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Don't Escape 2: The Outbreak

ArmorGames - Don't Escape 2: The Outbreak  is a new point and click type room escape game developed by Scriptwelder for Armor Games. Use mouse to interact with objects. The inventory is by the upper edge of the screen. Click on the clock to finish the game when you think you're ready. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. It's eighties graphics, like leisure suit Larry LOL
    I'll pass this one.

  2. Lol, you played and remember Leisure Suit Larry :) (naughty girl :P )

  3. Nothing wrong with Larry!
    The best part was the quiz at the beginning to prove you were over 18.

  4. However I think I agree with Catqueen.
    The graphics are atrocious!

  5. Ive given Bill his painkiller, and he is passed out now from the alcohol. Have gun, two bullets, wire cutters, shopping trolley, bag of cement, key, shovel, camera with batteries, bottle of water, axe and a coin. I was hoping that after i shot the zombie in the shop, and got the glasses for the man, that the graphics would become clear. Nup. Phooey, feel like im having to squint. Might give up. Good luck anyone who continues.

  6. Do NOT use the booze...there are actions to do in the game where you need more than one pair of hands...

  7. cement plus water + ??? ...

    You might want to get some mortar. :) "Find" third component...

  8. I'm keeping a close eye on the website of 'The Last Door'. The next episode will be ready hopefully in the first half of this year. Talking about graphics ...

  9. Besides, the aim in this game is to prepare for an attack of the undead in just a few hours. And that means, prepare the optimum way. If one undead survives, you will have lost the game.

  10. Too late for that arby. Bill was desperate for a drink before he zombified. Who was i to deny the poor chap. lol. I have my fuel container but cant get it out of the police car.

  11. You mean you can't get the gasoline out of the police car and INTO the wonder.
    You will need something to put into the bunghole (of the car tank :P)

  12. i hope i was supposed to put poor Bill out of his misery, because thats how i used my second bullet. If he wasnt off his face after the grog...he is most certainly without a face now. Erks. I give up. That was nasty of me to shoot a friend. I deserve to be zombinated. Thanks for the help Arby, but im off to find someone to eat. lolol.

  13. Ran out of time too. I was reckless with my time, didn't realize I could go into the shop to get a hose and stuff. That's it ..

  14. Put him out of is misery is fine BUT you will need his (albeit ill) pair of hands to get your tasks done. As well as another _three_ pairs of hands. (2 plus your own)
    Jeremy and you alone will take WAY too long to complete all that in these few hours.

  15. Bravo arrie...that'll be your life-saver, in the truest sense of the word

  16. I gave Bill alcohol the first time, that made him pass out. I'll try pain killers now AND I found a second bullet in the church scene.
    Arby, did you take the shopping cart or the car? The car costs fuel.

  17. AAahh no! Bill had the painkillers and asked for alcohol, I thought it would be okay now to give him some, thought I was doing the right order of things, nope, he passed out again ...

  18. Because you don't read, grrr! MY post from 2:20 AM _clearly_ says that you ought NOT use the booze. (colloquial term for 'alcoholic beverage')

    I took the shopping cart, using the fuel for the power generator. The car bit might be harder later, because the generator will remain out of order (no fuel),

  19. I shot open the hatch and want Jeremy to help me drag Bill downstairs, but no, that's not the way.

  20. Arby, I humbly bow my head, I missed that comment, thank you.
    I'll have to start over again.

  21. I did use the fuel for the generator this second time of playing, but had no idea what to do with it. Perhaps better get the car first. I will try to get Bill on his feet now.

  22. Oh, I see, the camera is used to take a picture of the children's drawing! AND, using the coin to get the shopping cart I also collected some extra wire for the fence.

  23. YES, and I got the survivor from the church, showing him the picture of the drawing.

  24. Bill can only help for 15 minutes, can't get him on his feet yet.

  25. I guess using the fuel for the power generator gives light in the basement.
    I wished there was more than one way to survive. Now you make one mistake and you've lost the game.

  26. The fence is closed, the pointed sticks are up, the bricks are used for the window, the hatch is shot open. And two survivors are helping. I guess all I need now is some more fuel for the generator + I still have a key, electric wire and alcohol not used.
    2.33 minutes left.
    Any ideas? Or do I have too little time?

  27. I wished there was more than one way to survive

    Pretty sure there is...

    BTW I thought I misread used the COIN for the shopping cart? So easy?
    Haha, I cut the chain with the wire-cutters...haha

  28. (I wanted to play Tesshie this morning lol, this is a different style)

  29. Well, there are two holes popping out of the think what they might be for ;-)

  30. Okay, more than one way? Cool, that gives hope!
    A coin can either be used for the shopping cart of being used as a screwdriver, so I just tried ...


    (Think Jurassic Park :-P)

  32. Wait wait, you found wire-cutters? Where?

  33. Thank you! I put the electric wire on the generator.

  34. I never watched Jurassic Parc. Nice hint, LOL

  35. There is a sneaky spot around the house :)
    But as you have the fence piece from the shop scene, you DO have the cutters already...

  36. Btw Is Sidereal Plexus Inc. an existing something? I'll find out later, when all is safe.

  37. How did you get the fuel?

  38. Okay, they're not in the inventory, they just came along with the fence piece.

  39. Arby thanks, that IS sneaky indeed ... a metal cutter now and another bullet ..

  40. the hatch is shot open.

    Aww-kay...this was MY mistake in reading. You must be aware that too much use of the gun will attract MORE of those undead folks...hence cutting the padlock with the wire-cutters is a better idea...
    But heck, speaking of 'ideas', I had no idea you could SHOOT the padlock as well...(anyways, you better don't, let alone that you will need your bullets elsewhere)

  41. @Roberto from the destroyed police car...(car accident scene)

  42. Unfortunately ... I already did ... so, if shooting means more undeady's will come, do you need more defense?
    Searching for fuel again.

  43. Thanks. Found the hose ingas station.

  44. Exactly.

    Especially, you should find a more effective way of building the trap.
    You can build it *TWO* ways, at the very same spot (which is in front of door).
    Attention: you MUST have Jeremy & Bill & that priest from the church for the harder way, as this will take hours to accomplish.

  45. Needless to say that chopping the wood (car accident scene) should always be done with most hands possible, because this will save you plenty of (precious) time. This means don't do tasks in a haste "just to close the lid on them" but wait until your party is big enough.

  46. @Magda

    there where you find the piece of fence and the shopping cart :)

  47. I know Arby, the first time I played I dug a hole in the ground there, the second time I found out by accident you can put the sticks above the ground.

    I thought I'd take the hose back from the police car, drive to base, and take out the fuel from the car. That was way too simple. lol.

  48. And unfortunately, with 2,33 h. left, it's too late to dig a hole!
    I'm glad you're around Arby, would have been hard to continue on my own here.
    I think I'll restart in a moment, knowing all I know now.

  49. Of course. Either one way or the other way. Not both.

    BTW digging the hole is the favorable thing to do (more damage to your enemies, and more (undead) casualties ;))

  50. Ah, you can decide to end the game yourself by clicking on the clock! Great. Will try that. Only problem is Bill .... I want him downstairs ...

  51. Find it on the wall at store.

  52. ... my reckless shooting brought 10 more
    hahahaaa, I forgot to close the door .... LOL so funny ...

    BUT, I would have survived if I would have closed the door and only used the gun once to get the glasses, cause 3 were remaining.
    YEAH, One more try ...

  53. I got away with the two guys but couldn't open the basement. Is there a key somewhere?
    I didn't chop any wood and survive.

  54. Well...


    I could only end the game by killing Bill (!) after he helped me outside with the last of his remaining force...'re in a Catch 22 here!! If you let Bill live, he will die, join the undead and turn sides (he'll be your ENEMY then)

  55. I lit the generator, conected to fence, dig the hole, put the bricks on window, close door.

  56. @Magda, go outside the door, then AROUND the house...and you will find something that'll help you for sure ;)

  57. And I guess fuel can only be used one way as well, either the car, or the generator.
    Now it's getting an even greater game. I'll try the generator this time, but that means, more time lost cause you have to walk, which means, first the axe, then the shop etc. let me think ...

  58. I killed Billy after giving him the booze (with axe).

  59. With axe ?? Well, it's horrid, but at least you made no noise with your gun...

  60. Kill survivors and throw them in hole.

  61. I know Bill turned against 'me', but that's okay, he was a friend you know ...

  62. Yes the game is great. A real well-thought-out storyline...and a complex one at that, where even alternate solutions will make a whole and logical story after all. A good storyboard is half the recipe for a good game...but it's easier said than done...

  63. Yes, for sure.
    I like these story-games.
    And I like those graphics as well.

  64. Kill survivors and throw them in hole.
    Ugh. Let 'em help you with your work (unpaid even), then kill 'em.
    I guess that's the LONELY WOLF ending.

  65. One last question, what is the key for?

  66. locking the door from the inside...

  67. No Roberto, the survivors help you even in the end.

  68. Oh, you can LOCK the door????? I thought you could only close it. My goodness ... okay.
    I wonder if it's possible to do it all in such a good order that the two survivors stay 'alive' as well. That should be possible too.

  69. Thanks for helping this way Arby, I enjoyed it.

  70. That WAS my ending: THE SAVIOR

    Saved Jeremy + Father Bernard and ... unfortunately ... had to kill Bill due to the fact he was infected "beyond repair".

    Hid away underneath the house (trapdoor), fence electrified, brick wall built, trap put up...and they shall come...

  71. yes ... of course .. my, I'm not clearly awake yet I guess ..

  72. Oh I see I forgot: "locked door" ... keep 'em busy as much as possible...

  73. lol ... survivors' instinct ..

  74. Played the game quite a bit, then watched the walkthru. Don't like timed games, just silly to think you need to pre-know where every pixel hunt spot is.

  75. Hmmm, I got a screen saying I could only play at armorgames. Which is fine, I went there because I want to try it out, but why is it linking here if we can't play through here? The advertisers can be happy though, I sat through ads twice hoping it would work the second time.

    Anyway, I'm going to try it mostly due to the Leisure Suit Larry style as described above. I love LSL!

    Thanks in advance for the many hints left behind!

  76. I'm getting same message from Armor games as NotYou.

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  80. BASE: In the house take the shovel. Go outside and to the left to take bullet and metalcutter. Click container to take key and wire.
    CHURCH: (bottom right): take axe and bullet
    GAS (top right): take bullet and canister outside, take batteries, water, painkillers, coin inside + hose and bullet after using axe on the door
    CRASH: (bottom left): take gun + use hose/canister to fuel up your car
    SHOP (top left): take camera, alcohol, glasses after shooting the zombie. Give glasses to jeremy, take fence; make a picture of drawing on wall
    CHURCH: show picture to priest; take bricks and cement
    CRASH: cut wood
    BASE: give pain killers to Bill; fix metal fence; dig hole and place wood; lock the front door; make mortel with the sand inside the house, build bricks in window. Kill Bill with axe just for fun, cut the padlock with the metalcutter and go hide. Click clock to end the game.

  81. Thank you Virginie. You wrote it down in a couple of sentences.

  82. I wonder was anyone able to get any other ending than survivor and the savior? I tried to do the game in different ways but I allways got the same ending no matter what I did?


    If you need help doing this, see Virginie's post above.
    - Fix the generator and the fence.(electrify it)
    -Lock the door
    -Fix the the window
    -Kill Bill
    -Hide PS. thanks for the efficient route Virginie. PSS. maybe there is a better one.


    -Befriend father Bernard
    -Proceed as above...fix...lock....fix....kill (with axe)

    I hope I have helped and not errantly posted crap, as some people do.

    I still don't have the Governor ending. Any help is appreciated.

  85. Thanks Citizen, I tried what you said and I was able to do the shadow now, but I still can't do the lone wolf or any other. I probably won't try anymore.

  86. I like the games from Scriptwelder, and I'm used to the old-skool graphics ;-) thumbs up!

  87. The two hardest achievements to find:

    Get all four bullets, a gun and keep them all (ouside church, wall to the left of base, 2x in shop) (4 kills)
    Get axe from church (1 kill)
    Fix fence. (15 kills)
    Electrify fence (5 kills)
    Lock door (10 kills)
    Brick up the window (10 kills)
    Hide in the basement (5 kills)
    Dont get any help from others, Bill included.
    Kill Bill (so he wont turn on you, use axe).

    Use the survivors to set up good defences.
    Dig up a pit trap in front of the house, DONT use spikes on it.
    Shoot both survivors while in front of the pit trap (need two bullets)
    Hide in the basement.

  88. Disappointed by the low rating on this game - only half-average! Okay, the graphics are crap but it's a brilliant puzzle.

  89. For the record the graphics in this game are nothing like LSL (though the text is).


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