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Mild Escape 7

Tesshie - Mild Escape 7 is another point and click type room escape games developed by Tesshi-e. In this game, you are in trapped in a room and you need to escape from it by finding and using items and by solving several puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Already OUT, hurry for dinner(im super hungry...orz)

    ** turn the star table 90 degrees to the left
    ** place all balls on places you like, remember the positions
    ** for HC, replace the gold medal with golden CD

  2. Another Tesshi-e so soon?!



  3. First round:
    5 balls, umbrella, note (from desk) and a kind of hook (from desk), hint from book and shelf is for picture gives key

  4. key is for desk (left side) gives pencil, used on note gives hint for balls - need one more ball

  5. hint from guitar and table is for device in right side drawer of desk, gives happy coin.

  6. Used umbrella combined with hook on plant pot and got a sucking disc (?)

  7. Out. Much easier that the usual Tesshi-e.

  8. ah - combined umbrella with sucking disc to get last ball from dusk bin.

  9. Anja - that's not a happy coin you've got. That comes later.

  10. put balls in left side drawer of desk and got a compact disc. Used on pc to get hint for hippo. Got a key.

  11. Used key on cabinet, got SD, used SD on next cabinet, got silver coin.

  12. Got another key from using ball order on bird. Used key on right side drawer on desk and got the bronze coin.

  13. Used the 3 coins/medals on cabinet, got key and a hint. Used coins/medals again. I used not the gold coin but the disc and put the gold coin underneath to get happy coin.

  14. ....And out. easy this one.

  15. The long number for the hippo doesn't tell me a thing...hint please

  16. @arbeitslooser~concentrate on minus

  17. i can't get the star signs in relation to the bird. Help please.

  18. @larue,

    Thank you, now I understand this hint : you have not to substract, you have to remove...

  19. I'm stuck again with 2 medals/coins. I've used everything I have in my inventory (screwdriver, umbrella + 2 different tools, pencil), except the note. I thought that I could click on the symbols in the drawer where I got the CD, but I can't.

  20. POP, the hint on the note must be used on Mr Birdy.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I'm out with the happy coin.

  23. AHH...yes I did subtract and felt really silly when doing that...THANKS

  24. Can someone tell me the order in which I have to click those 6 buttons under the Mr Birdie? I've tried in the order of the note, but that didn't work, besides that's the order I used to place the balls in the drawer.

    I also have the Gold and Silver medal and can place them together with the CD in the thing on top of the cupboard, but not matter how I place them, it does nothing.

  25. Lol yw! That was everyone's first instinct!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I am missing a ball! Any ideas?

  28. Thanks, Tesshi-e! A great game and there's always the most lovely words at the end!

  29. under table or window ?

  30. larue - I have both of those!

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thanks Larue, but that's not working for me :-(

  33. @larue about Mr. Birdy buttons:

    I *think* that due to the fact that you can CHOOSE where to place the 6 zodiac spheres, you cannot give a general clue what to click, but you have to combine the note on the paper notebook with where YOU placed the objects and the symbols they're showing.

  34. Maybe the birdie has to be lit up first? Or maybe the order is different for everyone? Or maybe I wrote the order down wrong?
    Did you get the ball in the trash can?

  35. hab 5 bälle,kiste in recht schublade geht nicht auf,welcher code? bitte helfen

  36. Ah ok ty arbeitslooser I deleted my order of placement.

  37. Would someone be so kind and give locations of ALL balls please....the one I am missing is not one of the ones mentioned! TY

  38. @arbeitslooser,

    You're right : the order for Mr Birdy depends on the order chosen for the balls. So, there is no way to give the solution for this one.

  39. Oh bloody hell LOL I just got the key from tMr Birdie, it was siting there all along, I just didn't see it because it's so dark.
    I did the button thing right all along.
    Thanks anyway for your help.

  40. lol they need to find their balls! :P

  41. OK...the joke is on me!!!! It was still in the suction thingy.... Tesshi-e is funny like that isn't she? LOL

  42. How then, to do Mr. Birdie? Is it month order? My order matches my note, but no key. ty.

  43. I'm not getting number for hippo. Subtraction doesn't work. Using the last four or first four. or the two before and after hyphen. One more little hint please?

  44. have no lien medal found so far, once in a drawer will not open screwdriver still missing uind have 5 balls so far and place thanks to pencil tip as balls

  45. The three drawer unit on the top of the computer desk is a little confusing. You have to open and close each of the three drawers, but because they are clear and because of the angle it is difficult to know which you have opened and which you haven't. There is a ball in the middle drawer. That is the one that was eluding me until I checked the blasted thing a fifth time.

  46. need help with the star box with four stuck!

  47. @Rita...remove those numbers. Not subtract.

  48. See back of guitar @thaihoney.

  49. @Rita, it's not math you have to do, simply leave out the last numbers in the big number and you'll end up with a 4 digit number ;-)

  50. Still no key from Birdie. Please explain what you mean by "order".
    thanks so much.

  51. Thai - look at table next to window. It shows which way is North. Imagine your box and where the North would be in relation to the table.

  52. Firefly, when you take the cd from drawer the balls light up...the order on notepad is the order you click the 2 rows of buttons under birdy
    if the 69/cancer is in top right place you click that last...and the M/arrow is first you click that button first..assuming all the notepads are alike...anyway, you get the idea?

  53. Fire and Celli - thank you!!!

  54. Yes, Rita. As so many great gamers have said, "Tilt your head."

  55. Don't understand hippo clue.

  56. Thanks Rita, I had rotated it too much!

  57. Take 2, 6, 0, 5 from first number.

  58. is it too late that i join i now ? Anyway, long time no see Tesshi-e !!!

  59. Thank you, @Nokra! Got it. My signs matched the order of my note, because I had found the note first, but it took several tries for the key to appear.

  60. Magda....the numbers on monitor are not math, you simply remove from the set of numbers, the 4 values that are after the minus sign....what you have left is a 4 digit number

  61. Some of us are still in game, gino...ask away! LOL

  62. Ahhh, lovely game! Always sad to leave these.

  63. how does monitor to have no cd found for pc only 5 balls and 1 gold coin, such as click below figure?

  64. anyone have a hint for the Happy Coin? I redid the order and have GOLD from drawer, cannot take it...don't get it as clue... :)

  65. marita...did you check the umbrella/suction cup in inventory? I had missed that one for a while!

  66. @nokra, wonderful at explaining!

  67. @nokra, replace coin with gold disk thing.

  68. How do I get the happy coin> I got to the point where the drawer pops out the word 'Gold' for me but I dunno what else to do. =X

  69. TY for the thanks...firefly... lol...I don't have a disc thing, do I?

  70. Put gold coin in slot, gold disk on top, I think.

  71. The gold CD from the PC.

  72. Thanks Firefly! :D nokra it's the compact disc we placed in the CPU. =)

  73. ahhhhhh....the cd disc thingy! LOL TY!!!!

  74. Or from the draw? Oh gosh I can't remember, sorry! But you use the Gold CD on that medal box to get happy coin.

  75. Yea! we are all happy !!!

  76. Yay! What a pleasure! Thanks guys! I never get to play live, but I admire your comments later. Live Tesshie...oh my what fun!

  77. danke bin raus,hatte kugel aus eimer nicht

  78. Hmm what did I miss if my notepad is empty?

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. Strange... I saved the game so I could see both endings...but they were both the same....and where was the wine or food? LOL
    So, I'll say it!

    Happy Coin Will Bring Happiness to You!

  81. See Bill Chinery comment 6:24.

  82. LOL @nokra! I missed the wine and food too!

  83. Tesshi-E games always brighten my day. They may not always bring 'calm' (sometimes they bring 'Kermit arms'), but they definitely bring a smile. :-)

  84. Guess we have to make our own.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. Pencil is in top left locked desk drawer
    you need book/shelves clue to open pic for the key

  87. Yes, pencil is indeed behind picture. I had to go back in to find it myself. Use pencil on notepad for birdie button order clue.

  88. Anybody know what "kermit arms" are? lol.

  89. Gold CD comes when you put six symbol ball in L draw in desk.

  90. Thank you, Tesshie! Your games do calm me. That is why I play them. I love the little hippo wiggly ears at the end. :)

  91. Thanks to you, Tesshie. Many happy returns!

  92. Wow, Complete and Happy key with out help. Thanks, Tesshi-e!

  93. Now that's what I call subtraction!

  94. Thank you Tesshi - Beautiful game as always!

  95. I hope Tesshi continues making games

  96. Happy 7th birthday, Mild Escape!
    Arigatō gozaimashita for yor magical work, Tesshi-e :)

  97. HAPPY 7 YEARS Tesshi! Thank you for your beautiful, tricky and stress relieving games, always a pleasure :)

  98. Many Happy Returns and many Happy Coins Teshi-E

  99. Thank you for so many Happy memories Tesshi-e and contralutions on your seven years! \(^▽^*)

  100. Tesshi-e, your games are so very good. Nice graphics, good puzzles, really makes me think and leaves me in need of help from others !!
    Congratulations. Played them from the very beginning.

  101. I'm always the one who gets stuck. I have 6 balls, a medal (gold I assume), a pencil, an umbrella, and the 2 things that I used on it. But I haven't found any note or CD.

  102. POP found the CD. I didn't realize I could put the balls in any order! I was waiting to find a clue. ~face palm~ Have a CD now.

  103. That was weird. Suddenly there is a notepad in the drawer on top of the desk. It wasn't there before!

  104. for the hippo clue, I wind up with 6 numbers not 4. I remove the numbers after the minus sign from the set of numbers before the minus sign, but I end up with 6 numbers not 4. What am I missing?

  105. never mind I figured it out LOL

  106. @TESSHI-e, thank you very much for your excellent games! In the last years you gave me many hours of fun. Thank you again and greetings from germany...

  107. Thank you, Tesshi-e for so many happy minutes (sometimes, hours!) playing your games. Your endings are always so upbeat - a special treat to look forward to!!! Congratulations to YOU!

  108. I can't find the shelves clue. Tried to click them in the right order about 20 times. Anybody?

  109. POP you don't have to click on the shapes, they show you in what order to click the corners of the painting!

  110. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  111. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  112. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  113. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  114. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  115. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  116. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  117. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  118. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  119. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  120. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  121. MildEscape - Congratulations on 7 years of giving us so much fun and joy! Whenever I see that there is a new Tesshi-e game I always smile because I KNOW that it will be a good, challenging and beautiful game, and I am NEVER disappointed!!! Keep on going for 7 times 7 times 7 and more years!!!

  122. Congratulation for 7th years anniversary.... Wish MildEscape will be here forever....

  123. happy anniversary to you, tesshi-e! thank you so much!

  124. caught this one from the random section

    thx Tesshi-e for all your great creations ☺
    always such a joy to play them
    they never disappoint
    missing your games...


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