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Gatamari Escape 15

Gatamari Escape 15 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Gatamari. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Language barier may be a problem. Good luck and have fun!

Play Gatamari Escape 15

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  1. Use magnifier on number.

  2. why door is not opening ..I got

    4*2*8*7+7 =445

  3. Hello Raasti!
    Your math is correct but not the answer.

  4. hello catqueen are so right I was doing in my mind i got it :)

  5. Stuck on lvl 5 with strange tree.

  6. seems like tree has butterflies & caterpillar ..

  7. just click door zazzie ..

  8. Mimicry is animal which can transfer itself as another creature or thing around him. Sorry for my english.
    But no idea what to do here

  9. you are rite about mimicry ....animal change its appearance when it feel some danger ..

    we can also zoom to bottom of tree ,,,but there is nothing .

  10. Look at the tree stump for a while, a lizzard will come click it, take coin, put coin in mimikri.

  11. ok zoom in to tree bottom ..then there is lizard appear after some time ...on lvl 6

  12. Hi all, have a great weekend :)

  13. Thx zazie. I have no patience so I never looked that long. Onto 6 now.

  14. Hi all, Thx megi, you too !

  15. @raasti: looking at painting for a long time. Hoping for a clue or lizzard again ;) So far nothing.

  16. I have no idea raasti.

  17. patience catqueen ...may be picture fall down from the rays coming out of your eyes ...;)LOL

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. omg door 2 - TIME??

    i dont get it: 11:25, 23:25 doesnt work

  20. should click through

  21. @ sue press all the numbers you will get letters ..

  22. Still burning holes in my screen on lvl 6. No progress....

  23. 6. click under painting pixelhunt..

  24. carry on catqeen I can feel the heat hehehe ...gtg have to do some cooking ..

  25. addicted: zoomed in or out?

  26. oh there comes a hint ..change my mind ...

  27. cant get pic off wall ...cant find right pixel

  28. 6. each triangle is an arrow.

  29. nopes cant find spot ...going bye bye &

    Good luck & have lot of fun from Avatar ...;)

  30. Still no luck on the picture. Is it supposed to come down or does it give a hint for the L shape buttons?

  31. addicted zoomed in or out ?

  32. All red herings ;)
    Impossible mission.

  33. addicted: can you give the order to push the buttons please? Going crazy clicking under painting.

  34. Click left of the screen

  35. Got it, click somewhere left in the black, there is another view.

  36. lvl 7 click left and right and also up and down. Arrows everywhere.

  37. onto seven thanks for the hints.......

  38. Can I have a hint for level 3? Everyone seems to have breezed right by it.
    I have tried using numbers from the scrap of paper on both sides without success.

  39. 7 is easy. click on start button and follow the arrows which are green in each scene.

  40. Puzzled: number of corners to click.

  41. Room 8: Push On button. Click on the shapes according to their number of sides.

  42. For 8 : Just click the shapes in the picture 6 x, 3 x, 5 x.

  43. Lvl 9 takes me back to 8 but with different puzzle.

  44. thanks for the hint zazie

  45. Struggeling with 9 too.

  46. I tried to click the painting according to the point of the triangles but no luck.

  47. Got 9, click the door like the arrows show.

  48. @catqueen -- TY -- finally worked for me but not sure what I was doing wrong before!

  49. The painting is a hint for the corners of the red door. On 10 now.

  50. 10, just go through green door after pushing start button.

  51. lvl 9 click corners of the door according to shapes that are in previous room

  52. Stuck on 11, the upper left snadclock must me 19 too, isn´t it ?

  53. For 12: 19+19+13+9=60 but no luck filling it so far.

  54. Good luck and have a lot of fun y'all...

  55. good luck
    i have to go :(
    btw stuck on lvl 11

  56. Bye ting ting. I give up on this one. Stuck with hourglasses. Good luck Zazie and all others <:)

  57. 11 - burn the matches (use match on letter T first)

  58. Got the sandclocks finally.

  59. Sandclocks : click start and then turn one after the other, when one is finished quickly turn the next turn button and at last the upper right. As it is 26 click stop just the before the moment it is completely empty.

  60. I am out too, but you can go back into room 10 for another end i guess.

  61. Got the other end too. Thx megi for the match hint

  62. @ Avatar see my comment at raasti 8/3/13, 4:07 AM..LOL

    now starting again ...thanx for the hint Megi ..

  63. At room 10 I've been through the blue and red doors. How do I get through the other two doors?

  64. gmm play with the "thing" above brown door, it will fall. Then look at the clue on it, click start and open/close door according to hint.
    When it's ok, you can go trough green door in room 13 where you have to guess weights.

  65. I don´t understand the hint from over door ....RBRR etc doesn´t work for me ...

  66. oh i got the bon dance end but cannot get sand clocks lvl ..

  67. Hint for the weights:

    Brown: 25

  68. raasti read my hint at 4:51

  69. Zazie click start then open blue door open red door close red door, open red door... etc look what color change on hint

  70. @raasti (8/3/13, 4:57 AM):

    I did, I did, I did thaw ur comment ;)...

  71. The sand clocks are a red herring... you don't need to turn any of them.

  72. I've got the weights figured out but 555 isn't working to open the door...

  73. Just came back to the game. I noticed on hourglass lvl that if you click start and stop after a few times the seconds go up too.
    So without using the hourglasses I let the '??' blink 49 times and then stopped. 60 secs!

  74. wondering if we have to make 555 with a certain # of weights....

  75. Getting crazy with this red blue hint, still don´t get it. I think it is too hot here for my brain today.

  76. I've tried that with grey (300), teal (65), blue (130), red (45), white (10) & yellow (5). Not working. I'm pretty sure I've got the weight amounts correct as I got 25 for brown before the hint was posted above...

  77. zazie
    o=open c=close
    oB oR cR oR cR oR cB oB cB oB cR oR cB cR

  78. Zazie you're just opening and shutting doors after you hit start... follow the arrows and where you see red or blue the door is shut.

  79. Ehhh!?

    I'm baffled.

    Gatamari goes CoolEscapers style with one puzzle per door, who would ever have thought that =D

  80. Thxx Drisana you saved me !!! Now i must hurry, will finish later.

  81. Thank you Drisana! Red/blue door thing was a little tricky.

  82. And got the weights thingy !!!!
    - Put 555g under screen with xxxxx+555g
    - AND put other weights away (where there is the < > = device).
    - AND click the machine where you put foot, not the screen !!

  83. And that is watermelon end !

    " Brewster 8/3/13, 5:13 AM
    Watermelon end "

    Really, thanks for your help ......

  84. I think I've got all the weights correct. I put 555g under the screen that says XXXXX+555, and the remaining four weights equal 140g, so i put 70g on each side of the <> device. Still can't get out.

  85. No need to mess with sand timers. Just count 60 seconds after pushing start and push stop at 60.

  86. Gmm, check your weights again, the remaining equals 185g.

  87. Thank you again Drisana, I had the blue weight wrong. I guess it's just too early for my brain to do math!

  88. Now, did anyone get to rooms 14 and 15?

  89. Nop and in inv. everything is "used"

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. help with weights! as to expose them in sequence?

  92. Weights SPOILER grey(300)+150+5+10+brown(25)+light blue(65).

    NB!!! Be sure when you step on the scales no other weights except a/m to be in your inventory. Leave them on the shelves-scales.

  93. Anyone here?

    I BF'd the 1st door - can anyone please tell me how 4.8.7 gets to be 455?

  94. No need to mess with sand timers. Just count 60 seconds after pushing start and push stop at 60.

    No, this unfortunately did not work for me. I ended up with 74, not 60.

    And above I've read we're supposed to let it blink 49 times and end up at 60 as well...Sorry, I'm totally confused now.

  95. marilyn, use the magnifier on 8.

  96. Thanks, Antonia - when i get through, I'll go back and look at that

  97. @marilyn, use magnifying glass on it

  98. for Sand Timers i just turn 13 & wait it finish ..then 9 wait for it to empty ..13+9= 21 sec then do it same for third will get 60 sec after you wait third 1 to finish least i got it like this ...

  99. Can anyone explain again how to get the brown door opened on level 10?

  100. I LOVED this game! Not the usual Gatamari, but very inventive. So I humbly present my
    for levels 1-13 (since I never found 14 or 15)

    1. Use magnifying glass to see number on wall beside door. Zoom on the number again to see "x2x" in front of the 8 and "x7+" after the 8. Do the math: 4 x 2 x 8 x 7 + 7. Enter the solution on the code pad and press "Open".

    2. Look at the word on the wall: TIME (no need for the magnifiying glass anymore). Now look at the clock and see what time it is. Ha, ha! Forget what time it is and just scroll through the numbers on the keypad until you get "TIME".

    3. Click on the painting and take the note, which reads "3141224". Now go to the pad left of the door. Enter the code from the note by pressing the correct corners on the pad (NOT the painting). Take the key and open the door.

    4. The keypad says "FAKE" and the frame contains the top part of the note from Room 3. But the keypad is a fake (don't say you weren't warned). Just click on the door and go through.

    5. Here you have "mimicry" to the left of the door (mimicry is the ability to look like something else; to take on characteristics of you surroundings. Like a Chameleon). Click on the tree and see that two of the leaves mimic butterflies, and one branch mimics a caterpillar. Now click on the base of the tree. Nothing there. But be patient... a shadow of a chameleon appears on the wall! Click on the shadow and take the coin when the chameleon crawls away. Use the coin on the second "i" in the word "mimicry".

    6. This room introduces a new twist. See the painting? It's pointing left. That's the way you should go (click on arrow in the black area to the left of the room).
    Now press the "OPEN" button and the door unlocks (ignore the L-shaped row of buttons for now).

  101. 7. Again, you'll be using arrows to the left, right, up, and down sides of the screen. Zoom on the keypad left of the door and press "Start". Now just do what the green arrows instruct (i.e, go right, then right again, then left, then up, etc.)
    The light above the door will turn green when it opens.

    8. Zoom on the keypad and click the "Off" button to turn it to "On". Go to the painting and press the images according to the number of sides. In other words, press the hexagon 6 times, the triangle 3 times, and the pentagon 5 times. Now go back to the keypad and press "Open". Note: you can go around the room with the arrows, but there's no point to in this room.

    9. Go to the right and press the "OPEN" button. Go right again and go through the Black Door. Go right or left twice and see that you seem to be back in Room 7, but the painting on the wall has changed. Make a note of the arrows in the painting. Go through the door to Room 9 again. Click on the corners of the closed door according to the painting, then click on the doorknob.

    10. Go right until you see the Red Door. Go through it to Room

    11. Oh, nooooooz! The writing on the wall says "MATH"! You can try to make the matchstick equation true using the one matchstick provided, like I did. Unsuccessfully. Or you can follow MegiPoland's advice and take the match, light it by striking it on the top of the "T" in the word "MATH", the lighting all the matches in the fake equation. This trips the smoke detector and the fire alarm unlocks the door. Go through for the "Bon Dance" end. Pay no attention to the Bjork wannabe. She obviously escaped from a Detarou game. (You can opt to go back to room 10.)

  102. 12. From the Green Door in room 10, go right and go through the Blue Door. The writing on the wall says "60 sec = Open". You have two choices. You can do this the hard way (I admit, I did) and determine that the "?" is ~25 sec, and then sequentially flip hourglasses after pressing "Start" and then press "Stop" when 60 sec have passed. Or, you can do it the easy (but much more clever) way and simply press "Start", wait 60 sec, and press "Stop" (try to time it). The Striped Door is now Open. Go through it for the "Haunted House" end. (You can opt to go back to room 10.)

    13. From the Green Door in room 10, go to the Black Door. Click on the wind chimes above the door and take them when they fall. (I could only do this when the Blue Door was open). Zoom on the windchimes to see instructions about opening and closing doors in a certain order after pressing the "START" button. Drisana posted this SPOILER:

    Drisana 8/3/13, 5:35 AM
    o=open c=close
    oB oR cR oR cR oR cB oB cB oB cR oR cB cR

    Once you have done all the door opening and closing, go through the Green Door to Room 13.

    This one is a challenge! There is what looks like a scale to the left of the door. Go right and see a Red Square on the wall. Go right again. Click the bottom of that scale and press the red arrow above your feet. It magically tells you your weight. Mine was "xxxxx g", btw. The base of the scale then goes through the wall and the display indicates the Red Square is now open. Go left and take the weights that were behind the Red Square. Go right twice to a balance. You must use your reasoning to deduce how much each weight weighs. Once you've done this, you'll put 555g of weights on the scale by Striped Door while standing on it. NOTE: Once you add 555g of weights, you must put any unused weights back on the balance (doesn't matter what order) before the scale will work.


    Purple 7g
    Brown 25g
    Cyan 65g
    Blue 130g
    Grey 300g

    So use Grey (300g) + Orange (150g) + Cyan (65g) + Brown (25g) + White (10g) + Yellow (5g).
    Put all the other weights back on the balance, then click the base of the scale and click the red arrow above the footprints. Click the "OPEN" button on the scale and go through the Striped Door for the "Watermelon End".

    That's as far as I could go. If anyone found a way to get to another room (14? 15?) please post!

  103. Thanks zoz for the wt, but I clicked a million times on the wind chimes and nothing happened. I don't know what else to do.

  104. Got it!!!! I need to have *both* doors opened: the red one and the blue one, so that the wind chime will swing in both directions, not just one.

  105. Thank you for the walkthrough Zoz. I had NO idea what to do with those weights in rm 13. Thank you again.

  106. Again thanks @zoz for the wt.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. remaining weights you put back don't need to balance, just make sure you have the 555g on the scales and ALL the others in the balance thing.
    I used a stopwatch on the sand timers, turned them to try to get 60 secs, but made sure I clicked stop when stopwatch said time was correct :)

  109. It was a good game - up until room #6 which for pretty much ruined the whole game. To the developer: you do NOT introduce something new on the sixth level of an escape game without letting the players know somehow. And that miserable attempt to conceal the left pointing arrow on the picture just does not cut it IMHO. If the first five levels all had one room screen, you don't introduce multiple room views on the 6th level - and especially not in a way you did her - that you actually have to go OUTSIDE what every player thinks the game area is.

    Shame, because this game definitely had the potential to be a good one - but one terrible level idea can ruin the whole :(


  110. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, Gatamari ☺
    (esp. this one as I just ♥ door games!)

    & thx zoz for the WT


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