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Another Run Joey

Another Run Joey Journey is another free online riddle game, sequel of Run Joey Journey. Mr. Run Joey decided to embrace another journey around the world. Mr. Run Joey loves riddles! You will help him on solving the challenging 36 levels and finish his journey! Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please, do not comment any straight answers, only hints!

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  1. Thanks got it.
    On the bonus level now.

  2. okay less excited now , the second part of it is less fun anyway , but since i'm on 30 why not .. some more hints on 30 please ? i mean since most of you are out ..

  3. @E-Addict, I don't know how much of the level you have done. Let me start by saying that the landmarks around the globe resemble letters.

  4. @riddle master, I understand if you right now feel you don't want to make another riddle because of some critisism (which was not meant in a bad way), and the mistakes in levels/answers etc.
    You should re-think your decision :) Your riddles are fun to solve, with just the right amount of challenge. Excellent job! It's very hard to judge the difficulty of your own levels and how many hints are needed. I like it better when you wait for some time before giving hints and help, but it's also nice you are around when really needed. A thin line between too much and too little help, so just do as you like and it will be all fine anyway.
    Of course noone will like all levels. Many of us are also a bit of "bad loosers" and complain when we find the solutions to far-fetched. Don't mind those "complaints", but save the suggestions for your next riddle.
    You know, if we didn't like the riddle we'd just quit. This riddle is good enough to make us keep solving, even with mistakes in the answers etc. Really looking forward to your next one! Thanks!

  5. and finally at the end. Great riddle with great ideas. I really enjoyed playing and I'm looking forward to more. :)

  6. Pfew finally finished.
    That last part of the bonus took me longer than expected.

  7. really ?! too many possibilities .. i just started it , Thanks !

  8. @Ellie thanks for the review. Over all we enjoyed making this riddle and enjoyed seeing you all hit a brick wall once in a while :D

    no one feels good about mistakes, but we just got to move on...
    No one gave up because of that, and again we thank you.

  9. Am I the only one still stuck on 36? Are the 3rd and 4th the same letter?

  10. @LW, yes they are the same.

  11. Congrats at @jbg and @small-tool for finishing

  12. Ty Ellie. I must have a different one incorrect.

  13. Felicitaciones @jbg and @s-t!! Welcome out!

  14. Oops, forgot to say congrats to small-tool & jbg! Nice playing with you!

  15. And besides posting "yep I finished" of course a bigger post
    Previous post had to be done fast because I wanted to beat Jbg, but I failed :P

    Big thanks to all who helped. Was great to play as a team.

    And I second everything Ellie and Edgar said about the advices they gave (aobout beta-testing, mistakes and stuff).

    And yep a great riddle, nice, original and logic levels (and yep 1 or 2 levels I didn't like that much, but we talked about that).

    And for sure looking forward to a new Joey and would be very, very disappointed if this was the last one. It doesn't have to be tomorrow or next week or next month, but I DO EXPECT A NEW ONE!!!!

  16. nah i think i'll wait for a possible spoiler later lol .. 30 is enough for me .. Thanks everyone ! ;)

  17. The dang kids want to be fed. You know it's a good riddle when you forget to make dinner. Be back later to finish the last level. Congrats to everyone who made it out and thanks for dragging me along with you. :)

  18. I loved both this riddle and your previous one, thanks for making! I do agree with E-addict about the length of it, I would have preferred 12 levels at a time spaced 2 weeks apart for those of us who aren't as proficient as the hard-core riddlers. I think people would be able to get to see more of your levels that way. To put a positive spin on the few mistakes you had, it kept the front runners from zooming through to the end, so it was less comments for me to find clues to the level I was on. It actually gets a little irritating at times when they are asking for a hint on level 29 when I'm stuck on level

    Clio, good to see you here, if u decide to try more tomorrow I will be around to help.

    As for me, I'm finally up to 32 now, can someone tell me how many letters in the final answer? I think I'm getting discombobulated moving around the cube.

  19. @small-tool thank you for the words...

    I'm looking forward for your next riddle too :D

  20. Well i guess I should post more feedback as well. I was trying to beat small-tool and succeeded. :P

    Thank you for all who left hints so I could catch up after starting late.

    I have to agree with the advice given for the riddle as well. I think we all have levels we like or don't like and everyone is not going to like every level. That's why I really enjoy playing as a team. I am fine with the amount of help that was given. Players are all on different levels of skill in solving so I think the ones that don't want the hints can just not look at them. Far more players really need those hints so I say go ahead and hint.

    Anyway, thanks again for an amazing riddle! :)

  21. E-addict, I found the following the most helpful: "Level 30, someone found letters 'A M A O I U M N W T M S H I'. Only 3rd, 4th, 13th and 14th letters are incorrect."
    Actually, as it turns out, the 4th letter was correct but the 9th letter wasn't. Otherwise the advice was good, so just look at the shapes around the globe and see how those letters are correct.

  22. @jbg again thank you for the review...
    We love to see you all playing our riddle.

    What really made us a bit sad was the mistakes in some of the levels, luckily it wasn't a wall that couldn't be passed through :D

  23. @c0fe: Sorry i missed your question. There are 12 letters in the answer to 32

  24. C0ef - I'm waiting for you to get to 36 and help me figure out these #%$ letters.I am so bad at the visual stuff and seem to get stuck on the things that are obvious to everyone else!

  25. Finished thanks for the riddle guys is appreciated we did enjoy it

  26. LW Team Member,
    It's trial and error with moving a row within 4 columns, before you can see it.
    But it's not an anagram, that helps. And it's often (maybe even always) the row with the most 1's.

  27. Thanks jbg, I was making 32 harder than necessary by reassembling the cube like it was pictured and then traveling around selecting letters...... LW, judging by my current rate of speed, I think you should go to plan

  28. and out, thanks for the game RM..... I look forward to the next one.

  29. Thanks Riddle Master! Really enjoyed it and hope to see another one soon. Keep up the good work! :)

  30. Yay!! Ty s-t, your hint helped a lot. C0fe -No need for plan B... I still have 2 bonus levels to muddle through so I'll be here for quite a while longer.

  31. Thanks for another fun riddle. Looking forward to your next one.

  32. For level 36, you have to look on the text for the new order of rows :) 7 rows, 7 words.

  33. Can someone point me in the right direction for the first bonus level? I tried basic riddling, rotting, looked at periodic table... just not getting it.

  34. Thank you Riddle Master for another wonderful riddle. Very creative and tons of fun! Please make more riddles! We enjoy being tortured ....... LOL

  35. LW, you found a lot of words to get you to the bonus levels, now it's time to use them

  36. Ty Donas. I'm glad I wrote them all down.

  37. Thanks to all the help and the terrific support of fellow players I finally crossed to finish line too!!

    Thank-you so much Riddle Masters for creating this riddle. I see it had some minor little issues along the way, but please don't be deterred from making another one. There are some creative and entertaining ideas in this one and I hope you put your minds together again to make another in the future. I look forward to seeing "yet another run for Joey"

  38. LW - I made it to 36 but I will save that for tomorrow.

  39. Congrats C0fe! I'm going to call it a night too. Still working on the bonus.

  40. Thanks c0fe but again .. nah lol i'm not gonna spend any more time on this .. the fun part has just gone approaching the end of it .. maybe i'll check for a walkthrough later if any ..

    @Cee Bee you just show up when you are stuck and when you are out lol next time try to show up when you are not stuck for a change , for some help maybe ! ;)

    again Thanks everyone !

  41. meep meep....pedal car riddler on the loose again. Congratulations to all the brainiacs...yayyy guys ...well done.

    Thanks to the lovely hints, i have made it now to lvl 18....and come to screeching halt. I have read the hints, but.....duhh...something is not sinking in. If its supposed to be like....5th line, 5th word, 5th letter.....but done in the order of the balls, then i get nonsense. Same if i do 5th line, 5th letter. What is the completely obvious, that somehow my brain refuses to understand? Thanks.

    Hi c0fe.

  42. Clio, it would be the 1st letter of whatever word you are selecting. If this is not enough of a clue, let me know.

  43. Thanks c0fe.. If i understand you...and the numbers are 154362....then i get N....then go to firth line, fifth word...get M...etc. However, that makes nothing either. (getting a bit embarrassing

  44. is anyone still playing tonight? I came back to see if anyone still needs help.

  45. Clio, the balls from left to right correspond with lines 1 thru 6. Then you can do your 154632. I saw about 3 or 4 different ways to do this, but this was the only way that made a word.

  46. Oh my wordy. Thanks c0fe. That was one method i didnt even consider. meep meep, pedal car on the move again.

    and c0fe?....abracadabra magic...have a mocha. lol

  47. Im quite enjoying this now. Apart from totally cheating the fibonacci level, i have just pedalled along slowly and even solved two or three of them without reading hints. woohoo.
    Have now collided with a brick wall on 26. I've read the hints, but my eyes are spinning their sockets. Think i might have to have a break.

  48. Clio - For 26 imagine the yellow diagonal blocks on each block in the grid. Now do some adding.

  49. For the bonus level (a yes or no will suffice) is the pink blobby thing in the second row a hot water bottle?

  50. Thanks LW. I will try tmrw. My eyes are all numbered out.

  51. @E-Addict: It's hard to think of a time when I was "unstuck" and could have added anything useful to hints given. I wish I was smart enough to have been able to give lots of help along the way :)

    I see you were stuck on level 30 - I used the hint from Ellie 4/17/14, 4:07am to get me through that level:
    "Ok, I got two words from the icons: m*****m a*****s. Now to apply it."
    From other hints, you know you are starting at the Monument Bridge at 10 o'clock for the first M and you know you are using even/odd symbols to fill in the two words. There aren't too many letters that the windmill can be for the 3rd letter in the first word - that should make that word pretty obvious. If you fill in some of the more obvious letters in the 2nd word, that word should become apparent too. Look for those for each line and do a basic riddling translation. I really hope that helps and you don't give up on the riddle after coming so far

    @ LW Team Member: It might be if it was filled with hot soup :)

  52. Ty Cee Bee. One last (hopefully) question. Will I need to visit granny? If not, I'm WAY off track.

  53. No granny required for the bonus level

  54. No granny needed, LW Team Member

  55. Ty both. I will have to rethink my answers.

  56. Hi LW, I was able to finish. The 2nd bonus level reminded me of a scavenger hunt, it was great fun. Thanks again Riddle Master for the journey! If you need further help LW, let me know.

  57. c0fe - Yes!! I just can't get a word(s) that make sense. Help!

  58. Oh wait, scavenger hunt? Let me try....

  59. Thank you c0fe!!! I am finally done.

    @Riddle Master - I LOVE your riddles and can't wait until the next one. Your last one was my very first try at this type of puzzle and I am now totally hooked.

  60. @Cee bee Thank you so much .. and yes that was just boring ! i mean to spend the night trying to guess what that thing might be : A ? B ? why not E , or wait maybe an H ? lol and guess what there were 14 things of this to try to make 2 words out of .. wth .. sometimes to others giving up means waking up to me :) .. in this case i'd rather wait for such an explanation of yours while having some real fun somewhere else this is it .. because if this is fun to you then do it i can wait ! ;) what started as 5 stars fun ended with no fun at all .. fun trying i mean .. less quality i'd say xD .. talking as an outsider of course ..

    anyway 31 was easy .. if you can offer the same explanation for 32 that would be appreciated and if not , i just had my real long run outside so let Joey run alone i don't mind lol .. Thanks !

  61. ( please don't lol ) ..

  62. I finished this riddle too with lots of help from comments here and from Ceebee and Lin. Later than the rest but finished. c: I had a lot of fun and hope to see Joey travelling again in a new riddle soon. Thanks to the creators.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. @E-Addict: YEAH!! I am so happy that I could help - that's as rewarding as finishing the riddle myself. :)

    On 32 Google the title words for the object you see - you should get a large number. Use that on the squares starting at top left to pick letters.

    I'm glad you decided not to give up :)

  65. if anyone is still playing, I'm not getting 26. Solved the sudoku but don't understand the counting/picking part. Please help.

  66. @ike - On 26 imagine the yellow diagonal blocks on each 3x3 grid. Add all of the top upper left blocks, then the center blocks, etc.

  67. @ LW Team member , thx for trying to help me out. Always thought I had a vivid imagination but obviously that's not the case. Seems everything I count turns out to be gibberish. Sorry!

  68. @ike - after adding all upper left corners you should have 45 which equals DE. Do the same for the middle squares then do the same for the bottom right squares. you should end up with a 6 letter word that does not need granny.

  69. o dear, so stupid! Got it finally, thanks so much LW

  70. lol @Cee Bee Thanks , really ! .. you do have the needed spirit for a riddle .. okay i'm not giving up .. :)

    i'm on 34 , the hints are supposed to be enough , but are we supposed to get a two eight words answer ? i tried some combinations but no luck !

    ( just in case you are still checking .. )

  71. E-Addict on 34, each column has a number that appears more than the others. Add up that number ONLY in each column. An 8 letter word.

  72. yeah sure , i meant two 8 letters words answer .. because i read a hint about checking the rows and columns and that was confusing .. Thanks .. 35 !

  73. 35 was fun .. much better than the monuments level ! lol .. it does make sense .. 36 now , see you later .. Thanks Lin !

  74. @E-Addict: You are almost there, don't give up now!!! :)...........

    For level 36: A letter is represented by each 4x7 group of chs: Move rows in each group to form letters eg. the second group of 4x7 looks like H to start - move the middle row of 1's to form a that for each character.

    See you at the finish line!! :)

  75. okay Cee Bee and LinR , Done .. + the two bonus levels ! .. i had to re-solve some of the previous levels :'( lol but it's okay the second bonus level was sort of fun working on .. not a bad riddle after all it has some original ideas in it .. now what do i win ?

  76. E-Addict, you certainly win my congratulations and admiration!! Im struggling on 27. I think i need to do it back to front of what i have done, but will try that tmrw. In the meantime, yayyyy you.

  77. Thanks Clio ! i see i won nothing though lol .. and if i managed to finish it , then sure there are enough hints for you to finish it as well ..

    Cee Bee and LinR Thanks for your help all the way to the end .. i enjoyed your company more than i enjoyed playing most of this to be honest , Thank you ! ;)

  78. YAY!!! Congratulations on finishing E-Addict. I'm glad I was able to help on a few of the later levels.

    Maybe you'll try the next one and we'll meet again :)

  79. Congratulations E-Addict.

  80. Congratulations to E-Addict. Come on Clio. You can do it!!!!!!!!

  81. Stuck on egg of 29. No idea of how to find what's missing

  82. You're missing one letter.
    Count the text.

  83. Thanks s-t for 29
    35 - Bad at visualisations. I think the right ones are O, E. Top left maybe F or R. No idea about bottom left.

  84. The bottom left is V
    There is no O.

  85. s-t - thanks very much. Completed the riddle and enjoyed it
    RM - waiting for next edition

  86. Riddle Master, Just completed the riddle including bonus levels. It was an enjoyable experience, since i am playing riddles after a long time. It was great fun, looking forward to another one.

    Thanks to all my fellow riddlers for excellent hints in this thread. Long live EG-24.

  87. It wasn't easy to do it when it's not live, but I managed somehow. Thank you for your work, I enjoyed the riddles and learned a lot here ♪┌|∵|┘♪

  88. I hope there will be a new Run Joey riddle some day/

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