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Venice Underwater Dream Castle Escape

EightGames - Venice Underwater Dream Castle Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. A tourist as part of trips to Venice visited underwater dream castle got trapped there. There are puzzles, hints and objects left. Find the hints, solve the puzzles and help him to come out of it. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. In the scene to the left, click the four buttons according to the number clue from the goggles - ie, click the first button 3 times.

  2. When you place the six blue and silver balls in the scene to the right, you then press each one for a symbol clue. Using that gives a green ball to place into the middle of the blue/silver ball safe again. Press for another scene.

  3. There's a knife in the large swimming shark scene. Also an emblem on a column.

  4. Hi Clodagh. I need one more fish and 3 crystals? Three are in the jelly fish.

  5. Stuck now with ball stand (with 3 balls red, green, violet), knife and a magic wand

  6. Any idea what to do with the knife Clodagh?

  7. LOL Same place as you Clodagh...........

  8. the magic balls are bouncing up and down on their plinths, but I don't know yet what's supposed to happen with them.

  9. Not yet Sue! Still looking...

  10. Bandy, the knife is in the scene with the temple columns and the massive swimming shark. I think it was hidden near the base of the columns - do a hot-spot check.

  11. Hi Clodagh, did SD leave some goggles in here?

  12. oh, refresh is a useful button, hello ...

  13. Got a shovel from the arrows (all pointing together)

  14. Hi Arrie. Is he getting careless? I thought infinity pools were more his thing!

  15. Yay, The Cavalry are here :)

  16. shovel opens the door looking thing in left scene. Got a magic crystal for the shark scene

  17. Great find Anja - I was looking for a clue for that one - didn't realise it was all in our hands.

  18. With the magic crystal I got the last 3 colored balls for the stand, rearange colors and got a magic stick

  19. Shovel? Now I cant remember if I have already used the shovel or if that was the previous game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Ah - used knife in left scene in the middle of this "building" - new scene!

  21. Recap: have knife, magic stick, 1 magic wand. Need 1 gem, what to do with bouncing magic balls. Unknown: spot for 3 object on dome in 1st scene, something do to in goggles scene.

  22. wohohow - a lot of new scenes - hope I don't get lost

  23. stuck now with magic stick, knife and 1 magic wand.
    missing one orange crystal.

  24. Still no knife for me and all arrows pointed in does not work, I even refresh the game, Notta.

  25. I even tried the tab key LOL

  26. Use stick on RH shark in one of the deep scenes to get rid of the LH fishes.

  27. Slide the purple squares about to leave a gap for the red balls to go into the brown holes at the sides.

  28. Got another magic ball now - where is this all going???

  29. I had trouble with the arrows too. point them all in then back out and click again. I even had to leave the scene and come back.

    Can't find shark to use stick on. can you explain better Clodagh please?

  30. Bandy don't lose heart! Wish I could remember where the knife was for you!

  31. @bandytrc: Have you set the 4 balls on the stand so that they are bouncing?
    Knife must be in the scene with the shark turning from left to right somewhere in the middle next to a column

  32. That's further on in the game Jenny. You find that shark when you've opened the door with a knife as in Anja's hint at 8:49. That leads to several other scenes, going down and down and down!

  33. Knife looks like a sword! left of column just right of big shark on the left.

    Still can't find where to use magic stick. Need help please?

  34. oh no - my game crashed - have to start again :(

  35. stones and brown creatures go in goggles scene for sea horses.
    No hint for brown buttons yet.

  36. TY Anja there is no knife there, Thanks for all the help guys. Another Red X for Eight games.

  37. Anja which building did you use the knife on? There are so many?

  38. With the magic ball from the squares and balls puzzle, you go down to yet another scene and use it to tap the ends of the two wooden poles, one at each side in the bottom corners. Don't know what that did.

  39. Wow, this game just goes on and on. I have to do other things now. Have fun folks!

  40. After using magic ball on poles, used magic wand on one, which disappeared, Looks like I need another one, probably behind brown buttons.

  41. Jenny, use knife on columns in left view (from start view)

  42. Hmm SD all over game LOL
    shovels and googles.. All we need now is the metal detector..

  43. @Jenny: in left scene, where you click on the button (3567) and where you used the shovel

  44. I restarted one more time, now there is a knife! Good grief!!!

  45. Made it out. Thanks for all the help fellow players.
    I really liked this game. Different and fun!

  46. So I'm here again. Now stuck with nothing left in inventory. Need hint for brown buttons

  47. Ah - just found the hint - in the scene with the palace and one bouncing pink thingie

  48. That gives the 2. magic wand, using on pole and out.
    Great game

  49. Also found that arrows set them, then back out then click it to open.

  50. in scene below castle use stick on shark

  51. what order for the 6 coloured balls in the ball stand..did I miss a clue for it?

  52. thanks Anja for the hint

  53. ...pop...found it soon as I posted

  54. order 6 coloured balls up right in start view

  55. My first WT - hope it's ok

    Walkthrough Part 1

    Starting Scene:
    Get purple ball
    Note colored ball clue top far right
    Note fish puzzle bottom center
    Note 3 circles top left on roof of structure
    Note place for 6 gems on right

    Go Left:
    Get yellow fish, orange fish, blue fish
    Get magic ball, ball stand, red ball (on top of red & yellow fish)
    Press 3 jelly fish and get 3 crystal stones
    Note doorway bottom center and triple arch center of screen
    Note 4 circles that you can press bottom screen

    Go Right Twice:
    Get 2 yellow fish
    Get green ball, magic ball, blue button and magic wand
    Note arrow puzzle, circles in window and shield puzzle

    Go Left and Up:
    Note number on goggles 3567
    Move rocks for blue button
    Get light blue fish
    Note 2 stands

    Go Down:
    Put fish in fish puzzle and get 2 blue buttons

    Go Left:
    Press the buttons at bottom of screen according to goggles hint and Get 2 more blue buttons

    Go Right Twice:
    Put blue buttons in circles in windows and press each one for shield puzzle clue
    Enter shield emblems and get green button
    Put green button in window with blue buttons and press for new scene

    Enter New Scene:
    Get magic ball
    Press jelly fish for crystal stone
    Note 4 gold holders bottom screen

    Go Up:
    Get magic ball and knife (on second from end left column)
    Press jelly fish for crystal stone
    Note emblem on center column

  56. Walkthrough Part 2

    Go Down:
    Place magic balls on holders and note the “X” – this is clue for arrow puzzle

    Go Down:
    Solve arrow puzzle – all arrows pointing towards center and get shovel

    Go Left Twice:
    Use shovel on door bottom center screen and get magic crystal

    Go Right Twice and Up Twice:
    Place magic crystal on center column and get 3 colored balls
    Place colored balls on ball stand and arrange per the clue and get magic stick

    Go Down Twice and Left Twice:
    Use knife on center arch and get a new scene

    Enter New Scene:
    Press jelly fish and get crystal stone
    Get creature
    Note dots clue on arch in right center screen

    Go Left:
    Get 2 golden balls

    Go Down:
    Get 1 golden ball
    Note place for 2 seahorses center screen

    Go Down:
    Note place for emblems center of castle wall
    Note spot for 5 circles on rocks
    Get stone

    Go Down:
    Use magic stick on shark and get stone
    Solve red dots puzzle by moving all red dots to outside positions via black square
    Get magic ball

    Go Down:
    Note 2 sticks at bottom of screen

    Go Back to Start Screen:
    Place golden balls on roof of structure and get 3 magical objects
    Place 6 crystal stones and get 2 brown buttons

    Go Left and Up and Right and Down Twice (to castle):
    Place 3 magical objects on castle wall and get creature

    Go Back to Start Screen and then Up:
    Place 1 stone and 1 creature on each stand and get 2 seahorses

    Go Down, Left, Up, Right, Down:
    Place 2 seahorses in center of screen and get 3 brown buttons

    Go Down:
    Place 5 brown buttons and press according to dot hint (35416) and
    Get magic wand

    Go Down Twice:
    Put magic ball on top of each stick (nothing will happen but ball will disappear)
    Put 1 magic wand on each stick
    You are out

  57. Thanks Puffin, very good WT

  58. Great Puffin !
    Sorry I couldn't keep playing, something came up.
    I'll play with the WT next to me.
    Looking good.

  59. thanks for all the comments, especially for Anjas arrow hint and where to use the knife!!!

  60. Puffin, that was very good. I hope you'll do more WT's.
    I am tired, lol, so I played simply following your WT.
    Apart from one time going left, which should have been right, but that was very clear, it was perfect. Very readable. I enjoyed playing the game like this.

  61. Nice game! I needed a little help, but it was nice!

  62. Very impressive game!! I love the graphics, wonder where those were from? Thanks all for leaving hints - I didn't connect some of the clues, would have entirely missed the crosses as clues for the arrows, for ex!


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