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Imprisoning Ward Escape

Flash512 - Imprisoning Ward Escape is another point and click escape theroom game developed by Flash 512. In this game you have to find some hidden objects and solve some puzzles to escape this room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. use bottle from fridge on blue scroll next to door for number hint

  2. use scalpell on cushion of middle bed

  3. Use stool colours/numbers to open cupboard. Have oxygen mask, hook, syringe, tape and scalpel.

  4. Filled the syringe with vial from fridge. Bed trays are hint.

  5. Hi all! tape goes on hook, hook goes on left nightstand in circle.
    Have an oxygenmask and a key..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Syringe used on man closest to windows, for key which opens his locker. That gives the hose.

  8. Used the paintings to get call button which goes above bed of left oxygen man. Nurse came in, but i dont know what she did.

  9. use hook (+tape) on bedside table and call the nurse

  10. Nothing left in inventory, and no idea what to do next.

  11. if you have the hook on the bedside cabinet call for the nurse when she leaves check hook for her keys and hello sunny beach

  12. this way i can keep her busy the whole day

  13. There is a little square above the bedhead of the middle bed, but still stuck and no idea what to do.

  14. clio rose, I think, the little square is a hint for levers on freezer

  15. Thank you so much ting ting. It takes at least two minutes for EG24 to refresh or load, or post a comment. I never know who is saying what. lol

  16. Thanks Hotzenplotz. Im pretty sure the bed trays were the hint for the freezer. It wasnt a "thing" square above the bed, it was just an outline. lol. I feel a bit sad that we left the two old blokes behind..but hey ho...we shouldnt have been in the geriatric ward yet, anyway....hahha.

  17. how do you use pictures for call button ? have seen tv)

  18. there are letters on those pictures put them in the order tv is showing you ...CV and so on

  19. kevaus, each picture has a letter on it. Use the tele hint to get the order of letters.

  20. thanks ting ting,but do i click the paintings or some where else ?

  21. hi clio,i have cvdsa,is that right ?

  22. you type the letters from the paintings on the cabinet think its the middle one

  23. yes kevaus that is the right combination

  24. yep, kevaus.....BUT, i couldnt find an A on the last letter, so i just kept clicking and the cupboard opened. lol.

  25. pop,use on little cabinet between beds,the buttons have letters now !

  26. thanks again ting ting and clio !!

  27. Oh....bother. I love these games but as sometimes happens none of the three links work for me. Leave lots of hints and I'll try again later.

  28. Another late escape done :D
    Thanks for the clues guys...

  29. I can't play the game.
    Does'nt start

  30. The little square is just to give you the orientation of the beds so that the tray clue works. I think you need to see this clue or it won't work.
    I need help with stool colors. I only see a backwards 2--what else am i missing?

  31. POP! I guess I'd only zoomed in on one stool!

  32. I can call the nurse and I have the hook, but where are the keys ?

  33. pdgph, on the hook beside oxygen man. The heart hook you stuck on his locker.

  34. Thank you, clio_rose !

  35. I've seen the numbers on the 3 stools but the cupboard with the 2x2 squares isn't letting me do anything. What have I missed?

  36. I think tape was in a cupboard. Maybe the 4 digit one as I've got that open.

    How do I switch tv on to get a clue? Don't know how to call for nurse.

  37. TV and 2x2 cupboard 'can't be used yet'. I've a tube and some blankets in my inventory. V. stuck...

  38. And pop - the blankets weren't blankets and are placed on the 2x2 buttons.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. smarties, get the "four tiles" from the pot plant on the window sill. You need them to get the buttons to be coloured.

  41. Thanks clio-rose. Old man has the oxygen now but don't seem to be able to do anything else.

  42. Ah, and the old man has rolled over so I've got a remote control.

  43. And out, thanks for the hints and help.

  44. This one is a kind of gross...

  45. Geriatric Escape - I'm not wrinkly enough yet walkthrough.

    Get 4 tiles from pot plant in window.
    Check out the three stools on right of each bed. Note colours and numbers on each.
    Check out the three bed tray tables and note how many grooves each has on bottom left.
    Check out each locker. One near window needs key, middle one wants 5 somethings and right one wants numbers.
    Check out the paintings above bed and note letters. Hang a left and check out the four paintings on that wall too.
    Beside door, on shelves grab the scalpel.
    Hang a left again, and open linen disposal bin to get heart shaped hook. Then on the left of that, collect syringe from medical trolley. On cupboard on left of trolley add the tiles and use hint on stools to open, for oxygen mask. On left of that, open fridge for bottle of stuff. Use the bottle on the hand towels at the end of the wooden shelves beside door, for 4 digit code. Use code on locker of man in bed closest to door, for tape.
    Back around to beds and use scalpel on middle bed pillow for the stainless steel thingy for freezer levers. Use bed tray hint to open freezer for vial. About item vial and fill syringe.
    Inject the man closest to the window and get keys, to open his locker on right of bed. That gives the hose for the oxygen mask.
    Back to the old chap on the left bed. About item hook, and use tape. Place hook. About item oxygen mask and connect hose.
    Close up of old man, and place oxygen mask. The darling rolls over and off the remote for the tele. Grab the remote and use it on the tv. Use the clue given on tele combined with pic, for letter clue. Use the letters on the middle bed locker for a call button.
    Attach button to oxygen mans bedhead, and call for the nurse. In she comes and out she goes. Check the heart hook because the silly billy left her keys there. She is sooo gonna be sacked for letting me out. I have Alzheimers and cant remember what beach im on...Pass the suncream and ..while your at it, i'll have a G & T dahlings.

  46. Love these - great game, if a little depressing, but makes a change from all the loved-up themes this week - I liked the heart hook though!

  47. missred is right, this IS depressing, especially if you have some elderly person in your family who IS is such a retirement home. At least MY relative is not "imprisoned" (though she feels like it sometimes), that is why I think that the title of this "game" is a little bit, uhm, uncalled-for.

  48. Oh, Dumah is of the same opinion. So we're already three...

  49. @Clio - hilarious WT!!! "Hang a left" Thanks for the smiles!

    Great game!

  50. Thought I was missing something, but the O2 won't go on the old man - gonna restart...

  51. Very convenient that they mark the spot where the poor nurse forgets or loses her keys. Makes it easier to find them afterwards. :)

    CatCat, you have to attach the tube to the mask, then use it on the old man's face. The one next to the bed. I tried to use it on the hole where it says oxygen at first.

  52. Can't add anything to inventory???

  53. Good game although a little depressing. The old man was too life like and a little scary, I thought he might pop his clogs any moment.

  54. You think this was depressing in 2015? Try playing this in 2020.

    I wish I could have finished it. Poor design to have a one use TV remote in a game that changes the pictures and letters for each time game played.

    Perhaps better that I didn't finish.


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