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Find My Keys - Cubicle

HoodaBrain - Find My Keys - Cubicle is another free online point and click room escape game by Selfdefiant for Hooda Brain. Find items and solve puzzle to escape the сubicle. Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by mikeedla via EG24 Chat]

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  1. Hooda Brain is a trusted site and will not spam you. Be safe in the knowledge when you log in

  2. I won't register here...

  3. Trust me, it is a trusted site and a good game

  4. It seems people don't want to log in for whatever reasons, so maybe a better question to be answered is why do we have to?

  5. well i got empty bottle now LOL

  6. try user eg24 with password mYpcYj1pc4cf :)

  7. I just use my Google account - same as when I'm posting a comment on here.

  8. We've been playing Hooda games forever here. Why login now?

  9. i have turned a few switches got a spider opened the number box and changed the water bottle.

  10. Big blue marble now LOL

  11. Not a chance I am logging in anywhere to play a "free" game.

  12. need any help Mr Potts?

  13. where did you get the blue marble? I have white and green

  14. Leroy, where's the blue marble? I have the green and white one. I need a screwdriver.

  15. made coffee and a phone call have green marble.

  16. I'm stuck I have computer clue, but not idea how to use it

  17. well, that user i created is blocked already :)

  18. now have white marble. need blue.

  19. Daniella decode it A=7 is the starting point so B=8 etc

  20. Mr Potts look at the book colours...

  21. For the computer clue, A=7, so B=8, C=9...etc. So you just have to figure out which numbers correspond to the letters in the clue.

  22. Leroy I decode it, but that is! No my best morning...I'm stuck!

  23. use books between bookends as colour code for box to get screwdiver

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. A Stitch in time saves.......


  26. Daniela more cafe mornings require it LOL

  27. Daniela Drake there is a box that needs a word. the word needed is the one missing from the saying you decoded.

  28. Yeah, more coffee totally! Thanks guys!

  29. what to do with the spider?? I need the white ball

  30. LORdesigns did you water the plant??

  31. I can't even log in with my AIM account (the one I use for comments here). Please take away this feature, so I can play.

  32. I do not want to login !

  33. DPotts, I can get anymore water

  34. I have empty bottle, the water cooler is empty...I don't see where to use spider or have the clue for 4 digit...anyone?

  35. * cant get any more water, that is

  36. Well, I used my empty water bottle on coffee pot and it worked! Why did it keep telling me the bottle was empty???

  37. Lordesigns and nokra. Hint for 4 digit code: Look at clock

  38. This empty water thing is annoying....I don't know how to get more water from the empty cooler to water plant! LOL

  39. I cant get water, it only worked on the coffee pot.

  40. Logging in?? Hell no. Shame though, love these games. :-/

  41. more water after you get the 4 digit code :-)


  42. I tried the clock...spoil it please?

  43. TY @Byassen!
    I thought it was 9:49, or 21:49, ...that tiny thing pointing to the right looked like a second hand! LOL

  44. Guess I won't be playing Hooda games anymore. Not registering

  45. where do you use the screwdriver?

  46. First burning, then feeding to carnivorous plants. Selfdefiant must REALLY hate spiders! :-)

  47. SD used on back of green picture (click left side I think)

  48. loralei119 -- use screwdriver on the picture frame on the desk in the first scene. Click on it and turn it around .

  49. If this is such a good game, why the low stars? Maybe because we DON'T WANT TO LOG IN!!!!!! GET THE PICTURE???

  50. Another great game SD, Thank you!

  51. Geeze "82ba6f48-76f0-11e3-8ef2-000bcdca4d7a" might be easier to call ya R2D2 LOL

  52. thank you jonthewatch, yes we are definitely a trusted site, and USA company, so expect no malicious activity, unless we were hacked of course.

  53. Magno, posting a login password, normally gets you blocked from any site, that is how all systems should be set-up

  54. Last time I 'logged in' on a 'trusted site', I had to change my e-mail address to get away from the spam. Not falling for that again.

  55. The clue for the multicolor box next to the coffee maker is in the bookcase. Use the colors on the 4-book sets on the first, second and third shelves.


  56. Somebody please spoil the the A=7 puzzle, I'm not getting anything that makes any sense to me...

  57. Going to vote hooda games down to 1 on every game they post .. put comments in that its broken and people shouldnt play ... its bad enough we have adverts now they want email addresses

    vote 1

  58. It won't take my login, I still didn't see a valid reason why it is required.

  59. I haven't noticed more spam since logging in last week. Of course, I gave it the address that I expect to get spammed. It's the ghost address with no contacts and a filter set to maximum. There are ways around annoyances. Just don't give it your Facebook.
    Other than that, nice easy game that you can finish on one cup of coffee.

  60. @Michael Edlavitch: with all due respect, no. And anyone that claims to be a "USA company" almost certainly isn't.



    No idea what it means though.

  62. Considering Hooda Brain, is a branch off Hooda Math, and a simple google search will give you plenty of legitimate info and news about Hooda Math, I don't have anything else to prove it that it is USA. Oh wait, try and you will never be tricked again.

  63. Whether or not it is a "trusted site" is beside the point. The point is that there is no legitimate reason to require a login in order to play a free kids game. There are plenty of non-legitimate reasons, harvesting emails, installing tracking cookies and software, etc., but no legitimate reasons. I can see if it was a game geared for grownups, (horror themes, etc.), but Hooda is a kids site.

    "Trusted site" or not, the request is both inappropriate and unwarranted. Making me wonder exactly what it is that we are "trusting" "trusted sites" to do.

  64. nice call Bill ... Is it illegal to harvest childrens email accounts ?? tsk tsk hooda

  65. I'm a fan of SD games but wont sign up/in to play. I'm on enough 'lists'

  66. Will continue to only give 1 start to games that make you logon,

  67. Nice game!
    For all those who don't want to login, just wait a day.
    And if you don't play a game, please don't rate it.

  68. Selfdefiant, again a spider! Please, don't make a habit of that!

    Maybe I'm naive but why is it a problem to login the game via Facebook, Blogger, Google Account, and so on when you do the same for the comments here? And why isn't there the same discussion for Gotmail games?

    Everyone should have a junkmail address like Lurker Smurf told, you need it for more than only games.

  69. Thanks everyone! Hope you enjoyed it!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I don't mind you making some money from the ads, after all you go to the trouble to create the games, what I object to is the tracking cookies. Why no transparency about the reasons for having to log in? You are successful with the amount of players who play your games, continue to insist players have to log in loses you custom. Is that not a case of biting your nose of to spite your face,

  72. stuck on the word puzzle box

  73. need some help please have a black and a grey key cant find any where to use them,blue ball and a spider,ive changed the water cooler but need water for coffee machine

  74. ok used keys on drawer watered the plant fed spider to it,i have 2 balls blue and white missing the 3rd one,and wheres the hint for the phone i dont think i saw a hint in comments for it

  75. ok had to refill water use on coffee maker then a paper plane appears phone number on there just click on the numbers for green ball and out

  76. annaby:
    The login requirement, even if it is only for the first day, is still unjustifiable and wrong. Having it only be for a day doesn't make it any less so. And for the record, telling people how they should vote and when to do so is every bit as presumptuous and egotistical as expecting people to log in to a site just to play a free game. Which brings one final thing to mind:

    If you have to give up something, it isn't really free.

  77. tried the logging in junk, even though I don't agree with it, but it didn't work. the trouble i have with being forced to log in is that you then start getting tons of emails from them and possibly from everyone else. No, no, no... definitely not logging in. Goodbye hooda, you are not the only games in town.

  78. Sorry, SD. I like your games, I like the HoodaMath series, but there ain't no way I'm registering just to play a flash game. It's supposed to be a quick diversion, and the registration is a diversion from that, and just infuriates me as a barrier to the game. In reality, the game isn't worth the hassle.

  79. I rated this Game 5 stars. To use the rating system because of something against a site, is childish and spiteful.

  80. I did not rate the game because I did not play the game. I certainly would not rate it 5 stars out of some kind of spitefulness just as I would not rate it 1 star because I did not play it.

    Making up a whole fictitious persona to play a game that takes longer to load than it does to play (from past experience) is not worth it. To compare it to logging on here is nonsense. You can play any game here without logging in. Logging in to comment here is purely voluntary.

  81. I let my grandkids play games on hooda math and hooda brain with my log in info never spam from these sites. I also let their teachers know about the games on both

  82. I always give 5 stars to Selfdefiant games. There is no spite in that I love his games.

  83. Why does HOODA BRAIN require my mail address?

  84. bill chinery:
    Presumptuous and egotistical to explain that the rating system is there for the purpose of evaluating game quality for the rest of the gaming community? Hardly.
    Giving a game not played a poor rating is the equivalent of giving a book a poor review because you thought the shipping charge was too high. (I have actually seen this on Amazon, btw)

  85. Umm, all this fuss over a login?! Sheesh, you people log in to Facebook, don't you!?

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I only had to log in ONCE, and haven't had to do it since then! You're not paying anything, you're not giving over your first born! Sheesh, people! You need to CHILL! Self Defiant makes games we enjoy FOR FREE.

  88. annaby:
    You are still presuming to tell me how to use a rating system. I didn't say that it should or shouldn't be used a particular way, I just said that I resent you acting as if people need to be told how to use it. That PRESUMES a level of intelligence that they may or may not have, and it is therefore PRESUMPTUOUS. I apologize if you did not understand the meaning of the word, or if I gave you any indication that I used the rating system in a particular way.

    That said, I have been very open in these boards about how I do use the rating system. I rate unplayable games 1-star. Period. That means if I click the link and the game is inaccessible for whatever reason, it gets 1 star from me. It doesn't matter that it only works on IE, I don't use IE so it gets 1 star from me. It doesn't matter that it reached its bandwidth limit, and has been blocked. If it is inaccessible when I click on the link it gets 1 star. Password protected counts as inaccessible. 1 star. Registration required counts as inaccessible. 1 star.

    It is not at all like giving a book a bad review because you thought the shipping charge was too high. It is like giving a book a bad review because you can't get the cover open to read it unless you pay something extra.

  89. Rachel:
    The point is that it isn't free once you do that. You have to give them something. That makes it not free, by definition.

  90. Rachel:
    I almost, I don't log on to Facebook. But even if I did that wouldn't have any bearing on whether it is right to link to games on here which require off-site registration to play.

  91. DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE NEAREST POSSIBLE FRIDAY BY THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE.TOMORROW WILL BE THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW YOU'VE STARTED READING THIS. DON'T STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY.1. say your name ten times.2. say your mom's name five times.3. say your crushes three times.4. paste this to four other games.If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday.But if you read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck.SEND THIS TO 4 GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS

  92. ..........and to finish Alex Williams recipe, melt 2 tblspns of butter in a pan, add a ton of sugar. Melt it so its gloopy but dont stir as it may cause lumps. Add the pineapple and the mango if you want, and whomsoever is your crush. Stir in a dash of cream, take off the heat and then hand yourself into the police because you have successfully made a crystal crush. Do this four times in 143 minutes and your name will appear on the latest 'wanted' poster in BIG LETTERS. How freaky is THAT???


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