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Another Run Joey

Another Run Joey Journey is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the challenging 36 levels and finish his journey! Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  2. @riddle master: I would have to agree that it is not a common word at all. I had to google it after I got the answer just to figure out what it was. lol

    By the way I have no clue what to do on 21.

  3. nevermind, I got 21 now. I just had to concentrate more on what the text was saying. :)

  4. Way to go, jbg! Finally some help on 22!

  5. Yay - I got 16! I was looking for that last word to be in the text above all this time, and wasn't seeing it and confused the heck out of myself, when the answer was staring me in the face for about a million years!

  6. It can't be we have to use the sequence all the way up to 610 (I hope), on level 22, so there has to be another trick involved.
    But no idea what :(

  7. What?? Solved 22, but without fibonacci. Only used part of the pic with the text. Is that really correct??

  8. @S-T, you don't need to go that far, relax! Once you get it, just go with the flow and you will know when to stop! Title tells you "what". Picture tell you "how". Picture is very important because it tells you the methods / ways to use.

    My advice? Go to sleep earlier :D to compensate yesterday level 8 bugged nightmare!

  9. Wow, congrats Ellie :)
    Did you use the left or the right part of the pic?

  10. solved 22 also but not with using any part of pic or fib :P

  11. @Ellie, actually you used Fib, you just don't know it :P We think we know what you did, you are like a little "cheater" now! :) Well, a beaten level is a beaten level, congratz!

  12. For 17, shiro dragon said this:

    "17! single words = dot & double+ = dash"

    so...the letters I get are X, S, R, S, M, E, M, S, A, which does not make up any word I I supposed to read across from left to right for each row? I'm not sure in the middle what is a row or now...

  13. @st, well, I used the outher part of the pic (most left and most right one). Will think about later how it was supposed to be solved.

  14. @riddle master, probably later, once the level has cooled down, you could explain how fib was supposed to be used?

  15. @RM, my intention was to put the letters where I put them to see if I could use the info someway, but never expected to see what I saw lol.
    @st, those arrows made me think of a method.

  16. Thanks guys, found the answer too.
    In fact with two very (different) simple methods.
    Also don't see how that can be Fib.

  17. @Zoe, that's not a correct hint. Symbols are swapped, I guess... If you move away from the picture, it's probably easier. 8 letter answer.

    @Edgar, yes we will.
    Good luck all on the next levels, thanks for playing :)

  18. I would be interested in knowing how fib was used too.

  19. Thanks small-tool - I should have thought of that!

  20. I don't see any hints anywhere for level 18. Why are the balls different heights? Is that what I'm supposed to focus on?

  21. Lol on 24 too.
    Indeed a very nice level :)

  22. Well I'm on 24 now, but I have to leave to go to class so I'll say bye for now.

  23. Hm, the thing that looked like an answer for lvl 24 didn't work.

  24. Level 24 has a mistake in the answer!! The correct answer is singular. Remove any kind of S from what you get!

  25. Lol, you guys go fast.
    Any hint for 24 ?

  26. For 24, that known old good emperor helps in 2 different ways.

    Solved 25, nothing hidden, fair level.

  27. @zoe - I'm with you. no idea for 18

  28. LW Team Member - the only think I can see is that Newton's cradle balls are all of equal height, and this picture shows different heights, but I don't know what to do with that. If you pull away one of the outer balls, it seems nothing would happen.

  29. Thanks Edgar, that did it.
    Now trying to do the Sudoku on 25.

  30. For 18,
    Number the balls from the highest to the lowest.
    The text having 6 lines is no coincidence...

  31. Thanks again s-t! Got it.

  32. LW Team Member - any ideas on 19?

  33. Hm. solving the suduko on 25 is enough to find the answer.
    But on 26 I don't get an answer with solving the sudoku :(

  34. Maybe we shouldn't solve 26 sudoku at all? Using the numbers some other way? Adding up the numbers in the white areas gives "porous" but not the answer.

  35. On 26, you mean "Soduku" @st? lol, typo in the title...

  36. Probably level 26 means bed time. It's almost 1 am and not getting anywhere. Good luck!

  37. Last thing I tried was adding the missing numbers in the darker boxes (like all top left together etc.) but that gives only two vowels and no anagram
    And yep, it's getting late.
    Thanks again for all the help and sleep well :)

  38. bye! see you tomorrow! GL!

  39. Sorry Zoe, had to help my little one with her homework. Just looking at 19 now.

  40. @zoe - For 19 I see what the words in the title have in common but don't know how to translate that o the letters. I can make some words just using granny but they aren't correct. How are you coming?

  41. Can anyone give a hint for 19?

  42. I just got to 19 too, LW. I'll keep at it.

  43. Read each word of the title VERY literally. There is a small word in the middle of each.

  44. Ty LinR. I had noticed the word but didn't read it literally.

  45. @riddle master if you can start making a 10 or 12 levels riddle series , besides your major ones , that would be appreciated by many players who just get frustrated when they get back to a riddle later to find themselves lagging by some 13 levels behind lol and most of them just quit , talking about less experienced players ..

    Thanks for the quality work anyway !

  46. E- Addict Please do not feel that you have to play the riddles live. I learned how to do it by playing riddles that were live in 2006!!!!. A lot of people are willing to help so that you do not feel left behind. A lot of people have notes on old games ( a lesson I had to learn the hard way). Lots of hints have been left here. While it is great fun to play live it is also great to grow your brain and keep playing. Riddles are very addicting!!!!!!!!!

  47. oh LinR Thanks for your kind support , really ! .. i didn't quit myself .. yet lol .. on 15 now .. taking my time though ! :)

  48. Hi - I do understand what E-Addict means, though. When playing live, you can ask directly about solutions and usually get them so that you have that "bingo" moment. When playing not live, if you don't get that moment, and you can't figure it out - you're done and probably very frustrated that you can't finish. That has happened to me a few times. Even when you're behind the "leaders" you still get help from them and others playing the game. Like right now, LW Team Member and I have been around the same levels for a while helping each other. I would NEVER have figured out some things without their help!

    BTW - I'm still on 19 trying to figure it out. I see some similarities in the two, but nothing is "bingo-ing" me-lol!

  49. I'm still on 19 too Zoe. I think my brain is tired...LinR left a good hint at 4:50, but I'm totally failing to process it....

  50. Zoe, look closely at the title. Try separating some of the letters of the word to read them differently and apply it to the text.

  51. LinR - I see the little 3-letter word, but what am I not seeing? Do I take that word out?

  52. what do you mean read each word "literally"??

    (sue) is in both

  53. The first word in the title tells you that you can replace one letter with another letter and the picture tells you that the reverse is also true. The second word in the title is the same idea but the letter can be switched with 3 letters. And the next word , well you get the idea.

  54. I just got 19!!! smart did you get it yet? LW Team Member??

  55. My brain is dead, I think. The letters are swimming on the page...

  56. I did my solution to 19 a different way than what the hints were leading me to, if you want a was just a hunch, but it worked!

  57. smart - here's a big hint - could be a spoiler, so I'm going to leave space......

    write each word separately and on top of each other including the text "word". Then cross off any letter that is repeated more than once - some are repeated several times, but cross them all off if it's more than once. The remaining letters form the answer - 8 letters and is a compound word (the word and be made up of two separate words).

  58. Okay, Zoe - let me see if it will help. I'm actually surprised I've managed to get through to 19, given that I didn't even understand how the egg on 10 worked this morning! :-) This thing is addicting.

  59. anymore hints on 21 please, i have been staring at the 2 walls over an hour now, tried writing the title in the right one but cant get anything to pop.

  60. I'm back now, but I'm just staring blankly at 26. I've tried adding/subtracting many different ways, but nothing. I am out of ideas.

  61. WTG zoe! I'm stuck at 20. My 13 year old sat down to look at it and a minute later he had an egg. I had to ship him off to bed so now I'm back to staring at dominoes. :)

  62. rds665 - Maybe I could help you if you could help me on 20. It looks like either dice or dominoes, but I don't get it and there are very minimal hints for level 20.

  63. LW Team Member - the heck with sleep don't you have any priorities???- WAKE HIM UP - we need him - (you know I'm kidding :-P

  64. zoe, back to very basics on 20, you need to do it both ways for 2 eggs, and you take the extras from the eggs to get the answer

  65. do it both mean add?

  66. Don't think I'm not tempted Zoe! Have you gotten any of the eggs yet? I've tried all kinds of ways but still can't get beyond the egg my son found.

  67. Well, I'm very stuck on level 26. If anyone has some hints hanging around they would like to share. LOL

  68. can you say how your son found the egg?

  69. yes zoe, but only one way at a time, for the 2 eggs

  70. LinR - help us catch up to you!!!

  71. He used counting. I just found the second egg using counting in another way.

  72. Got 19 using a combination of the hints from Zoe and LinR. Thanks!

  73. Is one way of counting how many "ones" there are and then how many "twos" etc?

  74. @zoe - I couldn't find anything useful doing it that way.

  75. For 20 I have the extra bits from the eggs but can't make it work. Do we need additional letters?

  76. No, it doesn't make any kind of a word that else can I count...not getting it...

  77. no, just very basic....hv

  78. @LW Team Member: If you have those 2 eggs then you have all you need. Now just use the extras from them. By the way the answer will be very obscure. I've never heard of the word before.

  79. I feel like an idiot, if you say it's basic riddling. I wrote out the whole grid like this:


  80. Both eggs on 20 - now hunting for the obscure word!

  81. Granny isn't a help with 20. Not sure how to find it besides typing in random orders for the letters.

  82. onto 19 now and taking a break ..

    btw Zoe Thanks for asking almost the exact questions i would have asked if i were you lol this helped so much .. and yes it's less fun playing behind but it's still fun somehow .. and LinR Thanks again for your support , it helped as well ! ;)

    Have Fun !

  83. You should have 7 letters for the answer for level 20.

  84. E-Addict - yay - hurry to 20, I think we think alike, and I'm not getting it.

  85. you have 2 letters from 1 way and 5 from the other, just put them together not an obvious word

  86. OK, LW Team Member - I counted the rows - there are six of them.

  87. Got it! Thanks for the hints.

  88. LOL Zoe, I wasn't direct enough. Count numbers in each row.

  89. sorry meant, from each egg, not from each way

  90. Oh I just got one egg.
    Adding is part of it...

  91. Now think of another way to count for the second egg Zoe

  92. Now, of course the second egg....

  93. wtg zoe, now do the same thing in the other direction

  94. Bingo! but I didn't know that word either...will have to look it up...

  95. Congrats Zoe! Now get to work on 21... I'm stuck!

  96. this is such a test on my psychological stamina! Whoever said it above - maybe there should not be so many levels in these. I wonder why 36 is where they stopped as opposed to a nice round 20 or 25. (Of course I'm thinking if it was 20 levels I'd be out now and feeling very proud of myself!)

  97. any new ideas on 21? I tried spelling and adding and came up with nada

  98. Let's see now...who do I know who has the name of Art? Who comes out of walls?

  99. Still not getting the weird word on 20...

  100. @rds665: try to think of those numbers in 3d.

  101. Pink Floyd?

    I transformed the numbers to letters:


  102. smart - did you fine a 5- letter solution and a 2- letter one? You don't need to anagram just put one before or after the other..

  103. @smart - do the 2 letters from one egg first then the letters from the second. I left out the t from the second egg by mistake and it took forever to figure out my mistake.

  104. I'm off to bed. Will be back tomorrow to try some more. Good luck all.

  105. LW Team Member - maybe see you back tomorrow, but if not thanks for all the help! Hubby and doggie need me to sustain their existence now, so I'll be back later, too.

  106. i have tried picturing the numbers in 3d but its not getting me anywhere, any more hints for 21 please

  107. @rds665: try changing the numbers into blocks. 3 = 3 blocks

  108. thank you jbg that did it, got it

  109. i'm not getting 21 .. is it about a code ? because if it is i'm not getting it !

  110. It's not a code, E-Addict. It's more about drawing in column. Column 1 has 3 parts in it's top row. 1 in it's second row and so on.

  111. so are we supposed to get 4 letters out of the 4 columns ?

  112. okay believe it or not i tried this before i even thought it could be a code .. but STILL lol can't get it .. are the last two the same letter ? and is anagramming needed ?

  113. last two are the same and not anagramming E-Addict

  114. never mind lol got it .. i should have considered more options for the first !

  115. Thanks everyone for your help .. see you later .. hopefully ! :)

  116. yeah E-A , now can you help me on 22? lol

  117. absolutely NOT rds lol .. i'm leaving .. Now ! :)

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. @Ellie and the mistake on the answer level 24 (singular / plural)... You are so great! Corrected it for the next riddlers (leaving both versions of the answer as a correct one). We are blown away by your brain and how you found it.

    @smart level 20, got both eggs? Should be basic riddling to get two eggs (columns and rows). The two eggs give you two new words. Compare the words from the eggs with the words you entered to get those eggs. What remains?

    For Level 22, the "correct" way is by using the image. The outer part tell you something about a cipher / method you need to combine with the Fib. The inner part tells you how to use the numbers from title pattern Fib, alternatively. Going with the flow, you will know when to stop!

    For level 26, yes, you have to solve the sudoku. Its a level with 3 or 4 steps, where the first step is to solve the sudoku. The second step requires a little of your "imagination" / "abstraction", and it's related to the yellowish squares.

  120. Caught up with help of everyone, but dont understand what kind of abstract thinking i need on level 26. I can not see letters there, nor shapes. Maths does nothing to me.

  121. Oh my, abstract thinking is not my strong suit, but does the hint about doing it in steps mean: the order to solve is 'first' doing the sudoku and with using the results of the missing yellowish boxes "as letters" start with the abstract thinking. Or are they parallel steps that can be done seperately.

  122. Can't be done separately! First solve the sudoku. The "abstraction" thing is to understand what the yellow boxes mean, they are telling you what to use next. You need to "abstract" because it will probably not be what you think it is.

  123. Can't be done separately! First solve the sudoku. The "abstraction" thing is to understand what the yellow boxes mean, they are telling you what to use next. You need to "abstract" because it will probably not be what you think it is.

  124. Maybe, just maybe, I found something with trying a second step, but could be the wrong track. But with what I found it looks like the 3rd/4th step involves granny and speaking out loud. Am I on to something?

  125. Any more hints for 22? I tried several different things but don't seem to be on the right track.

  126. @TW Team Member, level 22, bigger hint: the outer part represents a rotten cipher. The inner part represents alternation, like +55 -44 +11 (the numbers are just examples, I think you should know what sequence of numbers to use).

    @Small-tool, level 26, definitely don't need "speak out loud", its a straight word. Granny should not be necessary if you do things in order.. if you don't, maybe you will, don't discard the possibility of.. Seems like you're still off track. Look at the yellow squares as... squares :)

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. So, to clarify. You solve level 22 by rotting the whole string alternatively upwards (+) or downwards (-) in the alphabet with the Fibonacci numbers 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13
    • ROT +0: the strings stays as it is;
    • ROT -1: the string goes 1 letter back;
    • ROT +1: the string returns to its original position;
    • ROT -2: it goes back 2 letters from its original position;
    • ROT +3: it goes 1 letter up from original... etc.
    At some point, you get the answer -something with sense- which is the same thing as if using ROT 17 from start without all that fibonacci-mumbo-jumbo.
    I mean, why caring of all that if we all use a Cesarean ROT tool that can show all possible rotations at once? Meh...!
    Will play later tonight, see you all then.

  129. Not much time to solve during the day, but after 8pm (in about 5 hours). Probably lvl 26 will be solved by then. I still don't get it.
    I've been trying to look at the yellow squares as squares, like upper left, middle and lower right. To take those squares from inside all 9 small grids (or only from some of them). I've also been trying to use diagonals inside the smaller grids. Using the numbers we solved, the original numbers, both etc.
    Can't see what else the 3 diagonal squares tell me to pick, if not using their positions.

  130. @Edgar - I didn't rot the letters to get the answer. I was plugging the letters into different solvers and was surprised when the answer came up.

  131. Any hints for 23? It looked easy at first but my ideas are not panning out.

  132. @LW, yes... a decrypto solver will also give the answer. That's not the way I did it (used rot), but that level is easy to "cheat" through lol.

  133. @LW, for 23, you need to find the missing one first.

  134. Well to add the things I tried on 26.
    I tried to look at the yellow as stairs, so I tried all kind of Rot combinations (with one of them I found the speak out loud thing I mentioned before).
    And I tried to use the hint squares as in squared. But only the top and bottom box gives a number you can root, middle box gives digits behind the decimal point.
    And I tried similar things like Ellie did.

  135. @Edgar, you are right with what was supposed to be the level. But in the end you just need ROT17, it's a "flaw", not noticed.

    @Ellie, after reading your comment about level 26, we saw you naming correctly a way to pick numbers. Pick all numbers, group them by a specific characteristic / position, and SUM. Good job once again!

  136. Yw @LW!

    Hm... I'll have to recheck what I have for 26. I did what you say RM, but didn't get any word from that. Only have 5 min now though.

  137. I'm still confused about level 26.
    I did try the methods Ellie mentioned, but it all gives gibberish. Way too many vowels for example if you only look at the 3x3 grids seperately.
    Do we only use the numbers we found by solving or all the 9 numbers in a 3x3 grid?

  138. Level 27!!!
    Phew! I did have the solution in my notes, but didn't see it last night.

  139. @st, you will get totally 6 digits from adding the 3 positions (2 digits from each position). Write them down and translate to the answer. Can't believe I missed that yesterday (blaming the 1am-thing).

  140. Sorry, I have to run... will spend some time building sand castles, going down the slide etc, but see you in the evening!

  141. on 24, tried rot, getting nowhere, any other help please.

  142. @rds, level 24, the picture tell you what ciphers to use. You need TWO ciphers, from the same "emperor". I see you already know one of the ciphers. The second cipher is about the sport mentioned.

  143. Please, Riddle Master, I need a good hint for 26. I have been playing with this level for a long time now. I have tried so many methods that everything is jumbled in my head and nothing is making sense. Let's start at the beginning. I have solved the Sudoku. Next do we add the "found" numbers per block or by all the squares in the same position OR something totally different. Help (insert scream here).

  144. BIG HINT for level 26, don't read if you don't want to know.

    @ LinR, as we said before, use ALL numbers (those you found and those that were already written). You have to pick numbers now, using the yellow squares. How? Imagine each small square 3x3 with "yellow squares" in the same positions as the BIG square (9x9)! You will highlight 27 squares / numbers. Next step is to SUM all those numbers... sum all top-left of each square, you get a 2 digit number. Do that two more times (I think you know with which numbers)... etc. etc. You will end up with 6 digits, you should know what to do next! :)

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. Thank you Riddle Master. The blinders have been removed!!!

  147. Yes, ty riddle master. 26 was a tough one.

  148. Well, that's a funny (useless) message I get on level 27.
    Now what?

  149. Nvm, it was not so useless after all. 28 now.
    Very nice and clever level :)

  150. And on 29.
    Feels good to have some easy levels in between, some very elementary levels :)

  151. on 26 I did the sudoku, added the numbers in the same squares on each of the yellow boxes, but am getting gibberish, how are you only getting 6 numbers from the 9 squares?

  152. rds665,
    The hints were a bit confusing. You use all nine 3x3 grids, not just the yellow ones.

  153. I've hit another wall on level 29. They look at first glance to be the golden ratio but it's not. I have no idea what the text could mean or how to apply it to the images. (weeping now)

  154. We understand that, after almost one day with level 26, you are all tired of the riddle :) We kinda knew that 27 and 28 would be easier to some riddlers here... but also predicted that 29 would be another wall. You are reaching the last levels, and its normal that it gets harder :)

    It's not about something so complicated as golden ratio. It's simpler. Good luck all, we really admire the ability of all current players, you are doing great.

  155. For 27 the only thing I can find is a column spelling ignore. Is that random or do I need to figure out what that means?

  156. LW Team Member,
    There's a big hint in the text and don't forget about the top right of the picture.

  157. Ty s-t, I'll go back and take another look.

  158. on 27, I tried googling what is written up in the right corner, but only getting insurance info, am i missing something else?

  159. Level 27 is not a Google level.
    Focus on the first few words of the text.

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. @rds665... Start by seeing the first step, using the 8 letters at top right. Obviously you are not seeing it.

  162. Argh, all that riddling and I get a useless message!

  163. Help with the second cipher clue on 24? Thanks....

  164. smartasawhippet - I found the right cipher by using Red Luth Riddle Tools and trying every cipher that had the same name as the last cipher you used.

  165. Finally back to catch up and try to solve something again! Sorry for not being clear about 26 (forgot to mention I used all nine 3x3-grids). I was in a hurry, but should have thought of that.

  166. I can't get past the useless message on 27. What next?

  167. i tried using B****** on 27 as suggested, but only getting gibberish with that as well, what am i missing? I am not quite sure how to connect the upper right letters to what i translated either.

  168. On 29 I can make 2 colours from the text. Or actually 3, but for the third I can choose between one colour or another. To make all 4 colours one Y should be an O.
    But if that's a hint I can't make it work :(
    Any hints ?

  169. @rds - I made the same mistake. Try using B****** on the upper right letters.

  170. LW Team Member,
    Now that you got that useless message on the pic you can see!

  171. ty LW , now stuck with you on the useless

  172. In 28. Got an egg with both squares and colors...

  173. Still missing something though... maybe from the text?

  174. @rds665, the useless letters spell new ones...

  175. I think you're talking about 29, Edgar.
    But how did you get an egg?

  176. onto 28, thank you all for the hints on 27, i found the first sentence in 28 but it doesnt give me an egg,

  177. @rds, the first letters of the text below pic gives a clue to what you need.

  178. Sorry, I did mean 29.
    Add values of colored squares, being 1 the smallest (ones) and 16 the biggest one.
    Then colors, first letters.

  179. Yep thanks Edgar,
    Got the egg too, but I think I'm onto something as well with my previous post about being able to make almost all the colours out of the the text.

  180. One letter difference. It has to mean something.

  181. I think the pic name hints to second row of the keyboard, but can't make that work either :(

  182. I must be doing something wrong on 27. I tried using the useless letters the same as I did the others and get nothing but gibberish.

  183. @LW, once you have all the "useless" letters well marked, step back and look at the grid from a distance.

  184. Well, I guess no posts for a while is the silence before the storm, so I better do this now:

    Close to 600 comments, so new posts will be on the next page

  185. on 28, i know i need to find a word, but googling the first letters of the 3 words of text are not getting me anywhere, am i missing a step?

  186. I suspect this is one of those levels where I smack myself in the forehead when I finally get the answer. In the meantime, I've put the useless letters on the pic both by B***** and using the basic method. Neither look like anything to me.

  187. rds665,
    Ellie is rusty :P

    She meant to post: granny for all letters of the text.

  188. sorry @rds, I got some info from that word, but i see now there is a much better way... anagram the whole 3 words together.
    The 3 first letters shows one thing that's part of what you need, but it will be pretty clear to you with the whole anagram.

  189. lol @st... this time it wasn't about rust, but about not even getting all the way to granny myself. I just read the letters and got "bor" which made me think of this place where the numbers fit.
    Feeling rusty though on lvl 29 :)

  190. @LW, maybe you should draw a new grid without any numbers at all. Then fill the "useless message squares" with some nice color, and look at what you have.


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