
New Escape Games

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🖳 Abandoned

[REPLAY] Abandoned is another point and click adventure game developed by Krutovig and sponsored by Dojo. Abandoned is the first part of a big story about parallel worlds. Those worlds are very strange, because people left it forever. So, you should explore those worlds and find your brother who dedicate his life for finding out the way to Abandoned and disappeared there. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. game froze for me already 3 times...

    so be careful not to move too fast from one scene to the other
    also avoid to click outside (left or right - black bars) of actual screen

  2. I only have 3 screens? A knob, a letter and a key. No idea how to proceed.

  3. The knob is part of a drum stick. Take the stick from the dragon and combine.

  4. thanks s-t, I have opened left door now, fixed miner's cart but no idea how to move on - again! lol I am so useless at escaping. BTW this game reminds me of Skutnic

  5. when wheel is oiled, pull lever

  6. I did that many times, maybe I should have oiled wheel before placing it? The lever is not doing anything. All I can do is hit the rockslide on the right but it won't make a hole.

  7. OK I had to reload oiler from thing on wall...
    thought it was a keyhole but realised it was a drop of oil on it.

  8. oil can (from inside cart) is empty, fill it where you found pick axe

  9. OK now I found a key, I suppose it opens other door...

  10. argh, found room above mine door, got lighter. Key opens up bunker on rails but it doesn't really open?

  11. Tania you've got a good pair of eyes. So Skutnik right? Spot on, even the gfx style is a bit like in Mateusz' games...

  12. click little button on lock

  13. It does open, Tania, but you have to take the peg out first.
    Btw. already played this game, so won't post anymore.
    It's a long, but very good game :)

  14. @s-t What, you already played this?
    I am very sure it's a new game, not one from last year.

  15. I suppose imitation is the best form of flattery... Yes, it was Skutnik I was referring to. Thanks for hint for peg on bunker. My screen is too dark and can't discern small details but can now go on a bit till next hurdle. S-T please stay to help us!

  16. I wasn't "imitating" anything...I was just agreeing on your impression :)

  17. I played it about an hour ago, Arby :)
    It was subbed in chat-box.

  18. indeed it was...unfortunately the old decency has gone from this site...the submitter should always be named in the game submission [Subbed by XYZ via chat box] and the site admin should not take the merit for himself, as if he had discovered the game by himself...

  19. help ! I am trapped inside a rubik's cube type of shaft! No idea what I must do. I can change colours on walls and press on doors but it seems to be taking me always to same place.

  20. Arby, not many admins check chat-box, I'm 100% sure Edgar found the game himself.

    You have to make the colours the same as the rubicks cube you saw before.

  21. look where you can go down again (cursor changes in hand)

  22. Hi, i am where Tania is, cannot go out of the cube and i never saw the rubics cube before.

  23. Ok now i see a faint cube but he is turning, no idea how to put the colors.

  24. there's a glitch in the game - actually you can't enter pyramid, before placing brick with signs (from manhole maze) - but I could enter without placing only by going one step back the path...
    (had to restart for the 4th time 'cause of freezing screen... :-( )

  25. The cube is extremely tricky...

    You have to colorize the cube internally as shown by the small rotating cube near the entrance of the room.

    At best, you imagine the cube is made of eight cubes (kinda playskool ones).

    first group of four viewed from front:

    royal_blue red
    cyan green

    second group of four viewed from front:
    violet orange
    pink yellow

    That is, if you have done the first group right, you have a good basis. Move to the cyan one and if you arrive at green, you've picked the wrong door. So go back from the cyan one and you will arrive at a white room. This will have to be colored in pink.

  26. Have a SD a lamp, i'm stuck

  27. I'm stuck in the rubik's cube, well not stuck as I can get out but can't figure out the colors (to get out, sometimes you can get back )

  28. everybody found the ladder in the railway scene?

  29. my brain is going to explode! Too many permutations to compute!
    I assume bottom should be cyan
    But then what?

  30. another bulb from hidden room with skeleton

  31. Apparently the pickaxe can be used to unlock secrets that seem like mysterious symbols, or they could be plain Latin alphabets but it's too early to tell,. I have found three so far by using it at suspicious places.

    Although this game is undoubtedly a Submachine knock-off, it has been good so far.

  32. I can't pick up the stick or the head for the gong. I've restarted a couple of times and still no luck.

  33. Wow! guys,I've already played that and commented in Cbox,if I were a little more patient...LOL,it was so tricky

  34. blue & purple are pretty similar...

  35. What should happen when the cube is right ?

  36. You can go out from "rubics cube" by clicking lower part of one of the views

  37. Anita,combine the knob with the stick

  38. Tania: You're on the right track. The little square on the cube corresponds to the entrance. Which face is it on? Once you've figured it out, there's only one possible permutation.

    Hint: the first room to the right is green.

  39. @Dazz they deleted the hell out of it in cbox...all gone

  40. Anita, the stick is on the lion without a blade, just see where cursor changes shape.

  41. once cube is right, you will get "rewarded" with a light bulb (you'll need 4 in total)

  42. thanks Bernard, i will keep trying

  43. phew - finally

    another bulb (where hint was) when colour maze done

  44. OMG finally got this cube right. Gives another bulb where turning cube was.

  45. Once you do the cube, go back one scene to the left (where the rubik's cube was, and you'll find another lightbulb

  46. I was clicking on the right places. It just isn't working for me in FF. Switched to Chrome and it works.

  47. Nope, it's no good. I am not able to translate 4D from inside to outside or should it be vice versa? I am just not clever enough. Will wait for someone to spoil it, step-by-step, sort of like an idiot's guide to solving the cube :) Please?

  48. go to the tunnel to the little room somewhere on the left, click on the bottom right panel and use the cog you go from right of the cube puzzle, then you can turn the tunnel

  49. colour maze

    (example, as you can take other direction order-)

    - enter
    - go right
    - go up
    - go left
    Blue (2x click)
    - go forward
    Purple (8x click)
    - go right
    - go down
    - go left
    - go 2x back
    (hand cursor)

  50. tania, the first room you go into is cyan, the one on top is blue, to the right of the blue is red, go back down and it's green.
    Go back to the cyan one (to the left of green and go straight, that one will be pink, up is purple left orange, down yellow

  51. @Tania: Scrolling up, I've found that arby has already given the solution for the cube/room. :)

    @aridza: Thanks! Now I've found another puzzle I can't solve... haha

  52. AlphaOmega I love you! finally out of the maze with your help.

  53. I have 3 bulds, still don't know where they go.
    After swtching the tunnel, I found a train, got some binoculaire after opening one of the door but can't do anything else there (can't keep going right as there's no more light. I also got to the control room I guess, can press a lever (what for??) can look at the screen, it's a security camera of the train but doesn't show anything

  54. bulbs go under floating square stones

  55. Got something, use the binoculaire on the first floor on the left (where you go up the floating stone wall, use the binoculaire on the stand, and you'll see a lever hint

  56. I'm missing 1 bulb and can't use the other ones for now, I used the lever hint on the control panel, it restored power to the train, found a new room, use the lighter and go up, I can't really do anything in that place for now, just flip a switch for nothing

  57. Binoculars go on a stand all to the left when you climb up the stone staire. Foun a cube inside i moving cube when i use the both levers to the right and to the left to stop cube moving.

  58. I'm so into the game that I couldn't be bothered to comment...

    I have two bulbs, can't find third. I haven't found the binoculars, and I can't find how to restore the power to the train. I've tried placing the bulbs under the unlit floating stone, but they won't stay. Hmmm...

  59. I can only keep one of the lever down (the left one) how did you do Zazie?

  60. Aridza, can't understand which room on the left of tunnel you are referring to. Can't find any panel to use my cog in.

  61. third bulb and new area found! Up the ladder I go...

  62. Binoculars are in the train, I think to the left of the first train scene, you need to open the door of the train

  63. Go to the bunker, then all the way to the right you have another opening on the ground, go down and go all the way left I think, you'll find a small room with a cross on the wall

  64. Thanks aridza, but I can't open the train door, I assume you need power for that, I haven't managed to power the train.

    Meanwhile, I've found one 'secret' using the pickaxe on a suspicious part of the wall. I think you need 4 of these, there's a coded door...

  65. In the new room upstairs i put the cube on the pyramid

  66. OK found which panel to push to put cog, pushed cross shape to turn tunnel but whichever way I turn it, it doesn't seem to lead anywhere but outside?

  67. Scratch that! If you go from outside, you can find different ways one of them leading to a train. Argh!

  68. For anyone having trouble opening the train doors, DRAG.

  69. no you don't nee power to get the binocular (actually you need it to restore the power), you have to slide open the door, it's the screen left of the first sceen with train and it's the middle door

  70. While I can't be much help now as I've pretty much forgotten where everything was, I will pose the question:

    Does anyone know where the "y" secret is?

  71. Zazie, how did you get the cube? I can only activate 1 of the lever, the left one

  72. I only have H and U for secrets

  73. @q: The coded door corresponds to the symbols you see after putting all 4 light bulbs under the floating stones. Unless there's another coded door...

    Just a bit of fun fact: the light bulb symbols are actually Chinese number gestures. That makes a lot more sense, to me at least.

  74. I pulled the left one and the right one without problems, hmmm. Then i could open the big cube for a smaller one. I am stuck.
    Need one more bulb and one secret.

  75. Could someone spoil where the 4th bulb is???

  76. if cube levers don't work properly, try to (repeatedly) click cube & then lever (left or right) till it stays in place

  77. (perhaps another glitch...)

  78. The 3rd secret is in a small room when you go down the first step into the tunnel (from the right trapdoor), i think i used the pick to open this room.

  79. Thanks for the door sliding clue Bernard.

    OK, found pyramid and put cube in place. I have 3 light bulbs and only one secret (u). I have no idea where to find the other secrets and the last bulb...

  80. after putting cube, exit room, close door, climb up little ladder, pull lever, go back into room for bulb

  81. Thx Alpha, it worked by doing that

  82. Hmm... Zazie: Which tunnel, which trapdoor??

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Ok i opened the door with the 4 signs now (when you go up the ladder) new room there...

  85. When you go the orange tunnel all to the right, go down the trapdoor once and use pick to the left on wall.

  86. Where is the cube? I have 3 bulbs and 3 secrets, a curve( looks like bottom of h) the h and the u

  87. Well, I gues, this is where I found the first secret (n-shaped). Third secret is y-shaped.

  88. Now i found a handle in the new white room, where to use it ?

  89. I am missing the y secret as well.

  90. Handle is used on second wooden door right after the beginning.

  91. Thx Juliane i will look there.

  92. Ok I'm out but I went back to try to get the secrets, I only have 2, the H and the U

  93. Me too, out! Thanks for the help. I have only found one secret, though.

  94. Hmm i can finish the game there or return to underground. I want get the last secret before leaving lol.

  95. Read my comment at 6:47 for the 3rd secret.

  96. aridza: look at zazies comments at 6:47 and 6:38. this is where you can fin n-secret (1st).

    if anyone finds y, please tell us :)

  97. There's 1 secret below unlit floating rock ;)

  98. Finally got pass the coded door and what do you know... the notes behind doors unlocked by secrets confirmed my suspicion. Still I'm missing the "y" secret.

  99. @Nini: how do you get to it? I have been trying the picaxe on it for ages to no avail.

  100. I got the N one thx, but I don't see any secret where Nini said

  101. POP, got it! I guess I wasn't clicking at the right pixel

  102. Oh! doh.
    Click bottom of the square rock.. without picaxe or anythin.

  103. You don't need the pickaxe, just click on the front corner to get a different view

  104. went back in to get the Y, now I have it I can't open the exit door again.

  105. Sorry i was offline for a while....made sth to eat meanwhile.

    Anyone found the y ?

  106. This was a long game but really good. Thanks to everyone for all the hints left here.

  107. Ahhh thx, found it now by reading your hints. Thx !

  108. Scroll up Zazie, the y is on the bottom of the unlit floating rock, just click it.

  109. Go back to the white rooms after entering the code, the locked door will be unlocked and read the message. Unfortunantly we can't get out, we can't open the exit door

  110. I just sent him the email he proposed :-)

  111. where is the cog please!!??

  112. cog is where the big walk-in cube is ...

  113. @arby,

    Small-Tool is right. I did find this game myself and that's why I didn't give any credits to any submitter, as I always do when it is the case. I almost never visit the chat box, have never been a chat person and probably will never be. For the future, I would like to prompt you and any other person who wants to submit a game, to use the proper 'Contact Form' ( which is the "official" way to do it, so all of us admins can see it.

    Thanks for your understanding.

  114. I repaired and oiled the mine wagon, but I think that I need a key in order to clear the track... I can use the pickaxe on the right scene, but it doesn't do anything.

  115. POP, the wagon cleared the track itself !

  116. Can I have some help locating the U secret please? I have the other 3.

  117. Yes, it "cleared" the track in the truest sense of the even "cleared" the wall on the right as well ;-)

  118. The U secret is up the ladder 3 times on the right wall. Use pick there. Where is the 'n' secret?

  119. There are lots of ladders, which one is it exactly Andrew?

  120. I think the n secret was under oblong shape which is not lit outside, you click on its right bottom corner for a different view without holding anything in your hand.

  121. The ladder by the portal door in mining tunnel. The 'h' secret is under that floating rock.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. The Y secret is under the floating rock. The h is on right wall where the rubic puzzie is.

  124. how to move on

    (search particular stuff with CTRL+F)

    - NOTE & KEY already in inventory
    - read note
    - STICK from right statue
    - KNOB in left scene
    - put knob on stick (or stick on knob)
    - bang gong in right scene to reveal wall stones in statue scene
    - push all stones for steps
    - go up
    - only top stone to push is enough to get all steps
    - go up
    - same procedure

    - door without handle in right scene...
    - unlock door in left scene with key
    - open door
    - step thru

    - OILER inside cart
    - go 3x right
    - take PICKAXE
    - fill oiler from container
    - go 2x left (lever)
    - break thru wall (bricks) with pickaxe
    - take WHEEL in hidden room
    - put wheel on cart
    - oil it
    - pull lever
    - go 3x right
    - now passage is free
    (pickaxe didn't work)
    - take NOTE, read it
    - go back till door
    - push button
    (was invisible before because of cart)
    - climb ladder 3x
    - use pickaxe on wall square right side for u-sign
    - click it
    (secret, see top of game screen)
    - go up once more

    code door
    - take NOTE, read it
    - take LIGHTER
    - go back till free passage
    - go right

    - go 3x right
    - go 4x up
    - go 2x right (pyramid entry)
    - take key
    - go further up
    - click cube
    - pull levers at left & right side
    (if levers won't stay in place, repeat clicking cube till it works)
    - click cube again
    - take smaller CUBE
    - back to

    - unlock manhole
    - click little button
    - open lid
    - go down
    - go all the way right
    - go 1x down
    - use pickaxe at left wall to reveal hidden passage
    - go left
    - click on n-sign
    (secret, see top of game screen)
    - go all the way down
    - go right
    - get SD
    - go left till intersection down
    - go down
    - take BULB
    - take BRICK with signs
    - go all the way back till hidden room
    - unscrew lamp grid, get BULB
    - go

    - go to floating square stone without lamp grid under it
    - click front corner of stone for y-sign
    - click it
    (secret, see top of game screen)
    - go to pyramid entry
    - put brick in slot
    - enter

    - note coloured rubik's cube above pedestal
    - take COG
    - push brick right side
    - push h-sign inside niche
    (secret, see top of game screen)
    - enter

    door maze
    - colour each room according to rubik's cube
    - when done correctly, take BULB from hint place (pedestal)
    - exit pyramid
    - go back till floating square stone
    - go all the way right till

    - go 1x down
    - take NOTE, read it
    - go all the way down (also 2nd ladder) till

    grid with screws
    - unscrew grid
    - enter hole
    (now you're at the same place, where you found sd)
    - go all the way left till

    wall cross
    - remove bottom right panel
    - place cog
    - turn cog 1x
    - go all the way back
    (one ladder up)
    - enter hole
    - go all the way left, then down till

    - go 2x left
    - take NOTE, read it
    - go right
    - open (drag) left door for BINOCULARS
    - go back to floating square stone below steps

    - go 4x up (steps)
    - go 2x left
    - put binoculars on stand
    - look thru for slider hint
    - go all the way back till intersection up
    (before train scene)

    control room
    - check screen (train)
    - set sliders acc. to hint
    - push handle
    - check screen (train has power now)
    - go to

    - go right till wall button
    - push it
    - go right till cart
    - push lever
    (cart moves till end of railway, to go back push the other lever)
    - enter passage

    - light torch
    - go 3x up
    - take NOTE, read it
    - go all the way up till

    wheel door
    - turn wheel to open door
    - enter
    - place cube on pedestal
    - exit room
    - close door
    - go up little ladder
    - pull lever
    - go back in room
    - take BULB
    - go all the way back till

    - put bulbs inside lamp grids under the 4 floating stones
    - go into

    - go down manhole
    - click 4 red wall buttons for symbol hints
    - go all the way back till

    code door
    - enter code acc. to symbol hints to open door
    - step thru

  125. doors
    (secrets needed)
    - go right
    - take NOTE, read it
    - take door HANDLE
    - enter left door
    - read note in frame
    - enter left door
    - read note in frame
    - same procedure till last room
    (only available if you have all 4 secrets)
    - get bonus (if you want)

    - back to

    - put door handle in right door
    - open door
    - step thru

    journey isn't over...


    colour maze
    (example, as you can take other direction order-)
    - enter
    - go right
    - go up
    - go left
    Blue (1x click)
    - go forward
    Purple (7x click)
    - go right
    - go down
    - go left
    - go 2x back
    (hand cursor)


    door code

  126. door code

  127. nice work AlphaOmega!
    and nice work to the maker too, this game had it just right for me - enough difficulty to be frustrating, enough mystery and discovery to be fascinating. Don't mind at all that you're following Skutnik's lead. I didn't find any glitches, myself, maybe because AO warned me. But please keep making games!

  128. Loved this and thank you so much AlphaOmega, I coudn't have done it without you!

  129. This was awesome. Love the Submachine influence. Hope to see more from Krutovig.

  130. Wow, an impressive tribute to Mateusz Skutnik. Going in.

  131. Excellent game!!! Hope there's lots more!!

  132. damn, excellent! cant wait for more

  133. Excellent game. Look forward to the next chapter.

  134. Wow. This was an amazing game! I can't wait for more. Would never have made it out of the color cube without help, though. Thanks so much to the developer and the the brilliant minds who helped me get out. Fun, fun, fun!

  135. Exactly the style I adore. My colour-blindness meant I had to cheat like mad on the cube room but I loved the whole thing! More, more, more!

  136. Great game! The only issue I had was I went through the exit door then chose to return to get the last secret, and when I tried to exit again nothing happened. Other than that, fabulous game.

  137. Oh nevermind, I explored some more and having all the secrets is how you get in the last room in the white area. Heh. :)

  138. Great game! I did need the walkthrough though, thx for writing it!!!

    More plz.

  139. Unfortunately, the game has technical flaws.
    Picture is frozen threetimes. I go out.
    Will not vote it.

  140. The secrets are as follows:

    n - in the first air shaft going down from the green hallway with the filing cabinet, use the pickaxe on the left wall, and a new room appears. the secret is in this room

    h - inside the pyramid, just outside the entrance to the color cube. use the pickaxe on the block in the wall with the flower

    y - outside, carved into the bottom of the only floating oblong shape without a grate or lightbulb socket under it. click near the bottom of the shape to get a look, and there it is.

    u - on the right wall at the top of the ladder that goes from the first inside room (where you have to fix the mine cart) up to the room with the lighter. use the pickaxe on the small rectangle in the wall

  141. The Best Escape game I ever played.

  142. Such a shame that this style
    of game is so rare nowadays!

  143. Still a great game. Needed help with the colored cube (like nearly everyone).The "code door" referenced in the walkthru is up the ladder just inside the mine door in the beginning, where the cart that needed oil was in front a button.

  144. Never tired the train graffiti on the code door, did anyone else?


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