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Kaito M Collection 08 Escape

FunkyLand - Kaito M Collection 08 Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game by Funky Land. In this game, you try to find the items and solving the puzzles to finish the game. Good luck and have fun!

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Kaito M Collection 08 Escape video walkthrough

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  1. some hints:
    1. use torch to the left side of wall
    2. find intersection point (draw lines with the same letter)
    3. arrange dolls with the right color & number(use the grid paper on metal plate full of numbers)

  2. btw code hints in this game are all randomly given
    so as the position of the last doll

  3. The order from the grid is red, orange, yellow, purple, green, light blue, and blue. But this does not work.

  4. Oops, it works. I just place the wrong doll!

  5. look at the doll with 1 & 7
    they should guide you to find 2-6

  6. Where is the point touse the torch?

  7. Which wall to use the torch?

  8. zoom on Mirror and use flashlight on wall bottom right or bottom left (change in each game)

  9. I'm with the dolls now

  10. Yes Lottie's hint only applies to 50% of games...the other half will have the zodiac sign hint on the RIGHT side of wall (seen from the viewer)

  11. A orange doll is missing for me

  12. HINT Still doesn't work on the mirror? Well, you need VERY good eyes to spot the tiny arrows on the clue!! (clicking order)

  13. with a photo from the frame

  14. Ju I managed to take a picture of the lady in the painting.
    Think I turned around the camera.
    Then put the camera on the scanner.

  15. Thanks cool, but I'm stuck yet. I1m without the orange doll

  16. The missing doll is in the flowers either t the right or to the left of the picture/scanner

  17. Ju, place doll change in each game, look on the left or on the right of mirror (in zoom) or in right room in "flowers" on the right or on the left
    perhaps another place in another room?

  18. I'll try later... tks Cool, I didn't find it :) I'm tired Kisses

  19. Yes!!! I got it! Tks Cool and seb

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  21. @pierpor

    I believe you have to check one of the age boxes to continue.

  22. After that you have to click on another thing, bit I can't tell exactly what, cause the game does not ask anymore :(

  23. I don't get it! I have a torch, camera and an orange doll.
    I've used torch on left side of mirror and tutched the buttons as given. Now I see 'myself' in the mirror and can't do anyting more. Help please!

  24. @Hendrik

    When ypu can see yourself there should be a red apple right above the mirror when you zoomout once.

  25. Can't get the dolls order right...

    I used the sequence written down by tautau, but nothing happens. What am I doing wrong? Missed a clue sheet maybe?

  26. Sequence is different for each game.
    You have to use the paper with the round holes and colors to get yours.

  27. What numbers do I put in that machine above the pink grid ?
    (& 4 "dolls" with letters C D B A). Tried loads of combinations but nothing works. Can anyone help please . . .

  28. The number at CC DD BB AA

  29. AHHH so stupid...didn't spot those screws on the white-on-pink number sheet, now I should make it out withoiut help...

  30. Als - the numbers at the intersections according to the letters on the dolls (I think this changes for each game, too). So where A-A intersects, if one of your letters is an A, and so on.

    I have all 5 dolls and the grid, but I think I need to use the camera somehow. It won't let me place the dolls.

  31. That's the first one I tried Cool, but it says error ... ?

  32. It should be okay Als. Are you sure about the letters?

  33. use camera to take snowwhite photo

  34. Finally done it - thanks Cool & Mill The Thrill - I'd switched 2 of the letters round - stupid me !

  35. POP - somehow it let me place the dolls this time... and now I'm stuck on the picture behind Snow White.

  36. click under photo on blue japanese letters to scan photo and put camera above green bouton

  37. tautau, in case you're still there...

    What is this screen with GET.... at the end? It does not accept anything I enter in the field below, so what is this for?

  38. Ah, language barrier. I kept thinking I had to do something to activate the camera. Just use the phone on the picture of Snow White. Then open the picture in the phone (once in camera mode) and you can analyze it.

  39. I think I'm too stupid for this game - stuck again. Got 5 dolls & don't know the order to place them in. Taken photo of picture & got something which says "data of face" & don't know what to do next ...

  40. Als, use sd (found in room on the right) on the pink grid in left room and take grid a a "transparent" with circles
    put "transparent" on pink grid and drag to put 1 on red circle and 7 on dark blue circle
    and it give order for others colors

  41. Als, have you unscrewed the pink number panel? If so, under it, is a paper with holes. Place that paper on the pink screen until you have a sequence of numbers from 1 - 7. If you dont have the screwdriver, i think it is in the garden on the left side, but cant remember.

  42. With the torch, I can't see a hint on the wall. And this hint is wrong, useless for the zodiac buttons.

  43. *grid and "a transparent"

  44. Found screwdriver - think I'm getting somewhere now ...

  45. @pdgph, look carefully on arrows on this hint for order to click on zodiac signs

  46. Out at last - thanks everyone !

  47. Thank you Seb ! I saved me once again ! (o:

  48. I can't get the game to start. I got to a screen where there is someone looking in a mirror but what to push there to start game?

  49. I am stuck with camera with picture taken and screen with data of face on it. What on earth is next? Nice of you all to say out or mention a final screen with get on it. BUT WHERE IS IT?

  50. Put the camera above the green button and then click the green button and it will make a face.
    Take that face and use that on the zoomed in mirror in the main room.

  51. Restarted and this time after dolls are correctly placed the picture moves up to reveal panel under. take picture of snow white and then put camera with data in box above green button and push button to make mask. use that on yourself at the mirror to get out.

  52. Btw. I think that GET page was something like submit score or so. I could just fill in name in the first one and country in the second and it accepted it.
    Don't see a list after that though, just brings you back to the start screen.

  53. That was fun...great hints, could not have done it without them...TY!

  54. How do you take a picture?

  55. I have a phone with camera, a doll and a flashlight and i don't know what to do

  56. Blom,
    Taking the pic will be later. First you have to use the flashlight (switch it on before use) left or right of the mirror to see what buttons (and in what order) around the mirror to click to get an apple to open the left door.

  57. I cant seem to get buttons on mirror right....have hint and have clicked buttons in every order..Please help

  58. Should work.
    Btw. there are little arrows between the symbols on the hint showing you the order to click.
    Be sure you have the correct symbols, some of them look a bit alike.

  59. i cannot find the yellow doll! the juke box only gave me 4 dolls and i need five

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  63. @small-tool

    Bingo, that was it! You have to REPLACE the upper field text with your name and you may add an optional comment in the lower one...FIrst I had only entered some test text in the lower field, that's why it was blocked...but that's what happens if you have to delve thru a jungle of cryptic characters...


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