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Gray Room Escape

DotEscape - Gray Room Escape is another point and click type room escape games by Dot Escape. In this game, you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Got a bulb and a black light but wont go to gather?

  2. Match game is hint for the safe, have batterys and one star and stuck.

  3. Hope some comes along to help!! LOL

  4. One more star on color wheel.

  5. star under right side of desk

  6. Don't know what to do with tape and the ball?

  7. So far: 3 fuses (?) (used), 2 batteries, 1 ball, 1 star (used on door), 2 sticks (green and blue - going on the boxes where blue chair is, tape, 3 files (red, green, lila)

  8. Batterys are on the right side of ladder looking thing.

  9. And there is something behind the desk (in the edge) that I can't reach

  10. 1st code to right..SPOIER......


  11. The codes must be different in each game I got a different #

  12. Anja Fuses? Were might they be?

  13. Accidentally clicked out, went back in and its all different..... different amount of shape cards, and different color on color wheel. Hmmmm

  14. Yes - my code was 6445, counting symbols (cards) and order comes from picture and the square was given.

  15. Yea I think the clues are different in each game. I am just going around in circles. LOL

  16. @bandytrc: I mean the first 3 in inventory - I put them in the devise on desc where cards are.

    I found blue star behind shelf

  17. Anyone figure the computer puzzle yet?

  18. I cliked on "CONFIG" and changed to English!

  19. How do you get a star from the color wheel?? Please :)

  20. Tubes go on round thing on table need one more?

  21. It was just to the right, one the side plain view

  22. I clicked on what looks like the spray can on the steps and it says "There is something in plastic bottle"

  23. theres a bottom view under the code box, click on the little white arrow

  24. @bandytrc: I see now that I have that star allready - have 3 - grey, dark grey and blue

  25. found one more tube, At safe view click the down button

  26. The black sq tube looking thing- if you put them in the "light boxes" holes, they light up blue

  27. I just got the blue one. Tab key is wonderfull tool. LOL

  28. Got green and blue light on boxes need one more?

  29. Where was the green light tube?

  30. I used the batteries as wheels for the fish tank - but doesn't help much LOL

  31. click right side of door it moves

  32. Theres a "memo" under the lid (far left of the lid) of the match game box

  33. All I have left is tape and a ball?

  34. Lol at least the fish tank is out of the way!

  35. I think the "ball" is the light bulb from the magnet box

  36. Step looks like tape to me LOL

  37. And I thought the "ball" may be a kind of "magnet" :)

  38. Lol.... well we are ALL stumped!

  39. I'm pretty sure Ive clicked on every inch of that screen of all scenes. *sigh*

  40. Another tube to the left of magnet box!!!!

  41. LOL I think you are right Aquarius

  42. Need one more cartridge for light box- I assume you match them to the colors of the X, Triangle, and Square clues that were found?

  43. Left in inventory: ball and tape, 5 free

  44. Tab shows hot spot on top of world map, But????

  45. But my last color clue is trapped in the bottle, and I think the tool I need to open it is behind the desk. So I need some sort of way to reach it.....

  46. I unlocked the left box - solved the color clock riddle on PC!

  47. use scissors to cut down light map and take the string. combine with tape and magnetic ball to get tweezers from behind the desk.

  48. No I got scissors!!!

    Take a closer look on the clock above the world map - 4 and 6 are not on the right place!!!

  49. There are several hot spots on the trash can too

  50. there's also a second challenge on the computer. haven't figured it out yet.

  51. @bandytrc: You can change the colors on the "clock" on pc - but on the clock above map the 4 and the 6 are changed!

  52. OHHH Ok pc not clock TY Anja!

  53. Now have "print circuit", can't figure out what to do on the pad where map was and have no clue for the second PC riddle

  54. looks like the code pad behind map changes every few clicks. I am trying to match to the color clues at the bottom of inventory

  55. Now managed to put the "print circuit" in the slot near the pad

  56. You have to enter the square, circle and square of memos

  57. Now at least I got the red (and last) cartridge!!!!

  58. Then you get the red light. With lights you get 2 more stars and clue.

  59. Filled in the cartridges: red - green - blue and got solution for the second PC riddle: "Door key unlocked"

  60. Got purple star form using only red and blue cartridge

  61. And yellow star from using only green and red!

  62. And finally - out!!!

    Great game!!!

  63. How did you click the numbers on safe? I cant.

  64. out now! that was tough! When I clicked the numbers on the safe, there was no read out. just had to click them and hit enter.

  65. Where is the "door key" that is unlocked?

  66. @Roberto: First click the X

  67. no physical key. just have to collect all stars and the door will open.

  68. @Aquarius: on the main door there is now 1 green light - now you need the last stars

  69. ok! I guessed I needed to do something to acivate the safe. Thanks.

  70. Out!! Shew that was mentally challenging lol

  71. different color combos to get different stars

  72. stuck on computer with clock thing. can't get the colours right.

  73. For the safe, look at your file cards. Note the symbol and color

  74. the 4 oclock and 6 oclock positions are switched, so are the colors

  75. Sorry phone call out Thank you for all the help.

  76. I only have 2 file cards star and circle, where is third one?

  77. incredibly stuck! Is anyone going to make a WT? (fingers crossed)

  78. In trash can, under matching game lid, under flower pot

  79. File cards : Trash can, under books on shelve, under match game box

  80. Not under lid! It is under the box! no wonder I couldn't find it!

  81. I wish we could rate games again 5 star one from me.

  82. what a great game! Too bad we can't rate them anymore. This is a game maker I'd like to see more of!

  83. My file cards are 1. white solid star/red background 2. white solid circle/green background 2. white square/purple background.

    Can't ever find a purple square for code. Help

  84. and... POP.. worked after many many tries!

  85. finally out.. thanks everyone for great hints!

  86. Bleh, I'm considering writing a WT for this excellent game, but I need a stars-through ;)

    Got 3 (gray, whit, blue) ... 2 to go...

  87. AHH! Those mini-projectors...they will spit out two more stars if you blend colors appropriately...SNEAKY

  88. I am missing the green light, can anyone help me find it please?

  89. green light comes from box on memo cards table - put 3 (blue) sticks in round device

  90. OK I found one glass thing hiding on the left of box with magnets, that unlocked box which gave me colour stick which gave me computer code which gave me ? and got yellow star so door unlocked and I finally got out. Very confusing for me but glad the comments here helped a bit.

  91. *mAGIC cards

  92. GRAY ROOM ESCAPE by Dot Escape

    You find yourself in a seemingly hexagonal room, but that's just
    a deception.

    North wall: Door view
    Northeast corner : Stairs view
    East wall: World map view
    Southeast corner: PC view
    Southwest corner: Heavy table view (Magic Game, Device)
    West wall: Code panel view
    Northwest corner: Mini-projector view

    -NE corner (stairs)

    Pick up GLASS TUBE #1 and PICTURE (red herring??) from the stairs. The spray can has obviously something stuck inside, but you will need an auxiliary tool to get it, so save this up for later. Move small flower pot and pick up GREEN FLAG (1/3; symbol always varies!).
    Take BATTERIES from floor (stuck between wall and right leg of stairs). Also click very sharply to the upper left of the stairs and get a very sneaky BLUE STAR (1/5).

    - E wall (world map)
    For now, just zoom on the clock and pick up GRAY STAR (2/5).

    Look into the wastebasket and find RED FLAG (2/3). Zooming on the sharp corner in the background reveals that there is some object which has fallen behind the desk, but for now it's out of your reach. Again, there's a very sneaky star - the WHITE STAR (3/5) on the floor right behind the office chair.
    Look at the PC. There are two halves. First half is a 4x4 diagram you won't be able to solve until shortly before the end. Click the area on the right to get to lower half. There are 5 red octagonal fields which can be changed in color. (Hint: CLOCK!)

    - SW corner (Magic Game)
    Look closely. I mean, EXTREMELY closely. Find the hardest-to-spot object in the game, the PURPLE FLAG (3/3). It's a very tiny triangle-shaped object directly under the bottom left corner of the box with the cards inside. Now zoom on 'MAGIC GAME' BOX and sort cards by symbol. Check how many there are per symbol (varies) and note down these values, for you will need them shortly. Open right lid of DEVICE and get GREEN CARTRIDGE (1/3).

    - W wall (Code panel)
    Look at code panel. The square above indicates that the code number starts with the amount of SQUARE cards. Click the triangle on the bottom and take GLASS TUBE #2 (2/3). You already know that square is first. So from the symbols you see, combination goes SQUARE, CROSS, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE. Click UP and enter the code you (hopefully) noted down from the cards you counted. Claim your prize: the BLUE CARTRIDGE (2/3).

    - NW corner (mini-projectors)
    There is a SELLOTAPE on the chair, get it, as well as the BALL from inside the wooden box on the floor with smashed glass lid. Also, don't forget to look left of the box, for there is GLASS TUBE #3 (3/3) hidden again. Sneaky! Click LEFT twice.


    - SW corner (Magic Game)
    Put the three glass tubes into the brownish receptacle and ... nothing happens. You have to do something else first. Click LEFT twice.

    - E wall (world map)
    Look at the Roman numbers. There is something fishy with some numbers, find it out. Note down colors for 'XI', 'I' and 'VIII' because they can be entered into the puzzle on the PC as-is. Zoom out, click RIGHT.

    - SE corner (PC)
    Enter colors you found for 'XI', 'I' and 'VIII'. For the remaining two, note that they've just been SWAPPED. Think of what colors SHOULD be there, memorize their number, and search them in the clock. For instance, if there was a 'IX' (9) on the 3 o'clock position, find the 'III' on the weird clock at the (wrong) 9 o'clock position and put its color there at 3 o'clock, and the other color accordingly, reversing the swapping.
    If you did it right, you'll get a LEFT BOX UNLOCKED message. So get your prize...(zoom out, right...)

    - SW corner (Magic Game)
    Ah, BOTH lights have turned green now! Pick up a pair of SCISSORS from the left part of the device. LEFT twice...

    - E wall (world map)
    Cut the string of the world map and make it fall on the ground. Pick up the STRING. Wow, there was a code panel hidden behind the map which, however, makes no sense to you yet. So turn RIGHT...

    - SE corner (PC)
    'About Item' the string, add the sellotape and the ball (which is magnetic). Got it? Yes, you've made yourself a tool with which you can get the object behind the desk ... a pair of TWEEZERS. Coolish! LEFT twice...

    -NE corner (stairs)
    Use your hard-won TWEEZERS to get what's inside the spray can: it's a CIRCUIT CARD. Turn right...

    - W wall (Code panel)
    Insert circuit card in the small slot and you can activate the code panel. Whohoo! But what to enter there? Look at your FLAGS (you should have all three now!) Enter the symbols from right to left, don't forget to push the ENTER button and ... there is your last cartridge: the RED CARTRIDGE (3/3)! Turn LEFT three times...

    - NW corner (mini-projectors)
    It's the mini-projectors where those cartridges fill in. But what purpose do they have? Well, you have THREE stars, but you will need FIVE to complete the game: one yellow, one purple. So yes, it's now time to blend colors! Insert RED + BLUE = PURPLE STAR (4/5). Remove BLUE and insert GREEN = RED + GREEN = YELLOW STAR (5/5). However, do you remember there is still one puzzle unsolved? Exactly, it's the 4x4 diagram on the PC! So insert the BLUE cartridge on the right to get WHITE color. The gray squares are the solution for the diagram, so note them down! Turn LEFT three times...

    - SE corner (PC) (Final)
    Hit in the squares shown by the "trio" of projectors and you get DOOR KEY UNLOCKED. Move to door ... (left 3x)

    - N wall (door)
    Ugh, there is some big fish tank blocking the door! How do you get rid of it? Think of MacGyver and how he'd handle that. Sure thing! Put BATTERIES (!) underneath and you can move the tank to the right!! That wuz cool! Insert all your five stars and ESCAPE! Congrats!

  94. Errata
    Atfter picking up gray star, there is a lot of whitespace. That is because there's a headline missing:

    - SE corner (PC)

  95. Nice little game, thanks for the walk-through @arby, it helped me a lot - especially the old batteries under the tank trick lol

  96. Wow. This one took quite some time to get through.

    Fun game.

  97. Nice job @arby! I know that was a difficult and labor-intensive WT; Gongtats to you!

  98. Thanks arby for the WT!

    In fact the picture gives hint for the shape order (not a red herring).

    Also, the English translation is horrible.

  99. You're welcome.

    @tautau The English translation is not so horrible. The biggest problem is that assignments are totally wrong. So the 3rd glass tube is called a "Hammer". Looks this was never revised nor checked...

  100. That was pretty well done, thanks developer.

  101. Solved again a hard game without any help.
    I´m bursting with pride, LOL.
    Very logical game.
    If I could rate, 5 stars.


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