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Ann Rose Escape Walkthrough

Ann Rose Escape


Games4King - G4K Ann Rose Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Games 4 King. Assume that you and your sister are playing in backyard. While playing in the backyard, your sister looked out of the window to see what’s in outside. And she found bunch of balloons tied on the ground, outside the backyard. As she wants to take the balloon, she demanded you to open the gate of the backyard, to get the balloons. So collect the necessary items in the backyard to open the gate of the backyard to help your sister to fetch the balloons. Good luck and have fun!

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Wow Palani!! My Best Friend!!! Thank you so very much!!! Going on it....

Watch out Palani - Ann packs a gun!

Hi Austen64 I like , "Ann packs a gun"

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:26 AM  

yes! going in..

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:28 AM  
This comment has been removed by the author.

My Best Friend!

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:30 AM  

now what does Ann Rose want?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:31 AM  

Ah! sneaky key in plant

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:32 AM  

look by the window

Lost - have a frog, a feather, a spoon (?) lots of blue and yellow round things and a green thing.

hmmm...where to use SD or wooden spoon?

Are her eyes a clue to the L-C-R....?

ahhhh - SD gets another key from red box...not sure how I missed that

Graham use the SD in the 2nd room little red box

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:36 AM  

duuhh! what to do with the feather?

No frog.....what to do with the bee?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:39 AM  

Dimwit, could you spoil the eyes clue,please? I can't read it

I can't either...not sure if I'm right or wrong.....could just be motion like other flashy things on the screen.

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:42 AM  

ah! use feather on top of the four colors puzzle

Click between big door and puzzle with 3 black squares and 'enter' box for a sneaky doll

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:43 AM  

sorry, Dimwit, it's not the eyes, clue 's where I posted just now

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:46 AM  

I thought the bars were clues for levers, no luck

got sword from color puzzle

Great game. Very good graphics make all the difference in a game. The puzzles were varied and not all the usual ones. Got a little stumped towards the end but it all came together once I found the bee and the kokeshi doll.

cut grass area for 5th orange piece

Another briliant game Palani.
Thank you.
Worth more than 5 stars!

And OUT...Excellent Game Palani!! Good Heavens had me stuck on Ann's eyes for the longest time. Thank you so very much!! She will be honored when I show her the game. I appreciate your hard work!! xo

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:48 AM  

now noticed that, a spot you can open front of white vase

Great game. Very good graphics make all the difference in a game. The puzzles were varied and not all the usual ones. Got a little stumped towards the end but it all came together once I found the bee and the kokeshi doll.

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:50 AM  

stuck with frog and not sure where to use spoon

put the frog in grass by where it says frog flower

At least Ann didn't have to vacuum the house like you Sharon!

where is the bee?

Graham at the top of the pine tree left room

where is frog?

Giraffebp after you place the China Doll...did you get her yet? you will get the frog

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:54 AM  

there's a bee on top of plant to feed the frog with, and for the 4 levers, you need to look at the height of each balloon

thanks Sharon

Yes, Sharon I have the doll...where do I place her?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:56 AM  

Thanks Dpotts, now what to do with chick?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 10:56 AM  

girraffe, on the white button on top of flowers

top right first room above Ann's head

POP...I was wondering what that button was for! Thanks Sharon!

chick goes in first room safe thing for wheel

Thanks Dazz!...I finally figured it out! What do I use the wheel for?

You are so very Welcome giraffebp Going to have lunch!

Good Luck and remember hit the 5 stars for G4K Palani great game!!

I can't follow the eyes - is there a trick to it?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:03 AM  

thanks Graham, can't find a place for wheel?

I can't either Dazz, but I think we have to do something with the left/right/middle puzzle but can't get anyone to give help with the eyes

wheel and eyes? I have wheel and no idea what to do with it..and eyes clue is a mystery to me .. I guess I cant see her soul!

Graham eyes are not a clue...lol

I also have 5 yel and 3 bl gems but the 8 circles on wall is not taking them

The wheel goes in the top left panel in the left room.

Charlene you need to see a clue for the panel to take the gems.

ty Sharon - tired of looking into her eyes anyway! lol

I have a feather, a spoon and I can't find any sneaky keys !n plant. In what plant should I look?

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:09 AM  

could her name be something?

And how do we open that panel? I have 5 gold coins and 3 blue gems but can't seem to place them

Me too I was stuck there....forever! you are welcome Graham.

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:11 AM  

Jef, for the feather use it on top of four levers puzzle in left room.
the plant in same room,click on top of it,thers'a key on the pot too

That clue comes from the bottom left cupboard in the right room.
Look at the window bars.

ahhhh - ty Austen!

finally out - thanks for the help everyone!

We are coming to get you Graham...LOL wtg nice job!

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:20 AM  

still can't find the spot for wheel, any help?

Ahhh...the ole gem in the matchbox trick.

Dazz - wheel goes after you place the 8 coins/gems

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:23 AM  

oh, I have only 7,missing one more

look at Austen's clue @ 11;12 for clue to place gems - have to open box in first scene using bars from window

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:25 AM  

how to work on the 23 puzzle? I think it's where last one is

somehow I got that pretty easy in the beginning when I hit the buttons randomly - luck

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:26 AM  

thanks, I only have that puzzle yet

maybe the flowers

Horrible game, sorry. :-(

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:28 AM  

LOL! look at the colors of the 2 houses on top!

do a closeup look at the flowers then you can do the 3/2 puzzle

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:30 AM  

and finally out, boy I thought I'd be stuck with Ann,too..Thanks Graham

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:32 AM  

Excellent game! loved it with all the teamwork to help Sharon's friend out, thanks for your help, everyone! upcomers find good help here

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 11:33 AM  

I'd love to have that doll, btw:)

Where to use the spoon?

It's irritating how random these puzzles are, so I'm giving up lol.

Spoon is used on egg when you get it...

Stuck with feather?

missing one red gem for door.

use feather on top of tall grey box left room to get clue. zoom on box then click above it.

last red gem in lid I took off grey pot earlier.
out now

Poor rating doesn't surprise me. Some interesting puzzles, but G4K games are only rarely anywhere near as good as the fan club would have us believe. Are the developers all named after Pokémon characters?

My problem is not with the game, but all of the flash and glitter is annoying. At least keep it off the game screen....

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 12:42 PM  

Sorry about that cyndee, hope you're out dimwit

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 1:15 PM  

to avoid confusion, check every spot,sometimes the cursor changes and there are sneaky items, night everyone!

I can't pick up the frog!!!

OK I have escaped but who would have thought you need to feed the stupid frog to be able to take him! I tried bashing him with the spoon so many times! And to catch a bee with bare hands, tsk tsk tsk. Palani what were you thinking! LOL

Great game. Really enjoyed it. Thanks for the help guys.

Well...Tania what do frogs eat? Bees or spoons! LOL Hopefully you got out. Huw I think pokeman belongs to Japan. Nice to see you again.

Huw, your pokemon comment was rude ! The developers, no doubt, are in a different country where their names are different from ours. BTW, what character name is Huw since you brought the subject up?

Very clever game. Thank You G4K. I was going crazy looking for the place to click for the doll and where to use the feather but finally found it.

how many times do u click the three square puzzle next to the big door : ( i do not get this particular one, i have solved every other puzzle outside...help

       Anonymous  7/10/15, 5:27 AM  

Where are you stuck, taniece?

dezzy, the box with the 3 squares, where the doll was at, what do i do with the lights?

       Anonymous  7/10/15, 5:39 AM  

Taniece, the clue for those squares are on top of panel of levers on your tight second scene, use feather to wipe dust off

       Anonymous  7/10/15, 5:40 AM  

I mean right scene,sorry

oh, ok, thank u, i was stuck here for the longest..

Very enjoyable game, thanks. The window bars clue was a bit vague, but overall a really great game. The fake matchbox made me smile.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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