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Grandmother's Room 2

Gotmail - Grandmother's Room Escape 2 is another Japanese point and click type room escape game from Gotmail. In this game, you have to search the room for items and some clues to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Play Grandmother's Room 2

(Gotmail) Grandmother's Room 2 walkthrough

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  1. Ooh. A Gotmail game. This should be good.
    (But why the one star?)

  2. hab kabel,hälfte schlüssel,tube farbe,schraubendreher,2 stifete verbunden mit garn.
    suche nun hinweise für code telefon und monatstür in küche

    have cable, half key, color tube, screwdriver, 2 stifete connected to garn
    now seeking instructions for code phone and monthly door in kitchen

  3. thanks've tuve code ect with star circle. SP5035OILER but the phone is not the

  4. Scratching card in door. (looks like a red tile)

  5. thanks great tip, and apply pay on clock? hmm

  6. Can zoom on one green tile in kitchen and put glue(?) on it.

  7. got 2 part key, but not relevant to the cabinet, glue does not help, weird

  8. hab key oben am schrank,lampe bekommen und 1 batterie,2 fehlt noch

    have key on top of the cabinet, lamp and get 1 battery, 2 still missing

  9. hab idee wie münzen,dank rubbelzettel ,zusamenzählen und je anch farbe soviele münzen reinstecken,aber paßt nicht,passiert nichts danach,vieleicht war meine idee doch falsch

    've idea as coins, thanks rubbel note, together count and the ankh color poke as many coins, but does not fit, nothing happens after that, but maybe my idea was wrong

  10. Use glue behind poster of drink for code.

  11. danke das hab ich schon,für die kiste oben im schrank ,ist ja der mit stern kreis ect. suche tip für münzen,wenn ich alle zusammenzähle gold zb 20 und so auch reintu,passiert nur nichts

    thank you that I've been, for the crate up in the cabinet, is yes with the star circle ect. search tip for coins, if I count all the gold together eg 20 and so also reintu, just nothing happens

  12. Thank you darnold, I tried the glue there many times. Just couldn't find the right pixel.

  13. Book in bottom of china cabinet shows months relating to kitchen door.

  14. darnold buch hab ich auch,aber hinweis dafür? ,das rubbellos ist eher hinweis für münzen oder?

    darnold book I have too, but note that? that is more indicative of coins or scratch?

  15. I tried highlighting the cards/tiles in the kitchen in order Jan - Dec, but nothing happened.

  16. I can't the coin or month order to work either. Missing something.

  17. guess how many coins are indicative scratch cards pay as battery part 2 is determined in it, or note which months

  18. Wenn du alle Monate benützt, wirkt es nicht.

    When you click on all 12 months, it won't work...

  19. Use tied sticks to open kitchen cupboard with missing handle.

  20. hmm aber welche monate nun

  21. Ich hab das versucht, aber es gelung nicht.

    Mal wieder versuchen.

    I tried that but it didn't work.

    Let me try again...

  22. Vom Kaste ins Küche bekommt man den Knopf der Fernsehen. Und dann werden die Monate sichtbar...

    You become a knob for the TV from the kitchen cabinet. Then the TV shows the months...

  23. Die Monate sind:

    The months are:


  24. Gold, brown, brown, blue -> second battery.

  25. I found another turtle...

  26. Cabinet under phone is open, found drawing...

  27. find kein grill für tv und was gold golg brown?

  28. @Marita:

    Du findest ein Knopf für's TV ins küchen Kaste

  29. Entschuldige für mein Deutsch ;)...

  30. Live und deutsch! Hallo allerseits!

    Live and in german! Hi everyone ;o)

  31. Put that red pouch(?) on flashlight.

  32. Hallo Dabbeljuh!

    Hello Dabbeljuh!

  33. Thanks Peke.

    Ich hab nun das Telefonnummer

    I have the phone number now

  34. Set clock @ SP4OI:L30R...

  35. And out!

    Hab zweite teil vom Schlüssel bekommen von die Pakete.

    I found 2nd part of key in the parcel...

  36. Email -
    Pass - pwdgotmail

  37. Well I did get out, but half the time I really had no idea what I was doing.

  38. I think escape men are calling me :)

  39. Well, good thing we knew the other half then ;)...

  40. I've got a cutting tool.Do I need to open that cabinet in the kitchen again to open the cardboard box?My needles are gone after getting the turtle

  41. @TheDee12_&:

    No, use the cutting tool on the parcel you received in the mail...

  42. I'v got a package, but can't open it. Removed the rope and stuck with somekind of silver box. What to do?

  43. Jacqueline, did you find the cable for the phone yet? It's under the pillow on the floor; then you can dial the number and set the clock at 4:30... You'll get a cutter and you'll be able to open the silver box...

  44. I don't know the number to dial.

  45. Where does one find the number for the telephone, please, and what is the order for the coins?

  46. you'll have to put that red thing on the flashlight and look at the drawing in the cupboard...

  47. Yes, but where is the second battery for the flashlight?

  48. Siobhan, gold, brown, brown, blue and I don't know where you find the number for Phone, I do have the cable.

  49. But which coin is gold and which is brown?

  50. I'm realy feeling stupid, what drawing in which cupboard.

  51. Left is gold, right is brown.

  52. Front left or back left? Front right or back right?

  53. Yeah, find it. never looked up in the closed. Making progress now.

  54. And out. Thanks for the help.

  55. Sioghan, back left, yellowisch, and back right, brownish

  56. Sorry, spelled your name wrong.

  57. Thanks, but I've tried that combination lots of times and it doesn't appear to work. What is supposed to open?

  58. Have you seen the hint on the tv? Maybe it only works when you have turned on the tv. It will open the little red drawer

  59. I've read through the comments and see no explanation for how the months are pushed on the calendar in the kitchen. I don't want a spoiler, but a hint to where the answer is located please. Also, cannot figure out how to use the coins. So far, I have screwdriver (used to smash tile in kitchen), solvent in tube, knitting needles combined, tv dial and scratch card. I don't know how to reach whatever is on top of the cabinet inside, or if I need light in there. I also don't know how to use the coins (correctly), can't find a hint for the months of the calendar, don't know the numbers to dial on the phone, did not find another turtle...Can someone please offer hints of where to find the clues rather than spoilers of what to do? Also, where is the hint about the clock? Thanks so much!!

  60. where is phone #? where is cutter? where is turtle? stuck here.

  61. how do you set clock, I can't make it work.

  62. I don't know the answer for the months or the coins. I think it had to do with the flashlight. The clue for the Phone you get after you've seen the little cupboard inside the cupboard, look up, you get the third turtle, glue it and put it on the other two, cupboard opens and you can see the painting, look at it with red envelop on the flashlight.

  63. You can set the clock after you've seen the hint after calling the number on Phone, it shows up in the tekst. 4.30

  64. Have to go now, hope you're able to solve the game, I think all the hints are above.

  65. open large cupboard with box inside and look up for cabinet for turtle Need flashlight. small cupboard under phone opens after gluing and placing little turtle on top of other 2, then phone # with red on flashlight, then clock then key. take apart first key and glue second in and out. No idea where hint for calendar use is or how they figured out which coins to use either. Just glad to finally get out.

  66. The hint for the months is the TV channels with no picture (2, 7, 8 and 11) and the book in the bottom right-hand side of the tall display cupboard shows you which pictures relate to those numbers. Those are the ones you press in the kitchen.

    I'm stuck now - how do you reach the screwdriver by the fridge, where is the flashlight, phone number etc etc !!

  67. Aha, you have to open the red sachet, get the scratch card and click on its numbers to be able to solve the coins box. The numbers are the four TV channels which show a crown (1, 5, 8 and 9). This gives you the second battery,

  68. I've scratched the card and it gives a hint for the coins puzzle... that doesn't work. I have combined the needles and wool (used), a scratching card, a red pocket (where the card was), a key (used as a coin on the scratching card), a screwdriver (used on the child photo). I've seen the horticulture book, but clicking the buttons (in the kitchen) according to the months order doesn't work.

  69. I also used the glue and got a star - circle - triangle - star hint that goes nowhere.

  70. I've just found the tiny pixel that must be clicked to get the phone cable under the cushion...

  71. @pdpgh, I had almost given up on the pillow, but thanks to your comment I looked again. Thanks to you, I'm out of this bad dream! I think the spot on the pillow that worked was on the bottom edge somewhere around center (not on the zipper pull as one would expect).

    This is why I have a love-hate relationship with Gotmail. The puzzles are always challenging, the games are never the same, but there is ALWAYS something like this pixel hunt, or a failure to do things in a specific order that ruins it for me.
    Oh, well.

  72. I wish I could play Gotmail games but I have trouble trying to register! :(

  73. Katwmn: the user name and password are:


  74. zoz: I hear ya! Almost too frustrating to play most of the time. I always try the games, but usually end up leaving before I finish - which is what I'm about to do here. Too much pixel and the "hints" are not there. For instance - so far, no one has said anything about where to get the phone code, and if they have, it's not clear.

    For instance, what does this

    "Gold Brown

    Silver Blue"

    mean? There are three of each color. Which ones is this "hint" referring to?

    Very frustrating for me. Oh well, there'll be more games soon, I'm sure.

  75. Can y'all PLEASE *pretty please* tell where you find things?
    It doesn't help us to know you found something if we don't know where to look. Game is hard enough as it is. :/


    (Also, I am stuck- I just opened the seasons door and got a box and no clue what to do with it. I also cannot find ANY key pieces.)

  76. ANd I can't get the screwdriver.

  77. @Zoe, the "gold, brown, brown, blue" refers to the coins you have to put in the (irritating) red thing to get some (confounded) thing out of the drawer (I forget what it is). Apparently, the "clue" for the coins is on a scratch pad that you get off of the red pane on the door in the kitchen. I have no idea how the scratch pad leads to this order.

    The phone code is found after you
    -- find the turtle in the closet using the flashlight
    -- put glue on the turtles feet
    -- put the turtle on top of the other turtles
    -- open the cabinet door below the phone
    -- view the kid's drawing
    -- place the red wrapper (from the scratch pad) over the flashlight
    -- view the drawing again using the flashlight

    @Millie, for the silver box, you'll need a cutter that you'll get after dialing the phone and yada yada (I can't remember, but it was pretty straightforward after the phone call).

    I'm sorry I can't remember where the key pieces are. I think one may be behind the green kitchen tile you smash with the SD after putting glue on the tile. You put this piece with another to open the cabinet. Then at the end of the game, you will open the silver box and get another key piece, and take the first key apart and glue the new piece on to get a key to open the door.

    I hope this all helps.

  78. I'm stuck at the same point where I was. No flashlight, no battery, no dial...

  79. pdgph use knitting needles on bottom kitchen cabinet with no handle

  80. Walking Through Grandmother's Room
    you will be older than Grandmother before escaping this game.

    Start game. But, oh, first you have to jump through all kinds of hoops to get the user name ( and password (pwdgotmail). I assume the "fgn" in the user name is short for "fuggin", as in "fuggin gotmail".

    Once you're in, take a moment to be sure you've taken something for the migraine you're going to get. You might also want some alcohol handy. I kind of wished for a gun to shoot myself with, but this is NOT a good idea.

    Read all the comments. Scratch your head and try reading them again.

    Give up on the comments. Click, click, clickety click on everthing and get nowhere.

    Scream. Cursing is also advisable.

    Turn to your alcohol and drink up. Combined with the pain meds you are almost in the right frame of mind to solve this game.

    Now, fine a key. Somewhere. Oh, and another one, two.
    Have another drink.

    Get shom glue and goo everything in sight. Ecept your glass. Drink from the glass.

    'kay, now you need zome coins. Goal, red, and boo ones. I dunno what they're for, but the boo coins look pretty in your dink.

    Hay, itsh a tuurdle! Awwwwww.

    What was I sayin'? Um, oh, I'll dink to dat!

    shtoopid game. Tuurdles and goo all over the place and I think I swallowed a coin.

    Otay, les finish this. Make some seasons. An some keez. An wash TV. Then make a phone call. For hep. Durn phone. No dial tone. Oh, ha ha. No cord either.

    Stretch out on the floor. Therz a pillow. Good.


    Oh, don forgit to clik the X in the up right corner.

  81. lol zoz.gotmail games are history to me.never will play them again.

  82. Whatever, that was FUN!

    Only the TV clue confused the HELL out of me.

    I was so sure that you had to use the 5 months depicted in [i]channel 3[/i]!!

    And now I read that you simply need to figure out the empty TV channels and use the months corresponding in the book on the bottom right of the big cupboard!
    Oh well!

    Now, was that clue on channel 3 a red herring or was it actually of some use?

    Plus, I would love to get an explanation WHY the coins need to be inserted in that order.

  83. For instance, what does this

    "Gold Brown

    Silver Blue"


    Don't overthink things. :) This is when you are a bird and flying in bird's eye view over the coin scene.

    So gold will be TL, silver BL, brown (bronze) TR, and blue (calcium sulfate ? ;)) will be BR, like the corners of a picture.

    Simple as that.

  84. No flashlight key or 1st battery.. got one battery from coins. Any help?

  85. With a huge thanks to Siobhán Long's sister, I was finally able to understand the coins thing. THANKS!

    It's easy to overthink. VERY easy.
    When you zap thru the channels on the TV, you will notice CROWN symbols.

    However, do NOT get distracted by where the crowns appear (BL, BR etc.). (This is NOT Tesshi-e. :P)

    Note down the channels with the crowns, from lowest channel to highest.

    1 - 5 - 8 - 9

    And NOW ,,, second part ...

    Now invalidate your scratch card by revealing ALL numbers. Check IN THIS ORDER what kind of coins are assigned to #1, #5, #8 and #9.

    This will legitimately give you the correct combination. No guessing, no brute-forcing.

  86. @gorfback

    Sure. Second battery is in the cupboard HIGH UP, above the stuff with the polar bear inside.

  87. zoz: I did exshacly wha you said and game'sh not finish butt doen't matter...turdles and goo, red and boo....who caresh...cheersh! dink up!

  88. Thanks arbeitslooser still no flashlight and only one part of a key.. any more hints?

  89. What is the phone number, pleeeeaaaasssse????!!!!

  90. Thank you for all hints: ?????????????????????????
    Who finished the game?
    I will give a chocolate!

  91. ZOZ: congratulations!!!!!

  92. @gorfback Yes, sorry for the delay.


    1st - inside picture (remove cover with screwdriver which you found in the kitchen)

    2nd - inspect front part of sink (ceramic tiles) more closely. Apply glue (?) on tile and smash it with screwdriver. Key part #2 is underneath.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. OMG Zoz! That was the BEST WT I've ever read. Thank you! (wipes away tears from laughter)

  95. Zoz, YOU ARE A LEGEND !! hahahhaha. Fantastic! Like Peggy, i had to wipe the tears of laughter away too.

  96. Thank you Dabbeljuh for providing an ID and password. Don't like using my personal info.

  97. NM, after reading the comments I'm not even trying this one. Half the comments are in German and the rest are frustrated people begging for help. Tired of games not translated to English. I'm taking Zoz's advise and just going to get drunk instead...

  98. Maybe when they do an English translation I will give them a go. Its impossible to play properly without the written words. It becomes a guessing game and I can't be bothered. I really like the graphics though and hope one day they will get it into English

  99. Wow, the heavy lack of help is frustrating everyone else. That's pretty sad.

    Look guys, I know we all come from other countries, but do try and leave hints on how things are solved, not just where they are or that you found something. Saying those things don't help...and this is an area that's supposed to help.

    Anyway, my main question is


    I can't browse the channels without a knob. It would be nice if someone explained where that is.

    Also, I found that "red sachet" on the top-right portion of the door window in the kitchen...just in case anyone was wondering where the heck people are finding this stuff. That is where everyone is getting that Scratch Card.

  100. Catalyste, I think people are vague with their hints so as not to spoil the fun for others.

    The knob for the TV is in the kitchen. Use the knitting needles (tied together) on the lower cabinet door that is missing a handle.

  101. Ok...I finally finished! Yay!

  102. @Peggy: Nah. I don't need spoilers, just useful hints. A spoiler is giving the answer. lol

    Bland Walkthrough:

    Yarn & Knitting Needles - Get these from the bowl right in front of you. Examine the item and click it to make them into a longer stick.

    Stick - Use this to grab the Screwdriver, to open the cabinet door in the kitchen for the TV Knob, and the door high in the closet as well as the Turtle.

    Phone Cord - Found in the pillow on the floor. Click the bottom edge to collect. Use this behind the Phone and the jack on the wall.

    Glue - Found in cabinet behind tea canister. This is used on the wall behind the poster, the tile wall over the stove, the turtle, and to glue the key pieces together at the end of the game.

    Screwdriver - used on the screws behind the picture in the big cabinet. It's also used to crack the tile in the kitchen after using the glue.

    TV Knob - Obviously for the TV. This grants you two main clues for the game. 1) Channels with crowns show the order of coins on the scratch card. 2) Blank channels show the respective months used to open the mailbox in the kitchen.

    Battery (x2) - 1st is found in top cupboard of cabinet after using key. 2nd is found after solving Coin Bank puzzle. Use for Flashlight.

    Flashlight - Found after using clue from behind the poster to open the lock on the box, located in the top cupboard of the cabinet. This is used in the closet and in the cupboard under the turtles.

    Scratch Card - Found on the top corner window of the kitchen door as a "red tile." Take this out of the red pocket and scratch all areas. This + crown channels = Coin Bank solution.

    Red pocket - Used on flashlight for the picture in the cupboard under the turtles.

    Package - Found after solving "month" puzzle. Use book in lower cupboard in big cabinet + blank channels to find the combination.

    Hook - Found in the clock after setting the clock. The time is found after dialing the number to Koyama and getting instructions. This is used to open the box in the package.


    Puzzle Solutions:

    Lock in high cupboard - Star, Circle, Triangle, Star (reference wall behind poster)

    Mailbox - 4, 12, 2, 6 (reference Horticulture book and blank channels)

    Coin Bank - Gold, Bronze, Bronze, Blue (reference Crown channels)

    Phone - 62389x2 (reference number on picture in cupboard under turtles)

    Clock - 4:30 (reference closing time instructions when number is used on phone)

    Key - Click to separate. Select a piece, glue, and combine.

    There, you're done.

  104. Catalyste, I think people are vague with their hints so as not to spoil the fun for others.

    You got it!! While I tend to get less vague when the game "ages", however not in the first ours a game is posted. In the latter case, I would NEVER spoil away with a code number if there is no visible need.

  105. this should read *h*ours oops

  106. Mailbox - ... (reference Horticulture book and blank channels)

    Hmm, this combination does not correspond with the one mentioned far above. Still, I don't think there are several of them chosen at random on game start...

  107. Loved the walkthrough @zoz - much, much better than the game! I gave up on it yesterday as I never found anything to retrieve the screwdriver, never got the coins thing to work, never found a flashlight, keys (or parts thereof), phone number or batteries and never got as far as making the clock change!! Question is, do I have another go ... ??

  108. @arbeitslooser:

    That's because no one mentioned the book. The answers are still the same. The channels used are the same. It's not random.

    The channels were: 2, 7, 8, 11 (February, July, August, and November).

    If you look up their pictures in the Horticulture book, and look at their order on the mailbox, you'll see that they're not in order by month. So you'll have to find the card matching the month. That's why I gave the answer to the mailbox in the order of the displayed cards you needed to press on the mailbox.

    So I hope that makes sense.

  109. It does, if I have to say it's a bit more complicated than necessary. :) The pictures in the book *definitely* make sense with the months (at least to me): first leaves sprouting in spring, birds showing up, etc.
    If there's anything in ¨wrong" order, it's the tiles on the mailbox.

  110. LOLOLOL - "Bland Walkthrough"

    You guys are so funny!! that's why I like this site so much!

    People like "bill chinery" dont get this - too bad, so sad. I love playing here!!!

  111. zoe, bill hardly ever does imho...

  112. caught this one from the random section

    thx Gotmail for all your creations ☺

    & thx Catalyste for the WT & zoz for the fun(ny) one


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