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Find HQ: Carnival

HoodaMath - Find HQ: Carnival is another point and click escape game developed by Selfdefiant for Hooda Math. You are a member of a secret club. The headquarters is now located somewhere at the carnival. Go find it.Good luck and have fun!

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Find HQ Carnival Walkthrough

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  1. no help needed .. if I can do it ... you will with one hand behind your back ...

  2. I'm stuck at the 3 color code... feel kinda silly!

  3. Martelo, check the color of the horses.

  4. For anyone who gets stuck: don't add the numbers on the port-a-potties.

  5. WHAT THE?!?! Thank You Peggy, was right in front of me... still feel silly! :p

  6. Martelo, no worries. I was trying every combination of the gem colors for a while.

  7. so short and easy for me this time.

  8. Where is the 4 digit clue? Please

  9. I can't find where to use the ladder?

  10. Ladder on right side of bumper cars for a gem

  11. Anonymous girl... look at first digit of each number on portable toilets

  12. Ahhh found it Use ladder at dodgem cars :-D

  13. When I started playing on this site, about 6 years ago, I was sooo happy with all the hints. Anyone remember the ROTUC games? Man, they were difficult ... so, for new players, a Walkthrough. Spoilers below.

    Starting scene, 1 COIN in the grass at the tree.
    Turn right, KEY behind the drum.
    Turn left twice, click back of the car. look at the colours.
    Turn right twice: click the box on the table and use the clue of the car to colour the grit, get BREAD.

    Turn left twice, give the bread to the bird, get a COIN.
    Click the car with your key, gives a COIN.
    Give the coins to the man. Enter the playground.

    Go left (Pigs) and get the screwdriver from the information board.
    Go right and up.
    Turn right (toiletscene). Open the grey box (left) with the SD, get SILVER KEY.
    Look at first numbers of the toilets. Go left twice, Click the guitar, enter the number, get a GREEN GEM.

    Go back to pizza scene, turn right three times (house), open crate with the key, get HAY. Go left to the cows, feed them the hay, get BLUE GEM.

    okay, this takes a bit longer than I expected after reading the ahem 'hints' above. Have to leave now. Anyone cares to finish it?

    Colours on the box:
    red white blue
    white red blue
    red white blue

    4 digit code 2973

  14. lol camel apples are still on the menu! :P

  15. I'm not so sure I want a camel apple....

  16. i'm out in 5 minz hell easy.... thats y i didn't like it

  17. game should be difficult to play n out!

  18. Let''s continue with this apparently unessential WT.

    Go right to the merry-go-round. Look at the colours of the horses. Click the grey box, enter the colours: BLACK KEY.
    Go left to the cows. Open the chainlock with your key, get LADDER.
    Go right, to the bumper-cars, Use ladder to get RED GEM. (at the right)
    Go to the house, place the gems ..... eat the hamburger and start calling James Bond ....

    grey box (horses): orange, green, blue.

  19. got out "with a little help from my friends" - thx arrie


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