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Keysha 5: Blue Code

Keysha 5: Blue Code is another point and click room escape game from MyHiddenGame.  There is a wonderful device that allows you to get inside the pictures. Assemble the parts of this device and go into the picture. Help the young girl Keysha find the key and escape from the apartment. Collect active objects and solve puzzles. Some items can be combined in an attachment. Use mouse to navigate between the screen and to collect the items. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. they are always so difficult - I am sure going to need help,
    found the picture frame at last scene puzzle - dont' overthink!
    collected 9 coins, hammer, brush and map

  2. got a key from number puzzle near bed - look closely

  3. gor many boxes...outside now

  4. so many numbers on the house outside... look with glass

  5. hammered the glass - gives 4 lines but dont know what to do with them - cant get the CR.. or the star puzzle -any help?

  6. got to go now - Tadas please leave clues about solving puzzles

  7. hung the clock but cant get right time, help

  8. hint1: under hearth many letters. read carefuly, you got middle sentence DONT READ.

  9. and put first and last two letters.

  10. I thought it was 10.26, or 22.26 Thanks

  11. SwissMiss: Got no hammer but a pickaxe. Which glass did you break?

  12. brek the 4 glasses near computer table

  13. Time not working for me, must be doing it wrong

  14. break glasses put clock on the wall and you get the hint for clock puzzle.

  15. So far only 2 riddles: That with "Dontread" and the clock

  16. I put the device on picture but do nothing

  17. Strange: Something happened when I put in the time of the clock (10:27), maybe a coin, but I'm not sure anymore if it would have worked without the time... Now, if you break those four glasses (thanks Tadas) and hang up the clock you'll get from top to bottom 1428.

  18. once outside, there is a hotspot on the wall left to the lady. Hit is with the pick-axe. You will get a piece of glass. Use the glass in the house scene with the star. Gives numbers.

  19. ah got key from the 592-number riddle

  20. anyone noticed the (mirrored) letters in the blue room?
    looks like "MDors"???

  21. I ment right of the lady.

  22. Anja, you need the frame. Solve the puzzle above the sofa, look at SwissMiss' first comment. Maybe it's too easy to take it serious...

  23. Where to use key and how can I get outside?

  24. I'm here, don't worry :)
    Let's see if I can catch up and help...

  25. thank you merithneith (I tried only numbers not letters - stupid me!)

  26. Anja, you need the key outside. To go out take the frame as I mentioned. There are four lines and four letters, the order is from 1 to 4.

  27. Anja, you need the frame and the activation device. I think it was in the clock puzzle next to the door. See earlier posts how to solve.
    I am stuck with the numbers from outside and the blue puzzle in the living room. Any hints ?

  28. Any hint on the outside numbers and the blue star puzzle in the living room please ?

  29. Is there some clue for the number code? I see a "7", and a bunch of "2", "5" and "9"...
    Tried several combinations... but nothing

  30. Stuck where you are Jon D. Hint would be welcome.

  31. My clock by door marks 22:10... but it doesn't work?
    I'm REALLY feeling like the most dumb guy in the room right now

  32. Cant figure out number code next to bed and in 1st room, no good hints or comments... I give the game 1 star.

  33. Jon D., have you found the clock and hung it left of pc table on wall ? Then use pick-axe on windows of pc table. There will be beams on the clock to indicate the time you have to input in the clock puzzle.

  34. Iconland, for be puzzle watch all the numbers closely, ther will be a few "odd" ones.

  35. @Iconland: for numbers next to bed: look which numbers are NOT 5, 9 or 2

  36. Hm what about de b 4 10 etc puzzle in de yellowsquare right to door?

  37. So, no hints on the puzzle in the first room. Where to use the key and the paintbrush with yellow colour ?

  38. You need the paintbucket then you draw a square next to door. Paintbucket is in painting second screen in the bushes

  39. Found spot for key outside, last view under the sign. Need two more.

  40. Last code is the B 4 10 13 21 3 16 code. Any thoughts?

  41. Hint for solving puzzle next to door under yellow paint?

  42. Thanx a lot Tadas - was trying all combination :)

  43. Haven't found a clock (inside house?) or any place to blast with pickaxe...

  44. Ok... got the "Don't read" puzzle now... have clock

  45. Eh - what yellow puzzle and which door??? There is only one door I see and I can't find anything to the right of it.

  46. meritneith - you need paintbrush and yellow paint, paint on the wall to the upper right of the door.

  47. It was that secret POP-hotspot.

  48. Don't remember exactly where the clock was but I think it is in one of the puzzle boxes inside.

  49. Then use pickaxe on yellow box.

  50. @Tadas: Hint for Yellow-Paint-Door-Riddle?

  51. Bit further now... have key (to use...), some kind of device(??)

  52. ok, device goes in painting...

  53. Jon D. put device on picture frame, then you can go outside. For key, see my post from 3:20

  54. hint to yellow paint puzzle:
    6 numbers (4, 10, 13 and etc.) and one letter B.
    Numbers are letters too.
    4 is D in alphabet, but you must to put B (2). And now D is F, J(10) + B(2) and etc.

  55. Got it! Write down the hole alphabet and count all numbers beginning with B=0, so C would be 1

  56. The B 4 10.. puzzle is driving me crazy! xD

  57. Out now, thank you all. I wouldn't have got that 3597 in a hundred years, the rest may be in hours...

  58. Nice tx merineith

  59. Meritneith, total respect for finding this puzzle!

  60. Thx for all the help, out now. Would have been stuck forever.

  61. Got numbers from outside house

    3 6 5 8 upper
    2 9 4 7 lower

    Zig zag to convert into a 4-digit number?

  62. Yeay, out with the 15 coins!

  63. D+B (2) = F
    J + B(2) = L
    and etc

  64. out... never used the map (or did I) and didn't quite get the logic of the puzzle by fireplace...

  65. Hey, Tadas had it solved before I even found the panel! But I am a little proud to have got it on my own.

  66. I don't have clue for the code of the blue roof with the star. Any idea?

  67. These comments are not helpful. wow got it! out now! did this puzzle!
    someone please explain the letters under the fireplace better?
    I have no idea what to type in from don't read

  68. evans: As far as I remember type the letters before and after the work dont read

  69. should be word not work.

  70. finally figured out some stuff on my own, but can't find middle key. anyone?

  71. Found "glass" finally. use pickaxe on wall right of girl. Just typing in use glass to see #s outside are the kind of clues that don't help much.
    I am out finally.

  72. Evans, which bit of the wall, please?

  73. @evans,

    I don't find any glass to break, there is no hotspot near the computer (and in my game, there is a computer on a desk, no girl).
    The clock code (1026, 1027, 2226, or 2227) doesn't work and the number code doesn't make sense at all (only 3 and 7 are different from the other numbers).

  74. POP, the place where to use the pickaxe is on the glass door, on the LEFT of the computer.
    4 rays of light appear, but that doesn't make more sense than the rest of the game.

  75. And there is no hint for the puzzle in the first room with the blue thingies... I'm giving up, the games of this serie are just an annoying bunch of nonsense.

  76. The clock pdgph - top glas follow the line - points to the 1 - the second one points to 4 etc.

    SPOILER 1428

    I don't get the yellow box by the door ?

  77. POP - got it!


  78. out, thanks for the +2 offset for the final code.
    still don't understand the code from the house blinds, see no logic on which numbers to use/skip.
    searching the 592 codes made me cross-eyed :D

  79. I love Keysha's games - but this one was too much IMHO. The "yellow" puzzle was... well, not entirely fair IMHO.


  80. Walkthrough

    scene 1
    -3 coins
    -2 safes to open
    safe with letters:
    -there is a message within the letters; use the remaining letters to open the safe
    -get a clock

    safe with 3 clues:
    -need numbers from scene 5
    -get a green key

    scene 2
    -3 coins
    -safe with repeating numbers
    -to open the safe, find the numbers that are listed once
    -get an orange key
    -a painting that needs a frame and an activator

    scene 3
    -3 coins
    -a map
    -a safe that needs to be opened by typing the letters in the correct order
    -get a frame
    -place the clock on the wall and use the pickaxe 4 times on the glass that sections off the office space
    -4 rays of light from the cracks leads to 4 numbers on the clock (which will be used to open the safe in scene 4)

    scene 4
    -3 coins
    -safe with clock hint
    -get the activator
    -use paint and pickaxe to reveal a safe and get a blue key

    Use the frame and activator in scene 2 on the painting to get to scene 5.

    scene 5
    -notice a symbol that matches a hint on the safe in scene 1
    -numbers are hidden

    scene 6
    -1 coin
    -can of yellow paint
    -look at the map and use the pickaxe to get a piece of broken glass
    -use the glass in scene 5 to get numbers to use on the safe in scene 1

    scene 7
    -2 coins
    -place the 3 keys in the box
    -get the key that drops

    Use the brown key to open the door in scene 4.

  81. I don't get how to turn the numbers outside into a code. I don't know how to use the zig zag on the 2 rows of numbers.

  82. I'm not really sure how it's a zig zag, but use first and third of top row and second and fourth of bottom row.


  83. Several people have asked about how you zigzag the numbers (top) 3658 (bottom) 2947 and somehow come up with 4 numbers but I can't see where anyone has explained it. Both rows add up to 22 so I tried 2222, no go. REALLY frustrating when you come here and ask how to do something then come back and say you're out without explaining what you figured out.

  84. Refreshed and saw Prufrock's spoiler on the windows. Started out thinking this was going to be a great game & figured out the first few puzzles but it ended up being a major fail. How were we supposed to figure out to use the 1st and 3rd # from top row and 2nd/4th # from bottom? Same goes for final puzzle, B and numbers and we are supposed to figure out to change the rest of the #s to letters then add 2?

    It's a shame because these games have great graphics and are usually fun to figure out. This one was a #fail.

  85. hello, can anyone help with the zigzag blue code in the 1st room? I've got the blue blinds numbers from looking through the glass, but can't make them into a 4 digit code

  86. thanks lilrascal...i agree - it wasn't a great clue!

  87. ok even the walkthrough says scene 5 but there's 4 monus the painting. I don't know how to activate the painting. I put an object on it and nothing. I can't figure out clues for the puzzles in room 1 (got the clock one) or the polyclinic hint. I give up. Too many unsolved things, and too few clues. Not everyone is a genius with an IQ of 100 you know..

  88. Thanks for the walkthrough but you've kind of explained the easy bits :). Can find things to do quite easily but the puzzles are a bugger to solve.
    Red herrings in a game are ok but not when the actual solutions are completely bonkers/illogical!

    Can someone just spoil the B number code - can't be arsed to work it out.

  89. Seen spoiler above now. Thought it would be a number, not a word.

    Shame. This game started brilliantly and then just uber irritating with the last 2 clues/codes.

  90. ok... meritneith... how exactly does one figure out the final code?

  91. Grr did a detailed WT and it disappeared instead of posting. Will do another quick one:

    Living room
    Letter puzzle under fire. 2 random letters then "don't read" then another 2 random letter (diff random letters each game I think). Input the 4 random letters and get clock.
    Star puzzle behind tree.

    Pickaxe behind TV, paintbrush on shelf behind bed. Number puzzle on side of computer desk. Look at numbers, most are 2, 5, or 9. There are 4 other numbers mixed in. Find them and input for the gold key

    Blue study.
    Map on left of desk, hang clock on left wall, use pickaxe to break 4 glass panels. Follow arrows, note 2 cross. The order is from the top pane down. Puzzle behind couch. Go across horiz lines until you hit the vertical line that finishes there. That is the letter order. Get picture frame.

    Door scene
    Bottom frame puzzle, input clock numbers and get "machine"

    Go to bedroom, put frame and machine on painting and go into painting

    Large house - note star on roof and all the purple window shades (pointing in 2 different directions). left to:

    Note map with x at bottom of right flower bed, use pickaxe and get blue glass piece. Yellow paint pot on right.
    Large house, use glass on house and see numbers. There are 2 sets, one set of 4 on the window shades pointing one direction (on the left of the house) and one on the set on the right pointing in the other direction. On both sets individually do the "zig zag" to get 4 numbers, use top numbers firt then bottom numbers. Get green key

    Go to door, use paint on the right to show safe, hit with pick axe. B followed by numbers. Take B as zero, then use the numbers to get letters. C=1, D=2, E=3 etc. Get blue key

    Go through painting to street, use the 3 keys under the walk sign, key drops, use this key (red) on door and out.

    Number puzzle = 8376
    Clock numbers = 1428
    Couch puzzle = comp
    Star puzzle = 3597
    Letter puzzle = FLOWER


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