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[REPLAY] DetarameFactory - Anision Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Detarame Factory. In this escape game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Can you escape from the room successfully? There are 2 possible endings. Good luck and have fun!

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Anision Escape Walkthrough

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  1. Teapots, cups, watering can etc. is the hint for left right code, to get cheese.

  2. Use coin as sd to open cupboard and get carrot. Give carrot to rabbit for some things.
    Cheese goes on balance.

  3. Use handle (from rabbit) on drawer to get missing part of 4 digit code on painting.

  4. Put mouse on cheese on balance to get another key.

  5. 5 fish in fishtank give the hint how to get painting down.

  6. Back of painting gives 3 digit code, gives thingy to use on sheep.

  7. Channle 2 on tv gives the code for the yellow buttons on or off drawer, then use spray to get the lighter from there.

  8. Use lighter to get key from rope. Use that key to open the door and then use light bug to see colour code there.

  9. Change temperature in bathroom till it says I hear a whistle. After that there is a book under the drawers you can use the pencils on.

  10. Use drawn snake to scare frog and take egg and put it in the basket in the bathroom.

  11. I am stuck with a polaroid picture I took in the dark room and 4,5,8,9 tiles. I think I am missing the 1 tile

  12. Use the missing letters on the paper (from the balance) to open the 3 letter drawing to get a cable.

  13. small-tool did you get the paper from the clown dont understand it and have 4 tiles also been right behind you following your hints lol

  14. ting ting - count the next 3 letters, you will get the word of an animal

  15. The photo tells you where to press the wall for the light

  16. Same place as you Miles.
    And don't know where to use the hint from channel 3 on the tv.

  17. where are the pencils?

  18. Use the time from the tv to get the 1 tile

  19. Ah great find Miles, thanks.
    Then put battery in alarm clock and wake the bear with tv time.

    Pencils came from one coded or locked drawer.

  20. can make out 5 numbers from channel 3 now but where to use them

  21. I can't figure out the order of the numbers. I think it should start with 1 8?

  22. Missing the Y for my happy end. Anyone?

  23. Yep, thought the same Miles.
    According to the tv and starting with first letter of a digit it should be 18459, but doesn't work :(

  24. For the order of tiles, there is only one way to cross all numbers in a single uninterrupted path.

  25. Ah thanks Lizard Rage, got it. Very clever.

  26. Got it - start with the four, then follow the numbers

  27. oops - should have refreshed first!

  28. So far only got H from mouse and A from baby gator.

  29. It seems the letters appear in order. Have 2 P´s now from sheep and frog.

  30. thanks small-tool... miles1...and Lizard Rage
    and out too ..........................x

  31. Visit all the animals for the letters "happy". After you get one, the next letter appears

  32. Yep, and after that you get the Y from the bear.

  33. oh is there more to this game i thought i was out going back in have h from mouse so far

  34. Yeah Happy End .....................x

  35. the bear!! out again yeah!!

  36. Where is the pencil, please?

  37. Pencils come from drawer with colour code (hint for that is using firebugs in dark room).

  38. Who write a solution this game , I have past the game , how find the 3 letters on the shalf ?? What is a letter

  39. The 3 letter code is using the missing letters from the sequence you get on the paper.
    For example the first letters are J-M-?-S
    Now look how many in between in the alphabet:
    So also starting from M two letters in between, so M-n-o-?
    And that would be a P
    Do the same method for the second and third letter you need for your code.

  40. do NOT understand paper with letters. How the heck do you "count" the next 3 letters? Stuck, stuck, stuck.

  41. please someone just make it more clear about the letters? my first three are jca how do I coun't between those?

  42. I'm stuck. Have only three tiles, satellite connection on TV and now time on first channel and letter on 3-th. Where is Polaroid camera? And I'm missing a key for left cupboard.

  43. Evans,
    Do not look at the letter order in rows but in columns
    So first columns is J - - M - - ? - - S
    Is J k l M n o P q r S

  44. Evans, after first letter- j, count two, than is letter m, than count two, is letter p, count two, is letter s. Now second letter, from first row, letter c, count two is f, than two letters is ..... Kind of animal.

  45. Jasmina,
    Draw a snake, use it to scare the frog away, take the egg, put the egg in the basket in the bathroom, go away, come back and the egg is hatched and it will give you the key to open the door below the tv and the camera is there.

  46. go down, not across. DUH

  47. Cant do anything, room is dark (after using of light bug for cod), I have only remote control and three tiles. How to open cupboard without rack's key???

  48. Thank you small-tool. I did all that, but key look like disappear. After your post Ive tried again to select key, now is fine. Found camera.

  49. hi
    use camera in dark room,take a photo,than find the light switch

  50. Cute, fun, challenging ! Loved this one!

  51. would some one please post the tile number order, I just can't get it.

  52. I fell really dumb!
    Don´t know whre to use time from TV.(Can´t find alarm clock).
    Can´t find the place shown on pic.
    Can´t find a place to put numbers from 3ch.

  53. @adiva - start with four. The only number you can to to next is five ...


  54. Ah! Found the place shown on pic. Straight forward after that.

  55. roberto - at the dark room, about item the pic and start blinding clicking where the pic shows the light switch - it took me a while to find it

  56. WHere's the cheese,please!

  57. Chees in in one of the cabinets.

  58. thankyou annaby

  59. Pop> L&R clues for door. :)

  60. fun game - I had no idea it was still live! I think the clue for the numbers on tv ch.2 is the picture on ch.1. It looks like a roll of some sort (cinnamon?). Start in the middle and follow the spiral outwards and you'll get the numbers in order.
    I loved the "flog is sitting in the chair".

  61. I meant to say "the numbers on tv ch. 3

  62. Hi @zoz :) I hadn't noticed, but you're right - the numbers do indeed spiral clockwise.
    I liked the rabbit who "never learns". He's back to jumping on the couch after getting caught in the fan

  63. that looks like a candelabra, not a fan ;)

  64. I liked it.

    "the flog" LOL :)


  65. Anision Clue Through

    Look at the teacups/teapots on the shelving behind the llama. Note which way the handles are facing and also that the bottom of the shelving is an arrow pointing down. So, going from top to bottom, the handles are
    Use this clue in the top right cabinet by the tv and get the cheese.

    Put the cheese on the right tray of the scale. (first scene to the left of the llama).

    Look at the aquarium and note the order of corners that the fish go to.
    Use this clue on the picture in the scene with the rabbit. Check the back of the picture for another clue: pentagon-triangle-circle. How many corners does each of these shapes have?
    Use this on the top drawer of the cabinet next to the clown scales, and take the straightening iron.

    Use the straightening iron on the llama for the number 9 plate.

    -- Interestingly each item will appear in the bottom drawer of the tall cabinet after it has been used --

    Move the plant next to the rabbit and take the coin. Use the coin to remove the screws from the doors of the tall cabinet and take the carrot.
    Give the carrot to the rabbit and watch him jump for joy.
    Take the number 4 plate, battery, and drawer handle from the overturned sofa.
    Click on the sofa to turn it upright and then on the rabbit so he doesn't have to keep hanging on the chandelier.

    Take the remote from the shelf under the aquarium and put the battery in the back. Go to the tv. Channel 2 shows the clue for the middle drawer under the tv.
    There is a lighter in the drawer, but it is stuck. Use the fingernail polish remover that was on the shelf beside the satellite dish and take the lighter.

    Take the sketchpad that fell under the cabinet.

    Use the drawer handle to open the drawer under the clown scale, and take the filter.
    Use the lighter (you must light it first by viewing it in inventory) to burn the string tied to the table leg and get the blue key.
    Use the filter on the partial number picture on the wall behind the rabbit to get a four digit number.

    Use the four digit number on the right lower door of the cabinet with the tv.

    Take the green key and use it on the tiny door behind the frog. Take the mouse.
    Put the mouse on the scale with the cheese. Now take the clown's head key from the top of the scale.

    Use the clown's head key to open the grey door in the scene with the tv. Don't be surprised to find an "alligator wearing a swimming suit and bathing itself". (She also has a bow in her hair).

    Use the blue key in the door in the llama scene. The room is dark, so go back to the tv scene and take the box with the lightening bug from the shelf. Use the lightning bug to see colors flash in the dark room. This is the clue for the top drawer of the tv cabinet.
    Open the drawer and take the colored pencils and the number 9 plate.
    Use the colored pencils on the sketchpad to draw a snake. Then go to the frog with a "nice defense" and show him the snake picture. He's afraid of the snake, so you can take the egg.

    Go back to the bathing alligator and put the egg in the basket. Click on the thermostat on the wall and raise the temperature until you hear someone whistle. The egg appears to be hatching. Leave the room to give it some privacy.

  66. Clue Through, con't
    Stop by the clown scale to see the mouse has eaten the cheese (the first time you go by) and left a clue note (on your second look).
    Also, go left and see that "the flog is sitting on the chair."

    Look at the clue note from the scale: there's jca, then an arrow pointing down to "mfd", etc. As @small-tool explained
    Do not look at the letter order in rows but in columns
    So first columns is J - - M - - ? - - S
    Is J k l M n o P q r S

    You'll arrive at the solution SPpOIiLEgR.
    Use this to open the bottom drawer of the tv cabinet and take the aerial cable.

    Now go back to the bathing alligator and take the key from the newly hatched baby alligator. Use the key to open the left door of the tv cabinet and take the polaroid camera and the number 5 plate.

    Use the aerial cable to plug in the satellite dish and go look at the tv again. On channel 1, where the spiral roll is, you'll see "18:03" in the lower right corner. On channel 3, the cable signal is now working and you'll see letters in a grid. If you begin in the middle (as in the spiral) and continue around and outward in a clockwise direction, you'll read
    Remove the battery from the remote.

    Go to the dark room and use the polaroid camera to take a picture. You'll see a light switch on the left wall. Use your cursor to find the hotspot and turn on the light.
    Take the blue alarm clock and put the battery from the remote in it. Set the alarm to 18:03 and press the upper right button. This wakes up the (very friendly) bear. Click on the rug he was sleeping on and take the number 1 plate .
    Now place the number plates on the door in the correct order from top to bottom (see spoiler above).

    You can open the door and leave now, or you can go back inside and look at all the animals to find the letters to spell HAPPY. You have to get the letters in order:
    H - mouse
    A - baby alligator
    P - llama
    P - rabbit
    Y - bear

    Now you can leave with the HAPPY end!

  67. Fabulous clever game. Thanks for the assist on happy end Wouldn't want to have missed that :)

  68. thnx small-tool and zoz :)

  69. My egg is not hatching!

  70. Replayed
    Egg hatched
    Nice game

  71. Thanks zoz and small-tool.

  72. very nice game with difficult clues

  73. Thank you everyone for hints and partcularly zoz for doing the WT

  74. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, DF ☺

    & althought you'll never receive my thanks consciously, zoz
    (but for sure on some level the energy ☻)
    thx for the WT - had to peek 1-2x

  75. Adobe Flash game, so gone forever.


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