7 digital machine.
    For each digit 1-7, find the FILLED digit segments (the line that stays the same). Combine groups of them to get your 'spacy' 3-letter word. Use 3 letter word to get green ball.

    3. Use clue from scroll-shaped machine to open 4-knob puzzle. Use screwdriver to get coin.

    4. Use coin in ‘vending machine’ to knock down blue ball.

    5. The compartment under the satellite is now open. Take key and unlock cabinet.

    6. Use arrow clue on puzzle with four white squares.
    The green dot represents the top left button. Follow where the arrow points in relation to green dot.

    7. Go down stairs. Take the four mirrors from the ‘window’.

    8. Use clue from red Z poster get up/down arrow solution.

    Combine every two slashes to get one arrow. Take white ball.

    9. Click the button to go back upstairs, but quickly step back, the wall panel will rotate.

    10. Take the frame and combine it with the four mirrors. Use mirrors on the laser machine to get yellow ball.

    11. Slide the panels on the ‘window’ where you got the mirrors, until all the blue squares are showing. Use this clue to open the bottom right door of the cupboard. Take the ‘plug’.

    12. Go upstairs and use the ‘plug’ to deflate the basketball. Take blue ball.

    13. Put the screwdriver back in the blue tube. Go downstairs. You can now use the screwdriver to open the bottom left door of the cabinet. Take screwdriver.

    14. Unscrew panel below laser puzzle. Use red ‘knob’ in star shapes hole and pull down.

    15. The second digital display is now turned on. Imagine an 8 and subtract the lines that are always filled-in, to get a four numbers. Enter the four numbers into the top-left door of the cabinet. Take red ball.

    16. Go upstairs and unscrew the screw below the ‘scroll’ (next to basketball hoop).

    17. Go downstairs and use knob on machine under pipes, with blue circle.

    18. Go upstairs. Use clue from ‘blue circle’ machine to place the five colored balls. You need to place the balls in the correct position and the correct order. The colors are the same as shown in the clues. (blue middle, yellow bottom-right, etc.) The order comes from the number of circles (blue = 1 circle, red = 2 circles, etc.)

    19. Take key and Unlock door. Push red button.

    20. Go downstairs. Go down the ladder and your out.

    - UFO
    - br, tl, br, tl, bl, tr, br
    - d u dd u dd u d u
    - 9426
    - Place balls in this order: B R W Y G
    5G 3W
    2R 4Y

  144. wow that game was incredible.....and thank you everyone for the hints and spoilers.....especially the up/down clue for ladder....couldn't wrap my mind around all those lines....hope to see more like this

  145. What a super game! I am out with lots of help from the comments!!! TY @everyone! The only thing I didn't understand was the order of the balls at the end...I had it completely different according to the dials....but the spoiler got me out !

  146. Just got in from work and finished this off from my saved game this morning, what a fantastic game, I truly wish I'd been able to play along 'live'.

    Here's hoping this gamemaker continues in the same manner, then we can put him/her in the same pantheon of Japanese gamemakers such as TesshieE, Neutral, Robamimi etc..

  147. i did everything except cant find the frame for the mirrow and can deflate the basket ball to get the blue ball

  148. I cant get the right lower cabinet opened. the 9 buttons.

  149. The hint is behind the mirrors on the wall. Some of them have a blue square behind it. Those are the buttons to click.


  150. nvm finally got it out thanks to all for your help and a great WT thank you good game but hard to do. certainly needed the WT thats for sure

  151. Great walk-through, India_Indie - thanks for doing that!

    I agree, this was a fantastic game - very well thought out and beautifully rendered.

  152. THANKS to everyone here who helped me! I'm sorry for writing after so many hours, but I just got in again... I hope you all see my comment...

  153. Thanks for the great WT @India!

  154. Only that darn screwdriver had me stumped! Just had to drop the darn thing!!!

  155. Thought the revolving door was an elevator. Wondered why there was an elevator and a ladder!

  156. I don't think the two rooms are "upstairs" and "downstairs", but are side by side... You push the button and it flips you around through the wall.

  157. Awesome game. Best one I played yet. The door puzzle was cool, but for some reason I thought the door was an elevator so hadn't thought of that...

  158. caught this one from the random section

    would like to have such a premium quality game at least once a day ☻

    thx for creating this game, Haretoki ☺

    & thx for the WT, II


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