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Real World Escape 86: Waiting Room

Real World Escape 86: Waiting Room Walkthrough[Replay Game] Demolacion + SniffMouse - Real World Escape 86: Waiting Room Reborn is another point and click room escape game developed by Demolacion for Sniff Mouse. In this Real World Escape game, you're trapped in the world's most exciting location—a waiting room. The elevator is stuck, the clock is ticking, and your patience ran out five minutes ago. Your only company? A small, suspiciously wise little girl who seems to know way more than she should. Can you find the secret to fixing the elevator, or will you spend eternity reading outdated magazines? Click everything. Trust nothing. And whatever you do—don’t underestimate the kid. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. fabulous- a new sniff!

    got some!- 5 to find

  2. how has this got 2 votes and just one star- someone is taking the p***

  3. Finally, some appreciation for not littering

  4. yes- tidiness is a virtue here

    Got 3 keys so far Blue Yellow & Red (plus black but that's different). Still looking for another. Not managed to turn on the light

  5. I just knew it would be a Sniffmouse afternoon!

  6. ..and I think Guntars has been learning from Angelika- it's a harder one

  7. Yeah, I see the downvote brigade has been active again lately.
    It would have been better to just have left it dropped.
    If it is going to be meaningless anyway, why bother?

  8. I only have blue and red after once around. Going to be more thorough this time.

  9. enzed there are harder ones and easier. I think that this is easy

  10. girl has nice hair

  11. Well, I know what to do with the clock once it's working, but no button. And I get the point of the keys. Two to go.

  12. Yuck, pre-chewed gum. But it solves the water-cooler.

  13. secret floor

  14. Yes! Floor tile to the rescue.

  15. Looking for a use for the red marker.

  16. Still need 1 key and 2 sniffs

  17. door unlocked- now the lift

  18. calendar change

  19. Check the date lurkersmurf

  20. and out! You were both right & wrong sniff. One thing was harder for me to find which brought me to a halt. Some nice puzzles though in there. Excellent as ever

  21. Finally got it to draw on the calendar, but I'm still missing the (Yellow?) key. Where is the arrow puzzle?

  22. colour code twice

  23. What lovely "yellow" hair the girl has

  24. LS- look at AO's 5:44 post

  25. i agree enzed i can see Angelika's touch lol .. but it's easy once you notice .. the can ?!!! @_@ wth .. Thanks Guntars !

  26. another class one on the list - thx Guntars :-)

  27. Great game Guntars, thank you!

  28. Guntars - By the way, didn't get to wish you a Happy Birthday the other day. Hope you had a good one!!

  29. Yes, Happy Birthday! And congratulations on another great game.

  30. Thank you guys for nice comments!

  31. What could be better than getting home to find a new Sniffmouse Real World game?
    Only getting home to find a new Real World AND a new Casper!
    Thank you Guntars and over to you Angelika.

  32. Boy, could have used some better hints here. Where is this helpful floor tile, Can't find fourth key or fourth # for password either.
    Great game, I just need help please!

  33. Which colour key are you missing Evans?
    The floor tile is visible when you click on one of the chairs.

  34. evans- look from the chair next to the watercooler

  35. Just getting started....drats!!

  36. Thanks guys, I got the tile and the last key now.
    I put the bulb in the lamp and see the clue for the elevator but it doesn't work. I have all the sniffs too.

  37. ??? I tried the same arrow code, the same way, 3 more times and suddenly it worked??
    Weird, but I am out!

  38. Hey Sharon! Hope you had a good B'day celebration with your hubby

  39. Once you use the lamp code on the buttons back out and click the door.

  40. think about the arrow Evans

  41. Have all 4 keys but don't know what to do with them. Have both buttons for clock but don't understand what the dots that show up mean when you turn the dials. Have tried the arrows clue on elevator but nothing happens.

    I realize some of you think these are easy, but some more clues would be appreciated.

  42. Also don't understand the plant with changing colors or where to find a bulb for light.

  43. The dots on the clock red and green tell you what petals to push on the flower

  44. Make the specific petals red or green - only those that show up on the clock

  45. Yes Indeed a very nice birthday! Guntars and I are almost twins...LOL

  46. But, of course, you're cuter ;-)

  47. You know I'm stuck right Austen!!

  48. shhhhh don't tell Guntars!

  49. Janet thank you for the hint...I needed to realize that the clock was lime green or bright green!

  50. Thank you Janet, I became unstuck with you clock clue. Appreciated!

  51. I saw in the comments and cannot find them now about the red marker...hmmmmm

  52. Sniffthrough for anyone still struggling:

    Start scene:
    Right in front of you – Sniff 1.
    Take the 2 from the lift door.
    Turn right.

    Look under the table and take the can.
    Zoom in on girl and take the yellow key from her hair.
    Turn right.

    Put the can in the bin for Sniff 2 and some gross chewing gum.
    Turn left.

    Give the girl the gum for Sniff 3 and switch clue.
    Turn right.

    Use the switch clue on the watercooler for Sniff 4 and the black key.
    Open the drawer with the black key for Sniff 5 and the (sound up) lipstick.
    Turn right.

    Click on left chair for blue key. While you’re there open the floor tile for Sniff 6 and the number 5.
    Click on the flowers for the red key.
    Turn left.

    Use the lipstick on the mirror (do I really need to tell anyone that?) for new location.
    Turn round.

    Open secret location for Sniff 7, number 3 and torch.
    Turn right.

    Use torch under the table for Sniff 8 and number 6.
    Turn right.

    Open cupboard with 4# code for Sniff 9, green key and H button.
    Place button by the clock and press them both noting where the dots appear for each hand.
    Turn left.

    Click the leaves on the plant so that the colours match where the dots were on the clock for Sniff 10 and a red marker.
    Turn left.

    Hang the keys beside the door and note the numbers which come up.
    Turn left.

    Use the red marker on the calendar for a date order clue.
    Turn left.

    Combine the keys and calendar clues to open the colour button cupboard for Sniff 11, a light bulb and the famous double f.
    Place the bulb in the lamp for an arrow clue.
    Turn round.

    You know where the ff goes for Sniff 12.
    Use the arrow clue to open the lift and exit.

    Rate the game 5*.

    Say thank you to Guntars.

  53. Well I am...and I cannot thank you enough Austen!!

  54. I will Rate the game with a Big 5 and as always, a huge Thank You Guntars!! Thank you Austen, for a great walkthrough!

  55. Cavalry to the rescue Sharon!

  56. Although horse riding is more Bandy's forte.

  57. I needed help on this one, can never catch them live. Nice game :)

  58. Nice and Excellent game, as usual
    Thx Sniffmouse
    5 stars

  59. Wow Guntars, this took me some time. Clicking the clockhands was what got me going again.
    Great game.

  60. 5 sniffs from me. excellarntay

  61. My flashligt got stuck in front of the arrow to leave the scene. Nothing for it but to restart. Nasty bug.

  62. Thanks Sniff, good games :)

  63. Thank you AO and Lurkersmurf for your floor tile hints - I thought that had to be what I was missing!

  64. Awesome as always!

    Happy belated birthday to Sharon and Guntars!

  65. Is that right? It's not the birthday that is belated, it's my wishing for a happy one that is belated. So...a belated Happy Birthday to Sharon and Guntars! lol

  66. Evans: same thing happened to me with the arrows. After placing the bulb I had to do the arrows 4 times before it worked. Maybe it's the exact place to click the buttons. Very nice game and thank you all for the help.

  67. Always clever. Thank you.

  68. Something is wrong. I managed to get out without using arrow clue from lamp.

  69. Hey NotYou Thank you very much! I hope you come back to see that I left this message for you! Hope to see you soon!!

  70. Thank you Guntars
    Thank you Austen 64

  71. Very Logical - nice twist at the end!

  72. Fantastic game
    Sniffie too
    AHHH! getting to know you Guntars, Could not find things and THought
    WAIT....Where is our tile and sure enough there it was then could not find yellow key...And thought.I bet guntars has hidden it in the blonde hair and again there it was.
    Loved the finish too
    The best games on the internet
    Thanx sniffie!!!

  73. Wonderful game! Thanks!


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