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Find My Balls: New York

HoodaBrain - Find My Balls: New York is another point and click room escape game from Selfdefiant and sponsored by Hooda Brain. My brother likes to prank me, he hid my volley ball here in New York. Please help me find it! Good Luck and Have Fun!

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  1. And out. Nice&easy. :-)

  2. Nice game!

    For me only was hard to see the crowbar on one of the dusk bins :)

  3. I can,t find the color clue

  4. sultan, the colors are the notes on the bus stop walls.

  5. Pfftt you have to be logged in to play. Not for me thanks.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Nice and easy!! Seems a bit early to make a WT, so I will hang around a bit if anyone needs help :)

  8. Sauliukas64, there is a dart sneakily concealed on one of the posters near the guy that wants the hat

  9. can't find where to use the screwdriver, which I assume gives the last quarter - any one still there to help??

  10. aah - the dustbin in the second scene - could have sworn I clicked that at least a dozen times!!!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Start scene
    Note the coin you can’t reach
    Note the Balloon you need to pop
    5 digit code required to open smiley face box
    Click Right
    Manhole cover is jammed
    Require SD on the trash can
    Require 3 digit code for bag under bench
    Note colours on back of bus shelter
    Note Street number on bus shelter
    Click Right
    Click on man, he wants a hat
    Click on sign and collect dart
    Note newspaper stand requires 4 coins
    Click Right
    Truck door needs a key
    Note numbers above door
    Get crowbar on trashcan (sneaky spot)
    Click Right
    Back at start scene
    Use 5 digit code for smiley box, get hat
    Use dart on balloon, get coin
    Click Right
    Use crowbar on manhole, get key
    Use 3 digit code on bag, get coin
    Click Right
    Give man the hat, get bo staff
    Click Right
    Use key on truck door, get colour box,
    use colour code from bus shelter signs, get SD
    Click Right
    Use bo staff to get coin you can’t reach
    Click Right
    Use SD on trash can, get coin
    Click Right
    Use all 4 coins on Newspaper stand
    Get ball

  13. So I'm guessing folks are giving it one star because they don't want to have to register. So if you aren't registering (I am not either) then you aren't playing, and if you aren't playing, you shouldn't rate the game. Don't be nasty to SD, who has given us MANY MANY hours of enjoyment and still does, just because you are having a snit fit over registering. It's childish and mean-spirited.

  14. NOT wasting my time logging in for a crap game.

  15. But you'll log in here to leave a crap comment. Nice.

  16. Now admit it is worth it to log in to play a game with a name like this....really! Made me LOL
    Great WT @Rachel!

  17. 'Find my balls'...snort!

  18. singular....hahahahahaha!

  19. Fun name! I did a double take!

  20. wow quick and easy to play

    nice to see less negative comments about logging in

  21. Maybe SD is making his own comment By naming this the way he did. LMAO

  22. vkacademy:
    It is pretty arrogant of you to tell people how to use a site that doesn't belong to you.

    Care to tell me how to scratch my dog behind his ears while you are at it?

    And please don't start defending SD. He makes his games for money, not for us. Just because he frequents this site doesn't mean that he is making these games for us more than for anyone else. If he was, he'd "find his balls" and tell Hooda to take a flying leap.

    As far as being childish and mean spirited, perhaps you should try asking Hooda to provide you with a valid reason why they want you to register. See what kind of response you get. Or go and re-read your own post to see who is actually doing the whining here. It isn't the people who downvote Hooda games. I don't see a whole lot of that going on in here. Just you trying to run the show the way you think it should be run even though it isn't yours to run. THAT is childish and mean-spirited.

  23. bill chinery - please read the commenting rules above the comment box.

  24. @Bill: Do yourself and everyone else a favor and STUFF IT!

  25. Thank you, Cyberjar! I'm sure it's only a belief in freedom of expression that keeps SD from banning people who would rather go off on their own agendas than play a game and comment here as a social network where they meet fellow players.

  26. Oh, and the name of this game...rofl! I hope kids don't get the double entendre.

  27. I too used to complain if a site requires log in.
    But I'll follow SD and several other gamewriters whose games I enjoy because they have quality. So I got an E-Mail-account only for games and with this adress I register - at hooda and wherever it is necessary.

    Thank you SD für a nice and easy game - I made it on my own which polstered my ego! ;-)

  28. That's too bad that SD's game rating is suffering because of Michael Edlavitch from HoodaBrain/Math.

  29. Dear Bill

    The mere fact that you come into this thread KNOWING that the game is login required, KNOWING that you want to post a rant, is CHILDISH. Your rants and essays are falling on deaf ears. Hooda are NOT changing their minds. Most of us are quite happy to have registered by whatever means, and we simply DON'T WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU ANYMORE!


  30. Lol on telling bill chinery what he can and can not do and how to do it? Just saying!


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