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Knight Room Escape

Tesshie - Knight Room Escape is another Japanese point and click type room escape game developed by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape games. In this game, you have to find items and solve puzzles in order to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. So far I have... nothing but a stone birdie.

  2. Stone birdie an be put on the three silver pedestals.

  3. Roberto how do you get the key?
    I've managed nothing.

  4. Break door key for number code.

  5. Use key to open little squared door. Put key on slot.

  6. OK, got key. Use it to open panel. Got drill/handle, use on wooden door with clockwise / anticlockwise symbol.

  7. Broken part of key can be used elsewhere.....

  8. Clue from white cross-shaped handle is for picture corners.

  9. Got a hammer from pic. clue is the letters.

  10. Use hammer on spot on wall. Got club number and chalice. Need heart number.

  11. a goblet and clover clue using hammer on wall.

  12. Check your broken heart key q

  13. Of course, thanks Emmes!

  14. After using the sd on the chair, check the chair twice.

  15. Hmmm... now I know which way is north, and have pointed both dials that way but nothing happened. Also don't get C - C clue.

  16. q, check the chair again.

  17. check the sword for another 3 digit.

  18. Yes, I got the key from the chair!

  19. Now have a second sword.

  20. Have to go, leave lots of hints please.

  21. C - C clue is for birds.

  22. Man - a live Tesshi-e! But I'm too late, I think...

  23. Got all three birds, have made superglue, and put it on the broken key. But now where to attach it?

  24. Not too late meritneith, I'm still here!

  25. OK, I can't get the hippo to open its mouth. Not sure what to do with the dials, I though pointing them by the compass?

  26. How did you open the hippo's mouse?

  27. I haven't managed, and I think that's the last thing. I've tried pointing the dials by the compass directions of the walls, with north up or with north left (like the white dial). Neither one worked. Hmmm...

  28. if I take the note in chest-no matter how rum fits ncihts.denke notice could not be more north is here where the 2 swords but sind.paßt

  29. Okay, I'm up to your point now. It was not too hard until here but now it'll get tough I think. For the broken key I'd bet we have to pull the other part out of the door to glue them together.

  30. I think you're right meritneith. I'm guessing we have to get the hippo to open its mouth for that, no idea how to do that.

  31. So I once all pointers adjusted with north south east west, all pages once tried but nothing fits, funny

  32. I wonder what it means that the lock with the key is in our inventory. If we shouldn't do anything with it, it just would have fallen down or so.

  33. And another question: If we had to put the dials according to the walls direction, why can the dials turned not only to North, West, South, and East, but also to Northwest, Southwest, and so on?

  34. hi guys.
    to open hippo's mouth, look at the big wheel with letters, where you use before the GOLD DOLL.
    look that North is on west, East in north, West in east and South in south.
    noe go to North pointer and put it in East position, the same for the others, than you can take pliers.
    sorry for bad english, but i hope you can understand :)

  35. for the hippopotamus:
    consider two clues: the wheel with the letters and the arrow pointing north toward the wall with the hippo
    then the hippo is north, but  the on the wheel the north is on the left, so we will point to the left
    the painting to top, the door to right and the other one to the bottom


  36. times have reordered the rotating part, which was used for gold Doll word and image, so also north south east west UDN, times have fixed on them but nothing happens. if man only knew where north is set?

  37. Believe me or not but I just had checked that the crossthingy had N, S, E, and W on it. But I would have needed hours to put that together. ;-)

  38. for happy coin: the directions on wheel have changed...

  39. Of course, I noticed N was left and E was up, I missed that W was right and S down, rather that in their proper places relative to the other two!

  40. You might see me lying around in one of Selfdefiant next asylums. Where is the mistake I made?

    I have drawn a kind of map with the "normal" directions, and the clue for the changed compass rose is:

    N W

    The hint in the chair points to the left, so the wall with the swords is North (putting the dial at 9 o'clock), and the wall with the two chairs must be East (putting the dial at 3 o'clock), the wall with the knight and the two little doors is South (putting the dial at 6 o'clock), and the wall with the exit door is West (putting the dial at 12 o'clock). Nothing.

    I also have done two other variations which I thought to be logical but have forgotten them already. ;-)

    Please help me!

  41. meritneith, you made a mistake with East and West

  42. Damn! Now I got it, feeling so stupid. Thanks Hotzenplotz, you saved my sanity.

  43. For those not getting the painting corners, this is what worked for me. Don't look below if you don't want to be spoiled.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. GREAT game ... thanks Tesshi-e!

  46. nice idea where to find the happy coin :)

  47. @marita

    check heavy right chest for north direction

  48. how do i use the paper hint?

  49. looked at another site and it said paper hint is for picture....... is it? if so how?

  50. brin3m, look on backsite of paper and read the comment of
    Mirco Iacovone 2/12/15, 4:01 AM

  51. thanks hotzenplotz! missed that clue!


  53. Where is the hint for picture corners please?

  54. Stll live? Well I'll not be able to catch up probably xD

  55. How do you get the 2nd sword? There is a lever at the statue's feet, but can't move it...

  56. And where's the 3rd bird? I'm so stuck...

  57. Tautau, return paper SUPERGLUE to see the hint (paper found in cb with arrows on it)

  58. Thx seb. But don't know which cb with arrow. Also don't know how to move clockwise/anticlockwise handle. Only see clue of EGWOSDNL.

  59. @tatau for handle check the pannel with arrows on it.

  60. On a cb on the left of statue, you put handle and use hint arrows on door to open



  61. Thx seb again. Believe or not, I tried thousand times but succeed to open the cb only after reading your post.

  62. soo no one figured out the dials yet?
    What I have: SD, Hammer, paper , birdie, goblet and borken key.

  63. I am stuck. I have done painting, broken wall, gotten glass and placed one bird. I have no idea what to tackle next. I don't have a SD and do not know the codes for the safes. Looked into your comments but can't find what to do next. Can anyone give me a hint please?

  64. Nini have you found hexagonal key after using sd?

  65. Maybe the hint on the chair (C-C) reffers to the letters inside the CB. When the big dial points down we have letter S, when it points up we have letter E.
    so S-E .. being S for the left mini dial and E or the right one. Tried some combos with that logic but nothing so far.

    And why S and W are swtiched on the big dial?

  66. Tania, sd is in cb after doing the math (heart behind broken key and clover after using hammer on wall

  67. Ohh! Missed that! Ty seb

  68. I forgot I had heart key which has number for heart. I already know number for the other sign, so now managed to open cupboard and get screwdriver. Onwards!

  69. Nini, hint in chair is to put MR birdies on pedestals (look at arms)

  70. I guess C-C clue is for birdies (arms)

  71. Oppps should have refreshed sooner haha!
    Are u out seb?

  72. I only have one switch which I can set to a direction - should there be more? Again stuck! I am so hopeless at these games! :(

  73. Yes Nini ;) with happy coin

  74. omigosh...Squeeeeeeeeeeee! Love Tesshie. Thank you for confounding and confining us in such beautiful places. Going in to happily get stuck. :)

  75. Grr these dials!! Tried the obvious but no go..

  76. Where do I use the pliers from the hippo?

  77. Nvm, use the pliers to get the other broken part of the key.

  78. Always check ur items LOL!

  79. Time to search for happy coin! ;)

  80. Look at the dial again, Nini, directions are different now.

  81. Dials again of course..

  82. Nini, for dials, in a chair you can see N (so North is hippo room) and use hint letters in cb


    so deduce where room is South, east...and use letters hint to turn dials

    little hint ==> South is...6 (as a clock)

  83. found a key in right box/chair - it was not obvious, but when I idly clicked on lid after I kept clicking on bottom... it opened and showed me the key. That key opens padlock and reveals bird and compass

  84. And out.. ty for the key hint seb! :)

  85. oh s-t just saw ur hint.. Ty too :)

  86. placed swords and made a liquid combining A+B in glass, now to open up hippo...

  87. Out with Happy Coin. Thx all for help.

  88. I still can't get the happy coin. If I look at the changed dials, than I have: Hippo = S, chairs=N, cb right of night=E and door=W. What am I doing wrong? Help please?

  89. Where are these swords you keep mentioning?

  90. There's one sword with a 3-digit code? Another one somewhere. Can't find a stick or handle for the lever at the bottom of one of the statues....

  91. Swords are in statues, @zoe
    I am stuck on dials for pliers, so can't help on happy coin

  92. Where do I use the goblet?

  93. Zoe the goblet is used to make superglue.

  94. nvm...there's a button to push in the cb you open with the whole (hex?) key...then you get "A" bottle and move a lever there, and then you get the sword with the 3-digit code.

  95. @HendrikVeder u get the happy coin by setting the dials again (the letters have changed places) just do everything like u did on the 1st time.

    @Zoe u need substances A and B. U mix them inside the goblet to make glue

  96. I have been working on those dials for 30 minutes! I have read every hint...I have the premise, but am so turned around I think I could get lost in my closet right now! LOL
    can someone please just say...
    hippo=, pic=, statue=, and door=... TY!

  97. Nokra, the hippo is normal North. Look at the dials. For help: make a cross and put in the new dials. I can't help you with that, because my dials are different now. Sorry.

  98. Hippo = West
    Pic = North
    Statue = South
    Exit = East

    Happy coin:

    Hippo = East
    Pic = South
    Statue = North
    Exit = West

  99. Please give a hint Nini xD. What should be the hippy now?

  100. I have done just that but somehow I am upsidedown or backwards and can't "see" anything now! Thanks, anyway, @hendrick!

  101. Out now. Thanks everybody for the help.

  102. @nokra try this>

    The chair points where the north is. Now look at the letters dial:


    Now look at the dial on the door. Geographically speaking, it's on the West position. So look at the letters dial again and u'll see that West is poiting Right. So set the door dial to that position (3 o'clock).
    Do the same for the rest

  103. TY so much small-tool! you saved my least for the moment! LOL

  104. Ok Nokra. Small Tool gave the solution also for the happy coin.

  105. Whoops too late ! Spoiler already given! :P

  106. Lol, sorry Nini, but Nokra asked for a spoiler.
    Besides it's already so many comments that people who only need a hint will find them before they see the spoiler.
    Mirco Iacovone and Mary Caj explained (hinted) it very well around 4 AM.

  107. Whew! Thanks, @small-tool and @Nini xD!! I was great until the dials....directionally challenged. What a great game. Check all items, sometimes clues are used more than once in these games. If you are a new player, keep at it and never leave unless you have found the elusive Happy Coin. Happy Dance!

  108. Well if EVEN Nini gets stuck with those $%#& dials, they must be a blocker for most to advance in the game...

    Got them at 2nd try, because I was a nut and I always set N as 11 o'clock, don't ask me why...(was 9 o'clock)

  109. ...but to be fair, I have to say without a hint to that extremely-well hidden key (turn chest inside out!) I would've been half-way lost!

  110. @small-tool! Thanks! I was going nuts with the dials. Why couldn't they make the directions the "true" ones:

    instead of the game directions:


    That's what got me so confused...they were thinking NEWS clockwise, I guess.

  111. For me, to understand dials, I have deduced (according N in chair)
    what room is north ==> hippo
    East ==> Under pic
    South ==>cb right of statue
    West ==> door

    letters in cb give hint places


    as a clock E =12, W =3, S = 6, N= 9

    for dials (always as a clock)

    put dial hippo (N) on 9
    under pic (E) on 12
    in cb right of statue (S) on 6
    on door (W) on 3

  112. Why couldn't they make the directions the "true" ones

    Because Tesshi-e didn't want to copy an idea that 100s had conceived before him years ago. :)

  113. this was a great game i liked it a lot 5 stars from me thank you x

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Wonderful Tesshie! Your games are my favorite. They always brighten my day. Thank you!!

  116. No, I wasn't saying the direction thing was a bad thing, just that it confused me.

    I LOVE Tesshie games - always have and always will!!!

  117. Tesshi-e you are just Exceptional .. Thank you !

  118. TY all, for all your belated help! I'd really like to meet Mr. K one day!

  119. hippo is behind a "wall safe". If you can't see it, it means you have to do many other things first.

    Wait ... from memory, wasn't the hippo behind that LOCKED wall compartment? The one that needs the (previously mentioned) well-hidden key from the chest?

  120. Working on this one the last couple of days, still haven't been able to find everything. Giving it another go.

  121. I had my problems with the dials N E S W.
    Ok i have seen the hint on the letter dial how to change it.
    But i still don't know why the hippo scene = N ( Thanks for hint )
    Now its easy to escape.

    **** stars

  122. So back to the knight room again. Still not out. I think two more safes to solve. Liking it a lot.

  123. And I finished, with the help of Roberto, Mirco and Mary.
    I needed the hint on the sword and the dials.


    Zoom in on the doorlock and click the key till it’s in your hands.
    Click the heart-part of the key: number on the other side.
    A compass needle on the right part of the door.
    Go right.

    Click the left panel and zoom in on the grey lid. Put the broken key in the opening. Zoom out and zoom in on the letter-wheel. Take the handle at the bottom. Turn the wheel. Write down the letters G O D L in their position and E W S N in theirs.
    Go right.

    Zoom in on the left chair, open it . Take birdie 1 and note the hint.
    It shows the position of the wings of the birdies. This birdie 1 is the middle one.
    Zoom in on the right chair, open it. 4 screws, a screwdriver is needed.
    Zoom in on the large painting, an order for clicking the corners is needed.
    Go right.

    Zoom in on the left panel.
    Place the handle. Zoom out once. Move the mouse over the top of the handle.
    Look at the direction of the 4 decorations on the doors. The left one starts up left and goes anti-clockwise. The one next to that goes clockwise. The other two …
    Click the arrows accordingly. Click the lowest handle to open.
    Click the box. The paper you get shows two clues.
    1. A + B Superglue
    2. for the large painting.

    The large painting.
    Combine the word on the paper with the position of the letters GODL, those letters point to the corners of the painting.
    Click the corners in the right order = hammer, roman numerals box.
    Also behind large painting = a compass needle.

    The door.
    Click the spot on the wall, right side of the door, use the hammer. In the hole = a clover number + on the left a glass.
    Go left and open the grey box behind the door with the handles, heart - clover = screwdriver.

    Use the sd on the right chair and click the lid. Click the open lid = a key on the back.
    Notice the arrow points to the N. Meaning, the wall to the left is the N-wall.
    Go right.

    Use the key on the lock on the right = a compass needle and birdie 2.
    Zoom in on the small button, click it.
    Zoom out and zoom in below the statue = the A-bottle.
    Click the copper lever there.
    Zoom out and in on the statue = sword.
    Click the upper part of the sword = the roman numerals on the other side.
    Put these numbers in the box behind the large painting = birdie 3.


    Place the 3 birdies, wings down, flat, up = a lever.
    Go left and place the lever at the statue’s feet.
    Push the lever, zoom out, take the sword.
    Place the swords right of this statue.
    The painting moves: a hippo and a box with a compass needle.
    Click the small lever on the box, zoom out, take B-bottle from below the statue.

    About item the glass. Remember the A+B clue on the paper.
    Pour in A, then B = superglue.
    Dip in the heart key.
    The other part is stuck in the door, pliers are in hippo’s mouth.
    To open his mouth use the E W S N hint.

    Remember the arrow pointing to North = hippo wall.
    That means going right (clockwise),
    large painting wall = east
    lock-doors = south,
    door = west.

    There are 4 compass needles visible now at the four walls.
    The letter wheel shows

    This means:
    North, hippo wall = the needle points left
    East, large painting wall = the needle points up
    South, lock-doors = the needle points down
    West, door = the needle points right

    Now hippo’s mouth is open, take the pliers.
    Use the pliers to take the other part of the broken key out of the door.
    About item the glued heart-part and attach the other part.
    Put the key in the lock, but don’t leave yet.

    Back to the wheel.
    The NESW letters changed position.
    N, hippo = right
    E, large painting = down
    S, lock-doors = up
    W, door = left

    One of the statues offers a happy coin.
    Now you can safely leave.


    handle : to the left, the right, the left, the right.
    heart 8159 – clover 7536 = 623.
    large painting:
    G = up right
    O = down right
    L = up left
    D = down left.
    sword roman numeral: IV III V (435)


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