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Choco Challenge

[REPLAY] Choco Challenge is another point & click room escape game developed by Tomatea. In this classical game, you are trapped in a room full of sweets and chocolates, and your aim is to escape from there by finding and using items and by discovering hints to solve all puzzles in this room. Good luck and have fun!
[Submitted by Angeltutbil]

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. But I've just got the candle (it's the middle one, of course, the only one that I didn't try before).
    No idea yet for the other questions.

  2. I've opened the shapes cupboard, in the main room, but it seems pretty pointless.
    And what about the darn paper with numbers ? It doesn't make sense at all.

  3. I could open the grid drawer in the kitchen according to the 9 cakes in upper right cupboard of the main room, but I had to try several times.

  4. And yeah, almost forgot, carol h really is an idiot.
    Keep up the good work @jonthewatch. Don't let the professional whiners bring you down. Last thing that is needed here is some 'political correctness' people.

  5. The only idiot is the one who calls others an idiot. And e1 who supports this mean behavior is one, too.

  6. Nice game
    Thanx for the hints

  7. Interesting discussion
    I have spent 3 days playing E addicts game
    felt like an idiot all the way through till we got it done
    We did it as a collaborative group.It was hard and challenging but a great sense of pleasure when done.
    Isnt this supposedly a fun group to help each other?
    Whats the point of fighting over a game?

  8. This game was a pleasure to play as always , it's so much better then the mindless clicking ones .
    And please help yourself to a chill pill at the door <3

  9. Thank you all for your kind words.
    We hope that you enjoyed the game.
    Thanks for your rating - it means a lot to us - different people, different opinions - please, don't allow it to spoil fun - that's the reason we make games - and thanks to eg24 for possibility to see it all .
    Have great day :),

  10. It was a good game, but too difficult for me, so I can't finish it. An improvement would be a "save" possibility in the menu.

  11. Well, this was a real party! When Tomatea appears everone plays happily! However, I always wonder, why those games are soooooo rare. Ok, I understand that maybe the creator doesn't want us to get bored. But at least, games should come a little more often. They are escapers favourites.

  12. Making these games is hard work (that's why I get upset when people rate a game 1star without playing it). These games are free and the creator makes them for your pleasure. I would rather wait for a good game every so often than have 2 poor games per week.

  13. Good game!

    Reading previous comments, I can't understand why anyone could give this game one star.

  14. Love these games. 5 Stars. Thanks Tomatea :)

  15. I don't know what all the "name calling" is about, but I just got off work , have 3 days off and wanted to play a nice game. I can ALWAYS expect a well planned game with awesome graphics from TomaTea. But I can't get the game to show in IE. :( I'll try Chrome.

    I seriously find it pretty comical that there is angry banter going on on a forum that mostly, when the game has been played through and all the "I'm outs" and "will still around for a whiles" are said and done...well, pretty much the thread is DONE! Silly people! LOL

  16. Thank you Tomatea - your games never disappoint :)

  17. I've played the game 4 times - twice I put the party letters on the fridge early in the game and couldn't move the letters to complete the game. Restarted and it all worked, but I opened the other drawers before putting letters on fridge.

  18. Well that was nice. Thank you Tomatea!

  19. Just played this and loved it! Not as difficult as some other tomatea games but still so much fun to play - thank you Tomatea!


    Here I go again...

    1st, click on game menu and turn off the music, which is nice but the loop is too short.

    Might as well look at that table to the left and pick up PUZZLE TILE #1 and DOOR TILE #1.
    On the table to the right, PUZZLE TILE #2 and DOOR TILE #2; also a cup that says 'delight'. This is your first good clue.
    Zoom in on the3 words 'Sweet Delight', pick up PUZZLE TILE #3 and DOOR TILE #3, and study the word Delight. Some of those letters make numbers if you look at it upside down; a sequence of 4 of them in the middle of the word, in fact: 6173. This'll be useful.
    Try entering those numbers in the upper right cabinet; get DOOR TILE #4 and more clues.
    Look carefully at the yummy treats, then study the ones in the upper left cabinet too.
    Now if you go to the lower left cabinet, you can enter the shapes associated with those cakes and get the SCISSORS.

    Now turn around to the right, and pick up DOOR TILES #5 and #6 from the table, then turn again to face the girl statue. I know she's a statue, and not a real girl, because you can cut off her NECKLACE with your SCISSORS. Then look at the NECKLACE to separate it into HEART and STRING. Look at the HEART, see spike protruding from the back. That's another indication she's not a real girl.
    Now you want to look closely at her two cakes. Look at the one on the left, get DOOR TILE #7 from chair and CANDLE from center of cake. Also notice that there are 12 candles around the rim of the cake, and looking at it as if it were a clock, 7 and 11 have been burnt. 7 is short (hour hand), 11 is long (minute hand), therefore 5 minutes to 7! We'll see where to use that soon.
    Now go to the right-hand cake (her left hand, actually) and click once to collect letters which anagram to 'PARTY'.
    (Thinking that fairly obvious, I didn't hide it in a spoiler. Non-English speakers might need to see it out straight.)

    Now if you turn right and look left, there's one more table we haven't looked at, and there is a TILE W/ A HOLE on it. Let's take that and put the HEART on it, create HEART TILE.

    Now comes the tricky slightly illogical part, and my only criticism of ths game. If you go straight to the door now with this tile, it won't work. You have to look at your other tiles (which still say 7/8), select the HEART TILE and add it to the batch, then the whole shebang will go on the door and you can get to the kitchen. If you have a good memory, you'll solve this puzzle right away. Me, I don't have that kind of brain. But the puzzle's forgiving. Every time you find a match, it takes those away for good, so it gets easier and easier.

    Enter the kitchen! See L/R clue on windows! (follow the green dots)
    Back in the 1st room, open the upper left cb for PUZZLE TILE #4.

    Part 2 coming...

  21. WT Pt. 2

    I forgot something in the 1st part; on the table w/ blue doilies, you must move one of them to get a CLUE PAPER. This will solve a puzzle in the kitchen.

    In kitchen, put the hands on the clock to 7 and 11 as we spoke of earlier, and get PUZZLE TILE #5.
    Put the letters from the girl's cake on the fridge, rearrange them to spell 'PARTY', get PUZZLE TILE #6 and a close-up view of an interesting muffin.
    Now back out and look at the cake under the clock. Get PUZZLE TILE #7, then put your CANDLE on the cake.
    Now you arrange the rings of the cake to make a picture (yellow is at bottom). When you hear a click and see the word 'solved', you can go to the lower right cabinet in the 1st room and enter the solution you see. Go by the order of red balls, left to right:
    Now it's open, but you can't do anything. Hm, maybe a piece of this cake would console us. Let's find a knife.

    There are 3 puzzles under the clock in the kitchen; that on the right, the grid pattern, is already solvable. That grid is found in the brownies in the upper right cabinet, 1st room.
    Get PUZZLE TILE #8.

    Now look at the stove (right countertop). Pick up PUZZLE TILE #9. There is a number grid, but where you would expect # and * on a phone, we have A and Z. This is a very clever puzzle! but with an easy answer; just follow the numbers as listed on your CLUE PAPER, you will find 2 C's and 2 O's and something that might be an H or M or N, but just look up at the game title and the answer is manifest! Now you can enter letters in the upper left puzzle under the clock. Get KNIFE.

    Cut cake in first room with KNIFE, but before you eat it, notice the weird color pattern in the layers. You can enter this pattern (top to bottom) in the remaining unsolved puzzle drawer in the kitchen to get PUZZLE TILE #10.

    Put all 10 PUZZLE TILES into wall, make a picture of a muffin!
    Now color the muffin just like the one in the fridge to reveal clever key-hiding device. You now must use your STRING to hold the darn thing open. Get DOOR KEY.

    That should now be the only thing in your inventory. Stuff your pockets with muffins and treats, use your key, and escape!

  22. (RE)HI all ☺

    caught this one from the random section
    (I just ♥ that category! ☻)
    & decided to post it as a replay
    a Tomatea is always worth a replay - enjoy!

    thx for all your creations, Tomatea ☺
    & thx just1 for your WT

  23. The word answer is not sweet or party. No 4 digit number codes are counting the items on the 4 pedestals. Lots of trial and error in this one.

  24. Great fun. Biggest challenge for me was that cupcake at the end - colour blindness strikes again!

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