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Gatamari Escape 18: Quiz Show

Gatamari Escape 18: Quiz Show is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Gatamari. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Another one with a language barrier. I'll try again later.

  2. Shame about the laguage barrier there is loads of puzzles and looks very good. Pressed red button and nothing happened so maybe that will start it in English later.
    Blue button gets you in.

  3. I made only dice code, it's from poster with map

    the start is in Japan, finish on Hawaii

    red field - back on start
    blue field - 3 forward

  4. I did think that the blue text on end of green book did is hint to letters code blue, but not work.

  5. at the begining blue is new game, and red is continue saved :)

  6. after you got open the dice cupboard you got arrows up/down

    on the paper there is probably a question for this, and if you made a mistake you get X in MISS field, 3 x and you're out

    but you can save the game before answer :)

    I opened the cupboard with blue and red arrows, the hint is clear

  7. how did you do the dice please what is s g mean

  8. I don't know what it means, you must go from Japan to Hawaii, count how many points you need to proceed, you can't stand on red field, cause it takes you bacck to start, you can only step on white and blue fields (blue means "go 3 forward")

  9. thanks ill wait for a WT I dont get it

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. LOL. clicking two times in down arrow and one time in up arrow in dice code, i got an lever

    dice code:

    start on Japan (thanks jednorogini82)
    count the number of lines until the next white ball,
    the blue ball you need jump three houses

  12. sorry, a* lever

    hints with language barrier here.. :\

  13. I made it to the last unopen cupboard (middle in bottom row), until now all the codes and hint were simple (except the quiz in cupboard, but made it using save button)

    now I have hint on round screen, looks like many questions appeared and sometimes color いま何問目... stuck

  14. the paper in cupboards are the questions like quiz, and you answer them by clicking the button in cupboard, I think the clues is in books, but don't understand them

    after I opened cupboard I saved the game, then check the aswer and if I was wrong I loaded the game and pushed good answer

    3 mistakes ends the game

  15. ok, i opened code of arrows blue/red now, a code of O / X appeared, i clicked one time on X and got a coin.

  16. coin works as screwdriver.
    yes, salve the game is important here.

  17. jednorogini82, same as you, stuck on last round clock thing

  18. LOL, i'm going in the luck, clicked in number two after use coin, and got a dart.

  19. I'm so stupid, I had good numbers but didn't rearrange them

    count the questions on the screen, the color inscription appear instead of the question, count them too

    ex. pink appeared instead of question 3 so it's 3
    and so on
    cyan appeared as question 5 so = 5


  20. it's not last... there is a code on door... where is hint???

  21. Stuck on last door code!!

  22. maybe we are going to different ends?
    using the dart i see hint of blue letters, after picked a battery, using this i'm seeing a hint to colorful numbers.

  23. Can't find the hint for door code. All items are used except the questions.

  24. I thought the door is red, and thee is red attack35 ?

  25. jednorogini82

    on the attack35 you see hint to second color code (after use battery)

    white 6
    green 1
    blue 7
    red 5

  26. ok, stuck in door code now too. LOL
    i tried YMO of book of accord with the buttons of a cell phone, not work.

  27. Well, I got that little man and put him on the middle spot...lots of numbers came up, but I don't know which puzzle it refers to and how to solve it....anyone?
    I also don't see the clue to the music notes and the 4x4 green grid!
    Help! LOL

  28. @nokra - it's just code, think it was right cupboard in middle row

  29. @jednorogini82... TY! I thought I was supposed to remember the top numbers...yes, easier than I thought! LOl

  30. Now I have the kettle....have no idea where to use that! LOL

  31. POP! Just remembered the paper I had tried to put in book...steam it! LOL

  32. I got 2x's halfway through, so, I save the game as advised....somehow, I got all the rest correct by blind guessing. LOL
    Very strange game but I like it!
    Now....what the heck do I do in the puzzle that uses the card? No clue!

  33. I just used the spoiler given...TY!

  34. So,are anyone of you guys out? I don't see an OUT comment...and everyone stopped commenting....????
    No ideas for the exit door code....

  35. end code is 216, but don't know why

  36. me too. LOL
    i think that appear numbers, but i don't understand right..
    still stuck in door code, any hints?

  37. No kana readers amongst us?

    Well, since it's NOT kanji, it's easy...

    First name in book, right page:

    Second name in book, right page:
    GAGARIN (the astronaut guy)

    Third name in book, right page:
    LINDBERGH (who crossed the Atlantic with a small airplane)

    Fourth name in book, right page:

    Fifth name in book, right page ("Don't think, feel"):

  38. jednorogini82

    thanks, out now!

  39. OK TY At least I did half of this game by myself...LOL

  40. Help with the musical notes? They don't work when put in like the page shows.

  41. Explanation for the last door:

    Look at the panel and the world map.

    Panel's top row has down arrow (south=S), I, and X.
    The second row O, up arrow (N), etc.

    Those three rows spell out the solution.

  42. I'd really like to play this game, but without having to look for hints in this page. It's such a shame that it's all just japanese...

  43. Saying that "the hint is clear" for the blue/red arrows didn't clarify anything for me. Does anyone want to give a more useful clue??? (Please :)

  44. oh. never mind. The clue comes once you use the lever on the wall in the next scene to the right. Follow the flags from right to left.

  45. Zoz, hi! I guess everyone has played and gone... I'm stuck with music notes. I have a hint but it doesn't work.

  46. You and me both doris. Still waiting for a hint. The obvious doesn't work.

  47. This is all so obscure...

    The paper on the upper right in the "overview" of papers says NONSECTION in the headline.

    Maybe that's why we have trouble with musical notes? Googling for NONSECTION will give me a Japanese girl duo...(amongst other stuff)

  48. Ah WAIT...this might be a term known in baseball or American football, since I found many hits for "nonsection game". Must investigate further...

  49. Steve, I think we re going to wait for looooong time...

  50. arbeitslooser, how do you know what the papers mean? It's all japanese!

  51. @doris There are THREE main charsets in Japanese, and I can (now) read 2 of the 3. They are katakana and hiragana (simple alphabet-type stuff)

    The third is ridiculously tough, and that's KANJI. Graphical signs which can stand for anything from headache up to football match up to 'improvement program' in politics. You need to know a few thousand kanji to get basic meanings of sentences.

  52. Ok, Arebeits. Thank you very much! I'm starting japanese lessons, fisrst thing tomorrow. After I learn the Kanji, I'll finish this game!

  53. in 2050 ? ;)
    Oh no, save yourself the trouble.

  54. And I wonder, where is this Gatamari guy? Why isn't he here, to help us, like Selfdefiant always does? Come on Gatamari! What' s with these music notes? We DON'T know Japanese!

  55. P.S. The kind professors in Japanese universities will use furigana, this is texts in kanji but small katakana/hiragana printed above it (can be compared a little bit with those small key notes for musicians).
    So that is, if you can't read the kanji, you will normally be able to read the easier katakana/hiragana, and hence you are able to get the meaning after all.

  56. yes Arbeitslooser, if I'm still alive till 2050, I'll know perfect Kanji and solve this game!

  57. Gatamari keeps a VERY low profile on the e-mail address, nothing at all. So I think he doesn't even know someone far outside Japan is playing his games...

    BTW, for what it's worth, I wonder if Gatamari is even of German origin, speaking a near-native level of Japanese? Because his full-length moniker ゲルマン塊 CAN be read as "German Gatamari". But as there is no e-mail (he doesn't want to be e-mailed, obviously) one can't but make wild assumptions...

  58. well, Jednorogini and Nokra are out. And since mr Gatamari is a low profile Japanese, or German or whatever, I just hope one of the gamers will kindly get back here and help us.

  59. The music notes are solved by a paper you'll get with swimmers.
    Nice gatamari game but could not have done it without all the hints, thank you!

  60. ok, it's 22.00 here, and I'm going to get ready to sleep. I'll try again tomorrow, in case someone gives some help. Goodnight everyone!

  61. @andrea. I've had that note for ages and the obvious doesn't work for me. HELP!

  62. @Doris. Just play with the second note. You'll eventually get the right combination.

  63. Steve thank you very much! Luckilly, I didn't go to bed yet. I just took one more glance here, so now I'll try it.

  64. OK, I was able to advance a lot after remembering what a dart can be used for if there is something on the ceiling and you want to get that down on the ground ;)

    As far as I can "read" the questions (note the quotes), some of them are "Right or Wrong?" questions, so O means "true" statement and X means "false" statement.

  65. now, what about the panel next to the door? When do I have to stop it?

  66. oh, I'm sleepy and my mind is off. I'll finish it tomorrow. Thanks for help!

  67. No need to stop it. Just number each question and note which question is in colored letters (and which color)

  68. or read jed's spoiler above...number starts with a 9

    I usually refrain from spoilers, but if it's THAT cumbersome to get a number, I sometimes might call it quits...

  69. Finally out too...that was strange...

  70. @doris, Sorry I didn't reply, but I had already bailed out after banging my head against the musical notes wall for a while. I don't know if I'm up for trying again...

  71. second note is NOT touching the line as it looks on paper, but it's ON the line, i. e. a 'e1' (Mi1 for French players ;)) in musical notation.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. I didn't think someone could have problems with music notes

    swimmers is like notes, look only at their heads, not body
    the swimming pool is like stave, and this brown lines below it is like those short lines below stave

  74. Does anyone know why the door code is 216?

  75. see Pochan's comment 8:18AM

    it's from 3x3 cupboards
    you can change arrows to letters, as world dirrection NEWS, so you got words in rows
    1 - SIX (south, I, X)
    10 - ONE (O, north, east)
    100 - TWO (T, west, O)

    the order is from 1,10,100
    2 is on houndredths place and so on...

  76. @jednorogini82 , Thanks a lot!

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. I *think* I've now also figured out what the YMO might mean...

    YMO = Yellow Magic Orchestra?

    I should have remembered by myself...since I'm quite a Kraftwerk fan, I know BOTH YMO and Kraftwerk were in Tokyo on the NO NUKES Festival on July 7/8 2012 ! (K. on 7th day and YMO the following day)

  79. what is the code for the last colour...for the last one got the pink colour...?

  80. haha, I love the picture with the swimming guys so much. So cute ^^


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