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Adventure Time Saw Game

InkaGames - Adventure Time Saw Game is a new point and click type adventure game by Inka Game. The evil Pigsaw has kidnapped Jake to force Finn play his twisted game. Help Finn rescue him! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. just started babou, only been to two places so far
    but some things already

  2. I've gotten a little ways. Talk to guard in kingdom. Enter door & look for faint letters on floor. A few more hints if you want.

  3. Yes, we want hints! I have done a few things...but am stuck.

  4. What are the letters on the floor for?

  5. it's to put the cake on it

  6. Got spinach seed using fish & red bottle from locked room in kingdom (use book on bookshelf after placing goodies on their letters. Put onion seed in garden.

  7. Seems there is an "X" in the upper righthand corner of cemetary.

  8. Skulls (with a paper that appears to apply to them), paper with #'s, two powders, lumpy wheel& discharged BMO. MSG message from rainicorn.

  9. how do you open the door with skull ? (sorry not english native)

  10. @Babou, do you mean the one in the magic garden? You need to get the sleeping bag from inside the Tree Fort to warm the Caterpillar so he'll tell you where the key is. The key, along with the skull placements, will open the door.

  11. Wity , Tk but It won't open, how do you put the skull , I've trie white yellow white and stuck there

  12. Did you get the blue hint paper from the cemetery? That will tell you which way the skulls face

  13. Babou, place fish on dock after using sulrous red bottle.

  14. Does anyone know how to fix the painting?

  15. lo a cimetery ? Don't see it ...and I have no red buttle :)

  16. @Unknown, if you have that skull placard thing that looks like a shield, you can place it on the tree that's on the left path of Candy Kingdom to make the artist happy and he'll fix it for you.

  17. Thanks, WITY. Now am stuck on what to do with the basket by the tree that the bass shape is on.

  18. What cemetery? Where is the book? I have a piece of paper with numbers, a lumpy wheel, an onion seed, a fish and BMO discharged.

  19. The cemetery is at the down arrow at The Candy Kingdom. The paper hint is there.

  20. The cemetery is on the downwards path of Candy Kingdom

  21. The number paper is a hint to open the Treehouse.

  22. Anyone figured out how to get Marceline's bass out of the tree?

  23. you can charge BMO in tree fort for the code number just if you have 11 2222 55 999 the code is 2 4 2 3 it change for every game

  24. Correction: Marceline's bass is in her house. I think we have to figure out how to get the OTHER bass from the tree to play music to wake her up.

  25. Unresolved for me so far: How to reconcile Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig, how to get to the Ice King's lair, how to get the onion up to the mountain, how to wake up Marceline, how to cross the river to Lady Rainicorn. Any hints, anyone?

  26. Where is the red bottle please? Also is the door in the Candy Kingdom meant to open after you place the desserts in their spots?

  27. You can wake up Marceline when you get a book on vampires from the Lumpy Warrior at the mountain. You have to find the cure to turn him normal, then give him the sword from Tree Fort. On the other things, I still don't know sorry

  28. The bookcase appears after you place the Candy Citizens, then you place the red book (from the cemetery? can't remember) on the shelf to open the door. PB has the red bottle in there, plus some other stuff you need.

  29. In the book, it says you need to play music. How do we play music...we can't use her bass. I was thinking that the other bass shape on the tree by the magic garden will be useful, but I can only place the basket there and nothing happens.

  30. Ah thanks Unknown, will try and catch up.

  31. There's an easy to miss slingshot next to the door at the Duke of Nuts.

  32. Unknown, use BMO to play music.

  33. Unknown, BMO can play music

  34. I would NEVER have seen that, WITY. Good eye! Now, what to do with it...aha!

  35. With the onion! Awesome...that really started things rolling again! TY!

  36. Thanks for the help. I have a ton of stuff in inventory now but still stumbling around. How do you cross the river by the Rainicorn?

  37. You get some magic stones after you wake Marceline and borrow her bass.

  38. Do I have to get into Marceline's house first? I have a golden key, but it doesn't unlock her house.

  39. You'll get a ball from the pinata in the Candy Kingdom castle. That'll get you in Marceline's house

  40. Thank you WITY. It seems like there are usually more clues within the game to help you navigate. I don't usually have quite this much trouble with these.

  41. I know what you mean, I'm stuck at the Ice King at the moment >.<

  42. Used the Ironman glove on the brick wall to the right of the Candy Kingdom and the Truth powder on the toad. Now he wants a password.

  43. Yeeeesssss! Finally out :D

  44. Talk to the toad again, he'll tell you the princess knows it.

  45. The toad sent me to the Bubblegum Princess, who sent me to the guardian of the cemetery, who says only Princess Lumpy and a dead guy know the password. I haven't come across Princess Lumpy yet.

  46. To avoid spamming, I'll just tell you guys you'll need to fill the flexible container twice to defeat the Ice King. The elephant will help. I'll let you guys figure it out :) Good luck all

  47. Gave the gem to the businessman who gave me the briefcase, now I have a Hambo, whatever that is.

  48. Use slingshot to shoot the onion at the mountain to make him cry to get magical stones.

  49. It's Marceline's teddy bear

  50. Where is the key to Marceline's house?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. how to cure the lumpy warrior??

  53. How cross the river in the Lady raincorn, please?

  54. Now I have a small key, Hamby, painting, golden key, bucket, bench, atomic propeller, broom, charged BMO, beauty powder, piece of paper (clue used), and lumpy wheel and am completely stuck again. WITY – I’m amazed how you figured all this out!

  55. @ganga - use the magical stones to cross the river. See my comment at 12:05 AM.

  56. where to get apples to give to the elephant?

  57. and what to do with the small anvile?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I can't figure out how to cure the lumpy warrior either

  60. what is the cure for lumpy warrior???

  61. Thanks gmm, but I have not the slingshot , where use it?

  62. Does anyone know where the small key gets used?

  63. The slingshot is to the left of the front door of the Duke of Nut's house.

  64. thanks gmm, but with my broom the witch flew away :D
    Got the ball now by giving the the pink cap to the pinata-horse.

  65. @ gmm drawer in three house

  66. Unknown & Razorboy: The cure for the lumpy warrior is in Lumpy Space. To get there, you have to make the toad visible, get the password to Lumpy Space, make the Lumpy Princess beautiful, fix her car, and give someone there the painting after it's been repaired.

    I believe most of these quest solutions are above. Myself, I'm stuck with how to defeat the Ice King and I don't know what to do with the anvil.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. thank You very much gmm!

  69. small key is for drawer in Finn's room, gets you the green container

  70. witch is not taking my broom.she says she has more broom.what to do???

  71. How do we get the password for the Lumpy Space? Do we have to revive Juanito from the dead?

  72. Thank you ps238principal. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but can someone tell me how to take the sword?

  73. @unknown, combine the broom with the atomic propeller. I think that's what it was called anyway.

  74. @gmm, you have to get the reanimation formula from bubblegum

  75. spinach seed in garden in tree house and pour water and eat the you can take the sword.

  76. @unknown, I appreciate it. The Popeye principal always applies.

  77. where to find red clothing for vampire?

  78. where is the slingshot please ?

  79. Unknown: At the elephant's house on the ground by the woodpile.

  80. Jelle: Not clothing. You have to grow something in the treehouse garden.

    Babou: It's VERY small, by the door to the Duke of Nuts' castle.

  81. So nobody here has gotten out?

    I'm still looking for what to do with the Ice King and the anvil.

    I've talked to Jake, slid the coffee along the ground, but I don't know what to do next without getting frozen.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. @PS238 iv got the strawberry, to get the envil. but accoording the book, you have also to give clothing. (to get bass guitar)

  84. @jelle, you have to give marceline hambo (her teddy bear) to take the bass.

  85. how to quench the thirst of marceline?

  86. @unknown, give her the strawberry

  87. I'm at a complete dead end at the ice king. I have no idea what to do to avoid being frozen

  88. I must have missed a step. I've talked to Princess Bubblegum, then to the cemetery caretaker, then back to Bubblegum, but there's been no mention of a reanimation formula.

  89. where is the strawberry???

  90. ps238principal T you :)

  91. @gmm, she needs the golden donut from the witches garden

    @unkown, it's one of the seeds you grow. I want to say you get it from the dock after you put the octopus to sleep, but I may be mistaken.

  92. @razorboy.there is no strawberry seed in the octopus scene.but thanks.

  93. Okay, I needed the golden donut. Got the reanimation serum now.
    Where is the anvil? I remember seeing it at one point, but now I can't remember where it is.

  94. @unknown, on second thought you get the strawberry seed when you give the muscular arm to the duke of nuts.

    I'm pretty sure.


  95. @gmm, the anvil is at marceline's

  96. 2 defeat ice king: get coffie, throw left of the mountain creating peekhole. Talk to the frozen guy. Fill coffie again. get into mountain. Throw coffie on floor. trow envil on top.

  97. Jelle: THANK YOU! Oy, what a headache.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. please where is the spinash ?

  100. @jelle, thanks, awesome.

    This one seemed a little more convoluted than usual. A handful of fairly big leaps in logic with little to no explanation.

  101. finally completed the game.thanks for helping everyone :)

  102. Good lord, I'm never going to get through this. Where is the Ice King?

  103. I gave the pie to the pig and now the pig and elephant are happy, but I don't what that accomplished.

  104. Some weird figures...Who are they? And where's the usual Obama, Homer or Bart? :-)

  105. How fix the Broken Painting

  106. 66666333311111177, thats a long number. And it seem not to work...What to do with it?

  107. Hi, I'm so stuck at the ice montain, I have the coffee but can't use it anywhere, can I get some help please?

  108. Jef, just count how many 6, how many 3... and you'll get the 4 diggit number you need

  109. Hi Jelle, could you be more specific on "left of the mountain" please ? I can't hit it.

  110. some one help me
    need to fix the painting

  111. Syed, at the candy kingdom, go left, put the shield like thing with squeleton on the tree than give the painting to the guy there, he'll fix it for you

  112. how to get the shield like thing ??

  113. I'm with you Borek, no clue how to make a peekhole left of the mountain, tried to pour coffee everywhere and there's no hotstpot other than the very high window which I can't reach. Thinking the rainbow animal with the long neck could have helped reach that window but can't understand what it says

  114. I guess POP, got the rainbow girraf with using the BMO

  115. I think the shield thing was in the armor room in the tree

  116. Thanks Aridza I forgot that animal after I took key in that area. "BMO" can translate. Now I have animal in inventory.

  117. It could be the skull, can't remember, been playing for a while

  118. How do you get the BMO to play music? Thanks in advance.

  119. Finally found the Ice King, but I don't know where the coffee is. This game is so frustrating!

  120. 66666333311111177 reads 5462, I learned. But every game has other numbers. Charged the robot, found a broom, a pink cap, a broken painting, a sleeping bag, a diamond. But no apples for the elephant...This is not a short game, I fear.

  121. the coffee is with Tree Trunks

  122. You first need the book of vampire Adam and read it, then use the BMO on Marcheline.
    I think the spinach seed is on the deck behind the red line at Marcheline's.
    But all the answers are written above, just read through (use control+F to search by keyword on google chrome)

  123. you have to give her an apple
    which I can't find

  124. Thanks Aridza, I don't like to read through the whole thing in case it spoils other puzzles for me. @Syed you need to get the bass and place it on the tree to get the apples. I can't work out how to get coffee off tree trunks though, after reuniting her and the pig nothing happens.

  125. It seems like you guys don't read all the comments above, to get the apples you need to get the axe bass from Marcheline's after you wake her up, then use the axe on the tree (can't remember where it was as I closed the game) you'll see the apple and put the basket on the X on the ground, you'll get the apple

  126. what to do with the SWORD

  127. Just give the green container to the elephant, she'll pour some hot coffe in it

  128. Adam use the FLEXIBLE CONTAINER on tree trunks
    She will give you coffee

  129. Syed, sword goes to the lumpy soldier after you've turned him back into a man. Thanks, I don't have a green flexible container though, does anyone remember where that came from?

  130. When I try to wake Marceline from Meditating she scares me to death

  131. do you have the small key?
    If you have use it on Jakes drawer you will get the Container

  132. Syed you need the vampire book that you get from Lumpy soldier before waking Marceline, have you given him the antidote? Lol... no I don't have that small key, you don't remember where that is either d you?

  133. Adam how did you cheer up the men who fixed the painting

    please help

  134. wait
    I think I got it from Lady Unicorns place

  135. I'm finally out, but this one was not my favorite. Not a lot of clues in the game to help direct you. Was there any clue about getting the coffee or that you had to throw it on the outside of the mountain? They're usually better than this.

  136. Syed, you should have a shield, called a 'skull' in your inventory, place it on the lower part of the green sculpture next to him. Ah I haven't even found a way to cross over the river to Lady Unicorn's house yet.

  137. have you got the slingshot ?

  138. Ah thanks Syed, magic stones it was.

  139. Out as well, bit of a bug at the end as the coffee is lying on the floor already after you die but you still need to throw it again before throwing the anvil. That messed me up a bit. Thanks for hints everyone.

  140. In what kingdom must I talk to the guard and see faint letters on the floor? Ice kingdom or candy kingdom?

  141. I've placed the bass, the apples have appeared but how to get them?

  142. Candy Kingdom Jef, tritebs place basket on the X.

  143. It was the candy kingdom, I talked to the wrong guard first...

  144. I have put that damnable coffee all over that mountain and NOTHING! It won't stick

  145. @RSA Momma Cyndi - once you're up in the air, throw the coffee to the left of the opening.

  146. This is a complicated game, someone should write a 4 or 5 parts. I have an onion seed, how do I grow an onion to shoot at the mountain to get stones to cross the river? How to deal with the witch to get her candy??

  147. @Jef Pedal - plant the onion seed in the garden by the Tree Fort and water with the bucket and water from the well. Combine the broom and propeller thing to give to the witch so you can get the golden donut.

  148. Gmm,
    many thanks. Not sure if I fancy replaying just yet (I accidentally refreshed the wrong page and restarted the game!)

  149. I hear you RSA Momma Cyndi, you were really close to the end. I don't think I could play it again, once was enough!

  150. I ve beauty liquid in my bucket, I nead water for my spinach ??? and NOW ??please help

  151. babou - go throw it on the blobby princess. Combine the broom and the jetpack thingy, give it to the witch so she goes away. Give the doughnut from the witch to the chemistry princess and she will give you the stuff to resurrect the ghost of the sweet who will give you the code

  152. I had the onion seed. I replayed and I can 't find it anymore. Where is/was it?

  153. Strawberry seed I have, but still missing the onion and spinach seeds...Where are they?

  154. Every Game Deserves a WALKTHOUGH

    Pick up BMO to get him and the map

    Speak to the sad elephant to find out her problem and take the blobby wheel from the front of her trailer

    Pick up paper on left side of tree for the entrance code
    (the number of each of the numbers is important but the numbers themselves are not)
    Put the code in and go inside. Collect bow and arrow and gem
    Go up. Put BMO on the charger. Take the recharged BMO, the broom, the broken picture
    Go to weapons room. Pick up atomic propeller, ‘skull’ picture, iron man’s glove and stool. Use stool under the ‘brawny arm’, jump on it so you can reach the arm.
    Go back to the sitting room then up to Finn’s room. Pick up pink cap and sleeping bag
    Go outside. Go up the steps and use the bow and arrow on the bucket that is hanging above the well. Get the bucket and fill it at the well.

    Speak to the lumpy warrior

    Pick up small blue fish

    Pick up slingshot to left of the door
    Speak to the nutty Duke and give him the brawny arm. He will give you a strawberry seed

    Pick up onion seed on right of house

    Go down to the grave yard. Pick up the red book and the blue clue paper.
    Go back to the castle, go left and speak to Garcia. Hanging the ‘skull’ picture on the tree will make him happy enough to fix your damaged picture
    Go back to the castle and speak to the left side Guardian. She will give you two very easy math problems to open the door.
    Inside the castle is a Doughnut, Icecream and Muffin. Look carefully at the carpet and place each of them on the relevant letter. A bookcase and a right arrow appear.
    Go right and speak to Manfred. The hat sorts out his sun problem and he is so happy he poops a ball for you.
    Go back to the front door and place the red book in the magic bookcase. The door next to the bookcase is now open.
    Go in to speak to Princess Bubblegum. Ask her about her problem and take the Beauty Powder, the Truth Powder and the red can of ‘somniferous’

    Speak to the poor worm and give him Finn’s sleeping bag. He will give you a key.
    Take the 3 white and 3 yellow skulls. Open the blue paper (that you got from the cemetery) and note how they have to be placed. Turn them or whatever is needed, put them back and then use the gold key on the locked gate
    Go through the gate to where the witch is. Combine the broom and the atomic propeller to make a ride the witch cannot resist.
    Take the Golden Doughnut and the Basket
    Go back to the worm and right to the salesman. Talk to the salesman and swap your gem for his briefcase (which has a Hambo in it)

    Go to Princess Bubblegum and give her the golden doughnut. Get the ‘decorpsonator serum’.
    Go outside of the castle and go right. Use the Ironman’s glove on the wall. Carry on right and put the ‘truth’ powder on the frog.
    Speak to the frog, speak to Princess Bubblegum and go to the grave yard. Speak to Starchy and he will tell you who needs to be resurrected to get the password. Decorpse the poor broken sweet and speak to him.
    Go back to the Toad and give him the password.

    Speak to Princess Lumpy. Mix the beauty powder with your water and throw it on her. Plonk the lumpy tire on the lumpy car and go see the lumpy hermit.
    Speak to the Lumpy by the tree and give him the fixed painting. Take the antidote.

    Mix the fish with the somniferous and throw it on the corner which has red dashes on it. The giant octopus is now sleeping so you can take the spinach seed on the deck

    Plant the onion seed in the garden, get some very magic water from the well and water it to get an onion. Do the same for the strawberry and the spinach.
    Go inside the Tree Fort and eat the spinach, you can now pull the sword from the stone just right of the entrance door

    Trick the lumpy warrior to sit on the antidote
    Give the unlumpied warrior the sword and he will give you a book on vampires
    Combine the onion and the slingshot (kettie) and fire it at the poor mountain who will cry tears of magic rocks. Pick up the rocks

    Use the ball on the hoop and the door will open. Go up to find your meditating friend. Read the vampire book! Use BMO on Marceline to gently wake her up by clicking on the correct order of notes.
    For the axe-base, you give her Hambo the ugly teddy
    For the anvil, you give her the strawberry.

    Go left to the tree. Place the magic basket on the X and Marceline’s axe-base on the tree. Apples will magically appear and pick themselves. Take the basket
    Give the elephant the apples so she can make a pie for the miserable pig boyfriend. Take pie

    MR PIG
    Give the snitsy porker his girlfriend’s pie so he can go make her happy.

    Use magical cried rocks to get over to her. Use BMO to translate what she says. Take the key by the well.

    Go up to Finn’s room and use the key to open the bottom drawer for a flexible green container.

    Elle is so happy to have her pig back that she will give you coffee in your flexible container

    Put Lady Rainicorn in front of ice mountain. Leap on her and ride up to the window. Pour your hot coffee just to the left of the window. Look through the hole it made and speak to Jake,
    Go back to TREE TRUNKS to get some more coffee.
    Get back on Lady Rainicorn, go up, jump into the ice castle, throw the coffee then the anvil ….. and it is done.

  158. POP! Foundthe seeds outside Marceline's place. Now I need watering can I suppose, and the small key for Jake's drawer.
    Everybody left the place?

  159. Thanks for the walktrough RSA Momma Cindy.
    There is one problem tough: when I give the donut to princess bubblegum, she won't take it. "Why would I give her the golden donut?

  160. I clicked the wrong dialog, that was the problem.

  161. You're the best, RSA!!!! XOXO!

  162. hey how to get a shield to fix the painting

  163. I wonder WHEN "Coraline and the secret door" will stop being a trailer and become a real game?

  164. RSA Mommy great walkthrough, thank you so much!

  165. Couldn't of made it out without your walkthrough RSA, well done and thank you! Good game :)

  166. Some hours of fun.
    No problem, i had enough time.
    Huge, great game.
    Thanks Inka Games.


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