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Matryoshka Escape

Matryoshka Escape Walkthrough[Replay Game] Kotorinosu - Escape Game: Matryoshka Escape is another Japanese point and click room escape game developed by Kotorinosu. For some reason, you are trapped in a room without a door, where a strangely shaped doll is placed. Let's escape from this room relying on the things in the room. Good luck and have fun!

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Matryoshka Escape Walkthrough

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  1. I could use some help. anyone else playing?

  2. Just in. Hope we can help each other.

  3. made some progress....seems interesting

  4. I need SD !!!!!

  5. I have a pencil, 2 pieces of paper that I put together and used pencil on. Two blue dolls (one had a key on the back) and now stuck. I really need two screwdrivers and more keys.

  6. I used the little man to remove the bolt on the plant and get the bottle of water.

  7. i am where you are evans

  8. I was thinking that you could use the maze to rotate the big doll but couldn't get it to work.

  9. both dolls go on scale thing on desk but nothing happens.

  10. ottle of water inside the pot with plant

  11. i think eventually we find second balance pan and put dolls on to get needle to tick

  12. Where was right side of paper maze?

  13. one was between halves of coloum and one in desk drawer you open with key from back of larger doll.

  14. Think the maze and doll do go together but can't get it.

  15. no one has the balance pan yet.

  16. Towel cleans picture on shelf

  17. Ergh stuck with a domino box and a 3 button doll.

    The finished maze (after you use the pencil on it) is for the L/R doll. Look at which direction the path goes and how far (180 degrees to the left, turning the face to the back, aka 2 clicks, is the first one)

  18. Opened the doll and got a screwdriver

  19. got all dolls, scribbled pad, dice grid and stuck

  20. also stuck with domino and 3 button doll. Used pencil on pad of paper and got hint but don't know how to apply it to the doll

  21. The hint refers to the row of dominoes on the box. Literally read the dots on the dominoes from left to right and press the doll's buttons accordingly. Hope that helps! :)

  22. Nope, KiwiKate, still confused. can you explain better?

  23. evans.....dice dots are slanted, so if it's a 3 in the cell it means hit the top first then middle then bottom since top button is on left nd bottom is on right

  24. got the handle, now how do I get the 3rd doll out to work the scale?

  25. evans.....if you put small doll on the emblem then you can pull it through after it closes

  26. I'm out. Remember, the smallest doll can fit through the cage on the right side. :)

  27. Right, DrLee, thanks for the explanation, was away from the 'puter for a moment! Are you understanding, evans?

  28. i have flat SD and 3 dolls and put them in the spots on the shelf but not seeing what to do next?

  29. Oh, good, you got a handle on it, evans, lol! Sorry, hadn't refreshed the page!

  30. nevermind...

  31. I have all the dolls, opened the windows and am now stuck on machine with lever. Not sure how to work that or what y,r,b,g colour hint is for.

  32. Out, thanks for all the help. Great game!

  33. The lever changes the color of the dolls.

  34. where is the water in the plant? Can't find it at all. :(

  35. Water is in the base of the plant. have to unlock with doll key on side.

  36. Where is doll with the key? I'm stuck and my clicking finger is hurting now

  37. Thanks, octavious99! :) Now I'm stuck trying to turn the big doll for the key. :)

  38. @ Yoy
    If you cleaned that pic, put thumbnail things the big doll for a new doll

  39. Thanks, Clee! I was just about to give up! :)

  40. The hints are not really here I'll try and help as I get going ..The maze isn't working yet for me

  41. Plz can someone help, I cannot get the L/R from the maze! Im stuck on stupid!!

  42. I'm with you Clee-- where does the hint for the paper maze apply? I'm giving this game a thumbs down-- it's stressing me out which defeats the purpose! lol

  43. Guess everyone is gone. I'll try this game another time then.

  44. Any help? I have no idea how to get the doll out of the cage

  45. The little doll we found in the big doll can be turned left and right that is where you use the maze . I wanted LLLRRLLL but not getting it that way LOL

  46. I think it was 2L1R2L3R
    I'll replay if that wasn't right.

  47. Larue is in the house :-) all is good now

  48. I can't seem to figure out how to get the third doll after getting the sd from the second doll and the dominoes

  49. nvm, the panel can be removed by sd

  50. well I don't know what these dominoes are that people are referring to - I've got 3 dolls though

  51. the dominoes are behind family pic

  52. Thanks again Larue I'm out but that was a tough one for me lol Need a cool beer now

  53. the family pic is a clue along the way too..

  54. the key card for the family pic is inside frame on shelf.

  55. so how does th epicture open- I can't find a way to trigger it:(

  56. enzed, look behind the pic on the shelf and use the sd.

    I'm at a loss as to where else to use this flat head screwdriver

  57. place the dolls on the shelf according to the picture.. pretend the dolls are the family.. ie put the baby inside the mom

    The dominos.. just line up the 4 dominos on the match sticks and click them in order... if u label the buttons on the doll top is 3 then 2 and one is bottom , the sequence.. SPOILER 13232131 SPOILER

  58. Third Door have you look in cabinet under big doll?

  59. Thank you larue. No, I didn't

  60. yay more Cheers! yw! :)

  61. draw the maze and move head the same way and same amount
    that is on maze.

  62. Need some help! I have left side of the maze, the bolt guy, a pencil and now I'm stuck. Can't seem to do anything else

  63. have you place the 3 tear drops in the big doll according to the frame on shelf? key to drawer will be on back of doll inside big doll for drawer and R side of maze..

  64. bolt guy is used on plant for water, cloth under sofa~use wet cloth on frame
    3 tear drops are all in the same scene of family pic

  65. check the back of a doll

  66. How to place 3 dolls on shelf? I dont get it...

  67. well you need 4 dolls....

  68. Thank you larue. Hadn't worked that out

  69. how to get doll behind bars?

  70. P Plz I have 3 dolls. I dont get how to set "the picture" do I need 4 dolls? I cant get the one beside scale

  71. @gamer put the smallest doll in right cage. You cant take it out between the bars

  72. POP havent seen screw in cabinet

  73. oh good cause it was 9:28 not 38!

  74. i think the rest of the clues are above and i gtg now! Have fun!

  75. ty ty now how to get the daddy doll?

  76. @gamer there*s a screw in cabinet below Daddy doll

  77. oh! it was screwed down. ty for your help. ♥

  78. change color small red, blue. yellow.big green and out!

  79. Not getting the doll button pattern. I know it's 2-1-3-2, but I don't know how to put it in.

  80. Luin 7/18/14, 9:48 PM
    place the dolls on the shelf according to the picture.. pretend the dolls are the family.. ie put the baby inside the mom

    The dominos.. just line up the 4 dominos on the match sticks and click them in order... if u label the buttons on the doll top is 3 then 2 and one is bottom , the sequence.. SPOILER 13232131 SPOILER

  81. thanks for all your great hint but I can't find flat sd
    I have only 3 dolls

    help please

  82. Ok found key
    put medium doll in big dool, put on right side balance and put little doll on left side balance

  83. I can only have 2 doll at the same time. One is being in the cage. How can I have 3 dolls at the same time?

  84. tautau put little doll in right cage (to open left cage), and after you can take it through the bars of right cage

  85. Thanks seb, 3 dolls now.

  86. Great game. Out finally.

  87. i too need flat head SD...

    nowhere to see...

  88. arbeitslooser , read my com 11:59, key gives flat sd

  89. Great game! thanks for the hints

  90. I cannot find second paper piece with the maze. Someone said the second piece comes from one of the drawers with the key you get from behind the big doll but I cannot get to see behind the big doll. Help please

  91. key for second paper is behind the doll where you can do the L R code
    you find this doll in the very big doll

  92. Got it. Missed a seed thingy that was on the family pic.

  93. @seb

    My problem is that your explanation was illogical...

    put medium doll in big dool

    Should read: "into biggest doll you can get hold of" ( = momma doll)
    Since once you've managed to unscrew daddy doll, he will be the "big doll".

    Medium-sized one into momma doll...yes this finally works.

  94. yes you are right !

    but when I can put dolls on balance I have only 3 dolls, and don't thought to write exactly momma doll for the biggest of the three ...


  95. @seb ... big & big ... everything's relative ...

    but to something more important...

    So if you follow a YT walkthrough, don't get fooled by the color assignments. It's amazing how Kotorinosu managed this at all, but I had different colors in that "lamp half" and the one from the WT did not work!

  96. This game rocked. Made sense and stumped me at the same time. Thanks to everyone that helped.

  97. brilliant game! Made slow but steady progress right until the colour cupboard and took at least 10 mins to figure out there were more than just red and blue options!!!

  98. Awesome game! 6 stars out of 5. I wish MORE escape games were like this. Logical, challenging, unique, and yet so simple at the same time. Very well done, Kotorinosu!

  99. Do you color the dolls from the middle outward or the other way? And where do they go after you color them? I've read all the comments and maybe I missed it, but don't see it anywhere.

  100. OH, you put them inside each other and on the shelf above where you change color?

  101. Ok. The colors go from the inside out and yes, you put the dolls inside each other and on that shelf. My biggest doll was green, but it seems it's different for each game.

  102. I agree this was a fantastic game!

  103. Finally out thanks for all the hints xx

  104. I only can find 3 seed things (plant, clock and fm. picture). How many do I have to find and where are they please?

  105. You can see in the link to the walkthrough that I found if you want :P

  106. How do u get the flat head screwdriver?

  107. The maze hint doesn't work on the doll : it shows RLLRRLLR.

  108. I wish I could understand how the maze can be used to turn the doll head, but it doesn't seem to be related.

  109. Got hopelessly stuck in the beginning - I would have never guessed the "seed placement hint" - but from then on it was a relatively smooth gliding.

    I liked it. Kotorinosu still keeps nailing it.

  110. How do u get the flat head screwdriver?
    Well, you need to do something else first. Set the dolls as described above for both pans of the scale, get the key from the compartment that opens, and unlock the left of the two drawers.
    SD is inside.

  111. Wow, that was all kinds of fun. Tough but really great puzzles.
    Where I got stuck? The last key to open the lever door to color the dolls. Once you open the windows, return to where the two arrows are and click on the shelf that has appeared. Click on the little panel and there is that key! Super game! Loved it!

  112. Thanks for the hint about retrieving the little one through the bars!

  113. Desperate for a WT!
    Must be missing something obvious and confused by comments, which seem to be written by people who got further than I before offering/asking for hints.

    I only have one doll in hand, one on desk I can't take and one behind bars that won't move.
    Can't open doll on desk (I think because I need an SD to get petals/tear drops from picture). Also can't see behind it (?to find SD?)
    Also, have a pencil and left paper from chimney.
    Lots of places to use + and - SDs, key holes galore.

  114. Oh, and doll behind bars won't move.
    useless picture you can zoom on, table by couch you can't zoom on.
    No POP for me today! ;(

  115. @PuzzledinCA:
    Look at the picture that you cleaned again. There are three of those petals/tear drops that are a different color. Use them to know how to place the three petals/tear drops you already have.

  116. I'm giving up this nonsense.

  117. I'm giving up this nonsense.

  118. I'd gladly write a walkthrough, but since the Flash version of the game is planned to get WITHDRAWN on July 27 (what an idiotic idea!) all the effort put into my walkthrough will have been vain from July 28 since no one will be able to play the game on their PC any more.

  119. @pdgph I thought the same thing at first, took me a while to wrap my head around it. Pretend that South is the direction the doll is facing when it's looking at you. You're moving the head to follow the line. North means the face is facing away from you.

  120. Wow that was a good one. Tough for me and when that happens my star rating for the game goes up. Thank you all for your comments cause I sure needed them. 5 star

  121. The maze clue for the L/R puzzle was absolutely


  122. pdgph,
    The maze hint doesn't work on the doll : it shows RLLRRLLR.

    I think it was 2L1R2L3R.

    TY larue, otherwise I'd be stuck....


  123. What does the comment mean, "Flash game available until July 27? Does anyone know?

  124. @Trig
    Sure! As I wrote above, the author will withdraw the Flash version of this game so that it will no longer be accessible!
    Unfortunately, Kotorinosu didn't think too far when making that decision: there will be tons of people who are on vacation and who will return *exactly* when the game is taken offline!!

  125. You are right: this was a stressful game! The domino dots were hard to decipher so I used the clues from you guys (I originally thought it was a single number each, hadn't thought them as a combination). Every time I thought this is it, I am out, I wasn't. Eventually I climbed out of the matryoska giant and I am free! Hurray!!!!!

  126. OMG - I just didn't know where to place the dolls at the end, so I checked the WT and followed it a bit too closely by changing the colors of my dolls without realizing that they are DIFFERENT for each game, or at least mine were different from those in the WT!!! Took me quite a while to change them back....

  127. Kate, this is just why I wrote that comment ( 7/19/14, 7:06 AM ) ;))

  128. Where is the handle for the cupboard under the papa doll? Evans said he got it, but didn't say where.

  129. The handle is inside the doll with the 3 buttons, use pencil in notebook to get dominoes to use, then go left to right for each individual pip (highest, middle, lowest).

  130. Hi Tiquer, I'm just starting on it - I saw nothing to indicate that the clue for the drops in the doll's face should be upside down, had to watch the video. Where's the clue for that? I'd tried reversing L-R, which seemed logical. Anyway it's


    the exact opposite of the picture.

  131. Wow... I'm really impressed by this game. Really challenges your intellect and is really different from other escape-the-room games! I love it! Thank you so much, Kotorinosu! I really hope you see this comment.

  132. Maze giving me a headache. Can't win 'em all.

  133. pencil on top of picture frame. For me it was hidden behind the "how to play" button.

  134. put child and mommy doll on right and baby doll on left to get key.

  135. "how to play" button can be closed. I must have opened it by mistake.

  136. Absolutely fantastic! Thank you KOTORINOSU

  137. love japanese games, wished they create new games

  138. when i put the scale back together, it was still leaning towards one side. it was not balanced.


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