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Escape From Petra In Jordan Walkthrough

Escape From Petra In Jordan


EightGames - Escape From Petra In Jordan is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. As part of his Jordan trip, a tourist trapped in the Petra.There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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Figured out the colour wheel finally! Go row by row like English reading, clicking on the colour the number that's in the colour (no number is no clicks). After each row, the purple outline will reset.

All the puzzles are pretty straight forward. Don't overthink them.

Puzzle Pieces
1 in room 1
2 in room 2
1 in room 2 after using stone on rock for hammer
2 in green/red ball puzzle
1 in room 4
1 in 6 (wall)
1 in 6 from puzzle
1 in room 7 (camel puzzle)
2 in secret room after using hammer on door in room 1

where does orange ball go?

4 Arrows
on rope in room 3
1 in room 4
1 in room 5
1 in secret room after using hammer on door in room 1

orange ball goes in puzzle in secret room in room 1

ok got it

6 Fuses
1 in room 1 puzzle
1 in room 5 (petra puzzle)
1 in room 7 (camel puzzle)
1 from picture puzzle
1 in secret room after shooting arrows
1 from placing the orange ball in puzzle in secret room

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key is in room 3 on stairs

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 9:27 AM  

Stuck on Green/Red Ball Puzzle.......

Chris - just move all the green/red balls to the opposite sides

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 9:33 AM  

Graham I know that but how? I can only move the blank circle around no balls will jump another?

I've got half an hour before work. Let's kill some time.

       Anonymous  7/8/15, 9:39 AM  

POP! Sorted was overthinking as usual - should have taken Melody's advice... DOH!

Yes, Chris. I found out by accident that the balls switch places. It's not a missing-tile puzzle. Just a time-waster.

what to do the the colored number balls puzzle

just figured it out. Start at the top left to right and press the color wheel the number of times indicated on the balls

missing last puzzle piece which should give me my last fuse

Thanks Graham for writing the finding places down.

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struggled finding the last arrow on the stairs.
puzzles were overly time consuming. you don't need to write down the colour combination, it appears next to the puzzle
tricky puzzle piece in lamp over puzzle picture

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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