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Agent Sneaky Stolen Treasure

Agent Sneaky Stolen Treasure is a new escape games created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz and Yizzim. You are Super Sneaky Spy Guy, the best spy in town. Check out your awesome office! Now before it's too late, take a look at your mission and get going! Good luck and have fun playing!

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  1. Yay a new SD. going in.

  2. Alright!!!!! Thank goodness for a new SD game!

  3. magnifying glass on corner of desk, and file with case on desk, too.

  4. Green box gives a crowbar. Hint is on the poles in the docks.

  5. I didn't realize I could afford that kind of office....

  6. Crowbar is used on the bottom of your screen (in one of the docks scenes).

  7. Go with card to the bar tender to get a new location on the map.

  8. Need a key or a screwdriver now, but can't find them :(

  9. leave the office building to see map. I need a screwdriver for the sky condo.

  10. Sneaky's upgraded his office since we last saw it - must be all that treasure he's got socked away

  11. 9 grid of colour squares in book, same colours hint on pillars and puzzle on wall above book. No idea for any of them. still looking for screwdriver.

  12. Wonder how to solve puzzle above the fireplace.

  13. four colors, each is a "T" on the lobby, thought to combine lobby & book for above fireplace....not working.

  14. Is Steves a bit creepy or ... is he a bit creepy?

  15. The red and the greens are mixed up, so do the green thingies like the red ones and the opposite. Hope you understand what I mean!

  16. It seems puzzle on fireplace has a glitch?

  17. zoni, don't get it. where are you able to change any colours? I have no colours on the puzzle by fireplace and can't do anything on either pillars or book?

  18. I tried to ask Steves where the SD was, but he only wants to give ma a drink...

  19. The hint in the book has one yellow, two reds, three blues and three greens...does that relate somehow?

  20. I'm not able to change any color, but I compared the symbols on the wall with the colors in the book, and then set the "thingies" according to color and position on the wall above the fireplace. But I switched the green and red thingies. God, I'm terrible at explaining things.. :P

  21. orient the 'T's like the colors in the grid, 3x3...

  22. The lobby wall shows the position of the T per color, the book shows where the color space is for the puzzle, reverse the position for the green & oops by SD.

  23. zoni - your explanation did it!!! You are NOT terrible - that was a hard thing to describe!! Thank you!

  24. LOL zoni, I am dense I guess, cause I sure do not understand how to do puzzle over fireplace.

  25. We need 2 SD's. One to open the vent and the other to fix the game.

  26. Make the "T" shape match the color on the pole - only switch the red and green colors for some the 3x3 grid should be:

    red, green, blue
    yellow, blue, red
    blue, red, green

    look at the way the "T" is pointing on the color hint and match it on the's hard to describe.

  27. After get yo-yo talk to Barman again!

  28. Ah ok, now I finally understand. Thanks @zoni, great find :)

  29. I guess the green/red was a mistake! luckily an easy one to find...

  30. I'm with you evans - I don't get it either - I'm hanging out with Steves at the bar. He keeps giving me drinks! :)

  31. Nope still don't get it. I sure wish someone could draw me a picture.

  32. I'm at the train station now!

  33. Show the YoYo to Steve and a new place opens on the map

  34. How to do the puzzle in the sky condo...for the 5-digit code?? (where I use my magnifying glass)

  35. I'm out will hang around a bit if someone need help

  36. The puzzle above the fireplace would be difficult even without the mistake in it. You have to map the colors from the book onto the puzzle first--so if the middle square is blue in the book, that square is blue in the puzzle, as well. You can't change colors though, you can only rotate the little Ts. To find out how to rotate them, go into the lobby and look at the pillars. You'll notice that each of the four colors corresponds with a particular orientation of the T. Now go back to the puzzle and rotate each T so that it corresponds with both the colors in the book and the symbols in the lobby. Pretty complicated.

    Except, of course, that there is an error. When SD made the book, he marked the squares that should be red as green and vice versa. The puzzle tiles corresponding to the squares colored red in the book should have their Ts oriented like the green Ts on the pillar, not the red ones.

    Hope that helps.

  37. Zoe, use the lighter on the candles to get the key for the other room, there's a yellow paper to use the magnifier on opens violin case to tget the yoyo.

  38. Got a green gem from suitcase.

  39. got the yo yo...thanks small-tool

  40. Zoe you have a + symbol and a - symbol just do the math according to the colours

  41. Where's the hint for the suitcase code?

  42. i see the explanations for the T's but can't move them - what are the "thingies" and how do you set them, please?

  43. Look at the clock outside station.

  44. What to do with the gem?

  45. Roberto put the gem in the statue in the condo

  46. Thanks Roberto :)
    And now the gem is used on the little totem in the condo.

  47. Thanks Dori! Forgot about the totem.

  48. I used the little key (from the diamond) in the station to open the locker and see a black thing, but I can't take it? Now what?

  49. I fixed the clue in the book sorry!

  50. Finally figured out the puzzle. I am now stuck in the train station.

  51. Oh geez - was trying to change in the book rather than above it

  52. the ring is inside the black pouch in the locker.

  53. what suitcase gives a gem. I have found only the cello case. no gem there. What is the yoyo for?

  54. Go back to the office and give the ring to the girl...out!

  55. give yoyo to Steves the bartender

  56. Ah, thanks Zoe :)
    Tiny hotspot on top of the (as it seems to be) pouch to open it. Got diamond now.

  57. the suitcase is in the train station....the yo yo is in the cello case.

  58. I did he told me to go to the park and that guy said go to train station. Now what??

  59. Hi,
    I have no idea what you guys are talking about, I haven't seen a fireplace yet, I'm still looking for a screwdriver to get a key to open Gerard's appartment

  60. where in train station is suitcase???

  61. Oops, meant diamond ring and gave it to the woman in the office and finally out, Pfew was not an easy one.

  62. aridza,
    Fireplace without fire in the office (in the book scene I think it was).

  63. @evans there's a suitcase to the right as you go into Unon Sta.

    Good ending! Thanks SD for something a little different!

  64. Suitcase is in the main train station room after you go inside...right hand side of screen towards the bottom. It's in the dark.

  65. POP found it, on floor right side of big room. Out now too. thanks for all the help with that difficult puzzle.

  66. For those having trouble with 3x3 color grid.

  67. Thanks, doesn't look like a fireplace

  68. @aridza, SD is from the 'T's puzzle - you may want to refresh yr game, as SD (SelfDefiant that is) said he fixed it

  69. Thanks SD! Great game - as usual there are new twists!!

  70. For the code for the Cello: Use the magnifier on the yellow piece of paper on the night table. Connect the two numbers by color. Add the top two numbers to get one number, and subtract the bottom two numbers to get one number. Then arrange the numbers according to the colors above.

  71. can't find the lighter :-(

  72. Thanks Zoni, first explanation was good for me. (appparently,@SD has fixed it since). Still can't find my lighter !!!!

  73. Can't get into the train station. Use the directional arrow on the right and it disappears and takes me nowhere!

  74. the lighter is on the small table between the chairs in the condo

  75. @Agnes - lighter on table in Sky Condo apartment

  76. Agnes, if still looking;

    lighter is in 1st room of condo, I think on table next to wall (by memory)
    EnJoy, I think you should be going forward into the station; if you don't have that arrow, may have to refresh your game

  77. I think today it is a little confusing, but very nice as always. The format is coll as well

  78. I used to work on that ferry

  79. Replayed 3 times and still cannot get into the train station. Watched the video WT and there is a directional arrow on the right that takes you into the train station. Mine just disappears. Going to try in a different browser

  80. Replayed (4th time) in Safari instead of Chrome and had no problems getting into train station. Weird

  81. where is the magnifying glass?

  82. Magnifying glass is on the desk in your office Amanda.

  83. found it on the desk. I should have looked closer

  84. By far the best Sneaky Spy Guy ever!!! I loved it, except for the puzzle. That was "too" hard!!! Thank you Selfdefiant!! Loved the music too!

  85. what an office (& at what place)!!!
    (sweet home Chicago)

  86. & Mr. Sneaky can drink (& drink & drink & drink...)
    (shaken, not stirred)

  87. Good fun and different to.
    Only niggle is that sometimes the cursor changed over a hotspot and sometimes it didn't. Needs to be one or the other? Luckily someone posted early on about the magnifying glass. Minor niggle though.

  88. LOL, yo-yo underground scene

  89. key from diamond figure in sky condo is used on red dot from locker with X (train station)

  90. is that Mrs. Selfdefiant in the office at the end?

  91. Thank you Zoe for trying to explain the 5# code for the cello but it still doesn't make sense. You said:

    "Connect the two numbers by color. Add the top two numbers to get one number, and subtract the bottom two numbers to get one number. Then arrange the numbers according to the colors above."

    I see getting the top (3-2, 8-1 or 7+9 = 14? for red and brown) but there are 3 color combos on the bottom (9-1, 4-3, 7-1 for blue green and violet).

    Can some please explain this because I seem to be the only one who doesn't get it.

  92. I liked this format of game, kind of a combo of others and normal SD stuff.

  93. if numbers are connected on top, it's addition (+ sign left)
    if numbers are connected on bottom, it's substraction (- sign left)

  94. top (+)
    red 3 & 2, brown 8 & 1

    bottom (-)
    blue 9 & 1, purple 4 & 3, green 7 & 1

    colours for number order

  95. Oh just stopped by to say Hi! Missed you all last week. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! *AlphaOmega (sorry typo above)

  96. could you solve it, lilrascal?

  97. top (+)
    red 3+2=
    brown 8+1=

    bottom (-)
    blue 9-1=
    purple 4-3=
    green 7-1=

    colours for number order

  98. I need a screen shot of the puzzle completed, please. :)

  99. Never mind, I used the w/t on youtube. :)

  100. Yes I finally got it thanks to your help. Thank you! This is J IMO but the clue could have been clearer. When I see a minus under a plus I think I have to subtract the whole line. Oh well, I got the fireplace clue with no problem so I'm not a total idiot lol.

    Like this format but not having some of the items show up as a hot spot was a problem. I had been all over the place looking for something to pick up when I saw someone's post about the magnifying glass. Several scenes had nothing in them so felt like an empty pixel hunt.

    Thank you SD and hope to see more like this, but with more items and puzzles!

  101. a second illogical game like "Maggie Saw Game"

  102. Well this was an enjoyable departure!
    I liked sitting in the bar drinking multiple martinis before going out to actually try solving anything.
    The lady at the end was kind of frightening tho'.
    I was reminded of the pirate's mother in the galley of that ship we escaped from a month or so ago.
    I really, REALLY, didn't want to give her a diamond ring, but she wouldn't take the yo-yo.

    Yeah, a couple of the things were hard to spot and didn't have hotspots, but that is an easy thing to remedy for next time. Best Selfdefiant game in quite awhile, I think.

  103. We are clearly in Chicago, but how in hells did the SS South Steyne get here all the way from Sydney Harbor? Also the location of the train station is incorrect, It should be on South Canal street. And the photo used in the game is the Denver Colorado Union station exterior and the Los Angeles California Union Station interior.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. So bloody frustrating... First the "t" puzzle, then the cello code... *gives up and crawls away weeping*

  106. More better than the "100 rooms" games.



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