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Another Run Joey

Another Run Joey Journey is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the challenging 36 levels and finish his journey! Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  1. Not even rates? ooohhh let's see

  2. oh no - I am so bad at these ones... going to wait for help

  3. I've never played a game like this before, and I am already feeling terribly stupid at the first question. A signed hat? Who wears signed hats? I can only think of train company employees.

  4. Okay reading the first letters of all of it together says: "this is trash". I'm assuming this is intentional but trash (or thisistrash) is not the right answer. This game will be big time lol!

  5. you and me both, jane doe! I guess I still should be "internetsurfing" but I guess not

  6. Instead of trash I "granny" trast (thinking it should be "signed that") and if you write "start" it does not tell me that I am wrong but also I do not move on.

  7. I tried about 20 other synonyms of trash, from rubbish till wreck.

  8. It looks like the schedule for a Concierge, but nothing I try seems to work.

  9. schedule for today, so i did today date.

  10. yeah i had already tried bellhop before

  11. "This is trash" means you dont need it to solve the level. Focus on the times.

  12. I already focused on the time and calculated
    1 h 25 m 5 s = 5105 seconds
    3 h 40 m 10 s = 13210 seconds
    increase between them which does not show any pattern to me at the moment, but I have to admit Fibonacci and Euler were quite a while ago in my educational career.

  13. Instead of calculating - draw :)

  14. Too high for my poor brain too.....if i am already stuck on the first level like this, i better quit lol.

  15. I don't think you're supposed to use numbers...

  16. I can't believe there analog clock converters on the internetz! So it's true - there is everything on the internet :)

  17. Oh boy, I'm with you Zazie. Can't get it on my own or with the hint given so far.

  18. + i am german ......haha

  19. Ok, for example...3 o'clock would look like an L
    The answer is three letters.

  20. ok i will go upstairs to my desk and trying to draw (i am on the sofa right now) maybe this will help, brb.

  21. i have been drawing a clock and the only thing i come up with is I W V

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. jane doe, you're not supposed to spoil any answers in riddle games. Only give hints. Good job though!

  24. Draw 3 analog clocks with all 3 hands (hours, minutes, seconds) and if you make your eyes very small, and use a lot of imagination, they will form 3 letters.

    To be honest I never thought clock hands resemble any letters, and trust me I have seen lots of watches and clocks because I live in Switzerland :D

  25. bondslave - your first letter is correct. This is rather obscure, I think...

  26. Ok I'm sorry I didn't know that... I think you can get the comment removed somehow. Apologies - and this was hard, man!

  27. I have got a I,
    something like this :
    and the same as the second one with an additional " - " in between them.

  28. Oh Zazie, that is EXACTLY what I have! Can't see letters from the second two

  29. Zazie try to hand-draw in Paint like I did it, and when the whole thing becomes like a mess they resemble actual letters more than the geometrically correctly drawn ones. At least they did for me.

  30. The second one looks like <
    Which letter in the alphabet could that be (think runes, or letters like that)? a? b?...

  31. You are SO close - the letters are very "pointy"

  32. Yeahhh got it !!! remove the sharp corners in your head, make them round....

  33. 13 and 05 draws only one stroke.

  34. jane doe - any ideas on #2? I'm completely lost, and it looks like I need to know these places, and I have no idea what to do here.

  35. BTW the 3 letters are a real word, if i am allowed to say this.

  36. That's right, Roberto - What letter of the alphabet is that?

  37. Well ok, stuck on lvl 2, here we go lol.....
    i looked where sao tome is ...romania and back to nigeria, this is making a 1, if i am drawing it....but that´s no help.

  38. I don't understand the connection between the answer and the picture or the "this is trash" - only the numbers matter, it seems.

  39. ok i got it finally, thanks to help. but ya know...crap like that makes for a real bad game.. sorry but really? so abstract that it is not even fun

  40. OK second one looks like a pic from my beloved childhood book, Busy Busy World! However on a side note looks like North Korea is sending missiles to Peru or something.

    How the heck can you sail from an African Island to Romania?

  41. I tried "north" and "northeast" so far nothing.

  42. I also tried triangle, nope (because it is forming a triangle)

  43. Zoe I'm completely stuck on the fact Romania only has the black sea so how do you sail there? You can sail down to it on the Danube but for that you would have to start in Germany. Or did I just fail my Geography exam.

  44. I actually opened Google Earth, but still can't see anything - lol!

  45. Becoming insane here....

  46. The title gives a clue. The same way you got trash from level 1. Google for that and the countries.

  47. The only sea I can see between the locations is the Mediteranean Sea (not the answer) and traveling straight(ish) to and from the places you move NE and SW....(NEWS also not the answer). gah!!

  48. IMSO hmmmm, International Mobile Satellite Organization ?

  49. Oh googling that sort of stuff gives you Rod Stewart videos xD

  50. BTW: I am wrong, the Bosphorus is exactly for sailiing through between the Meditarranean sea and the Black Sea, so it's possible to get to Romania like that. Bosphorus, though is not the right the answer.

  51. All three countries are members there, but what should it clarify ?

  52. zazie... one letter too much. Read the title as 3 words.

  53. It's not "internationalorganizationforstandardization" - lol!

  54. All of you European people think about how car county stickers work. For the US and other people not too sure how to put it. Think standards and abbreviations.

  55. I meant country stickers for the back of the cars, the little oval ones.

  56. jane doe - I know what stickers you mean - like AUS means Australia and USA for United states. So is it what they are called? I don't know what that is BTW

  57. SO...Sao Tome is STP, Romania is RO and Niger is RN
    but stprorn is not it, nor is stprnro.....what am I missing???

  58. Feeling dumb, don´t get it....

  59. But you know what ISO is, right? It's an international standards for all kinds of things like measurements (meter, feet, kg, etc.), country money like USD for dollars, GBP for the British Pounds, and also, each country has an ISO code...

  60. Zoe, almost, except the ISO code should always be 2 letters. So you got one of them a little off.

  61. One more hint: the word you get will in the end even make sense :)

  62. Oh, Zoe, Niger is not RN.

  63. OH, I was looking at the wrong code chart! Thanks for the great hint - the chart I had had the wrong letters for the country!!!

  64. Having trouble with the third one. I though it would be easy but I am still stuck.

  65. OMG i have got it finally....

  66. YAY, Zazie! The first two are really hard,..I'm not sure I have the stamina to continue!!

  67. Already 73 comments and only two riddles solved....whew!

  68. I googled all three of those dates and get - nothing. It has to be something that is very predictable to know those dates so far in the future!

  69. The days of the week, in chronological order is friday, wednesday, monday.

  70. The first is a full moon, the second one is (or a day before) a meteorite shower saying " The first quarter moon will set just after midnight leaving fairly dark skies for what could be a good show", and the third one is so off the astrological calendar nobody even mentions it.

    Now, there's either some phenomenon that can be calculated - something along the lines of having the day exactly as long as the night in some remote corner of an Alaskan forest - OR there is again some fishy monkey business going on here again like "hold the laptop upside down and you'll see a ..." type of thing. Haven't decided yet.

  71. Yep Zoe ! It is very hard and the problem is that i should sleep lol...but full moon (?) always is not allowing me to fall asleep. We have the pink or purple full moon tonight.Haha...

  72. so...I've tried "great geomagnetic storm" and "geomagnetic storm" but nope.

  73. Level 3 is about the phases of the moon.

  74. Yes - I heard about the unusual full moon tonight. Of course it's going to rain all night where I am - hope you get to see it!

  75. Hello riddlers, we are the creators of Run Joey, and will hang around several times a day for hints. If you played our first game, this one is a bit different on the logic and riddling stuff.

    Hope you guys don't give up to soon, the first levels are about abstracting and googling, and then you'll start to think!

    (Welcome ST!)

  76. Never ever it is at 3 o´clock or so in the morning.....

  77. Yeah small-tool but that depends on location as well, obviously.

  78. Jane,
    The title tells you it's about the northern hemisphere.
    Use this:

    Thanks for the new riddle riddlemaster :)

    Could use a hint for level 5, don't see a hint what to do.

  79. @jane doe, title says where.
    @bondslave, sad to read that you disliked the first level right away, on which we can agree on the higher level of abstraction. Still, hope you give it another try!

  80. @S-T you have a "magnified" riddle knowledge, we believe you will see the hint very fast!

  81. Thanks both of you, but the calculator gave me a full moon for the first date and "first quarter" for the second two dates, so I am not sure what is going on.

  82. Thnks for the new riddle RM. I could use a hint for 4

  83. I've tried every form of eclipse - lunar eclipses, full moons, new moons lunar phases - can't grasp this one...

  84. Thanks riddle master, that did it :)
    On 6 now.

  85. Tonight we (US) are having what they call a "blood" moon, but it's not that!

  86. @jane doe, you have it all. draw them on paper or something, next to each other. what do you "read"?

    @dutchie, title gives you a very big hint. Find the domino pieces you need.

  87. Ohhh I got level 3!

    ST that website was just what I needed! Thank you!

  88. "pink moon" neither...ok i must sleep now, gl everybody, i will come back tomorrow !

  89. Thanks for the links guys .. was using alpha-3 codes on level 2 first .. and lol at the third level , nice one !

  90. No idea what the title is hinting at level 7 :(

  91. Zazie , read the last post by riddle master ..

  92. @riddle master ... oh not THAT again!

    but thanks I got it now :)

  93. Maybe an extra hint for 5?

  94. The only thing, "I don't want to miss"... I mean, who the heck gets all excited about full moons unless they are 4? I was expecting at least a full lunar eclipse or the Andromeda Fog falling on top of our heads or something. "First quarter" - wow, so many days since I last saw one! :D

  95. I see, maybe, a C and a D, but Don't know what the "waxing gibbus" letter is.

  96. progress .. got 4 by myself .. read the title !

  97. Stuck on 4. :( the title isn't popping out at me

  98. Zoe : one full moon and two first quarters .. read it !

  99. @S-T We will let you think about it a little bit more... It would not be cool if we gave it away so fast. But it's not an easy level! The title gives you the hint... Can't say much about it, for now... but if you're still stuck after a while, we will help more :)

    @dutchie, read our hint to small-tool @ 2:54 PM? Use image and text.

    Sleeping now, see you tomorow for more riddling!

  100. Hey EAddict ...nice to see you here ! What a pity that i must sleep...please leave me lots of hints for tomorrow :-)

    And s-t you are a real master ! *admiring you really"

  101. The 4th one... I thought I need to find the domino that does not add up even, but there's three of those. Even if I new which one the bad guy is, how would I type it in?

  102. lol jane doe! Since it says Northern Hemisphere - I thought aurora borealis! Oh well, still don't get it, and I'm getting frustrated, so it's time to leave when that happens.

    Good luck to all you geniuses who can do these!!!

  103. Jo-Ann .. the title gives you a 3 letters word !

  104. RM Saw the hint you gave to smalltool. Looking for ten things but got nothing so far

  105. @dutchie, not ten things... more like count ten.

  106. OHHHH, just before I gave up I got it! I had one letter wrong...

  107. I sure could have used that title in #4 for #3 - lol!!!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. yes, and that makes me point to three dominoes, but I don't know what to do next

  110. Jo-Ann I'm also stuck at 4 except I read title as ODD - okay but there are 3 odd dominos... (I mean where the sum of the points is not even)

  111. you missed one then Jo-Ann !

  112. @Jane, we seem to be stuck at the same place with the same idea. lol

  113. Sleep well riddle master.
    Btw. a technical question you can read back (and hopefully answer) tomorrow:
    Is the site you use free? and How is it with bandwidth use?
    Almost got my new (50 levels) riddle ready, but don't wanna get it interrupted by some message like too much bandwidth used.

  114. dutchie and small tool as you see we struggling with Level 4 - is our thinking looking for the ODD domino at least correct?

  115. So you made #4 easy so I would stay - DIDN'T YOU!

  116. oops, there are 4 dominoes not 3

  117. Hey Zazie .. waiting for some hints myself now on 5 ! .. Good night !

  118. Btw. E-Addict,
    You did read the text on top of this page, right?

    Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

  119. Correct, there are four odd dominos, the shape they are in forms a 4 as well (sort of), and four is still a "Wrong Answer".

  120. Jane Doe,
    You are looking for 4 dominos.

  121. Stuck with Jo Ann and Jane Doe -

  122. lol Jane I tried four as well!

  123. On level 4 it's basic riddling.
    Numbers to letters and granny.

  124. well I have to run now. good luck leave hints!

  125. Ok I see the 4 dominos, added the dots on them - twenty. Wrong answer. Is one domino of the four more interesting than the others? Because the title says one is deadly.

  126. Please don't say basic riddling, it's my first game like this! And what is granny, I thought that was grandma who makes the jam for me.

  127. did you get 5 Zoe ? not really trying but a hint would be appreciated in case i tried later !

  128. use the "unusual" domino numbers in a different way...remember, no numbers!

  129. Yes, I got 5. Separate each color...

  130. I don't know how to turn numbers into letters except saying 1 is A, 2 is B, 3 is C etc. I also don't understand what is "granny"...

  131. jane doe - I had to learn that not too long ago, too. grandmaa is actually the word and when you anagram it you get "anagram" so that is what you!

  132. oops - you don't need the "d" so the word is granmaa...

  133. E-Addict,
    It would be nice to the maker if you deleted your 4/14/14, 3:19 PM post.

  134. each color ? no colors on my page !

  135. pfff okay thanks :)))

    and turning to numbers? I get b-c then f-e then nothing - a .. is that what I'm doing?

  136. small tool it would be nice to the players if you helped us a little more :)

  137. E-addict - which level?

  138. Oh, sorry E-addict - the colors are for #6.

    Did you get #5 yet?

  139. Jane Doe,
    A domino is not two numbers, but one number. Like 6 and 5 is 11

  140. Ahh I got it, thank you Zoe so much.

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. lol Zoe i had to check another page to make sure i'm not color-blind all of a sudden !

  143. Did you get it jane doe? I just got to 5...

  144. On #5: transform the numbers into something else (wink, wink) and then anagram.

  145. I'm just totally stuck at 7. Brain wants to go somewhere like #6, but nothing.

  146. This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Hi smartie, I did get 4 and now on 5. I'm non native speaker so it looks as complicated to me as an appendix surgery. But Zoe just hinted "transform the numbers", however all I have is this big letter soup. Ok I can see a FOUR somewhere in there but that's it.

  148. okay then .. wink wink lol .. have fun ! :)

  149. change 4 numbers into 4 letters...anagram...

  150. I could only locate (except for the title) a ten, a one and a four, even though I used the ctrl-f search function of the browser with each English number's name. Maybe I am completely off here

  151. jane doe - so sorry I'm not giving good hints! The first letter of the title spell "odd" so only use "odd" numbers.

    Odd numbers are , 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,11,13,15,etc. As opposed to even numbers: 2,4,6,8,10, etc.

    So find only the odd numbers and then change those to letters and then just rearrange the 4 letters ...hope this helps you!

  152. @Zoe, the odd numbers refer to level 4.
    The colors have to do with a level I haven't reached yet.

    We all are having trouble with level 5 -- a magnifying glass with the word "ten".

  153. I think Zoe is still referencing puzzle #4, and jane doe is on puzzle #5. Jane, focus on the "ten". Zoe, help with #7?

  154. Level 5 is mostly about counting.

  155. Peggy,
    Read/use that as every tenth.

  156. Oh, I'm so sorry folks. I'm trying so hard to explain something you've already got! DUH!

  157. smartasawhippet (I had a wonderful whippet once - loved her to pieces!)

    I'm still on #7. I think my brain is fried with this so I'm going to take a break...

  158. S-T, thank you. I was trying to separate the words.
    Now I understand Zoe's comment at 3:19.

  159. I am so focusing on the TEN.... and now?

  160. The answer to #5 is something you'll be wanting to do when you're finished with it! :-D

  161. LOL - I'm going to go take the whippet for a walk - my eyes are blurring!

  162. Ahh small tool thank you SO MUCH!

  163. Jane doe - you need to be focusing on counting!

  164. You do actually have a whippet? Beautiful animals.

  165. Zoe 4/14/14, 4:13 PM - LOL

  166. The title for level 7 is 'HV-1'. All I can come up with from Google is steam trains and DNA.

  167. For level 7 the HV stands for Horizontal Vertical.
    But not sure how the maker meant that hint.
    I found the answer by moving horizontal lines.

  168. Peggy I am also looking at pretty green locomotives. I read out YEAY73 so far but that can be anything. I wonder if ST is past level 7 yet.

  169. S-T, do we move lines from one figure to another, or do we REmove them altogether? And then is there an anagram or turn it upside-down?

  170. Ok with ST hint, I got 7 as well.

  171. Peggy,
    No anagram. Only move inside one figure and only when you can.

  172. 7 is letters, but they are mirrored.

  173. finally got #7 after misspelling it

  174. I'm back...I actually cut out a black part to play with and got #7 that way.

  175. I know this riddle does not use numbers, so that first one had to be reversed, and the rest came after that....

  176. How many levels are there?

  177. Even with all the hints I'm still hopelessly lost on #7.

  178. back for a while .. did anyone get the KGB style hints for 7 lol ? Peggy ? seems you are the only one that speaks my language !

    Thanks c0fe.. for the 5 hint !

  179. smart, take the first one and try to figure what kind of "digital letter" you could make out of it. (by moving some of the black "bars".) you know like the ones electronic wallboards and the like use. do this for all of them and once you could form 6 letters, anagram them so you get a word with a meaning.

  180. Zoe,
    On the intro here it says:
    You will help him on solving the challenging 36 levels and finish his journey!

    Nothing I try on level 8 works :(
    I'm pretty sure it's a letter from every colour, but got nothing.

  181. smart - only move horizontal pieces - leave the vertical alone. Two of the "numbers" remain the same. Remember they are mirrored, so what do two of the numbers look like if you reverse them and make them letters in stead. The one that looks like an A is not an A....move one of the horizontal pieces to make another letter. (That is one of the letters that is the same when reversed or mirrored)

  182. Also, when you move a horizontal piece, leave the place where it was blank (white)

  183. I wonder if 8 is an anagram or just a straight word. If not an anagram, then it begins with Z

  184. Zoe,
    If 'after Y' is a Z then we ignore the colours. I think they are important too.

  185. 36 levels!!!

    Ok, after 14,298,756 comments and sixteen months later, I'll be finished...

  186. Level 8 - Thinking simply, I got NOTE with the Z floating in the soup becoming an N. If its an anagram, I got ZERO. Also tried to use my keyboard and picking letters from the words below the soup bowl, but nothing.

  187. It would seem to me that the only letter after Y can be Z. And the two letters next to S are R and T. That narrows it a little unless I'm way off base. No clue about the colors, tho.

  188. Maybe since Z is blue, all the letters of the word are blue???

  189. wow Zoe thanx.. finally !

    btw Riddle master i'm not a riddles fan but your riddles are among the very rare elegant ones that keep players trying whatsoever .. Thanks !

  190. close to 200 comments, so new comments on the next page

  191. the only word that begins with z, is 4 letters and follows the hints is "zeta" which, of course, is not it.

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