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Quebrantar 3: The Frozen Spears

Esklavos - Quebrantar Chapter 3: The Frozen Spears is another point and click adventure escape game developed by Esklavos. Farendar, Valtania and you, walked through the frozen spears, looking for the last loyal soldiers who were hiding somewhere in the mountains. After two weeks of hard work and with many Esklavos server issues, here I bring a new chapter of Quebrantar! With new puzzles to solve. There are some new features. For example if are logged you will interact with your user name. You can also change its name without changing the user, in the upper right corner, click on your name and enter the menu. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Combining things is now done in the inventory without using a +

  2. Me too, got a pickaxe and a gem. Can see a shape in the stone, left scene bottom left.

  3. Hi Emmes, use axe for scepter.

  4. Webpage not availabe? :(

  5. Thx Catqueen, why did that only work once I read your post ?

  6. Place the gem.scepter in the direction that's not a symbol then go to the other scene.

  7. hi, i am down in the dark
    find firestones

  8. ST, did that but nothing changed. (arrow up) Hoping for POP

  9. Set the scepter, click a symbol, set the sceptor, click a symbol etc.

  10. Catqueen,
    On the stone on the left something should sparkle, use axe there.

  11. Thank you ST. I just sneezed at my screen, sparkles everywhere....BRB. Have to clean it first.

  12. Use the knife to get the branch (use branch on candle).

  13. Used the cloth and then the charcoal on the painting and now what?

  14. Nvm, same old esklavos trick, there's more to find in the chest.

  15. So I've scepter what I can turn left, then click on imemr symbols but nothing happens, I've only ax in the inventory. how are you on? can not find a knife or other

  16. Marita, notice down the symbols from right to left (as they appear). Then go back to the left scene, a new rock sparkles. Get the gem with the axe, use it at the bottom left, and click the symbols on the wheel.

  17. Marita you have to set the scepter on the most right symbol, then go the left screen and cliclk the symbol there. Then go back and set the scepter on the next symbol and go left screen again etc. etc.

    Very stuck on the 3 small, 6 medium etc, dance steps :(


  18. have the blue stone and now also used, but the character in whatever sequence from left anch whether right or vice versa, it assiert and nothing can scare dragon is nothing left

  19. Im in the third part now. I have the hammer, the knife, a metal bar (used once), some nails, and a part of an instrument. Stuck now.

  20. I'm stuck there too.

  21. Same place meritneith.
    I tried to do 3 small, 6 medium etc on the chest right in the back, but no go :(

  22. Oh, small-tool, I didn't have to walk back and forth for the symbols.

  23. thank you now I'm in the dark

  24. Lol, really meritneith? Guess I did it more complicated then :)

  25. Well, some people like walking around. ;-)

  26. Finally catching up. Just made a grandmother picture and fed the bird. Out now....I mean outside, not out of the game.

  27. In the dark also. rocks lower right with candle and blinking eyes....nothing else highlights?

  28. I can't find another hotspot except for that chest, so I think we have to use the small-medium hint there. But I can't put it together.

  29. Dimwit: there is a hotspot down the eyes, a bit to the left. (firestones)

  30. Dimwit, click around in the left area, you'll find some flintstones to use at the candle.

  31. The guy behind the fire is a hotspot too, but he won't take anything.

  32. So on crate I see 3 different size circles, if I do that as on leaf so tanzschritte nothing happened and the man on stage I can not dance to also move

  33. small/medium hint. Move the small all first, then the medium and the big last. They are at position 1, so just cik twice to move to 3.

  34. Ah of course, already in position one, forgot about that, thanks Byassen :)

  35. The buttons down count as one. So if you want to make it to three, just press two times

  36. Lol, fixed a guitar with nails and hammer :)

  37. Thanks...on to scene three...

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. And made him dance and out now, great game again.

  40. got multiple buh, imitate wschwierig with tanzschritte

  41. Yes, I felt so smart until that damned chest... Love those Esklavos games and am glad to see more of them recently.

  42. please help with the rune symbols, can't get it to work.


  43. Thanks for the hint to walk back and forth between the symbols and the symbol wheel, s-t. I had been stuck there for quite a while. After going into the dark, the screen turned blue and froze. Will try again later. I really like these games.

  44. Marita, look at the dancer and compare his figure to the hint on the paper. The strings are 1 2 3 4 from left to right.

  45. puh bekam es hin er tanzte alles ab und schon fertig

  46. Poof got it back he danced everything off and already finished

  47. Sharon and clio, for me it worked: Notice down the symbols as they appear - from right to left. Click the symbols on the wheel in that order.

  48. sorry, my mistake, in the second room, I have the parrot in the cage, wiped dust of pic, and a locked chest.
    I see a paper with Rune symbols on it and a plate where to input, however the symbols doesn+t work on the plate.

  49. Finally out too. Thanks all for the hints.

  50. The war was won and the dragon defeated all because the musicial could dance again. Good plot. Could be a Hollywood blockbuster.

  51. Sharon Smyth,
    Some runes look a like, so maybe you did a wrong step. Or maybe you already did it correct, but didn't notice a key felll down.

  52. SS - symbols on paper used left to right on the blue symbols on right of screen will drop a key.

  53. I started over again.
    1. You can notice down the symbols in the first scene. The order is from right to left, and be careful, there are two similar symbols looking like a F.
    2. To see the sparkle at the left rock in first scene, you have to turn the spear to the very left.
    3. All symbols and dancing moves change so you have to notice them down on your own.

    Sharon, that should work. Look carefully at the symbols!

  54. I get absolutely nothing after placing sceptre and seeing symbols.
    Could someone please tell me how to move on? No new scene or "dark" as some are saying for me.

  55. No matter how I click the runes, nothing happens. The combo for me is FFFLLXF (right to left) and I've re-checked the symbols 5 times already.

  56. nope, can+t get this to work, Maybe I+m blind? where does the key fall?
    Symbols on my paper is HGGBHCCHFG

  57. Hmm... don't know if it's relevant, but I left the scepter pointing at last symbol, then went to put in the code string and it worked...

  58. tried replaying and now can+t get past first rune section, buggy!

  59. I'm completely stuck with the big small medium clue ?? i think it goes with the thing from the crate in the scene with the fire but not sure what I'm supposed to do ??

  60. DoziCowGurl: the initial position is 1. Move the small circle to 3 and so on, then the big one last. Then move the small to position 5 (I had 5 small on the second line), ie. two ticks more, and so on.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Thank you Acmer - And what is supposed to happen ? I think I've done that, but nothing happens except the little thing on the left moves ? Feel so stupid right now !

  63. didn+t like Safari I guess

  64. I've checked the symbols (runes) again and again, I've tried from right to left and from left to right : nothing happens, it simply doesn't work.

  65. I guess if I can't get the small, medium, big thing, then I can't go any further ! - I have the knife, nails, metal bar, hammer, instrument part - but don't know what to do !

  66. I'm stuck there with you, DoziCowGurl ...I'm gonna try it once more and then call it a day! :P

  67. I'm stuck too. I give up, I think that the game is buggy.

  68. I'm trying to get the big small medium thing puzzle to work, but I must be doing something wrong. I put the little circle at 3, med circle at 6, then pressed big button. Then I put the little circle at 5, pressed med circle and goes back to one, so put it on 3 and pressed big button. Nothing happened. What do I need to do? Thanks!

  69. Is there a video walkthrough ? I've googled and can't find one - Help - I hate not finishing these games !

  70. I was thinking that the numbers are for how many times you click it , not a position, as there are no frikken markers!!!! I an annoyed and guess I'll stop before I get ugly!!! LOLOL

    pdgph , I wrote down the runes, left the laser on the leftmost one then it worked .... no problems there for me but this 3, 6 . big thingy makes no sense to me!

  71. I figured it out. I found a hint on On the chest, the buttons are already at one, so 3 small would be just two presses, 6 med--5 presses, then big. Next two more presses for 5 small, and put med. button two from bottom, press big and chest opens.

  72. Runes are from R to L btw.....

  73. Does that make sense? Also, I need a hint for the nails please.

  74. TY TY Cyndee...I still have no idea why that worked...makes no sense to me!

  75. YW! :) Now where are the nails lol?

  76. just combine the instrument, parts , nails then hammer....fixed now

  77. OH, they are in the barrel, I think ...if I remember right

  78. The reason it works is that if you press 3x, then it would be at position 4, since it was already on one, and so on...however, it is not something you would automatically assume!

    Still looking for nails. :)

  79. The left most of fire scene , you have metal bar?

  80. ok, found them! Use metal bar on the barrel at the far left of the screen where the people are around the fire.

  81. I do like the newer method of combining different items. Much better. Having to retry the dancing guy after each mistake and the resetting pattern being random is a bit frustrating!

  82. I don't even understand HOW to make him dance It just keeps saying" wrong"! what to click please?

  83. Hi cyndee...can you see my comments? LOL

  84. Yay, finished and was able to follow my own dancing figures (I drew) lol!

  85. Yes, it seems we're typing at the same time Nokra lol. For the dancing, you just follow the figures that are written on the note. The first dance he does is hopping and throwing up right leg, which is #3, and so on...

  86. click on the Lute strings (1-4), for each dance.

  87. well, that is it for me...not one of my favorites!
    dance does not work ...

  88. spoil it? I am tired of this... LOL

  89. Yes cyndee43 ! That worked !! It makes no sense what so ever, but it worked ! Thank you - I should have thought to check out Nordinho ! - Now on with trying to finish this game

  90. POP! I think I have it...he moves.......then you click the string accordingly...

  91. didn+t like Safari I guess

  92. A dancing fool ! out now...Thanks !

  93. Ah ! Forget it ! Too frustrating after going nutz with the small, medium, big thing, then cyndee43 helped sort that out - Now stuck with stupid guitar/dance - too tired - I consider myself out - Did not really like this particular game

  94. Oh, for crying out loud… I've been stuck in the cave forever after drawing grandma. Never thought to talk to the coffin.

  95. I thoroughly enjoyed this one! A little more challenging, but with all the help above, was able to finish. Thanks!!!

  96. Guitar dance: wait for him to make a move, and then play it on the mandolin.

    I find it very helpful to do "Ctrl" + "Print Screen" the paper with the dance hint and then pull up Paint in a new tab and paste the screen shot so I can see which dance step the man (clown?) is doing, if that makes any sense at all..or you can just copy the 4 dance steps on a piece of paper and then when the man makes a step, look and see which one it is and play that string.

  97. Looks like the server is down.... can't find page...

  98. Not working for me either, been trying for the past 20 min to get in with no luck

  99. Man, this game loaded slowly...

  100. The scepter and symbols are not working for me. I did as ST said and clicked the far right symbol, went to first scene and NOTHING. I'm done. I've had a frustrating day and am not in the mood for a frustrating game. I also hate the inventory change. I'd rather inventory was always visible.

  101. 3 stars? That's pretty low for this designer.

  102. 3 stars? That's pretty low for this designer.

  103. can't find server, no page available for me :( I hope can play it tomorrow :)

  104. Server down... tried safari, firefox, and dice...

  105. scepter not working for me either...... anyone out there have advice about that????/ Does it depend on whether i use chrome or safari????


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