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Fairyland Escape

Games2Rule - Fairy Land Escape is another type of point and click new escape game developed by Games 2 Rule. A don't miss game for all adventure lovers! You decided for an adventurous trip to the fairyland. Unexpectedly you get lost in the midst of the fairyland. A big slam, someone hit you at the head and made you unconscious. After a while, you seems to be in a bizarre place with all sort of creepy things. Your inner voice says "This is not the right place to linger around", so you must escape from this place. Use your wits to find the way out. Be careful anything may happen! Good luck and have fun!

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  1. put red fruits in hanging nests in second scene, and click again

  2. in door scene: use dark stone to break window and collect candles

  3. put lit torch on big tree with 4 grey symbols

  4. Beautiful music and beautiful graphics. I don't usually like these type but am loving this one.

  5. place candles in glowing holes under trees (1 scene before portale)

  6. Have 4 snakes, 4 butterflies, a lamp and still got my black rock. Not sure where they all go

  7. stuck with 4 snakes, 4 butterflies, big mushroom, scissor and dark stone. need 1 more stone for portale

  8. RSA, put lanterns on the ground in scene with many dark trees )1 scene before door)

  9. in second scene (with hanging nests) right of yellow flower, there is a hotspot, where we can place 4 diamond shapes.

  10. thanks :) got the scissors which gave me the dangling shroom. Now we are in the same place

  11. Drag the butterflies onto the screen in the scene with the glowing tree roots.

  12. Thanks GMM - I could swear I tried that a dozen times! That opens a place by the door for the shroom and the snakes

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. and out.
    take back the 4 snakes from musroom.

  15. Got the key and escaped. What a lovely (if somewhat frustrating) game

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. what to do with the snakes , the mushroom and the four grey pieces of a lock?

  18. You know, I'm relatively new to escape games, but I've pretty much decided that if a game has amazingly detailed backgrounds, it means whoever coded it stole them from somewhere, most likely DeviantArt:

    News flash, guys: The same Google Image Search you use to find this stuff is WAY smarter than you think it is. I dropped the opening scene in and it found the DA artist on the first try. Changing the colors to purple didn't do a thing.

  19. lol these are listed as walkthroughs and the hints are great but I'm stuck. I did most of it by myself but I guess i'll just have to wait for the video. Like so many games there is just one tiny thing I missed and it's not in the comments.

  20. someone said above that placing the butterflies opened a place by the door for the mushroom but I think we need to do something else first

  21. All the clues are about placing things...I need to find them! Where is dark rock please?

  22. POP...just found a scene I didn't see before by big red mushroom! LOL

  23. Ha ha ha ...That made a BIG difference! :)

  24. Hints on how to get the scissors?

    And hints on the diamond shape puzzle in the second scene?

  25. hi nokra I don't remember where I found things I just looked for anything that looked a bit different from the background
    I noticed that things would show up where they weren't before after going to different scenes

  26. Jenny you get the scissors after placing the lantern and clicking all the flowers that show up that gives 4 diamond shapes to put in the puzzle then just click them until a point in the middle turns yellow

  27. Jenny,
    Place the lamp on the floor in the very dark forest just before the house. Flowers will pop in and out from behind the trees. Click on each flower. Four squares will appear and you use those on the stone (the one with the 5 diamond shapes). Twist each of the squares until a line on the middle diamond changes to yellow. Once all the lines are yellow, the middle opens and you get the scissors

  28. Alexis,
    I think that area to place the mushroom was after placing all the pieces above the door by the 'portal' (door with the half moon on it). An area opens in front of the portal door where you can put the mushroom

  29. anyone find a place for those 4 grey things? to me they look like they could be 2 hinges and 2 keyholes but I can't find a place for them

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Alexis, they go in the scene before the tree with the four grey symbols. In that scene, just left of the cave.

  32. thank RSA Momma I will try to find the rest of the pieces I'm still missing 2

  33. Jenny no those are the ones just click on them in the puzzle until the lines turn yellow

  34. lol thankyou I tried to put them there but didn't zoom in first

  35. now just one piece to go
    can't find it
    might just give up on this one

  36. Alexis,
    What do you have in your inventory?

  37. I have a lantern, where to use it please? I can't find a way to light the torch...and yes, I tried the lantern many times! anyone?

  38. arrggg what am I missing

  39. Weird...I had refreshed a few times...and those comments were NOT TY rsa momma cyndi

  40. Nokra .... I can't remember how I lit the torch! Maybe on the left of the door that needs a key?

    The lantern goes on the floor in the dark forest. If you hang on for a sec, I'll go back in and give directions

  41. omg so simple -- click on the apples until they light up lol lol

  42. LOL...I can't find the scene to put the diamond shapes! LOL
    I found it many times before I had the shapes!

  43. I lit the torch with the thing that looked like a purple blob

  44. Oh, and the black rock in in the scene where you place the lantern. The forest is from where the cottage is (where the fireflies go) up left. Place the lantern on the path just around where the lighter part is

  45. POP...the red hanging things scene! :)

  46. To light the torch. In the scene with the door that needs a key, there is a purple blobby flower type thingy. Open your torch and put the blob on it and it will light up :)

  47. for diamonds (if I remember right) are left from the hanging mushroom then bottom left arrow

  48. TY, Alexis...I wondered where that blob was used for!

  49. Very pixelly place for the dang lit torch! got all door symbols now...yea!

  50. What to do with the black rock?

  51. Cool! snakes change shapes! LOL

  52. Black rock breaks a window for the little the little house

  53. use the black rock to break the window beside the door and take candles

  54. I need the last tile for the door and have only snakes and black rock, and of course the scissors.

  55. Did you get end use the candles yet, Cathy?

  56. Son of gun. what to do with the butterflies now? I tried (as past poster have said) to put them on the scene with the glowing tree roots. Nothing happens.

  57. Great game, but frustrating as hell.

  58. what to do with the butterflies ?

  59. So . . . I've been round and round looking for a red dangling mushroom. No luck. Any help spelling out the scene it's in please? TIA

  60. dany - drag butterflies across the screen in same scene you got them there will be colored places for them to go in

  61. SSS Girl,
    By the bridge, there are lamps on either side of it. click on the lamps to light them and the mushroom drops down

  62. I have 4 snakes, a torch, scissors, 4 pieces of something that won't place next to the cave, a rock that i've used, and a mushroom. I'm stuck :(

  63. Jinx,
    The mushroom and the snakes are used last. The lit torch goes by the tree with the squiggles on it (there is a pouch like area on the left side of the tree).

    Can you describe the 4 shapes? If they are irregular shapes, they go over the portal door. If they are diamonds, they go on the stone in the second scene and if they are square, they go on the left side (zoomed in) by the cave

  64. to place square things next to cave you have to zoom in on the square shadows

  65. Rats! I escaped - and just when I was enjoying the scenery!
    It did help to zoom 150%! Those spiders were teensy!

  66. HA! That was it. Thanks to @RSA and @Alexis!

  67. Oh. My. Word. I cannot believe I hadn't tried clicking on the stupid lamps!!! Thank you RSA Momma.

    Jinx--sounds like you may be missing some things?? Scissors just used to cut mushroom free, mushroom goes in far right scene with door that has spots for "rocks with blue lines on them". After placing all blue line rocks, spot for mushroom and snakes opens up.

  68. If you're stuck like I was for the mushroom, light the path way's lights.

  69. What a lovely game - shame to leave really. Thank you all for the useful hints!

  70. So I need one more rune. What to do with the square "paper" things with the lines on them?

  71. Love it, love it, love it. Did I say I Love It,,,Keep these type coming.....Thanks

  72. i have 4 butterfly .... what i do

  73. Apoorva: In the same scene that you found the butterflies, drag each butterfly to the middle of that scene and an outline will appear where you can place each butterfly. You don't see the outline until you drag the butterfly to the scene.

    Excellent game!!

  74. I am missing one of the blue line stones and one of the 4 squares pieces that will line up. Can anyone tell where they got these?

  75. zoomed and found the square piece by the house with the spiney roof.

  76. and that gave me that last squiggly piece for the crescent moon door. and out!

  77. I can't believe I spent half an hour on this one. :(

  78. Wow. I really liked the different puzzles in this game. I only needed two hits to forge ahead, so thanks for the details. You guys rocked it, as usual.

  79. Missing 2 runes, but done everything else (I think). I wish they had it so the cursor changed to a hand. I hate clicking everywhere

  80. Where do the 4 square things (notes???) go?

  81. I can see 4 square shapes on the dark trees where the lantern is but the squares things in my inventory don't seem to go there

  82. Ah ha didn't read the comments properly. They go in the cave scene, just to the left of the cave mouth. Zoom in and place and turn until blue glowing light. Now just one more rune to find....

  83. Oh for goodness sake lol. I didn't click the red fruit thingees once I'd put them in their "nests".

  84. I can't tell my score or they won't let me even play the kid games ... :(

  85. Knotaklu - HAHAHAHA....
    I think my score was not better !!!


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