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The Gingerbread Men's Carnival

Flash512 - The Gingerbread Men's Carnival Escape is another point and click puzzle escape game developed by Flash 512. In a Christmas party, the gingerbread family enjoy themself so much as to forget to go home. You need to find them, satisfy their wishes, get them together, so they can go back to their normal life. This is a room escape puzzle game,you need find some hidden objects and solve some puzzles to escape this room. Good luck and have fun!

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Flash512 - The Gingerbread Men's Carnival Walkthrough 

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  1. A little fairy just dropped off a game! Thank you! :)

  2. D.R.A.G. the stuff

  3. Wire man from gingerbread man. I haz a hat, a pan, flour, record and a coin. And lost as usual!

  4. Collecting grumpy little gingerbread men. Got a voodoo man, a snowman and when you put the record on the record player, get the singing man.
    Haven't solved any puzzles yet. These things were lying around.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hmm, no grumpy or voodoo man for me! :( Off to look for them!

  7. 4 gingerbrads. You can only get them after put things in order.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. A gingerbread family? Ha, funny.

  10. myrdlebp - the grumpy one is the one that wants to watch a film. I haven't got him yet! Think the snowman was in the freezer - natch.

  11. OHHH but I did get girl gingy from claw machine!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Just go to tom view for girl and use claw.

  14. You can open a panel on carousel.

  15. hooked the doll but cannot get it. How?

  16. flour goes in bowl

  17. bottom left is hole for doll

  18. only needed 1 coin for doll

  19. put wire man on tray

  20. smarties on the 2 cakes are the clue for colured buttons on grabber machine.

  21. you can turn snowman around.

  22. Haven't got a wire man. Got a hat and a battery I'm not sure how to use.

  23. Ahh, thanks Roberto - got the wire man now.

  24. Battery goes in carousel!

  25. Ginge on the carousel wants to be a cowboy!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Cant open colored puzzle using colors from cakes.
    I see 2 white, 4 blue, 8 green and 8 red.

  28. 4 digit number in one of the beakers (next to the bowls).

  29. You're missing one white one Roberto.

  30. Thanks, but I don't know whre did you find 3rd white. I can only see 2.

  31. W on top cake at 1 o'clock

  32. Put a gingerbread mould on the black machine but need to add something to the bowl of flour.

  33. Just found a box amongst the cardboard boxes. Think I've found the film.

  34. another coin needed for vending machine to get water

  35. Yep. Crazy film though.

  36. install film to get the grumpy gingie (now he's happy lol)

  37. How did you open the flour bag?

  38. no opening needed

  39. got another gingie from film (bridal couple)

    (right mouse click to stop film helped)

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. choc ice from freezer - left side of Rt section - open it and ?????

  42. You get another man from putting ice cream on wire guy in tray then freezing him. Where was the other coin?

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. put tray with icecream wire man left side in freezer

    (move stuff in freezer around first)

    didn't find 2nd coin yet...

  45. come back at freezer for another gingie

  46. found lens in right side of projection screen, but cant find letter code... and a second coin...

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. check the letters with stars behind singing guy - some combination opens the shutters, sorry too fast to see. Think I need a lens

  49. Totally stuck after a good start for me.

  50. You can take coin back from soda machine.

  51. Finally got man from the film. Where I had right clicked, the optionswere covering him. Little one in bottom right hand corner of the wedding scene.
    Now to find the lens...

  52. lens top right where you see the film.

  53. Thank you! Was clicking all over the projector.

  54. Now I have close up view throught the telescope of... a blank piece of paper. :(

  55. How do you get the coin? I thought it went in the grabber?

  56. where is the record? and can anyone spoil the 4 letter code

  57. there's a star man - back off and look through at the sky

  58. onthe rocks see my earlier post - starred letters behind singer - I think the order comes from the notes, but play with those. record is under round black cushion

  59. Thanks LNS - think I need the 4 letter code to open the shutters then.

  60. record was buggy for me. Had to click on the pillows on the chairs on the right several times before it shows.

  61. Thanks again LNS - got the star man now.

  62. thanks LNS i thought i clicked all the cushions!!

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. the letters are SuPOeILoRr not sure or the order

  65. letters order is simply left to right

  66. Anyone got the color code on the grabber machine?

  67. If I am reading these posts correctly, you *have* * use the coin int he drinks machine first?

  68. Zoe

    For me it was:

    Red - 8, Green - 8, blue - 4 and white 3.

  69. there is a lens on the right top of the movie screen.
    out by big red X

  70. color code count smarties of both plates on table

  71. Noelle - I hadn't. Found one on the projector at the start and put it in the grabber machine. It says it needs another one but I haven't found it. Not sure how I'll get water from that machine either.

  72. Seems like that might be bug, unless someone found a second coin?

  73. Machine says it's out of stock, so don't know how to get a liquid to put in flour in bowl, anyone worked that out?

  74. Someone may have already said this, but you only need one coin for the grabber machine

  75. button is the water bottle on the soda machine

  76. Ohh blimey. Just checked another walkthrough site. You have to use the first coin to buy water from the drinks machine. Then you can get it back I guess.

  77. I put the flour in the bowl and then the water. Now what?

  78. need second coin... cant get it from grabber

  79. can click the top of the shelf with flour and dont know what the use of those green things

  80. No, there's one button in the drink machine that works and gives water, but it needs a damn coin...

  81. Thanks Zoe - I used my coin on the grabber first, does that mean I can't get it back?

  82. Yep just started a new game and bought the water first. Got water, get coin back and then pay to use the grabber...
    Wish I could move this comment up to the top so others don't do the same.

  83. I think we're stuck with a bug - Zoe have you put the Ginger shape on the black thing ? Then try pouring it into the mould

  84. me too daisy :(

  85. Thanks smarties - I consider myself out - pity - was a great game otherwise.

  86. Oh well - considering myself out. Can't start again after getting so close to the end.

  87. Darn it. I was doing so well and normally love Flash512. Oh well, till the next time. Thanks to you all!

  88. Oh I see. I used the coin in the soda machine first. That would be too bad. And surprising because these games almost never have bugs in them!

  89. Hey...try this - just go to the place where the soda cans come out of the machine and click on the panel there...should get a coin

  90. thanks guys - this is the advantage of playing as a team - we know when stuff is a glitch, and that we're not (totally) dim!

  91. I can still get a coin at the soda can, but maybe if you put the coin in the grabber first, you can't get that coin? I can get multiple coins, in fact...

  92. @LNS - where is the "ginger shape"?

  93. Oh, I found it in the drawer with the number code...

  94. Restarted. Used coin in drinks machine FIRST. Finished with no problem.

  95. I restarted and put coin in to get water and can't get that back either. First time I used it on claw, couldn't get that back. Someone care to explain how to get it back, either way?

  96. how to put wire man to the fridge? got it on tray and cant do it :/

  97. Ok...I replayed and put the coin in the grabber first, and could NOT get a coin out of the soda machine. It is a bug that you have to put the coin in the soda machine first. That surprises me because this game developer usually does not have bugs!

  98. put first unwrapped ice lolly (right side, left compartment in freezer) at wire man

  99. on the white panel where the water bottle came out of the soda machine. I had to click a few times to get the coin back.

  100. Deleted any of my coin related comments. Hopefully that helps others not do what I did.
    AreS - you have to shuffle some ice cream around before you can DRAG the tray to the freezer.

  101. I can't get any combination of o, u, e, and r to open the lock at the window. Any help?

  102. needed several attempts with padlock at window before the correct letter order worked...

    (from left to right)



  103. Thanks zoe, I'll give it another go.

  104. re coin prob
    as far as I remember, it's not the first time, that such thing happens in a flash512 game...

  105. And, of course, it worked! :)

  106. Thanks much. I swear I tried that one. Very frustrating.

  107. Oh, and I YET to get any ice cream, how do you get that?

  108. I think some things have to be done first before you can do others. For instance, I couldn't get the ice cream out of the left part of the right side of the ice cream machine until I put the wire man on the tray. This game was pixely. Also, the code for the drawer changes each game, but the code for the color buttons on the grabber machine is the same for each game...

  109. myrdlebp - the ice cream is an ice cream bar (on a stick) that you have to highlight and take the paper off before you put it on the wire man on the tray.

  110. Thanks zoe, I did manage to get it. What I wanna know is why on the score board do I show up as being from Russia? LOL

  111. LOL! Someone stole your identity!

  112. The upside is after you use both coins, you can continue getting coins from the soda machine (and putting them in the grabber). So I'm assuming you can save up enough money to buy any missing gingerbread men. Err?

  113. Where is the code for drawer please?

  114. found code in pink glass

  115. I just can't believe a decent developer would put such a gigantic design error in an escape game - and now I'm referring to the coin thing. How do you not realize this???

    Also, I guess the reason some folks can't open the padlock with the UEOR code is that there are two U's on each code wheel and apparently it only accepts one of them...

    That's as fat a 1-star from me as I can give it. For the coin blunder alone.

  116. seb,
    the 4-digit code for the drawer is inside one of the multi-colored glasses on the shelf left of the door.

  117. Hi! A blackout here took me out of game. I'll play it later!

  118. i stil can not take my cowboy down

  119. How did anyone get the cowboy one? Some one said way earlier something about a hat. I can't find any hat. Could someone help please?

  120. If you open the exit doors, you see a hat on left door.

  121. Thanks Dutchie, that was all I needed to finish!

  122. I liked the game. Looks like the coin thing was fixed because you can go back to the projector to get another coin. Great game

  123. got as far as the coin issue,certainly not replaying

  124. Is this a Chinese game or Japanese? I wanna know why the score board has me as from Russia. It's making my ass itch and I want to email them. I'm bored and there are no new games. A girls go do what a girls gotta do! LOL

  125. myrdlebp Flash 512 this is Chinese game. Were always :)

  126. I can't get the icecream.

  127. I cannot stop movie or get the ice lolly from the freezer

  128. got the lolly, but no idea how to stop movie

  129. don't have to stop movie, just click on the small gbm at the bottom right of wedding scene. I was trying to click the bride and groom.

  130. OK down to last gingie. Got form from number drawer. Have the flour & water mixed in bowl, but cannot combine. Tried retrieving pan from freezer, putting shape onto family scene, and literally dragging shape & or bowl to every flat surface, to no avail. Any help or do I just consider myself, "out" at this point. Thanks.

  131. form goes on black machine on table
    (seems to be a heater or similar...)

  132. I've got one more darn thing to do, cant get wire GBM off heater, cant put ice cream stick in it and cant use tray. Ugh, what am I doing wrong?

  133. There are two U's on the left dial of the lock on the window. Thank you BIO!

  134. A walkthrough will follow, but FIRST …

    The bug with the coin has been solved. There’s a coin on the film projector. This coin can’t go in the toymachine anymore, only in the sodamachine. After taking the water there we can take the second coin for the toymachine.
    So now, let’s go !

  135. Walkthrough part 1, collecting round.

    Click on the left side of the carrousel to turn it till a different picture shows up.
    Click that one. It’s an opening for a battery.
    Also we see a gingerguy on a horse. We can’t take it yet.

    Go left.
    Click top right of the screen = a lens.

    Go left.
    Click the telescope and attach the lens.
    The lock on the blinds has a 4 letter-code.

    Go left.
    Click the baskets down left = Ginger1
    Click the boxes above them. Two can be moved, open the different one for a film.
    Click the bags next to them, take the bag of flour.
    Click the colorful cones, one of them holds a number (different in every game).
    Click the plates next to them, you can take one.
    Click the Icecream fridge. Open it on the right, take a wrapped icecream, replace the right tray = Ginger2.
    Open it on the left, replace some iceboxes, something needs to go there.

    Click the benches. Below one of the cushions is an old-fashioned cd (we used to call it a record).
    Click the cakes on the table. Count the number of red, green, white and blue sweets.

    Go left.
    Open the doors, take the cowboy hat off the left one.

    Go left.
    Click the benches. On one of the cushions is a tray.
    There’s a toaster on the table.
    Click the low part of the toymachine. Put in the number of sweets = battery.
    Click the soda machine. Click all of the drinks. Most are empty, one is not, we need a coin.

    Go left.
    Try to take ginger3 (the singer). No, we need music first !
    Click the gramophone. Place the record (cd). Zoom out and note the stars on certain letters. Note them from left to right. These go on the lock.
    Now, take Ginger3.

    Go left.
    Ginger4 wants to watch a film.
    Zoom in on the projector, take the coin. (right of the red lens).
    Place the film. Zoom out and take a happy Ginger4.
    Click the drawer. Put in the number from the cones = a mold.

    Go left … we’re back at the carrousel.

  136. Walkthrough part 2 – continuing round.

    You can hop from scene to scene, by going left/right ánd down.
    And, a little late, but still … you have to drag items to their place.
    One bug remained: the first letter on the lock.

    Click the carrousel on the left side, zoom in on the different looking picture and place the battery. Try catching the guy, but he wants to be a cowboy.
    Drag the cowboy hat to the guy = Ginger5.

    Watch the film.
    There’s a gingerguy in the scene with the ‘married couple’. Bottom right of the screen = Ginger6.
    (If it is going too fast, you can stop the film with right-clicking. Do it on the left part of the movie, otherwise you still can’t take the gingerguy).

    On the lock.
    Careful: here’s a little bug. The first letter of the answer is an ‘u’. They put the ‘u’ in twice. Take the first one, between the o and the r (see spoiler below).
    Put in the letters. Zoom out, open the blinds, click the telescope, click and take Ginger7.

    Place the mold on the toaster.
    Put the coin in the sodamachine, choose the bottle of water.
    About item the plate, drag the flour to it, and the water.
    Fill the mold with the paste.
    Click the front of the toaster, zoom out, and in again.
    Take Ginger8.

    The toymachine.
    Click the sodamachine, and the white shield (where you got the bottle) a couple of times = another coin.
    Put the coin in the toymachine. Click the top of the machine and drag the black claw to the ginger, then drag it to the hole on the left. Let go. Zoom out. Click the bottom of the machine and Ginger9 is now there for the taking.

    Freeze ginger.
    About item the 9 gingers. Click the snowman. It turns around, take a wireman.
    About item the icecream to open it.
    About item the tray. Put the wireman in and fill him with icecream.
    Put the tray in the fridge (left side).
    Zoom out – zoom in = Ginger10.

    The hole family is gathered now, ready for the party.
    Open the doors … and walk in !

    sequence of letters: a n o u r e s v u
    we need the one between o and r.

  137. I couldn't finish it the first time, but had the time now. I enjoyed it, in spite of the bugs.

    Some things were a bit hard to find and take.
    If you don't think of an icecream filling the wire man ... or if you don't think about clicking the snowman ginger, you get stuck easily.

    But, someone always finds out things someone else doesn't. So in the end, every game will be finished. And that's great.

  138. thx arrie,
    for taking the time to write a wt :-)

  139. When I click to play, I only get a white screen. What do I press to play the game?

  140. When I click to play, I only get a white screen. What do I press to play the game?


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