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Tomatea Room 39

[REPLAY] Tomatea Room 39 is another point & click room escape game developed by Tomatea. In this classical game, you are trapped in a room, and your aim is to escape from there by finding and using items and by discovering hints to solve all puzzles in this room. Good luck and have fun! ☺

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. So far: opend 2 drawers:
    left cupboard uper right side (hint: birds and eggs) and right cupboard upper left side (hint: flowers)
    found 5 pieces, black marble and key

  2. Got wrench from green box (hint: under green basket)
    used key to get a second black marble

  3. Used wrench on book shelf right side, got numer hint and got from that SD

  4. Used SD to get 6. puzzle piece

  5. Used the edge hint from book shelf on the blue/yellow/red/white poster in big shelf and got 7. puzzle piece and a hint

  6. just curious. why aren't gongtats games getting posted here anymore?

  7. don´t get worck birds and eggs

  8. @kovakivi: bird tell you how often you have to use the pattern from the eggs: beginn with 2 x red pattern

    Now I'm stuck. Don't know what the golden arrow behind the picture in big shelf will show me. Need help :)

  9. 2xred 1xyellow 3x blue not worcking

  10. @kovakivi: have you changed the first pattern too? It's not the same like the egg is shown!

  11. Hi, I'm as far as you, Anja. I thought that the book shelf hint was read from right to left referring to the arrow at the right side but finally I tried from left to right.

  12. Won't let me load the game :(

  13. and something under the flower pot

  14. I'm totaly stuck with 2 black marbles, 7 puzzle pieces. Need so solve 3 riddles (right cupboard both down drawers) and the single drawer left from door. Can't do nothing with the arrow hint behind the picture in big shelf.

  15. @kovakivi: oh I missed that - thank you. You can put the note on big shelf left to the marbles.

  16. same only i hawe the thing under chrysantemum

  17. Now I can put the marbles in shelf but don't know where to put :)

  18. @ anja :please help with hint from book shelf on the blue/yellow/red/white poster ,dont understand it ,thx :D

  19. @PeteBarbu: you see the black edges on book shelf? Click the same order on the big picture on shelf (if I remember right you have to clich on the colors - beginn with blue - yellow....

  20. put marbles down row and same on cupord gird

  21. yes anja,but stil dont get it ( b y r w y b ?? )

  22. and from puzzle hint for left coppord


  23. not come on, left drawer pattern as on eggs as,, then apply flowers lily code? does not fit, have five pictures and parts previously used screwdriver

  24. @kovakivi: I don't understand, can you please tell us where you put the marbles in the grid?

  25. well,now i need help with marbles :)

  26. kovakivi, how many marbles do you have? I got two, and I have bruteforced any possible combination, and nothing happened. And thanks for the paper note, I had missed that too.

  27. @marita: look at the capital letter on flower pitures. The flower on board tell you the word (Die Anfangsbuchstaben der Namen der Blumen in Kombination der Blumen auf dem Regal sagen die das Wort)

  28. For the last drawer, just look on the other 8 drawers and mix the collors

  29. Thanks a lot Kovakivi!!!
    Don't know why it has to be so but it works!

  30. i got two marbles put the lowerest row it is glue for locker

  31. Out - going back for happy coin!

  32. Thank you. I wonder if I'll ever know WHY that was the pattern.

  33. And out

    That was a very good game - I love Tomatea!!!

  34. Out now, the rest was easy. Note that black and black make grey. ;-)

    Thanks especially to Anja and kovakivi for their help!

  35. What was the pattern in 2 of the 8 drawers for?
    And what was about the "x triangle + !" for?

    Was a lot of fun :)

  36. right drawer side down no notes for square and strokes and drawer to door is to not go on, have seven puzzle pieces and 2 balls and the List of flower pot

  37. @marita: put the list from flower pot left side from the big shelf with the marbles and put the two marbles in the last row - then use the hole pattern on the drawer (hänge die List an die linke Seite der großen Regals links neben die Box mit den Kugeln drin, dann tue Deine beiden Kugeln in die untere Reihe, notiere das Muster und gib es in den rechten Schrank unten rechts ein)

  38. ahso danke,hatte ja zettel ,aber anhängen fehlte

  39. Anja - the X triangle + ! are across the top of the grid, and the Y \ / - are down the side. The symbols in the draws tell you what co-ordinates to use, eg the symbol in the left hand draw ( an X with a line through it) tell you that you need the X column and the - row.

  40. wie sind die farben an schublade? orange oben links lila rechts unten grün und grau? ,paßt nicht auch anderesrum paßt nicht

  41. @Kernowman: Ah - thanx a lot for the explaination !

    @marita: Orange - green - lila - gray

  42. I simply love tomatea games :) Thx tomatea :)

  43. Probably the language barrier. I do not see the black balls in the coordinates (

  44. Which flower pot for note? I cant move any of them. Also, where was number hint for SD?

  45. @Soapy - the left hand vase can be lifted after you have used the screwdriver inside the drawer.

  46. where can I see a clue for lower left drawer on the right side? I thought i've seen it all

  47. POP, I didn't know I have all of the tiles already

  48. Thanks Kernowman - that figures. Struggling with the number clue. Something to do with counting books? Tried several variations, not working.

  49. Soapy: have you used the wrench on the bookcase already?

  50. i used the wrench and the arrow changed, but its not clicking how this is a number clue. I tried counting books, but nothing...

  51. Bblilly: tilt your head 90° cw (but don't hurt yourself) and you might see it... ;-)

  52. where's the clue for the left/right buttons?

  53. Alice, lift one of the green containers, clue on bottom

  54. thanks Nokra, would never have found that

  55. Thanksagain @escapism - i just didnt see that one for some reason :) Finally out - was a good game!

  56. I don't get how the arrow/blocks on the right side of the bookshelf is a number hint?????HELP!

  57. D'oh! Thanks escapism! Just saw your explanation.

  58. Lisa Hall: The blocks are not the hint, you see hte hint when you unscrewed the nut, then look at the bookshelf unzoomed and tilt your head. They make a number (think it was SPOIELR2335SPOILER or something like that...)

  59. Ah, ok, so I was too late... :-)

  60. Excellent - as always. Great hints. Love Tomatea!!!!!

  61. The arrow on the right of the bookshelf was here apparently to make things even more confusing ?! /-:
    Colours-corners on the Mondrian-like picture : B Y W R B Y.

    I have 7 puzzle pieces and 2 marbles. I can't open the botom doors of the right cupboard and I can't use the colours from the left cupboard to open the drawer. I'm totally stuck.

  62. Bhecbr312 on the balls, with the X triangle + ! on top, draw a line through the x column and - row and see where they intersect. Draw a line through the I column and - row and see where they intersect.

  63. Kernowman I think happy coins are Tesshi-e or were you joking? Is there more than one ending?

  64. pdgph - Arrow on bookshelf is for numbers.

    Use the corners as the order to hit the colors on white/red/blue/yellow picture from right to left. After that, you can solve the one cupboard and it gets easier after that.

  65. @Dazed,

    Thank you. Finally I found also the note under the pot and put it on the left of the marbles shelf... now what ? There is another note above the marbles but that doesn't make sense.

  66. those two hints go with the 2 symbol hints in the cabinets.

  67. Thanks Kernowman for your explanation of the symbols on the marble grid.

  68. Genuine TomaTea quality - maybe except for the hint on the top shelf color-rectangles puzzle. But everything else was fine.

  69. 'I had no clue' but luckily Anja and Kovakivi left the clues.

  70. These games are so illogical. Too many possibilities for interpretation. Always try them because they're so highly rated, but same story.

  71. Robin Bob, can also happen is - pereklinilo.Ne understand. Painted on sheets .. Location .. Not ponimayu.Uverena that as all genius is simple .. does not get the picture.

  72. Could someone explain the marble hint again? I've seen the explanation from Kernowman and Robin Bob, but still don't get it

  73. @mhtyhr think of it like a graph in algebra and you have to see where two points intersect.

  74. Oooohhhh Thanks! I missed the fact that it's linked to the pictures in the drawers..

  75. @Robin Rob - I was joking about the Happy Coin :) Just hoping it would prompt a Tesshi-e game.

  76. @wiley It's almost like Enagames pushed Ainars/Gongtats out of the way and wanted to be #1 by mass producing p&c games....but if you ask me I'd rather play an Ainars game anytime!

  77. while this was a beautiful game, and I love the artist Mondriani, the clues were not helpful enough, and I could not find any clue for the letters puzzle. I also dislike it when you cannot work ahead, the puzzles kept saying I didn't know how to solve but I could have just added a color to solve. I was not pleased with this game

  78. Ainars wasn't changing up their games enough for this site's satisfaction. We all liked the games but the Gongtats games became too redundant and predictable to the point where there was not much challenge.
    TomaTea games do not have that problem! Even reading the hints it is difficult!

  79. So many ways to combine clues... not a fan of trial and error. Why use the same colors over and over. The pillows could have been used on the left CB top right, with and without the upside down egg clue. And it wasn't that at all. The arrow pointing to left on the bookshelf wasn't used on the corner of bookshelf clue. Frustrating game.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.


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