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Animal Playground Escape Walkthrough

Animal Playground Escape


YoopyGames - Animal Playground Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Yoopy Games. Escape from the animal playground by finding all the clues and objects carefully hidden. Match all the objects, find the correctly combinations and solve the puzzles with the clues. Good luck and have fun!

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game doesn't load for me. Just get a screen that says Yoopy games and it takes me to the website

After refreshing maybe 6 or 7 times finally in

8 votes and not one comment? Brainiacs! lol. I'm a bit stucky. Got the rabbit, turtle, duck and goose, put them on the end of the see-saw for the four numbers and entered that number into middle stump. Got a key which opened middle lighthouse for piece of heart. Got another piece of heart from (i think?) extreme right lighthouse. Found three bits of paper for the front of the barn?........and i cant find anything else. Help please.

Yay. Jo-Ann, I will leave it up to you to post hints to get me out. Thanks.

Check all the hotspots for other pieces of paper. I bf'd the far left light house (2 and 4 I think). Stuck with all pieces of paper. Don't know what to make of them. Make sure to click the bench - that was my last piece of paper.

oooo....found a hammer in grass on left of big tree, which smashes the rocks to the right of the fourth stump. That gives another piece of paper.

Luckily, once you get something from a hotspot it's no longer clickable.

Placed all papers on barn but no clue for 2 words. Placed 3 bits of heart. Nothing left in inventory except rabbit, tortoise, duck & goose.

cant find last piece of heart over caged dog..no more hot spots

left tree has an axe in it. Used that to chop the 2nd stump for another piece of the heart.

No offence meant to game maker........but fair dinkum...im hating this game so far. However, one mustnt judge when one can barely tie ones shoe-laces. hahhaha.

Only hotspots left are elephant, lion, bear on seesaw, pink house and barn with the 6 pieces of paper. (tab works).


still missing one heart piece and 2 papers

off to look some more

Out thanks to kmoorer. But.... why was elephant plus lion 24 (I BF'd it) and why lion rat?

after placing all 6 papers, you can see two words, enter in the top for the last heart

Just don't know why the elephant and lion were 2 + 4

What is the answer for the lighthouse on the left....ele + lion = ? I can only see one of each. I've tried 02 and 11. No go.

Boo, got all papers and no clue to LION RAT, senseless Brute force

This game didn't make a lot of sense. Was there a clue for the lion rat solution?

@Joe, the words are in the letters. Only two words I could see.

sorry puffin, missed your clue. Thanks.

@Clio the ele+Lion is 2 4

No idea why. Would love it if someone could explain why

I agree kernowman
No clues to why 2/4 and Lion/rat

Lion and Rat clue... the words are in the letters. Second column down is LION and i forget where RAT is... maybe second row last three letters

Im not going any further. Good luck to the rest of the players who come later. I tried......but.......quite frankly.....this one is a piece of poo. Sorry, gamemaker. I appreciate the effort, but....i fear this one should have been flushed.

Yoopy done a poopy. Clio gonna flee'o. lol.

I could also make BAT. the LION was actually LOIN if you are connecting letters, very bad.


       Anonymous  4/9/14, 9:09 AM  

you can weight animals on boar with bear on it.

Words are hidden in letter maze.

Not sure but elephant + lion are underlined, if you count black lines on elephant and lion you could get something like 24.
but that would be really ...

game sucks! No stars!

axe in left hand tree chops second log

Words are LION and RAT. Very buggy.

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       Share Your Comment  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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