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Find My Keys Flea Market

HoodaBrain - Find My Keys Flea Market is another free online point and click room escape game from Selfdefiant for Hooda Brain. My friend likes to prank me, he hid my keys here at the flea market. Please help me find them! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. have to be registered to play :(

  2. won't let me in, even with my google account

  3. Whinge whinge whinge! :)
    Let's just call this the whinging game! LOL

  4. Nice little spinner puzzle, I like the abstracts!

  5. I really didn't want to go into the porta-potty, but it gave me 5 bucks!

  6. Random places say 'cool volcano' LOLOL

  7. Cannot find a place to put the blue crystal!

  8. Odd, took bananas and got sunglasses...

  9. I need color box it the tent colors?
    coin goes into the chest where shields are

  10. Thanks, need 1 more coin

  11. All of the above and opened box and nothing inside. I think SD needs to stop drinking in the morning. LOL. More bugs lately.

  12. 3 coins give the keys...I never opened the ice chest!

  13. Crystal went in a stand in a tentand gives a coin.. I don't remember which one

  14. Crystal went in thing next to the chest for coins.

  15. Yeah, I just guessed at the radio & got the 3rd coin. Never opened the ice chest or the cardboard box, or unlocked the knife cabinet. Can't say i'm impressed by this SD series.

  16. hooray .. another give me your email address, but we posted you have to be older than 13 so its okay ... everything is fine, we use wordpress so our accounts will never be hacked ... hahhahaha loooooosers

  17. I hate games that you have to register to play. :(

  18. I would be willing to register if it would let me - it keeps saying that the email address I use is wrong. Well Hooda, I think I should know!

  19. We should register a fake account and let everyone use the same email address ..... poor hooda ..they need to spam and register accounts, but at least they say you have toi be older than 13 //// hahahahahhaha

  20. @Unknown: someone tried that, and HoodaMike blocked the account. It's not about how many people play the game, it's about how many email addresses you can sell.

  21. They say it is free .. lying bastards .. only to steal your email address ..

  22. Yep, no need to wonder here why the rating is so low, and by over 500 people on previous games....

  23. I was having a problem logging in with the Chrome browser. I switched to FireFox and everything worked fine.

  24. lol Larue again ? okay since many of you discredited Michael's explanation ( the site's owner i guess ) , can anyone explain what makes requiring to register so vicious ? :) .. one can create an account and use it to play any game that requires logging in to play , and it's still for free !

  25. Jorge - Chrome is a mess these days! It has some sort of "Resolving Host" issue that keeps things from loading. Can't play games or do anything anymore with Chrome...I tried contacting them and reading blogs on how to get rid of the Resolving Host thing, but no one seems to know how. All the "tips" just don't work.

  26. E-Addict - It's not that you CAN register to play the games. Some people are ok with that, but it's that Mike, et. al. cannot provide any information as to HOW they are going to protect the email addresses. Mike's "explanations" don't answer any of those questions and just babble about how they're trying to keep 13 year old kids from playing on their site, or something. The fact that he won't provide that information makes some of us (in our opinions) skeptical of his intentions...

  27. Zoe the point is that you don't have to use your regular email address , you can create a new one just to play games that require logging in .. and the other point is about his " intentions " :) .. what could anyone do with some idle email addresses .. just curious to know .. well if he's gonna benefit somehow from collecting them or using them somehow , so why not ?

  28. Well...I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I try to register with a fake name and password, it won't let me. I tried using my "real" user name and a "different" password, and that didn't work, either. It seems I have to use my "true" gmail name and address. I've never logged into this site ever, so I don't know how this can happen, but it seems odd to me.

  29. The other issue regarding "intentions" is just that I've been warned by MANY people and by reading things to be VERY careful who you give your email addresses to. Just my paranoia, I guess. (I was robbed once, so I'm vulnerable - lol!)

  30. Zoe, I think you have to make a REAL new email account to make it work. Fake combinations of name/password won't work.

  31. The thing is, e mail addresses are used for x amount of purposes. Web history tracked, company's buy they kind of details in order to sell their products. What's to stop other people using these details for let's say unsavoury purposes? not that I'm implying they would, but the possibility is there.

    Fake account or not, it will have the IP address, which can be tracked regardless of which e mail account is used.

    The lack of transparency worries me more than my e mail account being used.

  32. @arrie NL - so I guess I don't want to create a real new account just so I can play a game somewhere and like joe soap says, the IP address is still trackable.

    @joe soap - I agree - it's the transparency, too. They can "say" until they're blue in the face that it is a safe site, but how do I know that for sure? Maybe the intentions are just fine, but if not, then what have I put myself through! And I still don't see how they can prevent children under 13 from playing, which is their "reason" why they want players to register...

  33. well Joe i know that my web history is being tracked somehow by someone all the time lol and i don't think logging in to Hooda is the key to track me , and that doesn't worry me let them follow as long as they can't touch my bank account :) .. and no one would sell me anything unless i wanna buy it :)

    and Zoe paranoia is a positive factor so don't worry about it ! ;)

  34. May I suggest that all you whiners hang a steak around your necks, maybe the dog will play with you then.

  35. my cardbox is empty :(((

  36. Ingrid: Thanks - and you have a nice day, too.

  37. I'm out of steak right now and hamburger meat just doesn't seem like it would work very well. Oh and I would have to get a dog too, but tyvm for your own personal tip. Does it stain your clothes?

    So back to the point~ as bill chinery has said before.

    bill chinery 3/18/14 11:04 a.m.

    Whether or not it is a "trusted site" is beside the point. The point is that there is no legitimate reason to require a login in order to play a free kids game. There are plenty of non-legitimate reasons, harvesting emails, installing tracking cookies and software, etc., but no legitimate reasons. I can see if it was a game geared for grownups, (horror themes, etc.), but Hooda is a kids site.

    "Trusted site" or not, the request is both inappropriate and unwarranted. Making me wonder exactly what it is that we are "trusting" "trusted sites" to do.

  38. Ingrid, go away and let the adults talk

  39. Larue - you crack me up - hamburger meat - hahahaha! Does it stain your clothes - HAHAHAHA!!!

  40. lol Larue i thought you already have the dog ! and btw i didn't say anything about " Trusted sites " what i said is that your skepticism makes me wonder as well .. Trust is a big word you never know what to expect , trust me ! :P

  41. lol, No pets here, but I do "doggy-sit" friends' pets.

  42. Kind of an odd game for Selfdefiant. Too many dead ends. I thought I knew exactly what I had to do -- find something to open the cabinet to get the knife to cut the tape on the package... Then I also spent way to much time searching for the color code. I thought I had it with the tent colors in numeric order but that didn't work. Searched around quite a while looking for other possible color combinations. All for naught and disappointing that they were both red herrings. I usually like these games (I've played and enjoyed the others of this series) but this one was not up to his standard. With that being said, I'm still look forward to next one.

  43. Please post your email addresses here .. come on, you have nothing to fear , noone will use or abuse them // JUST POST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES AND

  44. im stuck on tent colours im assuming it went by order of numbers but guess not, took awhile to sift through comments that were hints for game.

    i agree with u nokra it same people winging it pretty obvious by now u have to register to play if u dont wanna register fine but do we have to hear same old thing every time hoodah brain releases a game just move on to another game to play.

  45. place knob on radio ur see red/ blue look at reb / blue tent for numbers move knobs to those numbers for gold coin,now i have 2 gold coins blue crystal,still have not worked out colour code

  46. Or just put on your banana sunglasses and no one will recognize you. ;)

  47. ok place blue crystal on blue tents table now got me 3 gold coins to place on chest beside got key and out,nice game

  48. Oh, Gosh, why some st***d people complain a lot about registering to play? C'mon! What is the problem about registering? Every time is the same complain.

  49. Well, your toddler tantrums have no effect. You still need to log in, you will have to log in next week and the week after that.....So you can complain all you want or just get a life :-)

  50. ...and SelfDefiant used to be so popular around things change.

  51. lurker smurf too funny about the banana

  52. WOW
    What a lot of talk
    We all still log on to play
    I log on because I like SD
    I will log on for SD
    Wherever they choose to post!

  53. This is really a shame, with the registration system, they are going to loose many players. I'm not going to bite the bate... Luckily, there are many other games to play.

  54. i log on to play, just like to post here. I made a free email for this purpose. My regular email is still private . Anyhow I played this game at Hooda last nite as I was bored.

  55. When will that login discussion come to an end at last? Fact is, HoodaBrain games need a login. I can't imagine they will stop it because of these comments. Everybody's free to choose whether they login or not, and everybody's free to rate the games up or down. But please do it or leave it!

    Since a couple of years I have a mail address just for purposes like this, if I might receive spam or if I don't want to publish my real name (Meritneith was a queen in Ancient Egypt). I don't care if my traffic is tracked as I login to comment here and to play a game which needs to be registered. After finishing I logout. No big thing if someone knows that I have played an Escape game.

    Some said at first they would not spend their time to create such a special mail address just to play a game but since then they have spent much more time complaining here where they have to login as well.

    My personal decision is that I rather register to play a good game than to waste my time with a clicking orgy.

  56. Oh I see I left out "now." No pets here "now".
    E-Addict I had a pet, but it passed away, and now I am on a break.

  57. We've been playing (or at least griping about) these Hooda Brain games for about two weeks now. I have not noticed any increased spam traffic or even ads geared towards the demographic that supposedly should be playing these games. I get more traffic and ads from a casual visit to the Home Depot website than from here. It's quite possible that Hooda's ad revenue is simply tacked to visits from registered users because they haven't figured out how to monetize the normal way.

  58. I have to say that I registered with a "spare" gmail address, and I've received NOTHING from Hooda, except confirmation of registration.
    If you don't like the idea, don't play. It's that simple. SD has NO control over this, as he is creating the games for Hooda. Stop frikkin' complaining already! It's done! And getting boring!

  59. I thought Ingrid was funny....this group of people has lost it's sense of humor! :D

  60. Once again, because some of you just don't get it....

    We don't object because we think the info will be abused. We don't object because we think having to log in to a site to play games is inherently/necessarily wrong.

    We object because we have not been given a clear and valid reason why it is necessary, and what specific steps are in place to protect that information. We have been given answers by Mike that don't make logical sense, we have been given rudeness by him as well, and all because we just want to know the how and why beforehand. It is not an unreasonable request to make, and I have yet to hear any of you refute that.

  61. yes Bill, we get it. What we don't get is why people continue to click on a link just to complain ad nauseam.

  62. my crytal wont go in that stand next to the chest. Is there a certain way to put it in

  63. I find where it goes, next to the chest on the table, I was trying to put it in the stand next to the ice chest.

  64. E-Addict asked a legitimate, and if you see people trying to debate or discuss it as complaining, then so be it, but to say that they can't state their opinion too and to "just go away" is sophomoric.

  65. i'm sorry for your loss Larue .. i'm thinking about having a pet myself .. yes true .. well he might not get the life a pet would wish he had lol but he'll survive i guess ..

  66. Aww ty and I hope you find the perfect pet for your lifestyle! :)

  67. And Nokra if you could not see any humor in my response, then maybe you should direct your own comment to yourself.

  68. Bill Chinery is a huge douchebag

  69. Registered before but p/w not working now.. Hmm maybe forgot it, who knows. Oh well, another one bites the dust. Not waiting on email confirmation..Too bad too :(

  70. Yeah Bulldog, that was real mature..

  71. Answers to Bill's Questions coming this May! (maybe late April)


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