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Escape Survivor Island Day 4

Escape Survivor Island Day 4 is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. You've been on the island for 3 days now and you're still alive! Oh, look! Something knocked over your barrel. Complete a few tasks while exploring the island to see what mysteries it holds! Good luck!

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  1. I'm not liking this "too much stuff in your inventory" thing. I'm pretty sure I'm stuck because i can't let go of an item to pick up the fishing pole to combine the worm and line. Either that or the tackle box needs to disappear and it doesn't.

  2. But I've done days 1-3 and I don't want to start at day one again. How do we do day 4?

  3. Ahh...fill up the water barrel and place it back first. Free's up a slot.

  4. got bamboo and vine, have o make three walls, have to goback and get bamboo and vines one set at a time, put walls at wing

  5. Refreshed the game and had the play button for Day 4. Phew!

  6. have fishing pole done.. just dont know how or where to fish.
    Keeps telling me theres sharks in the water.. duh!?

  7. i have fishing line fish hook and worm how can i compine them?

  8. found tackle box under water, has fishing line and hook, found worm by digging under water symbol, looking for pole now.

  9. Not liking todays game. can't find enough food to carry water barrel and can't find pole to make fishing rod. can only make one wall as there are no more vines. Sick of going in circles!

  10. anyone found the pole???

  11. Evans, you can make more walls by repeating the bamboo and vine cutting. You can place three under the palm trees, but I've made a fourth and have nowhere to put it. Maybe I should have stopped at three!

  12. built another wall, now stuck with it, need food for full bars to move water barrel, still haven't found pole and game crashed..

  13. No, I'm still looking for a pole as well. And something to use as a hammer. The fourth wall is not doing it!

  14. done.. have to build 3 sets of walls.. not just one. Keep going back to bamboo and vine is up near the bridge way.
    Also, you need a worm for the hook..
    Where did you see mud where there used to be water?

  15. you get more vines from where u got the other before bridge to the r/l cut it again but i have no more room in my boxes so carn't pick it up or find rod so don't know what to do now

  16. finally. restarted and no glitches yet, could go back for more vines this time. wall built but still can't find pole, hammer or way to make torch for cave and still need one more food item to be able to carry barrel

  17. I think we're all there with you too Evans!

  18. No way! all you smart people are stuck too? Not feeling so bad then. lol

  19. This series has been really good. I'm almost expecting to see the smoke monster next! Struggled for a long time, as usual, but got there in the end. The tackle box is not 'under water' in the usual sense. It is hidden in the foreground of the scene with the ladder in the stream, which you reach after your raft journey in the cave.

  20. boring, too much back and forth and too annoying not being able to pik stuff up, im outsky

  21. well redid most things, not picking up barrel till health is full to save inventory, tackle box is hiding, must have to get something else to reveal it.

  22. Huw, where is fishing pole and how did you make torch to actually go in cave. HELP US PLEASE???

  23. The torch is made by combining a bone with the oily rag on the rocks in the far left beach scene. It can be lit in the smouldering ashes of the oven.

  24. how do i merge worm and hook....don't have enough space for the rod.

  25. tackle box in on the shore line when the water recedes. can't remember which scene.

  26. I'm in the same spot evans and Clodagh. Need one more food. Can't find pole or hammer or firewood. Have the worm, though!

  27. The bamboo pole (not part of the bamboo you use for the walls) was leaning against a tree in one of the right hand jungle scenes.

  28. Huw - what? I had the tackle box earlier and found the hook and the fishing line in it, but haven't got to a raft. By 'ladder in the stream', do you mean the bridge we had to build in the earlier game?

  29. Huw, we don't have any bone. where did you find it and where did you find the fishing rod?

  30. Hi, i also need more food and i made a torch with bone and oiled tissue but not lit of course. Where is the last food ?

  31. I have no rod nor hook....

  32. Ahh the bone was under the big rock in the screen where we took the stones for the pier, use shovel.

  33. Maybe Selfdefiant has edited this game, because my tackle box wasn't on the sea shore. It was next to the stream with the ladder in it!

  34. I've checked all the beach scenes and still don't see a tackle box. Does anyone know which scene it is in? Thanks.

  35. Aha, thanks for the torch being lit in the smouldering ashes Huw! I was waiting until I found wood for the fire to try the torch in there.

  36. found tackle box under waves near broken boat, after I built fourth wall, (thought it was raft for river..apperantly not

  37. Found hook in the box under water in the ship scene.

  38. Wow this is messed up. no fishing pole leaning on any trees and the tackle box is moving around. I am just giving up. no stars for self defiant today. :(

  39. stream with a ladder??? I only see a river with a bridge scene - and no tackle box...

  40. No, the ladder in the stream is after you move the big rock and take a raft journey in the cave!

  41. after rafting in the cave i found a rock in the bushes obviously for the hammer but it gone now!!!

  42. Ah, found the hammer on the dinosaur's head!

  43. I am fed up running in circles.....close to give up ...Cannot lit fire because i can´t find a hammer to use on box, cannot lit torch, so i can´t enter the cave etc.....and no rod.

  44. The hammer smashes the crate in far left scene from the camp, and then you can cook your fish. Hooray!

  45. Zazie, do you have the bone and the oily rag? You can combine those, and then stick them on the embers of the fire (thanks for that one Huw!). Things flow from then on.

  46. Finally!!!!!!! thanks guys!And thanks Clodagh for the hammer it made my head burns!!

  47. How do you get the big rock in the cave moved away?

  48. @Zazie, you can use the coles to lit your torch, dont need wood yet :)

  49. sorry SD - too convoluted for my little brain : (

    enjoyed the last Asylum very much though : )

  50. To move the big rock in the cave, I think you use another bone which you pinch from the dinosaur.

  51. It's like we're playing different games. My hammer (no assembly necessary) was in the dinosaur cave!

  52. @Zoe, once in the cave, take a huge bone from the dino. Use it as a lever to move the rock.

  53. now combined bone with rag and used bbq'r to lite it, used in cave for hammer, and clue to puzzle to the left in this scene is revealed when you lite the torch inside cave, inventory is full cant pick up item from puzzle..still haven't found pole, or final food, I think im stuck since I have no room for pole and cant drop anything

  54. and out, will stick around if someone needs help

  55. Ok now my torch is lit (no idea how) but i cant pick up anything because inventory is full grr.

  56. ok, I caved and restarted and everything worked this time and I got out. but this time I had to make the torch first and enter the cave and do the raft trip to find tackle box and fishing pole.

  57. don't take too many items, be careful. You just need the torch for starters, nothing else!

  58. Zazie, what do you have in your inventory?

  59. definitely make and use the torch first before you do the other stuff.
    except for the walls they get out of your inventory fast.

  60. Can´t pick up wood after using hammer nor bone in cave or thing from arrow box.

  61. Unknown - don't despair at this point! Do you have the other bone from the dinosaur. That's used to move the rock, then you can take the item from the puzzle (it's a raft) and use it on the water. You get more food, then you can collect water from the bridge with the barrel and place it in the camp. THEN you have space for the pole. (At least, I think that's what happened for me).

  62. You can join the bamboo and the vines. You need to do go back and collect bamboo and vines 3 times and join them together each time, to make a wall.

  63. I have box, shovel, barrel, knife, net (or string), bamboo wall, lit torch, worm, hook and hammer.

  64. @Zazie, if your inventory is full, you can't pick up any more items.
    Look if you can combine some.
    Oily rag + bone
    Bamboe + strong vine.
    Or if you already made a wall section, place it in your hut first.

  65. thanks for help, I have same problem with full inventory

    restart a game
    and don't take the barrel (take it only at the end to fill it)

  66. Yep my inventory is full too and can't pick anything else up!!! Have to restart I guess and not collect stuff till needed .... arggg

  67. had to replay this game 4 times!!!!!!
    cause of the "inventory is full" nonsense and can't put back any item.
    I like this game serie, but today is NOT a good day!

    - just built 3 bamboo walls. not more!!
    - just pick up 3 bamboo sticks, not more!!
    - just pick up 3 vines, not more!!
    - just pick up the green box and DON'T TAKE OUT hook or line until you have found the fishing rod
    - just pick up the hammer, if you have an other empty slot to pick up the smashed wood.

    Selfdefiant, please let me put back or drop some items.

  68. My inventory is full. I couldn't get the tackle box in the waves until I made a 4th wall. I can't put anything from my inventory down anywhere or combine anything. Here's what I have:
    Axe, shovel, barrel, wall piece, worm, torch, tackle boxc, fishing line, hook and wooden raft.

    Does this mean I have to start over?

  69. Place your wall and then go down the rapids. One of the scenes after that you get a single bamboo pole for a fishing rod, then you can add the string, hook and worm to that.

  70. I combined everything what is possible, have put 3 walls and have another one in inventory. But stuck with full inventory and i won´t restart ! The inventory should be movable. No fun like this. Thanks anyway for your help, cu in another game :-)

  71. Don't panic, Everyone! There IS space in your inventory, you just have to join a few things, or place a few things. If you have a wall (bamboo + vine), place it in your hut, freeing up a slot.

  72. Zazie, can you fill the barrel in the stream, then return it to camp, to free a slot in your inventory?

  73. No i need one more food.

  74. Rachel, for me not possible to join things, I have to restart game and I don't take barrel this time to have a free place in inventory

  75. If none of the things in your inventory can be combined (for example, vine and bamboo to make a wall), it looks like you'll have to restart or just leave this one.

  76. this full inventory sucks sharks..have to restart AGAIN!

  77. Rachel - I have placed 3 walls in my hut and I have a 4th in my inventory that won't go in the hut or anywhere else that I can see. Apparently I'm not supposed to pick up something when I see it - like the tackle box in the ocean, since it seems to be somewhere else later in the game. So, I'm supposed to "know" that I don't do these things beforehand? My advice is don't build the 4th wall. Don't pick up the tackle box in the ocean or open it and take out the fishing line and the hook. Otherwise you fill up your inventory and can't go on with the game.

  78. Yeah, you're right about the 4th wall :( I didn't realise I had to build more until I had solved the other clues, so I was lucky that way.

  79. Prior to the raft journey, you only have 4 food units (berries and bananas), so cannot move the barrel. There are more bananas after rafting and the fish, when you have caught it. As someone else suggested, leave filling the barrel (and making the bamboo walls) until last.

  80. I restarted and then zoomed thru - just start with the torch and go to the cave - moved right along from there

  81. Yes Linda - I think the problem (for me at least) was not realising that I could light the torch on the embers, and was looking for wood for the fire first, picking up all and sundry on the way!

  82. I can't do anything because my inventory is full. I'm stumped

  83. I missed that the tackle box was in the broken boat scene. It's out and I fixed the keep taking bamboo problem. :) Thanks everyone!

  84. Cathy, try and join some of your items.

  85. ok, restarted, did torch first (bone and rag and embers)
    did cave, got dino bone moved rock, solved puzzle, got hammer,
    rafted through got last food and pole, and tackle box was by ladder this time..(??) went fishing,got fish, broke up crate with hammer cooked fish, built three walls, ate fish, game over,

  86. Thanx SD!! For what it's worth, I REALLY enjoyed this game!! It was a challenge, sure, but isn't that what it's supposed to be? :D

  87. Ok, so I restarted and got into the cave and moved the boulder. Now what? How do I use the raft, etc??

  88. puter froze for a bit and I thought I couldn't move forward...used the raft.

  89. I always try to fix any mistakes I make. I test the game tons but you tend to do things differently when you are the one making the game. My testers didn't have any problems but they are used to the games too! Thanks everyone for understanding, now the game should be free of errors. :)

  90. Selfdefiant - Of COURSE you did!!! Thanks for that!!

  91. Yes! Vine and bamboo. Finally out!

  92. How and where do you fish? Thanks

  93. On the pier. I think you have to keep clicking around.

    Hut scene
    Your barrel has fallen over and you need to build a wall.
    Click left x 2
    Pick up oily rag
    Can break box, but need something to break it with.
    Click right all the way to anchor scene
    Need to catch fish. Obviously your crab box is no longer working
    Click right x 2
    Click Up x 1
    Click right x 2
    Chop some bamboo
    Click right
    Water Scene
    Eat berry
    Water has now dried up. Only mud left. Dig up mud for worm
    Click right x 1
    Click up x 1
    Eat bananas
    Click right
    Chop down vine
    Join vine and bamboo for wall
    Return to Hut and place wall behind your straw bed.
    VITALLY IMPORTANT TO PLACE WALL NOW! You have limited inventory Space!
    Now go back to the bamboo and vine scenes and do it again twice. Each time placing your wall BEFORE continuing.
    Once your 3 section wall is complete, go back to the bamboo scene, click up and then click left. Using your shovel, move the rock for a bone.
    Go back home, join bone with the oily rag and place in oven to make a torch.
    Now go straight up from bamboo scene to cave and enter.
    Need to move a rock, click right
    Light the torch on the wall, see arrow clue, collect hammer, collect large back bone. Click left x 2. Enter arrow clue, collect raft. Click right. Using large bone, move rocks. Click up. Use raft for some rapid fun! Click on Bananas. Click on bush to reveal tackle box, take it. NOTE: It stays stuck in your inventory! Open tackle box for fishing line and hook. Click right. Collect single bamboo pole. Join bamboo pole, string, hook and worm. Go all the way back to your Pier. Click around the front of your pier and catch a fish. Click all the way left to the box. Bash with hammer for firewood. Go to hut. Place firewood, cook fish, eat. Collect barrel. Go to any scene with the river and fill the barrel. If you have issues here, just find a river that will allow you to fill the barrel. Also note that if you missed eating something, you won’t have enough energy to left the barrel to fill it. Go back to hut. Place barrel and you’re OUT!

  95. Lots of unnecessary back and forth with the whole wall building thing, but this was a fun one!

  96. No tackle box in my game!

  97. Why do people complain?

    Room, Asylum, Mansion, Island, Ainars, 512, whatever...

    Let's just have FUN and help each other!

  98. @Jim
    People complain for many different reasons, including for fun.
    Why do you ask? Or are you just complaining? ;)

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Bill....oops I mean Esmeralda...can't we all just get along?

  101. Stuck with a full inventory, can't combine or place anything, not going to restart.

  102. I love SD's games and have enjoyed this series but as an OP says, too much trailing back and forth,and it became boring so I'm giving up. Not a slight on the game just not my scene.

  103. That was fun, too.
    I had to restart as well because I kept collecting things I didn't need yet.
    Thanks SD

  104. 1 star awful, game navigation is not wonderful and the game is bugged, I fill my water barrel and when I go to place it it states it's empty.

  105. I can't catch a fish! :(

  106. Ahhh, need to find a worm.


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