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Wilderness Survival Escape Day 3

Wilderness Survival Escape Day 3 is a new escape games created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. It's day 3 in the wild, thank goodness you were able to sleep in a big soft comfy bed last night. Now it's time to get moving, it's hard to say what today will bring! Good luck and have fun playing!

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  1. Yay, live! Game is on :-)

  2. Sure, I always keep my life jacket in the fridge, don't you?

  3. Filled my jar with stew, yum

  4. The 4 digit code in the tent is the shapes on the logs in front of the tent.

  5. A good thing those berries grow so fast, it's like 4G ;-)

  6. Do some counting at fireplace, gives you peddle

  7. Oh my, just got launched on that river!

  8. Finally reached some shore, what do you think? Stupid me clicked that canoe again!!! Nooooooo!

  9. 4 digit code in the outhouse is the colour hint in the other outhouse and the colours on the arrow target boards.

  10. What ever you do, do NOT eat your jar of stew before you are ready to go to bed!

  11. Use the hammer (from that 4 digit code) in the outhouse to get the key for the house. But got to eat again. Probably back in the canoe again because I already ate the stew.

  12. Lol, thanks RSA Momma Cyndi.
    Consider myself out than. Not gonna do that long canoe trip again.

  13. Code not working for me

  14. Jeez, couldnt resist the stew! guess I'm out anyway LOL

  15. The never ending canoe ride just takes you back to the cabin with the toilets! Asijiki - no turning back :)

  16. Well, after hours and hours on the river I got really tired, but I had to count the bulls eye colors first and eat my stew..... zzzzzzzz goodnight guys, thanks SD!

  17. Aera - which code are you struggling with?

  18. Oh my! Does this canoe trip ever end?

  19. Yes, ended while I was writing here!

  20. that really made me laugh! thanks SD

  21. There's only three #s on the target but four colors in outhouse hint...what's the code? 513?

  22. Camping has never been so much fun!

  23. myrdlebp - between one and three comes two.

  24. It was over then I clicked the canoe again by accident (big mistake) and the trip started all over lol

  25. colors and targets don't match up. Can someone please spoil the 4# code for me. I have only one target I can zoom on and it has 3 #'s only

  26. Evans,
    The numbers on the target are in order. So if no number on a certain colour you should be able to know/guess that number.

  27. colors in outhouse red,purple,orange,blue, colours on target (with #/s) Purple,yellow,red. This does not compute!

  28. Thanks small tool. Out now.

  29. 4 # code does not work on tool box for me...

  30. Out now... or should I say "in" now.

  31. Spoiler Alert

    2415 reversed

  32. I didn't eat the stew until before bed so I didn't realize it would cause a problem. It's fixed! Thanks everyone!!!!

  33. Not needed to eat the stew, had a raspberry before leave the forest.

  34. thanks kels. I was mixing up yellow and orange.

  35. Not loading...just a white screen. Never had this problem before w/ SD games. Anyone else?

  36. Same using IE (fresh install, no plugins)...everything loads on the rest of the page, it goes through the bolt cycle, appears to redirect, and then...nothing. Just a white screen.

  37. Will try again tomorrow I suppose.

  38. No berries around the cabin!!! I ate my stew on the canoe trip and can't go back.

  39. I guess Selfdefiant games are out of the question now. It suffers from the same problem as with the second game: it does not load regardless if Adblock is enabled or not (globally or site-specific).

  40. That's the jar we caught the bees in yesterday. I hope we thought to rinse it out before putting stew in it.

  41. @Joel - I have the same issue. I haven't been able to get the games to load from melting mindz website so I was opening the swf in my browser. Can't do that now - I am gettin 'game is jacked' Oh well, I really enjoyed SD games. Guess I will move on.

  42. Hopefully SD can fix this glitch. I can't play either. FF or Chrome.

  43. You can always play the games on Yizzim. We had to prevent hot-linking the games. Sites were stealing our bandwidth. Sorry! You can always become a Premium Member of Melting-Mindz and play ad free.

  44. Great fast game again. Thank you. See you tomorrow.

  45. It did load in IE via Yizzim, but still not in FF.

    I understand needing to do something about the bandwidth stealing, but punishing the innocent by stealing their choice of what browser to use is not a rational (or fair) answer. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    Yes, it is just a matter of switching browsers, and it isn't difficult. And if we were talking about an extremely useful online utility, that would be a valid consideration. But I am not going to switch what browser I use just to play a 5 minute flash game, no matter how good it is. It is just a game, one of millions that are every bit as enjoyable, that I don't have to switch browsers to play.

  46. I don't have any pull over what browser you use. I can load the game in every browser. Not everyone's machines are the same. I always suggest going to Yizzim because most people who can't load a game for whatever reason on Melting-Mindz can usually load it on Yizzim. I make the games and host them, that's all. I can load the game and 99% of others can, so I'm good with that.

  47. I have a bug - I had to restart, and now whatever I do, the life jacket won't reappear.

  48. The life jacket wasn't supposed to be in the fridge. It is down by the boat.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. @SD - I can play at Yizzim! Thanks a bunch SD! HURRAY! I will also consider becoming a premium member. I really do enjoy your games.

  51. OK, again I can't "end" this day. I see the life jacket, but cannot get it, trying the oar, knife and everything else in my backpack.
    I usually can get though these games, but lately it's been a challenge. I'm a former redhead that is now all white...does this mean I'm "BLONDE"? :)

  52. NVRMD....I truly MUST be BLONDE! ;)

  53. BTW, <3 You & Your Games SD!

  54. @SD
    I know you don't have any control over it, and I appreciate that you do make the effort that a lot of game makers don't, and that you recognize that they aren't going to work for everyone. Unlike what gmm's comment implies, I do not hold you personally responsible for a crappy and unfair industry standard response to the problem. We have had this discussion before, so I hope there is no need to go into it again.

    You would do well to do two things. First, mind your own business. If no one is talking to you or about you, then you have no valid reason to enter an on-going conversation. Second, make sure you know what you are talking about before opening your mouth.

    As it happens, I know that SD wants *everyone* to play his games, me included. Not only has he said as much, but the care he puts into them shows that, as does the attention he gives the bugs his beta-testers (us) find. So don't go ascribing opinions to him that he doesn't actually have. It is rude, as well as ignorant.

  55. @Esmerelda - in keeping with the comment posting rules, I've deleted my comment to you. If your intent is to have a personal conversation with the gamemaker, consider contacting him directly rather than posting on a public message board.

  56. @gmm: I appreciate your gesture. I was, contrary to your opinion, not engaging in a conversation with the gamemaker per se, but rather was initially seeking help, and then attempting to provide help to others, who may be having trouble with the game loading. Since assistance with the game play is what these comments sections are for, I am leaving my comment up.

  57. I recently found a solution for Linux users to keep on playing these games without the need to register at Yizzim. All you need is an up to date version of the flash player. Adobe has freezed the linux version of the flash player to 11.2, so you need to change the browser. Either you use the Google Chrome browser for Linux. This one has a built-in pepper flash player which gets automatically updated. The only drawback is that the Chrome browser is proprietary software. If you have Ubuntu 14.04 or higher (or derivatives like e.g. Linux Mint 17) and want to use an open source browser (nevertheless it's developed by Google) you can use Chromium. Then you have to install 1. the Chromium browser (of course) and 2. the pepperflashplugin-nonfree. After this the game should load as usual.


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