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Bio Dome Escape Day 3

Bio Dome Escape Day 3 is a new escape games created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim. It's day 3 in the Bio Dome. Yesterday you found explored and grew some vegetation. Who knows what you will find today, get up and go explore. Maybe you will find a way to escape! Good luck and have fun playing!

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  1. Thanks SD, love these games! Going in ...

  2. like bob said, thanks SD

    (but I'm already stuck)

  3. Poor stressed out cow. Use the flashlight in the vent we opened yesterday. If I had known I'd be crawling around in the ventilation, I'd have worn older clothes.

  4. Need to find the chickens some food. Need number code for cabinet in cow scene.

  5. Isn't that kitchen the ship's galley from a few months ago?

  6. Cheeck out fence by chickens for 4 digit code

  7. D'oh, Missed that one. Thanks Proud!

  8. Out. Cute. But why no bacon to go with the eggs?

  9. The pigs go tomorrow Diane.

  10. Every day I go into the bathrooms and unroll all the toilet paper, and nothing ever happens!

  11. A very good day, if anyone needs help, just post, I'll stick around the cafeteria for a while.

  12. crazy flashing lights on the box down left in Sector 7. what does it mean? oh well, just go to sleep

  13. Got flashlight, eggs, chicken feed. No idea what else I have to do.

  14. key from notepad (scene right of pigs) is for door in cafeteria

  15. Alpha Omega, where is the key, please? I've clicked the notepad, nothing there.

  16. click more than once to put away papers

  17. BUGS! Clicked many times, nothing happened. I've started over, and now it worked.

  18. OK, 'out' now.

    I don't really understand why people like this series. SD has done much better games.

  19. I play at work - a quick little thing like this that goes over multiple days is easier for me to sneak in that a long Super Sneaky. While the layout and graphics are sometimes similar from game to game, SD always manages to put some fresh components in the actual puzzles and searches. Maybe I just like the slightly easier games :)

  20. Now I'd like some coffee

  21. Where do I get something to hold water for the cow?

  22. bucket in kitchen, go right of woman scene (unlock door in cafeteria)

  23. @q: Your bug report is useless. WHERE did you click many times? What happened or what didn't happen? I had no problems, but spent a while wandering around before I thought to explore the vent. These multi-part series have been of a very high standard. with many new ingenious ideas. It is really difficult to keep building up on previous scenes and keeping everything consistent. When there have been bugs (I very rarely encounter them), they have been fixed speedily. Thanks, Selfdefiant!

  24. No bugs for me! Great games - I LOVE the series games! Thanks SD!

  25. Fun episode! He evidently didn't think it was strange that he had to crawl thru the vent system to get to farm animals, or that there was a hot chick hiding in the kitchen who wanted to cook for him (every man's dream).

    I also check the toilet paper every day hoping to find something lol.

  26. where do I get water for cow?

  27. Water is in one of the bathrooms, but make sure it isn't too cold!

  28. I got my water from the indoor river.
    Shorter walk that way.

  29. Thanks for the longer game yesterday, Selfdefiant.
    I wasn't around when it was live, but played it this afternoon.

  30. Huw, your comment to q could have been put more nicely.
    Please try to be friendly, ok?
    Not everyone has the same opinion you do, and there is nothing wrong with that.

  31. Thanks everyone! It would be easier to fix a problem if I knew what it was.

  32. Sorry Herpington but I feel the same way as Huw.
    How is S-D supposed to fix a problem if the report does not say what the problem is?
    I encountered no bugs whatsoever in this game and really enjoyed it.
    Thanks for another great episode S-D.

  33. Have we used the BOBS (5808) clue yet? Maybe another one of those red herrings SD slips into these series. I have all sorts of notes about colors and shapes that never got used after each one.

  34. Austen, I agree with him as well.
    Not everyone does though, and that is no reason to be less than polite.
    That is all I meant by it.

  35. Lurker, yes we did use it in the first episode.

  36. @bill: Although your manners have improved considerably of late, you have been 'less than polite' more often than not! Maybe I could have said 'not very useful' instead of 'useless'. At least I didn't say 'utterly useless, you plonker!' which is what I thought at the time.

    And bill, does Hubert Kah know that you are using his photo?!

  37. @blooby
    LMAO I unroll the paper and check the tanks and the water in both bathrooms hoping for something different. I am einsteining I think. And yes to answer peoples questions. Many scenes here have been recycled from other games. Can't really blame him considering how long these games take to make. But using so many in the same game is a bit much.
    Meh, Not my problem. I winder if they will hold SD to the same standard they held Ainars for doing the same thing.

  38. And FINALLY I got to use the sink in the bathroom LOL
    ANd holy crap SD. That poor girl has been locked in that kitchen for 3 days. You better be careful, Anite Sarkeesian and her cult of SJWs will come get you for using stereotype tropes in your video game.


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