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Cube Escape: Case 23

RustyLake - Cube Escape: Case 23 is another point and click room escape game developed by Rusty Lake. In Cube Escape: Case 23 you need to investigate the mysterious death of a woman. Collect all the evidence and discover the gateway to Rusty Lake. Click on the arrows to navigate inside the cube. Interact with objects by clicking. Select found items in your inventory and click somewhere on screen to use them. Good luck and have fun!

Play Cube Escape: Case 23

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  1. Interesting graphics - hope the game turns out to be as interesting :)

  2. Check sofa and parrot picture. Ugh - awful insect in mouth of dead girl...

  3. intersting doll game. i liked it. you get key after putting the right item in each doll

  4. Book on mid shelf is indicated by an arrow but doesn't do anything special - it lifts up like all other books. Shelf wobbles too. Haven't found any keys yet. Doesn't seem to be an 'about' button for its in inventory

  5. Hi bandytrc :) Rose from matrioska will only go in first 3 bases - significant?

  6. Pictures bounce around on was if you click repeatedly on them - or maybe it's the walls bouncing, lol

  7. i got another key from killing spider, chaised it around the room and used iron to kill

  8. So far I have 3 labels, a cigar, and 2 papers. Have also uncovered a few other clues (crossword, Russian doll thing, 3-digit number etc). Clearly don't have all evidence yet as game won't let me go out of door

  9. The dolls were just trail and error I think

  10. no band each item is related to the doll shape or drawing on it

  11. Anyone work out the books on the shelf?

  12. I can't seem to move any of inventory items over to dolls...

  13. the fly goes into the fish bowl but cant figure out how to work it, i moved it to the shell and a finger came out now it has a yellow light. dont know whats next

  14. Oh No my door by dead girl is gone ?

  15. not from inventory, you get a flower from the smallest one, this goes to the one with flower on it, then the fish goes into the fish shape. the blood goes into the one with blood, the egg goes into the bird. then u get the key

  16. missing one word in the cross words the first one

  17. Just discovered that all 'papers' can go on notice boards.

  18. I guess i am chasing a bug all around the place! LOL

  19. There is a crossword puzzle on the news paper ?

  20. ues i mam missing a paper and a word, also cant figure the books order.

  21. Once the fly is "lit" by the finger, feed it to the fish for another key.

  22. another key from feeding the fly to the fish after lighting it

  23. In same place as you hamzah - just needing first word in crossword. there seem to be so many lady-in-the-lake painters and none has name that fits!

  24. yes bandy already got 3 words
    one from the parrot, one from cactus and one from painting

  25. The labels you collect around the room it for crossword but I need one more?

  26. Sorry hamzah I should refresh more often! LOL

  27. Books go in order from colour and or symbols, lift them all to reveal hidden drawer. put flies in fishbowl. You can wave the plants a bit to get them in right direction. I have one eaten by fish now. Guess all flies have to be fed.

  28. Dutchie, first direct the fly to the shell, a finger will appear and light it. Then feed it to the fish for another key. Will give you the last clue for the crossword.

  29. dutchie were is clue for books. i did lots of work to burn the paper with cigar and having trouble reeding it

  30. Can somebody please spoil the symbols for secret panel in bookcase? I have all 4 pictures but can;t seem t get right symbols in order

  31. There is no clue (I think) I started with the black book, then the black/white book, then all white books etc. Try to connect the books by colour/symbol. Feed a fly to the shell, afinger will push it back then feed it to the fish, it gives a key.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Bookcase: u need to start with the book indicated by arrow unnamed-shelf (i.e. the green one)

  34. after books opened the shelf. use cigar to burn the sympoles in order to get the required compination. then u get a clue number

  35. Ah - should have realised by the flame marks on papers...

  36. I am so stuck with the flys I got one in the bowl, directed to the shell and it did nothing?

  37. use telephon to dial number and input the word fate.

  38. press the shell bandy to let finger out

  39. after finished move to another scene ?

  40. TY I had it too far over now it works.

  41. Use fate paper on phone. I thought dialing 3283 would be the right number but nothing happens

  42. 024355 this was the number for me

  43. cant figure anything in the office. any help ?

  44. In escape games you are prepared for the unexpected - especially with these Rusty Lake games - but I have to admit when I clicked on the doorway in the very first scene and it disappeared, it caught me unawares... :)

  45. My coffee machine sounds like a toilet flushing. I'm not sure if I want to drink this stuff.

  46. i put coffee filter and coffee. and filled the jug with water. dont know what to do next. i dont know how these are supposed to work never had one

  47. Well I give I can not get a key from that fish. And it takes forever for fly to drop. GL Thanks for the help.

  48. opened vent and found a cat that only opens her eyes then close them. i dont know what i am supposed to draw on the map or type in the printer. or how to solve ABC puzzle. i need lots of coffee

  49. bandy you have to balance the fish fins with the left tree to get the fly to fall in the mouth of the fish

  50. in office put paper with numbers on projector and use marker on screen to mark the numbers. Then put map on projector, but not sure what to do next. You can use razor on pic but nothing really happens except the guy looks smooth again.

  51. I got the fish to eat it then clicked on fish and no key?

  52. I ran water through the coffee machine before I found the filter and coffee, so, now I am stuck with a pot of water that I can't get rid of and it won't let me run the water through the machine again.

  53. Maybe you can it in the sink? Or get it refilled from sink

  54. dutchie use numbers on ABC. u get a creepy girl in TV. then a creepy hand.

  55. Hmm, murderer escaped after hanging the policeman?

  56. After much pain I got the bookshelf open...but at a loss of what to burn with the cigar to see clue for symbols.....

  57. Well that is it must be a bug in my game. I restarted tryed again, Did it just like the W/T did and no key. CU in the next one.

  58. After you shaved guy in picture, look at sink, turn on water, turn it off. A young crow is 'born' give it to cat, turn on fan on ceiling. Cat is gone a left an egg.

  59. dutchie my policeman still alive, how u managed to move on ? the cat ate the crow but nothing happened

  60. put 746 in abc device next to monitor, a woman shows up. Click arm, give egg. She gives a white cube in return. Have black and white cube now but no idea where to use it.

  61. dutchie where did u get black cube from ?

  62. Black cube from broken window where murderer was

  63. i dont have that, murderer still there

  64. i havnt used coffe, or typing machine

  65. After making coffee, put in cup and drink it. It gives first number for abc/monitor device.

  66. i had a problem making coffe. when u fill the pot with water empty it in the upper left side before u put it back in its place. now i have finally got coffe

  67. Lol, i need more coffee, black and strong. I have no idea what to do with the cubes and typewriter

  68. dutchiw type the underlined words on the paper clue

  69. made half the game lol. wow

  70. Thanks Hamzah :) On next level now.

  71. Have to go. Leave big hints Hamzah :)

  72. I had to start over. Now on chapter 4. I don't have time to do anything before I lose. This is very annoying.

  73. This was lots of fun until now.

  74. I put the gears in, I put the pipes all in alignment then I lit the oil but still nothing happens. grrrrrrrr

  75. Finally! I figured it all out. That was frustrating.

  76. chapter 3 was strait forward. except clicking the black dots when u place the cube. phew

  77. You have to place the gears so that they all turn, align the pipes so that the oil drips from top to bottom. Then you light the oil where the lever is. Pull all of the boards off of the wall next to the lever, then, pull the lever for the elevator to come up. Get in the elevator and push the button to go down and escape.

  78. This game was so much fun until the timed level of chapter 4. It almost ruins the entire experience.

  79. Sorry, where is this fly that everyone keeps talking about? I haven't seen one, but you all have told me just what to do if I ever find it...

  80. you hardly have enough time for the last u have to master each puzzle quickly before finishing. very good game deserves more than 5 stars

  81. Jkk you have to solve the doll puzzle first. then u get a key than can help u get the fly

  82. don't understand fish bowl
    got fly into shell finger came out
    fed the fish

  83. oh and my fly never "lit" what am i doing wrong?

  84. ok so for a split second i see the fly light but then it isn't, i give up..... this part is too hard

  85. Got to last level but I suck at timed levels so I consider myself out. Reading back the hints I saw Emmes hints for fly thing, found it out myself but thanks anyway :) Great game.

  86. great game, but the last level sucked the joy out of it...finished feeling irritated rather than triumphant.

  87. Help! I am Chinese and I do not know how to use the coffee machine! I could not make the coffee!

  88. Give up...
    The woman is of cause the one in 'Cube Escape: Seasons'.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. Drop the fly into the bowl, click on the left plant to make your fly go right, towards the sea shell. When the fly drops towards the opening of the shell a finger will come out and poke it away. When that happens have your cigar highlighted in your inventory and click on that fly to light it on fire, then click on the right plant to steer the fly into the fish's mouth. The fish will burn to ashes, leaving behind a key.

  91. well came back after watching a youtube vid of it..... for some reason their fly lit up after the finger pushed it out and they clicked on the right fern..... mine lights up in the shell and can never get it....... that really sucks! can never finish the game ..... very sad!

  92. Is there only one end to this game? I managed to gt in the elevator and go down, but almost the whole screen was red by the time the end screen came. And, since it didn't offer me a replay of the Cabin scene (as it does when you die before ou get in the elevator), I guess it's "the" end I've reached?

    Anyway, a fantastic game, as easy a five-star one as those get.

  93. For those who are not there yet: unlike the rest of this game - and escape games in general - in the final scene (the Cabin scene) you will have to act as quick as you can to escape from your death - so you will presumably die a couple of times before you can make it. No worries, the game offers you to restart that last scene.

    To make it a bit easier, some advice:

    - no need for any keys, even though there are cupboard dors with keyholes: every door opens right away.

    - no need to look for missing pipe sections. You will find pipelines that seem to be missing sections - disregard them, they'll never have to be complete, the missing sections are not a problem and you'll never have to complete them.

    - there might be a "right" sequence of doing things in this scene to make "death" come later. I've found if that I start by collecting all the collectibles (the gears, the crowbar and the box of matches) and only then do I start "opening" the wooden wall sections to reveal some "compartments", then I quickly do the pieline-puzzle then place the gears, then use the matches where I have to, I have time to jump in the elevator and start descending.

    - As for the gears puzzle: you don't have to put a gear on every single spot: one (the rightmost one if I recall that correctly) will stay empty.

    - Pay no attention to the deer and then the dark figure with the deer head. As far as i can tell, you can't interact with them They are probably only meant as a kind of indication that your time is running out.

    - Disregard the exit and window. They are useless.

    - Disregard the ceiling view. I never looked up and still managed to beat the game.

    - Don't look for cubes in thi scene. There aren't any to collect.

  94. I will sleep tonight if someone could give me a real clue about how the BOOKS GO IN ORDER. I cannot figure anything out about it, there was a clue about coulous, rbut the black/white thing does not work or make sense. I love this series deeply, but this is too much.

  95. The book order is killing me!

  96. I absolutely loved everything about this game. Except part 4, which was ruined, imho, by being timed. Still, it's 5 +++ stars!

    @Moo R. Squiddles, start with the tall slender green book in the middle (above the arrow), then go to the green book with the cross. Proceed along in that way, lifting books that have similar markings (e.g., crosses, arrows, pink or red or blue and/or white spines) and you'll eventually get it. I will try to come back later and write a spoiler, if someone else doesn't beat me to it. But after hours at this game, I need a break!

  97. In the first part I thought it would answer the questions of 'Seasons', as the 'dead'(?) woman was of cause the heroine of 'Seasons'. But after the game I found it had only created more questions.

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. hi a spoiler for the books.
    number the books from left to right from 1 to 16
    9,6,13,14,5,2,8,12,11,4,10,3,16,1,7,15,15 then click the arrow on the shelf
    P.S you dont have only one order. you can solve this many ways just following the colors or colors and symbole. you need every book you left up to be related to the one before it. either by one of the colors on on or the shapes on the books

  100. About the books:
    There may be other ways that also work, but…
    If you start with the book in the middle (above the arrow), it is green and has a spiral.
    Next click the other book that is partly green with a spiral. It is partly tan with a cross. You can click any other book next that is tan with a cross.
    I clicked the book that is *all tan with a cross, then the book that’s *part tan and part lavender with a line, then the book that is all *lavender with a line and then the one that is *half lavender, and half brown with a square.
    Click the** other two books that are all brown with squares.
    Next I went for the book that was *part brown and part blue, then the book that’s *part blue and part white, followed by the book that’s *all white.
    Next I went for the book that’s *part white and part brown, the one that’s *brown and tan, then *tan and white, then *white and black and finally *all black
    Finally click the up arrow on the shelf.

  101. @ hamzah falaylah & Lsquared: Thank you both so much for your excellent "how to move the books WT". I know that you've helped a lot of players!

  102. Stuck in second scene at typewriter. Have already gotten the two cubes .
    As to Sarah Brown,
    you must be slow if you can't do that puzzle. You only have to click each of the things that move the fly one time to make it move in a direction then click it again to stop the motion of that direction and let the fly fall. This game doesn't deserve to be rated poorly because of your lack of cognitive ability. Perhaps yo would be happier with candy crush

  103. Okay for the typewriter. Simply type the underlined words. After typing man you must click the dot on the paper to turn it into a man before you can continue with the typing. make sure you go far enough so the mill is on the left side of paper before typing stopped and then numbers then use them in the machine.

  104. I deleted my comment. On my computer this game runs slowly, it literally took the fly 5 minutes to move to the shell. It was extremely frustrating. The last level is no picnic either. Timed games are not fun. I enjoyed the rest of the game, and I like the series in general. And personal attacks are not appreciated, so please refrain in the future from degenerating to that level.

  105. Well said, @Sarah Brown! And anyone who doesn't get your point must be "slow", indeed!

  106. Yes, @zoz, you are right!... personal attacks are sooooo jr. high!
    I decided to skip the last one too, not fond of timed puzzles....
    ha ha ha on the took me ages to realize there was something UNDER the shelf...I was thinking I would get the book! :P
    but all in all a great game! Loving this developer!

  107. I see. Sarah Brown. You delete the comment where you attack the developers and crap all over their game and when someone calls you on it you delete it and cry the victim? Back to tumbler with you then. Shame on you zoz and Nokra for just agreeing with someones claim with no evidence. Personal attacks lol. If you seriously can't handle the small thing I said to you, the internet is the wrong place for you., I still love the double standard you run there Sarah. Crap on someone, get called on it, delete comment, claim something else and play the victim,. How are you gonna handle the real world?

  108. The only sentiment i agree with is the times ending., Would really love to see a version of this without the timing. I find that the art work is distracting and i tend to spend time looking at it . I find it a shame to have to rush through something like this. Still, I give it stars. Top quality game

  109. I love these games but that was really tricky in places. My fly got stuck so I had to refresh. And the end was just a little too quick.

  110. wtf is the cigar supposed to burn?

  111. I can't figure out what the cigar is supposed to burn either, I read up above that it burns the symbols but which ones??

  112. I figured it out, the symbols that you found that are one the tack board are what you burn on the Lady of The Lake book.
    So 1 is the cube, 2 is the hand, 3 is the building in the background, and 4 is her eye.

  113. caught the birthday episode from the random section & decided to play the other episodes I missed

    thx for all your creations, RL ☺


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