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Gray Room Escape 2

DotEscape - Gray Room Escape 2 is another point and click type room escape games by Dot Escape. In this game, you try to escape the grey room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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Dot Escape's Gray Room Escape 2 Walkthrough 

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  1. Check under round table with red box.

  2. There's something behind the cupboard where the safe is but I don't know yet how to get it.

  3. Click config and you can change to English

  4. combine ruler and wire to get key behind cupboard

  5. Put water on white board on easel

  6. opened blue box using computer clue, paper and wall number grid

  7. Thanks kevaus. Circles on white board is clue for gray tab on computer.

  8. and just opened safe

  9. how to get circles on white board?

  10. zoom into drawers under computer desk. above drawers are watercolors

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Star bottom right of S shelf, got 5 so far. Color pattern for laptop?

  13. TAB key works to find hotspots!!!!

  14. Circles on whiteboard are from adding colour to water and putting on board.

  15. Drag postcard on bulliten board. Need a peg for last drawer, I guess.

  16. Not sure why, but clicking on stars on door changed bottom middle to pink. Maybe cause I found all 5???

  17. colors on screen are same you can mix in test tube

  18. yes, w/ watercolor circles that opens the red box

  19. don't know how to open safe - what'd you do Dr Lee?

  20. Clue for opening safe, please. I have paper but can't figure it out.

  21. Zoom into shelf above safe, then click its left side to get gold key.

  22. the crests go in the shelf above safe ~ need moon now

  23. I can't figure out safe either.

  24. No, I still have 2 keys and battery. Need to open safe to move on.

  25. for safe,the number at top can be made by adding 2 numbers under it,press the number not used,eg if top number is 11,then keys under it are 1,4, 1 because 4+7=11

  26. combine the keys to open box for a drill

  27. doggone, that did it! Hooray kevaus!

  28. ah but you have to use the nippers first

  29. yep,just1 forgot to mention cut ring off 1st

  30. Thanks kevaus, green box open after solving puzzle from USB drive on laptop using memo. Thank connect the numbers,

  31. LOL @Tiquer the game chided me at the end for using your Tab hint

  32. Stuck on white tab on laptop. Figure it combines memo of shapes with colored numbers on bulletin board. ... Must open that last piece for shelf.

  33. might never have found that star in the chair otherwise...

  34. Tiquer, you have to read the shapes, order on the paper, figure out what colors they are on the screen, then go read those color numbers from the grid in order

    sorry, thought you already had that

  35. Got it thanks. I had done the coding the other way. Arggh.

  36. Funny about the TAB key tracking! LOL

  37. Out. That was challenging. Thanks for the help everyone!

  38. Use the battery for the peg in the bulletin board, after you use the drill. Don't think was mentioned earlier.

  39. Dangit, I'm feeling stupid a little..

    As far as I can see, the circles show following directions

    SE N SE
    SW N

    That would be blue-red-blue in upper part, and green-blue in lower. But that does not work.
    Please give me a clue...

  40. Hey, why use your tab key when you can use the


    First, click on the CONFIG button and switch to English, though it doesn't help that much, here.

    1. Lean forward, get BOTTLE from trash can.
    2. Click under table for BLACK STAR.
    3. Go right and get YELLOW STAR from chair.
    4. Get RULER from bottom drawer and
    5. BATTERY from upper drawer.
    6. The click just above that drawer while it's open, and find the PAINT.
    7. Turn right and fill BOTTLE from tank.
    8. Get PURPLE STAR from bottom right corner of shelf.
    9. Turn right, and click to the right; move the picture to the upper left and get MEMO 3. This makes no sense to you yet.
    10. Turn right, get WIRE from chair.
    11. Combine WIRE and RULER to make RUWILER (just kidding)
    12. Click behind cb and use RULER + WIRE to get SILVER KEY.
    13. Open left cabinet for WHITE STAR, and
    14. right cabinet for MEMO 2. This is the one you'll need first.
    15. Look at the shelf above the safe, note symbols, then click to the left to find the GOLD KEY. Notice it has an odd protrusion on it.
    16. Click the lower left corner of the chair cushion to lift it and find the BLUE STAR.
    17. Now go back to the computer and click the white tab. Look at your MEMO 2 - circle triangle square cross star - and match them to colors on the screen. the colors will change in each game but the memo stays the same. Go right twice and click on the left gray square to see the number grid. From left to right, find the numbers that match the colors of your shapes. Go back and enter the numbers in the computer to unlock the blue box. Get the STAR CREST.
    18. Now look at the safe. There are 3 numbers on top, and you need to fill in a number under each. Dirfectly beneath each of the top numbers, find the 2 numbers that add up to that one. The number you enter is the one left out. In other words, if you see a 13 and an 8 and 5 and 2 beneath it, select the 2. Get the CUTTERS.
    19. Look at your SILVER KEY and cut the ring off of it.
    20. Look at the GOLD KEY, turn it over and add the SILVER KEY to it.
    21. Use this new key to open the box on the 'S' shelf. Get DRILL.
    22. Now go to the easel and splash some water on it.
    23. Then add the PAINT to your BOTTLE, and splash some more. The shapes you see are telling you what colors to pick for the second tab on the computer. You find the colors by mixing them in the test tube on the S shelf. The pattern of dots tells which colors to mix. Can't spoil it, since it changes. Enter the colors on the computer to unlock the red box and get the SUN CREST.
    24. Now go back to the panel where you left the picture, and DRILL a hole where there's a peg missing.
    25. Put BATTERY in hole!
    26. Move picture, get USB STICK and click on it to take the cap off.
    27. Put it in the computer and solve the last puzzle - look at your MEMO 3, and if it says 10-8, you have to make a path between those numbers. Unlock green box and get MOON CREST.
    Place CRESTS in shape shelf, STARS on door, and leave!

  41. @arby, if both circles are down, i.e 'flat', then mix left and right. If they're leaning right, you need the middle and the left one. I think it'll always be some combination of yellow, purple and cyan; I didn't see any single circles.

  42. After looking at your post again, maybe I'm wrong about that - your N by itself should be just red

  43. AHHH...I only looked at the "shadows" of the balls inside the circles...but now I got it. Finally (was tough)

    Excellent walthrough by the way - thanks!

  44. Thanks for the walkthrough. Those computer puzzles really had me stuck.

  45. absolutely no idea what you are talking about by matching colours to shapes for white tab. How do you know which # to use? there is only a star shape on # grid?? Need better explanation please?

  46. If you are stuck on the last tab, spoiler: 11-10 means join 11 to 10.

  47. @evans, if you're still tryng...

    the shapes give you the order you need to read the numbers in. But to know which numbers to read, you have to see on the screen what shape corresponds to what color. Remembering this, go read the numbers from left to right; then you'll have to shuffle them again when you enter them on the screen! Just write down the sequence, 1st the shapes, then the colors, then the numbers, and you can keep it straight.

  48. @just1 in all honesty, I think hell is gonna freeze over first before I could ever be convinced to write a 7- or 8-liner for our "incredibly thankful" evans! That's because my experiences from the past do no longer allow me to do so.

  49. i still dont understand how to solve the puzzle for the blue box

  50. i have square blue,star green,triangle red,cross green and circle red and numbers are red 57674,green 42953,blue!?!!

  51. ok,some how ive got 73755 which is correct :)

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Example for blue box:

    Triangle star cross square circle
    red red green blue red

    Color board
    05310 (red)
    11671 (green)
    94744 (blue)

    From memo2

    To enter number in computer:

    Hope this help

  54. Terrific game!

    Took me more than 2 hours to complete it, but it was time well spent.

    Easiest 5 starts I've given in a good while.

  55. Haha - "five starts" should be "five stars" :)

  56. @arby, the post answers evans' question, but many others will read it. The attitude of one person doesn't matter; it just indicates something. My helps are for the website

  57. just1, I very much appreciate your help!

    Having said that, I'm way too stupid to understand even the safe. I think my brain isn't working to capacity right now. Going to go play something easier and come back, and I WILL continue to use your very helpful walkthrough!

    That's why I love this site. There are so many helpful folks and when I get stuck I get frustrated so it's nice to have the support.

  58. Thank-you for all your help, guys! Could not have figured it out without you!

  59. EXCELLENT game!! Very challenging, but with the good folks that are here, I made it through. Thanks for the hints and thanks so much for the WT, just1!!!!

  60. for safe, use most left memo


    8 7 15
    ? ? ?
    1 2 3
    4 5 6
    7 8 9

    8 - 1-4-7 -> 1+7=8 ==> 4 (remains)
    7 - 2-5-8 -> 2+5=7 ==> 8 (remains)
    15 - 3-6-9 -> 6+9=15 ==> 3 (remains)

    hence code

  61. thx just1,
    for great WT (had to peek once or twice...)

  62. LOL, I'm a bad player - I hit TAB key 62x...!

  63. Thanks for the help, all. I hit tab 80 times because I wanted to see how much trouble I'd be in at the end. LOL

    Nice game.


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