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Kotorinosu Sphinx Escape 2

Kotorinosu - Sphinx Escape 2 is another point and click room escape game developed by Kotorinosu. In this game, you are locked in a place and you try to escape the place by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  2. the figurines' eyes in first room are clue for the white / black arrows in second room ..

  3. put the three missing pieces in place on the sun symbol but nothing happened ..

  4. Kyaa~~ A Kotorinosu!! Yeaaah

  5. Use stick to get paper with symbols hint. Got pyramid

  6. use the knife on the green pottery for an additional piece ..

  7. there are 2 sets of dolls. Check their bases + eyes

  8. oh put the fourth piece in the middle but still nothing happens !

  9. We can wrap the cloth around the stick,

  10. have a piece of cloth but we need water probably to wipe out the spot on the wall !

  11. Inserted the ball on the statue. A white light appeared. Probably need 4 more balls.

  12. the pottery can be flipped btw ..

  13. i already done that lol ..

  14. Yeah.. I noticed the pattern below the pot..
    Kinda stuck now.. Missing 1 piece for door (probably) and what does the sand clock do?

  15. and you can't go back when you flip the sand clock .. hmmm .. stuck !

  16. find pieces for gold wall u can flip it even the big ying yang . im in the third room now with chest

  17. jonatan I'm missing a piece I guess.....

  18. You can break a brick with pickaxe

  19. where did you find the last piece @jonatan ?

  20. oh!!!! I got it. Make it all gold and then click the pannel!

  21. how to make it all gold ?!!! can't move the pieces after i put them !

  22. Found another piece by braking brick on the floor of second room with pickaxe

  23. find the cube use knife on it and cube give u the pattern for square wall in the room with chest

  24. U can take them back EA!

    Ok missing 1 piece to make the moon!

  25. Last piece by using pickaxe on wall behind the chains on 1st room!

  26. You can find a small box at the back of right side of chest.
    You can rotate the box and open it and assemble it.
    Clue for chick stone

  27. i'm sorry i'm not getting you here .. am i not supposed to use them on the sun symbol ? i know i can take them back .. make what all gold exactly ?

  28. 3rd room now! Made torch

  29. EA place the pieces on the wall to make a sun!

  30. i did that Nini xD .. 4 pieces right ? and pushed the panel .. nothing !

  31. Place two sceptors, and now 4th room

  32. DUH .. flip it first in about item !

  33. Put water in bottle, and throw to the dirty wall
    Put water in bottle again, and distinguish the fire

  34. I can only make 1 sceptor at a time.. hmm........

  35. DUH the knife of course!

  36. btw another sphere can be taken from the pick axe in about item .. and where's the second part to make the moon please ?

  37. Got a bag from well after assembling hook

  38. room four use water on wall

  39. okay never mind .. i made the moon and all gold pieces around but still the door isn't opening .. i know you are busy .. but .. please ? lol

  40. bug! we can take multiple bags!

  41. EA make the rest all white >_<

  42. use water 2 times 1 in wall other on fire u get a hook combine with chain

  43. Oh! take a piece from green hourglass

  44. puzzle with vases now......

  45. Push 4 buttons on instrument (hint is on the picture after cleaning the wal with waterl)
    and 5th room now.

  46. oh Thanks Nini xD i owe you xD .. so still missing one then .. got only 4 pieces .. i took the one behind the brick btw !

  47. Ok very easy to solve.. 4th ball now

  48. Green and red bottle puzzle is simple.
    Green 8 Red 0
    Green 3 Red 5 -> make Red 0
    Green 3 Red 0
    Green 0 Red 3
    Green 8 Red 3
    Green 6 Red 5

  49. omg now we have to try to fill the exact amount of water using red and green vase .. dam im bad in that

  50. Finally .. Thanks to Nini xD .. so use the pickaxe twice for 2 pieces !

  51. I'm missing a ball .. help?

  52. nira can u explain better step by step the green and red vase please?

  53. jonatan>fill green, green>red, discard green, fill green, green>red, done! (use what remained on the green vase)

  54. This game is amazing....

  55. did you take the one from the pickaxe Nini xD ? and where's the clue for the puzzle in third room .. i know you are way ahead !

  56. really? another bug? Dang! :(
    Have to restart then

  57. nini i think u are wrong.. i didi and dosetn work

  58. ops! jonatan, discard red then green>red then fill green xD

  59. i dont know how but i did it.. nevermind

  60. now in the last room.. i think

  61. Puzzle for 6th room..
    Take black marble from telescope,
    and put black marble where you put 5 marbles.
    You can take 5 marbles now.

    Turn off whole area with switch in the 6th room,
    and you can see 5 pictures with light (seach all over the place again)

  62. nvm got it .. cube in third room on the right !

  63. Finally after restarting I got all balls! phew!

  64. there is something shining in water.. but i cant take it

  65. How fast the sand falls gives hint for coloured pyramid

  66. jonatan / did you distinguish the fire with water ?
    you can take some part under the fire woods.
    And you can use it to get a bag in the water.
    (but water is still shining after getting a bag)

  67. okay back for a while .. where to use the hook please ?

  68. so it is a sceptre .. and i only got one !

  69. Push eye button, go back to the eye puzzle for the hourglass hint. Use both sticks u got to make them stay in position

  70. Assemble bird statue, get orb, use orb on device

  71. got the other one but where's the extension so i can use it ? used the knife on the first one !

  72. certainly missing Alpha Omega here ! LOL

  73. now im stuck with color balls

  74. Sorry EA I don't remember where u get the other extension..

    OK! So I turned off the lights, wandered around the rooms, found symbols in certain positions.. have a black orb and a telescope.. stuck

  75. okay i still got a torch , a chain and the green pottery if this could help you to help me ! :)

  76. oh never mind use the torch on the wall crack in second room .. sorry Nini xD my mistake .. slower than usual !

  77. Duh! insert black ball on statue!

  78. Ok! Positions + telescope images + animals are what we need for the balls puzzle

  79. nini u can put balls in telescope and see from behind

    red is desert
    green leaves


  80. but we need yellow ball and we dont have it

  81. ok i think i got it let me try

  82. ok i did it

    bird= sky up
    desert= camel middle
    scorpion = rock rigth
    snake= green left
    fish= ligth blue down

    i hope this help

  83. and out.. thanks guys!! :) now wait for thesshi e and robamini

  84. where's the clue for the pyramid's colors ?

  85. ea nini write this before:

    How fast the sand falls gives hint for coloured pyramid

  86. nvm it's the time each sand clocks takes to empty out !

  87. where to use the wooden birdie ?

  88. nvm again .. oh what a great game !

  89. anyone still around ? stuck with a telescope and i can see a sign in water now with an E on it !

  90. oh it's too frustrating not to be able to finish it after all this .. i can see the signs everywhere now but i don't have any balls in my inventory !

  91. another DUH .. nvm turn the lights on so you can take the balls back from the box !

  92. and OUT ! yes it's 7 AM but Kotorinosu is a priority .. Thanks everyone !

  93. Placed two sceptors according to picture (round on left of left statue, hook on right of right statue) but nothing happens. Also try many combination. Could someone please show how to place.

  94. @tautau the painting on the wall in another room has the clue ..

  95. This does not work:

  96. LOL i'm afraid you used the wrong extensions .. and sorry got to really go now .. Good Luck !

  97. Thanks E-A!! How stupid I am.

  98. Oh my god... did Kotorinosu copy Neutral's idea from Vision?

  99. Out finally. Fantastic game.

  100. Anyone still around?
    Can't get doll eyes to work on triangles in room 2
    Have stick and pot and thoroughly stuck.

  101. I'm stuck looking for one piece to make the moon. I read the hint about using the pickaxe twice, but can't find the second place to use it.


    make sure your triangles are pointing the right way and click the triangles where the dolls have their eyes open. It should work.

  102. And naturally I found the spot right after posting.

    Places to use the pickaxe:

    tile behind the chains in the first room
    brick on the floor under the chains in the second room

  103. Stuck again looking for a place to use the bird statue. Hoping for a POP or that someone comes along and helps me out.

  104. POP worked again.

    Where to use the bird statue:

    put it on the throne in the room with the yellow hourglass and you can take the sphere that's on top of the throne.

  105. Stuck again. I read from the hints above that I should have a telescope and colored balls, but I have neither. I have seen symbols in the dark rooms.

  106. Telescope found.

    Zoom on the dog left of the doors in the room where you can switch off the lights.

  107. Balls found.

    Put the black orb from the telescope in the same place where you put the colored ones earlier in the game and you can get the colored balls from the box the statue is holding.

  108. Out! What an awesome game! :)

  109. for the color balls, pull the lever so it will be dark in the room, then go out and search everywhere lighted places, there will be clues for placing the color balls

  110. can't get into third room. Please help

  111. Irene, Im not sure i remember properly, but the pieces you placed in the yin yang thing can be flipped over (about item each piece to flip them) to make them silver rather than gold. Place the pieces (now silver) on the other bits of the yin yang thing. I think you need five pieces, plus the yin yang swirl. Remember you can remove the ones that you used to get to the second room, so thats three you have already. Hope i have remembered correctly.

  112. What a great game! Thank you!

  113. not getting the green red jar water puzzle. Need step by step

  114. Could someone explain the final colored ball position? I saw the 5 symbols and looked at the balls in the telescope thingy, but not sure how to get the position. For example, why is the blue/water/fish at the bottom.

    The green jar = 8
    Red jar = 5
    (Look at the bottom of the jars)

    You need to fill the hole with 6.

    How I got there:
    Fill green. G = 8, R = 0
    Pour to Red G = 3, R = 5
    Empty Red G = 3, R = 0
    Pour Green to Red G =0, R = 3
    Fill Green G = 8, R = 3
    Pour Green to Red G = 6, R = 5

    Then pour the water from Green (6) into the hole

  115. DAMN good game. Was NOT disappointed. SD could learn from this. I am personally tired of all the kid games he makes now and am tired of him releasing 5 part games starting on tuesday and not getting the final one till the following monday. Heck, he never even finished the last series. But he did 4 hooda craps already.

  116. Just looked up Kotorinuso here and this is the second game of the same name.

  117. Ah got it.. it's the position of the rooms..

    Great game, as always.

    I've actually stopped playing SD games to be honest.. it just gets so repetitive

  118. If you click classic at the bottom of the start page , you will get the first game of this name. It's pretty cool too.

  119. @mhtyhr I hear you there. He has gotten sloppy in his quest for games gold and when someone brings it up he gets all arrogant about it anymore. Thats if he even bothers to answer.

  120. I suppose there are still people playing his games, which is why he kept churning them out :)

    I'm just happy some of my favorite makers are still active. By the way, how have I not realised that Gatamari games are so awesome? Just spent the weekend playing all the old games

  121. A kotorinosu game is a very generous Easter present. One of the developers who just can't disappoint...

  122. Amazing game, one of the best ones I've played!
    And great that it saves the progress too, because towards the end of playing, the game become very laggy and I had to restart my browser

  123. Wow! 10/10!
    Marbles are a bit reminiscent of Neutralxe.

  124. A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!

  125. Bringing it in late, as usual, but this is a wonderful game!
    Beautiful graphics, logical puzzles, multi-part inventory objects, tools used more than once.
    Very Clever, Job Well Done!!!

  126. I so need a walkthrough. I got quite a way through by myself, but can't follow the posts now I need help

  127. Pyramid colors, top to bottom - YRBG

  128. Walkthrough part 1:

    Room 1: get FLAME SYMBOLS 1 and 2 from broken pot and under a brick.
    Take stick from statue, and use it to get paper from spider web (same view as statue)
    View paper for clue to open box (by sun door). When you have the right shapes put in, zoom out and click on top of box. Take MARBLE 1 and pyramid.
    Put pyramid on pedestal to open pyramid door.
    Still in room 1, turn right and look at the figurines. Notice body shape, and eyes.

    Room 2 (pyramid door):
    Look in box and look at figures. Notice body shape and eyes.
    Use figurine eyes to light up the triangles on central pedestal (see spoiler 1 below)
    Take KNIFE at base of pedestal.
    Get FLAME SYMBOL 3 next to green urn
    Get green urn
    Look at urn. Use knife to cut rope.
    Get cloth from top and YIN/YANG SYMBOL from inside.

    Room 1: Look at the sun door. Cover the white flames with the FLAME SYMBOLS and the white part of the center with the YIN/YANG
    Back out and go to sun picture. Click on it. Take PICK HEAD
    Look at pick head and take MARBLE 2
    Put stick on PICK HEAD
    Zoom in on the chains next to the dirty spot on the wall.
    Move the chains and break the brick with the pick axe. Take FLAME SYMBOL 4

    Room 2 (Pyramid door): break bricks and with pick axe and take FLAME SYMBOL 5

    Room 1: Look at sun door again. Take back all of the flame symbols and the yin/yang symbol. Look at each one at a time and turn it over. The flames will turn white, the yin/yang will point the other direction.
    Use the flame symbols to cover all of the gold flames and turn it all white. Add the yin/yang symbol to make a moon shape.
    Zoom out, and then go to the moon picture (where the sun picture used to be) and click the moon. Pull the switch and the sun door opens.

  129. Walkthrough part 2:

    Room 3 (Sun door/figurines):
    Look behind the pedestal to the right. Take CUBE. Rotate it until you see a black corner, and open it with the knife.
    Take MARBLE 3, and click twice to reassemble box inside out. Turn box and follow the lines to see a sequence of symbols.
    Look at panel of symbols to the left of the pedestal. Click on the symbols from the box in order. See spoiler 2.
    Take ANKH KEY.
    Use key to take CHAINS from chest.
    Open chest, take CROOK.
    Take pick axe head from stick, and put cloth on stick. Light the stick in the flame to get TORCH.

    Room 2 (pyramid door). Look at crack in wall behind box. Put torch in to get METAL STICK.

    Room 1: Look at crook. Put knife in crook (? shape thing) to make Pharaoh’s scepter (it is striped all the way down).
    Look at ankh key. Take key off end, and put metal stick in to make Anubis’ (Jackal head) scepter.
    Go to 2 statues in room 1. Give Anubis (Jackal head) the ankh, and give the Pharaoh the striped crook. (Look at the picture in room 3 to show which hand to put them in). When they are in the correct hand of the correct statue a door will open.

    Room 4 (statue door). Use green urn to get water.
    Use water to wash the wall in room 1.
    Go back to room 4, get more water, and use it to put out the fire in room 3 (sun/figurine door). Click twice where the fire was to get a HOOK.
    Go back to room 4 (statue door). Look at the chain. Attach the hook to the chain.
    Look at the water. Use the chain where there is a sparkle in the water.
    Get bag. Look at bag, and open it to get MARBLE 4 and DIAMOND TOOL.
    Look at green hourglass. Take PIN from hourglass.
    Look at diamond tool, and insert pin
    Use diamond tool in slot on wall.
    Take RED URN.
    Look at symbol behind red urn. It means you need to pour 6 units of water down the hole.
    Turn the red urn upside down. Note that the red urn holds 5 units of water.
    Turn the green urn upside down. Note that the green urn holds 8 units of water.
    Cleverly get exactly 6 units of water and put it down the hole. See Spoiler 3
    Pour 6 units of water down the hole.
    Get MARBLE 5

  130. Walkthrough part 3:
    Room 1: Go to statue holding box.
    Put marbles in main round hole. Look in box for an INSTRUMENT
    Look at picture on wall where spot was cleaned off (next to box statue)
    Zoom in on constellation. 4 stars have extra knobs. These tell the order to play notes on instrument. (see spoiler 4)
    Play 4 notes on instrument (note: you have to be in the view where you are looking at the constellation picture for this to work and open the door)

    Room 5 (box statue door):
    Take BROWN CYLINDER from throne.
    Note the flashing lights on the right pyramid. Notice how fast they flash.
    Look at all of the colored hourglasses in each of rooms 2, 3, 4 and 5 and notice how long it takes them to empty.
    Change the colors on the right pyramid appropriately (see spoiler 5)
    Take key from left pyramid.
    Open LOCK on circular safe at the right
    Click eye symbol
    Look at lock and take PIN
    Look at diamond tool and take pin.
    Go to room 2 (pyramid door) and look at the central eye pedestal. Notice colors on top or bottom. Fix hourglasses as indicated (see spoiler 6)
    Go back to the eye in the disk and click it again.

    Room 6 (red hourglass door). Click on central pedestal. Take BIRD-HEAD.
    Look at brown cylinder from throne room, and put bird head on it.
    Go back to throne room (room 5, box statue door) and put bird on throne.
    Take sphere from top of throne.
    Go back to room 6 (pyramid door, red hourglass door). Click on center pedestal, and put SPHERE in it.
    Click on left Jackal statue and take TELESCOPE.
    Look at telescope and take BLACK MARBLE.
    Go back to room 1, and put marble in box statue.
    Take 5 MARBLES from box.
    Back in room 6, notice that the round pedestal has room for 5 more marbles, and that the marble holes are arranged in the shape of a map of this game.
    Click on the switch on the right wall to turn down all of the lights in the game.
    Go back to each room, and look for a lit symbol of an animal.
    Look at the telescope. Put each marble in the large end, and look through the small end of the telescope to see a habitat. Match habitats with animals with rooms to put the marbles in the right places (see spoiler 7)
    Click top larger marble again.
    Round pedestal is replaced by rectangular pedestal. Take KEY.
    Use key to open door!

  131. Walkthrough SPOILERS
    SPOILER 1: Eye triangles

    SPOILER 2. Symbols. Start with bird (top left). Go down, right, right, down, right, right, down, down

    SPOILER 3. Urns. Take 8 units of water with the green urn from the pool.
    Look at the red urn and fill it with water from the green urn. Now the green urn has 3 units of water.
    Dump the water from the red urn down the drain (sides of pool)
    Look at the red urn again, and fill it with water from the green urn. The red urn now has 3 units of water and the green urn has 0.
    Fill the green urn with water from the pool. Now red has 3, green has 8.
    Look at the red urn. Fill it with water from the green urn. Now red has 5 and the green has 6 units of water (use this in hole)!

    SPOILER 4. If you number the holes of the instrument 1-7 from left to right, click on holes:6-3-2-5.

    SPOILER 5. Colors top to bottom (fast to slow): yellow, blue, red, green.

    SPOILER 6. Hourglasses green and blue are correct already. At hourglasses red and yellow, zoom in and insert a pin. Then turn the hourglass. Turn hourglasses by clicking on the 3 dots to the left of right of the hourglass.

    SPOILER 7. At the top is the red hour-glass room with a bird. Look at the pale blue marble for a view of the sky. Pale blue top.
    The center room has a camel. The brown marble shows the desert. Brown marble in the center.
    The right hand room has a scorpion. White shows rocks. White marble at right.
    Bottom room has a fish. Darker blue marble shows water. Darker blue marble at bottom.
    Left room has snail. Green marble shows leaves. Green at left.

  132. Lsquared gets the prize for the day for doing a WT for this awesome game!

  133. Nuckelheadd, mhtyhr, I agree completely about Selfdefiant.
    It is what happens when you try to go commercial.
    You end up having to put out so much that quality takes a back seat.
    Now it is to the point where he has so much cut and pasted old code mixed in with new code that he is cobbling together into "new" games that he can't even put one out that isn't buggy.
    And he never does cross-platform testing on them first, or optimizes them for modern viewing (resolution/gamma).
    It is too bad, because he is really talented and has the ability to make really superior games like this one was.
    If he is happy doing what he is doing I suppose that is all that matters though.

  134. This is one of the and maybe even the best games i've ever played!

  135. This is one of the and maybe even the best games i've ever played!

  136. best game i've played in a long while!
    graphics, interface, puzzles, all perfect.
    10 stars from me!
    almost didn't need help.
    i just didn't get the end puzzle with the colored balls.
    despite all clues i somehow missed the point.

  137. 9/10, almost perfect. Easily10/10, if compared to the other escape games, but we have to hope that the next Kotorinosu's game is even better, so let it be 9.

  138. Just an idea... can we like, maybe do a poll of sort, where people can nominate great escape games, old and new alike, and we can all vote for our favorite.
    It gives an opportunity for us to recommend some of our favorite older games to the newer players

    This is definitely one of the top games for me.

  139. ... and Kotorinoshu did it again.

    Excellent game.

  140. @bio Though I am wondering whether this is actually a remake of Koto's 2012 one (indirectly linked from within the game for those who missed it first time).

  141. Supposing I AM right, this would again prove my observations that a great part of authors are about to run out of new ideas...
    Like a choreographer at the opera / ballet house who uses a revamped 1970's scenery, because he loved the basic idea of it then.

  142. Anyways, that was a SUPERB game!!!

    Just gotta confess I was sick of running around the rooms in the final part, so I just looked in the spoiler to know where to place the marbles. BTW the topmost marble IS white! The right one is light gray, but not white.

  143. @arby i don't think any author would run out of ideas , i think they just get less enthusiastic let me say to invest too much time and effort on a game and don't get the expected reward at the end of the day , Tesshi-e is an example ..

    so for something done just for fun i think it's the best one can do , and the best one can get .. For Free ! :) ..

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. One of the BEST games I've played in a long, long time. Couldn't have done it without the walkthrough though. So, thank you Lsquared!!

  146. This comment comes at least a week later, but I couldn't resist...
    Yes! This game was definitely a 5+ BUT to compare it to the work of other game-makers is just not good. (Comparisons ARE odious.) All the game-makers have unique abilities with some appealing to, for example, me, more than others. Just to create a game (and I've taken courses in HTML, etc.) is quite an accomplishment! So don't be so hard on Self-Defiant (you all do make him sound like the one to beat - and that's a kind of compliment!).

  147. Have all live doors open but still don't know what to do with the dolls, they do nothing when I touch them.need help please! I only have one item a brown thing which I am thinking is part of a bird statue everyone is talking about. FIVE doors I mean

  148. Only just played this, beats many recent games and deserves to come back to this year. Excellent


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