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Kaito M Collection 06 Escape

FunkyLand - Kaito M Collection 06 Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Funky Land. In this game, you try to find the items and solving the puzzles to finish the game. Good luck and have fun!

Play Kaito M Collection 06 Escape

 Kaito M Collection 06 Escape walkthrough

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  1. Gotta be better than gazzyboy game LOL

  2. Don't forget, these always start out asking you to agree to something, then ask for your gender (female left, male right) and your age range.

  3. To start pick male\female (or reverse LOL) and your
    age group then centre bottom

  4. Other tip is you start with things already in inventory

  5. Hmmm cant figure door yet with clue...

  6. LOL Andrea Hey I had same thought as you...

  7. Left door? use the pink stuff, study the result, then use your lockpick. Start from the far end

    I'm trying to find a key for the drawer under the sewing machine

  8. Hmmm 2 views of key copy... But how to apply...

  9. zoom the bottle used to open the door

  10. I being true blonde with the stupid door lock LOL

  11. There's a couple of "wings" that are actually 2 wings i.e. click in that direction twice

  12. Hi Leroy, Andrea and jed. I cant do door lock either.

  13. Now working on the bottle years thing. Tried about 4 or 5 combos so far :/

  14. Thank you Andrea. That worked.

  15. LOL Hiya Clio Life good for ya now?

  16. Aaaah LOL wish I am a bottle blonde... TY

  17. Sorry Leroy, I didn't write down what it was.

  18. corkscrew also has knife in it BTW

  19. spoiler for door lock SPOILERLLRUUDSPOILER)

  20. I looking at wine myself the door clue I should have seen....

  21. hints given in this game are random :)
    now in the room with wine...don't know how to solve the green dot thing...

  22. What are you doing with the dial, Andrea? Mine doesnt move, and i cant use corkscrew or knife on anything.

  23. safe .... 5columns... 2 digits from date in each bottle date?

  24. Gonna try LOL it does match....

  25. @clio Use your phone on it

    @Lottie I ran through the lights using dark=left green=right, then switched. I think I did the first 5 after switching and it opened

  26. Hi Lottie...What green dot thing? I only have a view of the bottles and the dialsafe.

  27. LOL Andrea too quick for me..

  28. look only on parts of dates marked in pink and click from small to highest

  29. Thanks Andrea and Leroy. Trouble is...(im red typing this)..i cant make the phone take a photo. Ive turned it over and pressed the thing, but the phone just turns back around.

  30. @jednorogini, thanks, I kept including the 1909 bottle

  31. omg....I still can't figure out how to work with the deal...

  32. No clio put the phone on the panel above the dial

  33. Oh my.....THANK YOU Andrea.....hahhaha...ooopsie

  34. Clio dont examine phone LOL just have red around it and click safe

  35. for the safe

    I looked only on green squares, how many they are in row, and which side they are

    if they were 4 green squares (in row) and they were on left side, so turn 4 times left

  36. Did anyone get past the sewing machine?

  37. thank you so much jed!!!! :)

  38. Just found the key just past the thresh hold.

  39. for sewing machine:
    get the key[get the view of the wine lever,look at the door side]
    get the piece of cloth from drawer
    put it on the sewing machine

    then put the cloth to the man's hand :)

  40. Cant work out what to do after giving bullfighter the red flag?

  41. Thanks everyone. I couldn't have done it without all the comments. They seem random at first, but then they eventually make sense and everything falls into place.

  42. May i have a hint about what to do after giving the bullfighter his red cloth?

  43. hi clio
    I guess you've seen the 5->99 hint?
    look at the part with wine sign
    arrange number from 5 to 99 and press the buttons
    [wine1845 with right half painted with pink,
    then use the '45' part]


  44. Thanks lottie...and no i hadnt seen that.

  45. A SHORT video WT:
    Watch it if you need :)

  46. Thanks lottie. I know what my problem was. I hadn't sewn the cloth back up...hahhaha. Never let it be said that I am proficient in domestic skills....OR escaping.

  47. I'm trying to picklock the left door. Is it just trial and error or is there a hint somewhere ?

  48. pdgph. You have a pink piece of soap/gum? in your inventory. Press that into lock to get shape needed. Then use the pick to pick lock. Spoiler above at 23.48am. Use Andrea's hint at 12.41 as well.

  49. Thank you, @clio_rose ! I thought that this thing was a brick...

  50. oops...spoiler was at 12.48. (had fingers on wrong keys)

  51. Now I'm trying to solve the puzzle with glass-shaped buttons and bottles with 5 -> 99 as a hint. I clicked the glasses in the order of the years, but that doesn't work.

  52. Maybe only one half of the year is used, I'm going to try this.

  53. did you note the left and right of the bottles? The last bottle has the left side as pink..not the right use the first part of that year.

  54. @clio_rose,

    Yes, and I'm just realizing that jednorogini82 has already explained this puzzle. I'm out, now.

  55. Everyone held my hand the whole way through this game. (i didnt even connect the torn cloth with the fact there was a working sewing

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  57. Gees! I finally figured what to do with the wine bottle I freed!...I hope I drank it first, I needed it! LOL

  58. And....that was different! LOL
    Thanks to all the very good comments, I am out!

  59. too hard for me and i don't like games where I have no idea what it's telling me

  60. w/t for Jools, because i didn't understand what the game was telling me either:

    After entering your details (no idea whether i was a male or female..but admitted my age)..enter game

    Go right and grab the corkscrew from brick door. Note that you have a phone, a picklock and a piece of soap/gum in your inventory.

    Go to left door and shove the gum into lock. Remove it and by clicking on it view it from two angles. Note that some protrusions are doubles.
    Put the picklock in and using key as clue twiddle the lock till it opens. I wouldnt trust my earlier spoiler, because it changes..i have a different one this time. You will know it is right when the arrows disappear. Enter room and note the dates on wine bottles.

    Stick your phone on the rectangle above the dial. See the green squares. Once again, it is different from the last time i played. However, check which side the green squares start from. ie. this first line is 4 greens starting from dial 4 times right..then next line was 2 squares starting from left. Continue. If you have it correct, your safe will say "open".

    Click on all bottles of wine. One of them will come into your inventory. Open your corkscrew in 'about item' click on top part to activate knife and open the foil round wine top. Open corkscrew in 'about item' and activate corkscrew. Remove cork.

    Back out and to the right, where you got corkscrew from and insert wine bottle. Pull it and door opens. Zoom on wine bottle again, and see that just inside door, on left you can see a shelf. Zoom on that..and get key from nozzle above wine glass.

    Forward to sewing machine and use key on drawer for torn cloth. Sew up cloth on machine. Back out of room and go to first scene. Give bullfighter his cloth and click it a couple of times. This will open final puzzle. Note the side of the puzzle bottles which are pink and the empty one. Note that you are asked to go from 5 - 99.

    Turn left again..check out the year date on wine, combining whether its the left or right side of bottle and ignoring the empty bottle on clue.

    Enter on the panel. If correct, back out and remove the rose from the dancer...

    I think that's all. Sorry if i have forgotten anything.


  61. I read all comments, watched walkthrough and still can't figure out door. Do I start from the far side of key or close to blob thing. do I use all the parts seen? When flipped where do I start, far side or blob? Just not getting it.

  62. You do start from the blob.
    For example; When you see the right side of the key (blob left and far side right) and there are two spikes (next to each other) pointing up then you start with 2 up.
    Spikes on the visible side are right and spikes on the not very good visible side (because a bit behind the key in that position) are left.
    And down is of course down.

  63. Thank you small tool. But it is hopeless. Just can't get it. Going to call it a day and move on.

  64. Adivawoman. I played a couple of times and each time my key was different. BUT..all times, if viewing key in first position...note everything, starting from the tip of the key. to see second view. The only thing which was not visible in first view is the second protrusion. Thus, if in first view you had..say..2 left..not visi, 2up, 1 down, then second view will give position of second protrusion. Click in order from tip of key to blobby lump.

  65. can't get wine bottle thing. walkthrough explanation not clear to me.

  66. NVM got it. use only two digits from "pink" side of each bottle to get right order. Out. Thanks for all the help

  67. To get the wine bottle, just use green squares.
    If, for example on top 2 greens squares on the left and the next position 3 on the right then you start with the safe with going two left and then three right.

    The last part with the wine bottle works like this:
    The bottles in your rack have a year, for example let's say the one on the far left is 1918.
    The look at the bull fighter machine and if for example there the left half of that first bottle is pink then that one is 19 (when the right half was pink then it would be 18).
    Do that for all the bottles and then you know what number every button/bottle has.
    Then click the buttons in the order from low to high.

  68. I see only japanese tekst, and 2 lines: I agree or I don't agree...


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