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Another Run Joey

Another Run Joey Journey is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the challenging 36 levels and finish his journey! Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  1. thank you S-T and Ellie, onto 29

  2. Welcome to the stuck party :)

  3. Ty for the help Ellie. I tried your suggestion and still don't see anything useful. Am I filling in the squares using B*****?

  4. Okay. Level 29 is definitely out to get me. A variation on the egg method just called me " a bitch" LOL

  5. LW Team Member,
    You can colour the useless message ones or the other ones, doesn't matter, but look at the shapes of the useless message ones. No anagram, 4 letters.

  6. @LW, you should get 4 letters. Split the 8x6 grid into 4 grids of 2x6 squares. One letter per 2x6-grid.
    If you did your b****** correct, you should have the first column filled, then the bottom square in the second column.
    Looking like this:
    What letter is that?

  7. @Ellie - I must be converting the wrong letters. I don't get what you are showing when converting "useless" letters

  8. @LW, but you said before that you got the "useless message" ( total of 30 letters). The squares which contain all those letters are the squares you should focus on.
    Your 4-letter answer will be made of those 30 squares.

  9. @Ellie - isn't what you are showing an L on the top and a V on the bottom? Where did the V come from? I am so lost!

  10. RM, your riddle is great so far, but we could really use a hint for 29.

  11. @LW, btw, I don't know what you mean with "converting" the letters. You don't need to do any conversion after you got the message. Only look at the positions of all those squares.
    Reading the message you did use YRNEEE from the first column, right? From second column you use S. That's what I tried to draw above.

  12. I made this SO much harder than it was. I wasn't using the entire message, just the useless part. Thank you for being patient!

  13. @LW, the V came from the "VLLY" on top right of the pic.

  14. LW do you still have the chart filled in that you made to get the useless message.......if so stand back and look at it as a whole... 4 letters

  15. Yay @LW! Now, come and help with 29!

  16. Finally made it to 28. Think I need to take a break before diving in. Thanks again for everyone's help. Really hate when I miss something so obvious!

  17. Wait a minute LW Team Member !!!
    We only helped you to get on 29 so that you can help us :P
    No breaks allowed now :P

  18. Hehe, I couldn't stay away anyway. On 29 now.

  19. Finally solved! On 30 now!
    But... I'm pretty sure I tried this some hours ago. Weird.
    Count letters in the text (or in all colors).

  20. Sorry all the massive wait on hints..!
    We have very limit internet access on the next days :(
    Ellie said it all for level 29, after finding the egg (involving colors and some counting also), just keep counting, try not to be distracted with what we wanted you to be distracted :)

  21. No need to be sorry @riddle maker, we are doing just fine! :)

  22. Hmm. Still not getting the sport word for 24. Get the idea of the two ciphers. Can't find a word that applies.

  23. Still not getting it :(
    Counting just gives me 19
    And now?

  24. @st, very, very basic riddling now... convert, and add :)

  25. Nvm. got it now.
    Add that 19.

  26. @smart, the sport word helps you with the name of one of the ciphers you need to use. Name the sport and remove "-ing". Then look for that cipher among the ones from the old roman guy.

  27. So very sorry to add this comment, but didn't like level 29 at all. Imho very far-fetched.
    But please do read this as constructive criticism and don't get me wrong, I really do like this riddle very much :)

  28. Good work on 29! I'm having trouble getting the egg Edgar talked about. I add the 4 all together, yes? And what order are the colors? Tried orpy and a bunch of variations of that but no luck.

  29. i am not getting what to add the 19 too? i tried to add to egg and anagram but got nothing, where do i add the 19?

  30. Totally agree. I think the level was perfect the way it was before the extra letter. There was no need to try to "make it harder" that way.

    Now for 30, the words 'even' and 'odd' are in the text. Working on that...

  31. @S-T, sad to read that, really. Can't agree that much.

    The text is a bit red herring, yes, with other color possibilities (like green), but the whole point is counting. Counting on visible colors or counting visible text, like Ellie said, was "what's missing" on the egg. Even reaching the egg word was just about that, counting and colors.

    But we'll try to keep that in mind if there's another sequel, thanks.

  32. @LW, the size of the squares worth 1-2-4-8-16, so add the colored ones and convert to letters, get 4 letters.
    The other 4 letters from the colors you already got them.

    @rsd665. Convert that number to its letter, add it to the egg and re-anagram.

  33. Don't be sad RiddleMaster :)
    The criticism was only (like Edgar said) about the last step, the level was great and should have ended with the egg as answer.
    Btw. the pic name was confusing as well. So far only normal pic names, but this one looked like it was hinting to the second row of the keyboard.
    Anyway, trying to figure out 30 now :)

  34. i tried that RM but not getting any word.

  35. Thanks Ellie - I thought I'd done that - I will go look at it again.

  36. Maybe the text on the egg could be better, but still believe it is a clean and very logical level, unlike many we played before really... it was just counting something else, no need to overthink.

    And don't throw down this level for it's picture name. We never use picture names for hints... Don't read them as hints... It may happen that they are related to the level or it may happen to be random, like "a". Just don't use them :(

    Good luck on the rest, have fun we hope. See you tomorrow.

  37. Ty Edgar, that gave me what I needed to get the level.

  38. nvm, got it, i wasnt waiting long enough one the anagrammer.
    ty all. onto 30

  39. Bed time once again. Leave some nice hints for level 30-36 please :)

  40. all i could find about 23 is that it is a cute level .. any cute hint would be appreciated !

  41. E-Addict,
    It's 25 pics (not 26!!!), so probably 1 is missing.

  42. yes that was a cute hint .. Thanks !

  43. My head hurts! I'm calling it a night. Will be back to try lv 30 again tomorrow. Good luck all.

  44. on 30, i have split the numbers into evens and odds, tried changing them to letters, tried adding them then changing them .... anyone making any progress at all?

  45. Got a late start, but finally caught up. Nothing on 30 :(

  46. rds .. 27 ? i can't see where to start !

  47. E-Addict, read the first few words, then change the letters in the upper corner to that cypher and apply to the grid, you are going to want to write out the grid on paper or in paint or whatever first.

  48. I used a bright pink highlighter and made lines instead of dots to fill in my grid, made it easier to see

  49. I'm finding that one of those pens with four + different colours of ink and a pencil is handy here....

  50. anyone making progress on 30 yet?

  51. okay i did that rds .. are we supposed to convert to letters afterwards ? because i'm getting nothing after picking whether the crossed or the remaining numbers !

  52. you can convert to letter, but if you just look at your chart from a bit of a distance you might be able to see what you need skipping that step

  53. Like i said, I used a hot pink liner, and made lines instead of dots.

  54. the 6 you filled in, should have turned into 4 already converted if you look at it right.

  55. okay whatever , a technical mistake .. i can see it now !

  56. yeah!!!! only 2 more and you can be stuck on 30 with me, maybe you will see what i dont.

  57. Major stuck party on level 30. Very frustrated and out of ideas.,....even the crazy ones.

  58. 30 .. bleeding though ! :) but at least now i know all i have to do is to wait lol !

  59. on 30, counting the text i got 9, so added the two lines of numbers that have 9, got hides, but not it !!! is anyone else working on this tonight or has everyone turned in? also counted the objects around the globe to get 14 for the n to make it shined, still nothing,

  60. Sorry guys - I'm here battling with 25. Good luck with 30. Leave breadcrumbs...?

  61. i tried picking out odd numbers and adding them .. but led me to nothing that makes sense !

  62. I tried that too EA, i have the odds and evens seperated, added up etc, getting no where, we must be looking in the wrong direction.

  63. well it looks like everyone has turned in tonight, i am not getting anywhere with these numbers, please leave lots of bread crumbs for me if you get anywhere on 30

  64. just to let you know what i tried as well .. picking odd digits out of even numbers , and vice versa lol .. no ! and the picture is telling me nothing actually !

  65. lol, i am looking up the picture now and seeing if the first letter of those would spell something for me.

  66. Well, I joined the stuck party on level 30 and I'm out of ideas as well. I've tried lots of things with counting, binary, morse, and trying to see letters in the picture, but I get nothing from all those methods.

  67. I'm also stuck on level 30 - tried so many things that I've forgotten half of them - I think we need a huge nudge Riddle Master!

  68. Honestly, still feeling a bit stunned and stuck between what was written about level 29 and the criticism about we giving levels away to soon ...
    But here it goes... hint for level 30: rds665 @ 8:18 PM was getting hot. It's not what you are doing, but work on something around that idea.

  69. I have a brilliant idea to make you feel chirpy again, RiddleMaster. Give me a great big hint for lvl 11, because my 'deciphering hints' skills seem to have abandoned me. There! I feel better for asking and fingers crossed you will feel better for cheating errr i mean helping me. hehe.

  70. @clio, don't get us wrong, we're chirpy and stuff... It's just they asked us to not give hints to soon like we did on the first sequel... and when we push in the right track, people start to overthink A LOT, missing counting stuff, and end up by blaming a level, a logical level, in our opinion...

    Level 11: Don't do math really :) CONNECT you mind and focus only on the numbers, ignore operators.

  71. Thanks RiddleMaster. Will work on deciphering your hint, and then hopefully solve. lol.

  72. RM, Don't be upset by the 'negative' comments. They are meant "as constructive criticism" as smalltool said. Your riddle is great overall. There were excellent levels and levels i didn't enjoy that much. But that happens on every riddle not only yours. That is the charm of a riddle: pleasure and frustration. I hope you will continue the journey of Joe with many more riddles in the future.

  73. oh for goodness sakes!! I was spending all that time trying to make letters out of all the ones, all the twos etc., rather than on each individual square. What a Finally, on to lvl 12.

  74. Have about an hour now to look at lvl 30. I've tried all the things others probably did too (braille, morse, binary, baconian, counting numbers, counting in the text...). It seems we should focus on the picture. I'm having trouble identifying some of the landmarks there... and I hope it's not about reading them as letters (can see a few letters, like A, M/W, E, C/U, I/T, H/M, V/D, F...but all very vague to me). Maybe finding their countries/cities (if it's not about their first letters as rds wrote about)? How to apply them on the numbers will be a later question i suppose. It doesn't seem to be about how tall they are. Using only every second icon (odd/even)?
    Not getting anywhere right now as you can see lol.

  75. @Ellie, keep focus on the thing you called "vague". It's not that vague if you know you are looking for one letter per monument!
    Finally, with the letters you get, apply something from the text.

    Good job.

  76. @ Ellie, level 30, by you comment it seems you are ignoring the fact you always have your feet on the ground, no matter the place you are in the world ;)

  77. lol @RM, I tried to "travel to the other side of the world" too, but really wanted to have that E from left side. Will look into it some more.

  78. @Ellie, it may look like an E (but it won't be, even if you want it badly!! lol) ... but if you keep that "E" with the feet on the ground... you might get Mayonnaise :)

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. @S-T wrong ones: 3, 9, 13 and 14.

  81. @S-T look the 3rd: MILL. We guess / hope you will get the other ones pretty quickly now. Then apply text hints. For better results, start on the monument (bridge) at 10 oclock :)

  82. Ok, I got two words from the icons: m*****m a*****s. Now to apply it.

  83. @Ellie, welcome to level 31, you are doing an excellent job.

  84. I got the two words as well. But it's not the answer. Do I have to use the numbers now?

  85. Lol, not that quick @RM... what I got isn't the answer. I haven't used the numbers yet. Or is there a spelling mistake (in my words, or in the answer-box)?

  86. Same place as you @st :)

  87. have 2 words that when applied gives me another but it doesn't work

  88. Yep, have a perfectly good word from the numbers, that fits with the hint from the buildings, but no go.

  89. Too bad it doesnt work. Shouldn't the answer be a**********n?

  90. Have to run now. Will see later tonight what you did to pass :)

  91. Well out of ideas.
    Tried to see the new word a**********n as a hint using it with the title and/or the odd/even thing, but nothing :(

  92. Are you using granny on the letters from the globe? I'm not getting anything that makes sense.

  93. Not granny LW Team Member.
    Use the hint from the text to get two words (no anagram).

  94. I have another brilliant idea. While you are all waiting for riddlemaster to reply re lvl could fill in the time by giving me a mega-hint for 13. I have read the hints given, and tried quite a number of things. but not getting anywhere. Thanks.

  95. @clio - 13 gave me a lot of trouble. Ignore the rotation of the buttons. Use what is common to pick the letters.

  96. Level 30 is mispelled, remove "ion" and put "e". Sorry,RM

  97. Hm. For 31 I looked a bit at the last scene of that movie, but nothing there. Maybe not a Google level at all.

  98. Nvm. it was not a (real) Google level indeed.
    Looking at 32 now and being a bit scared.

  99. Got 31 too, hope you like films (take it as a hint).

    Lvl 32 looks scary indeed...

  100. Sorry for level 30 misspelling (again...!), corrected and both passwords are valid now. Oh god, we swear we checked and rechecked all :\ At least this time was not 8h delay :P

    @S-T great job on level 31, was supposed to be harder, guess it was peanuts for a riddler like you :P

    Level 32, google (as hinted) will help you. Read text, title and hint.

  101. Lets us know your progress on level 32, or if you need hints.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. @mtatt100, use those numbers from left to right. Start with 4, then 3, then 2... to pick from the cube, start from top to bottom, until you ran out of squares!

  106. Thanks Riddle master, wasn't that scary after all.
    33 now :)

  107. thanks was not so hard :P

  108. 33 too, big hints to redeem yourself @RM? you must feel pretty bad, uh?

  109. Edgar, we feel bad, of course, who wouldn't?

    BUT no more big hints :D We CHECKED all levels from now on :D You are on your own.

  110. I see all the big help has been removed. I don't see why. If the ones on the lead get that much help I see no reason to hide it from the ones following behind... but its just me.
    Can't play for the next hours. See you later tonight. Good luck!

  111. @Edgar, not sure if you're talking about our comments above, but we just deleted for edit, no information was removed. Just removed duplicates.

    Small-tool did remove his comment about level 30, but the letters where incorrect. We can repost the letters and errors, agree with you:

    Level 30, someone found letters "A M A O I U M N W T M S H I". Only 3rd, 4th, 13th and 14th letters are incorrect.

  112. For level 32, big hint: search for the number of combination possibilities of the object you see.

  113. can someone give me a hint as to what i am looking for on 31, its not the actor, or place of employment etc. what exactly am i looking for?

  114. @rds665, you already named what you are looking for. The image hints a movie AND a character.

  115. OK.....I have an idea. The riddle has been live for 4 days and all the riddle brainiacs are heading toward the finishing line. However, this riddle dunderbum sags and lags behind....soooooooo.....and here, once again, is my flash of brilliance. Can i have some super mega hints? On lvl 14, i have read all the hints.....and googled aplenty. I have no egg, no idea and be honest...think the euro's are really pretty coins, but i could cheerfully smash em to smithereens at the moment. I dont wish to spoil anyone else's playing....but think that....if they are prepared to read over 700 comments to find help then...they are like me...they want a good old-fashioned cheatie.

  116. On 34 now, but there was a minor mistake in level 33.
    The fourth pic has to be one block with two X and the other two blocks should only have one X.

  117. @Clio - To get the egg use google to find the name of a line that goes through the center of a circle.

  118. S-T, can you give a hint for 33?

  119. LW Team Member,
    The X's are joints to connect them.
    No anagram.
    But like I said the 4th pic is not correct.

  120. @S-T aka bug tracker and riddle solver! We give up!

    @Clio, after the egg (read above), just google for it. Would... die a meter... away if we had to read 700 comments.

  121. Thanks again LW. Jeepers creepers..i misunderstood and was looking everywhere for what the name of those lines with stars on the end of each line was. I now have an egg...yayyy.

  122. what am i missing on 31, tried the movie, b**** K*****, the actor M***** L*******, the character J**** W*****, and S********, am missing something, what am i overlooking?

  123. you should get me and small to beta test your riddles ;)

  124. 31 you need the actor but read it with text think cryptic

  125. @mtatt100, oh its to late now, the riddle is already live.

    @rds655, on the movie, instead of B****, try D**K. Then redo all the search. After getting the movie, the character should be obvious. Or do it backwards, who's that character (right)?

  126. Lol meant your next ones

  127. TY s-t and I see what you mean with the 4th letter on 33.

  128. ty, RM, it was quick once i had the right movie lol

  129. @mtatt100 it's pretty obvious we'll need to just dedicate to solving instead of creating ;)

  130. Tried to do the minus thing on level 34, but nothing with that :(

  131. I've added the dominos every which way but nothing so far.

  132. Nah, riddle master. You guys make great riddles, but really should use beta-testers. Most of the riddles that are launched in the last couple of years were tested before going live.

    But, Mtatt should speak for himself :P
    He can volunteer/offer, but, although I sometimes beta-test riddles, I rather don't, because then you miss all the fun of playing live.

  133. we used two beta testers.. and still wasn't enough. thanks for playing anyway, but for sure, from now on, we will just focus on playing the good error-free riddles!

    Level 34, no tricks with the words (like dominus - do minus), they are what they are.

  134. LW Team Member,
    Because of the text (read dominus as Do Minus) I thought of subtracting this time instead of adding, but like I posted, can't find anything with that, just gibberish.

  135. @s-t - I missed the "do minus" in the title. I did try converting the title to numbers and using them to pick dominos... but no luck there either.

  136. Yayyyyyyyy.......level 15, thanks to all the help here.

    Riddlemaster, I reckon i have reached the limits of MY riddling prowess. However, from what i can gather via the grapevine....everyone loves playing your riddles despite a hiccup here or there. PLEASE keep making them. I may never finish one, but i sure as hell love playing as far as i can. I might? be brilliant..(as if!!)......but your riddles are BLOODY BRILLIANT !!..thanks mate. ps. i love that you are messing with the brainiacs brains. hahhahhaha...

    I may reconsider tmrw morn and try for lvl 15....but if i dont, rest assured i had great fun playing. Five whopping stars from me here on EG24 for your game. Thanks again.

  137. well tried picking letters from the text I got from googling domine dominus but no good thought morse but again not sure how to apply it thought binary using odd and even but again no good

  138. @mtatt100, you are correct on googling domine AND dominus, but do it separately! You need to know what they mean (title also helps), in order to know what to pick.

    Also, don't look to each tile / piece as one.

  139. Just to clarify, when we say "don't look to each tile / piece as one.", we mean: look at each tile as two different numbers.

  140. Hm. not getting any good hits, or actually hits that pop out, when Googling them separately.
    But just like Mtatt I started with Googling them together and from that I know what the words mean, or actually translate to, but that's not helping me to choose what numbers to pick.

  141. am i missing something in the definitions? they both come as lord, that doesnt help me. i have been doing all sorts of subtractions but that isnt helping me

  142. @rds665 that definition is correct, you need to apply that on the numbers. Try to look at the image as a 8x8 grid.

  143. Tried to put the shapes of L O R D on that grid and picking and adding those numbers, but that only works for L and O, for the other two I get more than 26 :(

  144. lol, i tried the same thing small tool, to no avail

  145. @small-tool you shoud not apply the word but what it means.

    If you look at it as a grid (8x8) you will see something (in lines or columns, i will not tell :D) that lord can be applied to.
    After that you have to do some more (basic) stuff to form letters.

  146. Pfew, Lord, can mean so many things (i.e. God, husband, king, knight, ruler etc.).
    Ruler could be something, but not getting anything with that.
    And with king, knight (and the 8x8) it could be chess, but not getting anything with that either.

  147. i am not seeing anything either, I even tried to apply a cross and get nothing, i am seeing dots when i look away from the screen

  148. @small-tool and @rds665 to clarify a bit...

    Try to think lord as a ruler, master (use the hint in the title as well h***) and see what stands out. Use my previous hint too.

  149. Back now, to catch up! Good to see we at least understood how to solve level 30 :) Moving on...

  150. I give up on lvl.19. not my language :(

  151. I've been staring at these dominos all afternoon. Time to get out in the fresh air and take a break. Be back later.

  152. Come on Zoran,
    It's not a language thing on level 19.
    Just read the title a bit different (like read "is" as "=")

  153. s/t for me "is" looks like "ice"

  154. Zoran
    fish is F=H (or H=F)
    That's all you need to know.
    Do the same with the other title words.

  155. i have seperated all the dominos into 8x8 , and what ever i am supposed to notice isnt happening, still not getting what i am supposed to see or do :(

  156. Hm, well I've been staring at the 8x8 numbers (also as letters) in level 34 now for a while. First of all, I don't see anything that stands out (neither in rows nor columns). Secondly... even if I saw something, I have no idea how to apply "some master" on that.
    I thought maybe the well known Caesar could go for lord/hero, but it seems not.

  157. And I'm stuck in the same place as everyone else on 34. Not noticing anything that stands out in the 8x8 grid. I tried morse, braille, picking the bigger number of pairs to be the ruler, making the line on each domino mean divide, connecting numbers to draw letters, and a lot more. Nothing works.

  158. @Ellie and @rds665 try to look at one single row or column :D and see what number rules over the others. Apply the same to all other seven rows or columns.

    With this apply some basic riddling and you should be out.

  159. Solved 34!! Look at repeated numbers.

  160. LOL, solved on her own just in time! Before the spoiling hint!

  161. way to go ellie, now to stare at 35 fro the next hour or

  162. Pfew finally.
    Thanks riddlemaster and Ellie :)

  163. Now, help me with 35 please. I'm lousy at these "visual" levels, where we should probably see some letters. Hope we're not folding stuff. Ok, back to staring...

  164. thanks for the hints. On to 35 now too.

  165. Solved 35, perspectives...

  166. Even I could manage to see the answer for 35 lol. Better than I first thought. Last level now!

  167. I had counted the repeated number earlier but only counted how many there were rather than summing them all up. Thank you Ellie and RM for posting hint.

  168. give a hint on 35 please, I am not seeing it after staring at dominoes for so long.

  169. finally on the last level. :)

  170. @rds, you see each letter from 4 different angles.

  171. Finally got 35. That third letter was hard to see.

  172. Reached the bonus level :)) Level 36 is all about the ones :)

  173. I tried to draw letters or numbers with the ones, but no go :(

  174. Made it to second part of Bonus Level...

  175. @st, remember the title as well... you need to rearrange.

  176. @Ellie congratz on reaching the bonus level. Keep going :)

  177. @Edgar congratz as well

    Almost there :)

  178. I tried to make 36 rows, but that would be 6,2222 etc digits per row :(

  179. still stuck on trying to rearrange the numbers for 36. No idea how I'm supposed to rearrange them.

  180. @st and jbg... each letter will be made of 4 columns. Within those columns you have the 7 rows. Those 7 rows should swap places within each letter (4-column-part). Phew... I'm lousy at explaining this.

  181. Done. Good ideas, sometimes overworked. Great riddle overall. Thanks.

  182. For lvl 36: the second letter is made from columns 5-8. It now looks like an H (looking at the 1's only).
    Swap some rows and it will look like a U instead.

  183. Well done Ellie!!! Thanks for leaving some great hints for those following!!

  184. Just tips,
    one: get beta-testers (better if they don't know the answers in advance)
    and two: at times, hints kept coming way too soon and way too huge, is it that hard to resist yourselves?

    Anyway, I absolutely DO look forward for the next journey. Thanks again.

  185. Congratulations to Ellie and Edgar :)

    For the rest... you are almost there keep it going

  186. Thanks for the congrats! Working together with Edgar in the solving we often get half the ideas each. Of course, we used help from all comments as well during catch-up times. Fun to play live with you all!

  187. Well done Edgar too!! great job!!

  188. Congrats Ellie and Edgar :)

    For 36, how do you know you have to swap rows and how do you know what rows to swap?

  189. @st, it was just a guess (using the title as clue). We could see some letters, like H twice, and an upside down R as last letter... which are not the correct final ones, but that gave the idea to build letters from what we had.
    Looking into it we kind of used trial and error to move the rows around until seing some nice letters that makes a non-anagram word.

  190. @st, it's kind of the same principle as lvl 33 or many other levels. How did you know how to place those bars (which ones on which crosses)? Trial and error until getting letters.

  191. @Edgar thanks for the kind words. We appreciate all the tips/advice you all gave us...


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