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Rovena Two

Rovena 2 is the second installment of the free online riddle game series created by Rovena. The young witch has returned to steal back Scrooge McDuck's first dime with your help and throughout 30 levels of increasing difficulty. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please do not comment any walkthroughs or straight answers for any of the levels in the game, but hints only!

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  1. And out, changed url, nothing happened. Too much hassle, I'm out.

  2. Hector - it worked for me. Did you leave the .html after your answer?

  3. could someone please help me with level 1. I'm completely stuck

  4. It's not an easy riddle. You have to use all kind riddle tricks and you have to Google a lot.
    One of the riddle tricks (used here on level 1) is to look in the source. There's an extra hint telling you it has to do with a telephone.
    Later you also have to use things like looking at the exif of pictures.
    Hardcore riddle stuff, but I liked it.

  5. Stuck on 4 lol - stuck already. have the names of books written in those years but the detectives are different

  6. Eeek - Level 8. What is that???

  7. Level 8 - not seeing anything in the source code or image properties. Shifting letters not working. When someone comes here, a hint please

  8. No real hints on the level. You got to kind of regocnize what's on the pic. You need a special (online) keyboard/typewriter.

  9. Rats and since I don't recognize it??? (Did try typing the phrase in google - google didn't like it)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. There are different kinds of keyboards. They have a different layout. Look in wiki voor computer keyboard.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This is not an easy one but learning things. Thanks Dutchie and small. Taking a break now.

  15. Deleted a couple things so I don't first steer someone in the wrong direction and then spoil the answer.

  16. Thnx ST. LOL when I realized that your hint that it was not an "easy" riddle wasn't ment to put me down but indeed a very good hint.
    I looked at the source code and was looking for a far less vaguer hint then: "sound: ring ring ring". Thnx for translating that one for me.

  17. I had a sneaking suspicion there'd be a new riddle game today.

    Let's go. *dives in*

  18. Aaaand I'm already stuck on level 3.

    I'm guessing I need a 4-letter word based on the ?'d cards, but every version of "uses" granmaa gives me is wrong. Am I missing something here?

  19. on level 2: translate the notes to letters.

  20. How do i know which letters to take from the telephone keypad?

  21. Xaq - look more closely at the cards and their order in relation to the other cards

  22. Jinx, you only take one letter from each.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. i'm stupid at these things. stuck on 3

  25. can anyone give me a hint on 3? i've tried everything I could think of

  26. Look at the upper left of each card. You'll notice something different. Then look at card order and go visit granny

  27. Are they numbers? i got the numbers of the missing cards but that's it. gosh i suck at these lol

  28. Numbers to letters (like A=1).

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. ...i have no idea who any of the people in 4 are lol

  31. p.s. Looked at Hall of Fame. Congrats! Not surprised at the leader board at all

  32. Janet,
    9 is a Google level. But before you can start with that try to think of the meaning of 12 dots and 31 dots.

  33. Got that but couldn't see where to go with it

  34. Jinx, if you know how to use the Snipping tool in Windows, you can snip each picture, save it and then search on Google Images.

  35. Back now - Know origin of quote and agency. I had looked at 2015 calendar and didn't help earlier so that's why I thought bases

  36. On the simplest conversion, got a term that is associated with the agency but neither first, last nor all of the term is the answer

  37. Reut - google different types of keyboard layouts

  38. Now you can help me on Level 9!!

  39. Okay now see on another calendar that all the "dates' correspond to special days in the organization but the letters from that aren't getting me a viable answer

  40. Lol - st was typing as you were hinting

  41. took the first "main" word of each special day, thought i really had it when I got a word but it didn't work

  42. my word was just 5 letters. Should it be more since some numbers have multiple days?

  43. 6 letter word answer.
    One day had two I think, but then pick one and try, if not then the other.

  44. Oops can't count - yes my word did have six letters (s on end). Related back to the top row but got the error page

  45. Reading back,and still dont understand lvl 3. Do i need to know how to play cards, or just see those two cards I'm not seeing?

  46. Look at upper left of each card and then what order should be

  47. And please hurry up to Level 9, I keep putting in the same answer and hoping this time it will work! (lol - isn't that the definition of insanity)

  48. Should be looking at four cards

  49. Thanks Janet. I just remembered something. ..i suck at riddles. lol. Thanks for the help, though. I may (or not) quietly cheat my way forward (or not). Good luck to all players and congrats to those who have completed.

  50. Please, help me with lvl 8, I got the message transferring from the other keyboard... but what are "they"?

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. so obvoius, thank you Janet onto lvl 9...

  53. No M (yep P) and you need another vowel.

  54. Finally!!!! Thanks small

  55. Where to find those "special days"? I found three web pages about special days and they have usualy 2-6 days on each one! How to pick them? That's crazy or I'm too stupid... For the 21st of March there are 6 different "special days"..

  56. Level 10 - translated and know what it's referring to in each pair. Tried to draw and got only three things that look like letters. Well, four if you count the upside down one

  57. Mako - look at the organization you're dealing with - use those special days

  58. Maybe you made mistakes with decoding to letters, they make clear letters and it's not an anagram I think.

  59. So drawing while looking at the "field" is correct?

  60. try drawing the letters but look at them from a diffrent way...
    and come and join me at 11, i'm stuck!

  61. Not getting a good letter for the fourth one - even upside down. Maybe time to take a break. p.s My field is horizontal does that make a difference

  62. field stay the same.
    after you draw the letters try to read them in 90 degrees.

  63. Yes, wrong orientation - thanks Reut

  64. Thanks Janet, I finally got onto lvl 10. But it was too much of trial and error, 3 different days for march 21th even there. It's too much googling here, I prefer small-tools riddles with much more thinking than googling. But I'll see how far I can get here anyway!

  65. welcome Janet, i'm counting on you to solve 11 so you could hint me again...

  66. I'm missing the third and fourth colomns. help please?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Oops error - I see the progression for the 4th. +, then + again, then * +1, then + *2, don't know what the last should be

  69. Third column think multiplying and subtracting.
    Fourth column think squared and subtracting.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. And now I really do need to do something (besides this riddle) today.

  72. Reut - did you get the answer. Won't leave until you do

  73. wooohoooo! thanks guys!

  74. Bye now. leave multiple and wonderful hints for me when I come back ;-)

  75. level 12, can't decode it.. help?


    Look at the G section.

  77. Help on level 4 please. I've identified all the actors and the role they have in common. Stuck after that.

  78. Puffin, you're looking for another actor who played that role. His full name will get you the egg

  79. p.s notice there is a blank spot on the "television"

  80. Thanks Janet. Got the egg.

  81. Is anybody still playing? I'm stuck on lvl 14.

  82. Google Image Search the pic to find the name of the device.
    Go wiki to decode and to find the final answer.

  83. Thanks S-T! I looked at the picture and it took me to Cipher (Jennifer Swann) so I tried 100 ciphers ( ̄▽ ̄)

    When can we expect your riddles?

  84. Level 15, i have the names (i think), but i cant get the answer with granny..
    Am i missing something or the names i have are wrong?

  85. Picture is important as well on 15. Comes from a wiki page, go look there to use the names.

    Nothing planned (yet), but made a riddle for a friend a while ago, you can ask if you wanna play.

  86. Back for a bit. On Level 13, have the company names but not seeing how to go on. (Know it must have been easy since no one - but me! - asked for direction). tried organizing by date and taking 1st letter from 1, 2nd letter from 2 etc

  87. 1st letters (brand)
    No anagram if you go columns.

  88. Janet, the first one may be confusing, I found many car brands made since that year. There's no anagram, letters go by columns.

  89. Yep had the 1st one wrong - had Franklin Auto. Thanks

  90. ahhhhh! level 15, how many letters do i need?? i'm guessing that i need the first letters and anagram. i have 11 (well, actually i have 10, and guessing one..) but no answer...

  91. I got no answer too, I got 9 letters, two missing but even using jokers in granny doesn't help. Maybe I got wrong people lol

  92. 9 (kind of) quotes, so a 9 letterword answer.
    Btw. often an answer in a Rovena riddle has (a bit) to do with the topic of the level.

    Come on guys, (almost) halfway now and on 16 you get a break; an easy one :)

  93. Not the picture nor the painter. i too have 9 names but won't anagram. Not enough vowels

  94. It's not the names you use to pick letters from
    Find that wiki page. There is the whole pic (level is just a tiny part) and that will help.
    Use 'school' in your Google search.

  95. And... keep in mind; Rovena is from Greece, so some levels based on that. Like this level, one of them seems Descartes, but nope, they're all Greek.

  96. Maybe add Athens also to your Google search.

  97. Back after picking tomatoes, peppers and mosquito bites! Nine letters - tried the C one, the H one, the S one, the P one

  98. I made it finally to lvl 15, that was looooong, thanks to your hints, the right wiki page is really crucial!

    S-T: I got the link from Arrie, thanks a lot! But I'll finish Rovena's first! it may take some time at that speed of mine!

  99. I mean lvl 16

  100. I think I have the right Wiki page because the pic is there

  101. yes, 16 is just for relax! made me feel smart for a second!

  102. Janet, are there people numbered?

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. will delete above after I find out if right or wrong page

  105. You need a page with the whole picture of Rafael with numbered people

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. Janet,
    For Google Wiki search; my post (12:50 PM ) and Dutchie her post together, is a big spoiler to find the correct page.

  108. Okay think I have the right page now ...

  109. Was overthinking 3 apparently; I thought the numbers on the cards were related to the suits (for example, the 3 of clUbs being the letter U).

    Anyway, found the egg on 4, but can't work out what to do with it.

  110. keep striking out - tried to put in the names of who wasn't on my "list". At least the names with nine letters. Tried the E philosophy. Nope. Put in what it told me to "seek" Nope

  111. Hi Xaq - for the first answer you used a full name, look at the "title" and find "another name"

  112. Ah. Got it now, thanks Janet (and everyone who helped me get to the egg)!

  113. Janet - use the numbers from the page as letters

  114. I'll be back here in some hours, stuck at 17 now. Leave good hints, please!

  115. For 17 it would help a lot if you recognize the bear :)

  116. Won't be here in some hours (time-zones and stuff), but 17 is (again) Google.
    Think British comedey series. The teddy bear in the background is a big hint for that, it´s the bear of that Mr.

  117. I've got all the clues figured out on 5, but all it's making me want to do is take a trip to the zoo. I've got 3 birds, 2 mammals, a reptile, an arachnid, and no idea what to do with them.

  118. Google them together and one of the first hits will be a very special (mysterious) place in South America.

  119. ... *smashes head against desk repeatedly* HOW DID I NOT EVEN THINK OF THAT?!?!

    Seriously, that place is on my bucket list for crying out loud....uuuugh...anyway, thanks ST.

  120. Wow, I'm having -no- luck getting these on my own.

    Stuck on 6. Got the names on the right paired off, and I get the Syfy movie the upper-left picture references, but the red name and the lower-left picture don't make sense.

  121. The upper left picture is not about an SF movie it's a hint about two rivaling groups of youngsters. But it is about movie (musical) indeed. The movie is not the answer. Red is important.

  122. Oh. Wow, okay, that helped immensely. Thanks again ST.

    On to 7.

  123. Up to 11 now. (WOO! Solved a few on my own for once!) I think I've got the five numbers I'm supposed to get, but I'm not seeing what to do with them. (Oh well, hot streak was nice while it lasted..)

  124. On 17 now - Yeesh thanks to all for your help on 16 thought I'd never get past that one!

    Now I have the series and have figured out what four of the six episodes are. Can't find good matches for 2 and 3. Two there's one that kinda fits but not using the exact word

  125. * Ooops 15, yes 16 was the easy one!

  126. Janet: Then I must've gotten the wrong answer on a few of these, because the 5 letters I got from that (EOCHG) don't make a word.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Fourth one see small's clue "Fourth column think squared and subtracting."

  129. Looking it over again, not sure how I got H for the 4th column, because that doesn't follow the pattern I'd worked out at all. O_o;;

    Trying again, may have to just brute force a guess with the first column.

  130. First one don't go "down", go ....

  131. Got it, it was my other possible answer for the first column. Thanks Janet. Gonna take a break here for now, got some stuff going on at the university to celebrate the fall semester starting tomorrow.

    Later taters! *POOF*

  132. Level 18 - found the picture and the designer (boy that's a weird name).

  133. Congrats. have a good first day back!

  134. Back a bit sooner than expected (turns out the festivities were LAST night...oops). Got the G****sh text on 12 translated, but all my guesses are wrong. Hrm.

    ...Not sure why I thought "davidcopperfield" would be the answer, to be honest. o_O;

  135. Xaq - you're not far off. Famous (older) name that became a word that is almost synonymous with the key action

  136. Leaving now - just quick stopped into see if anyone had left me a present (hint, hint, literally) for level 18

  137. I think I've got a few names wrong on 15.

    If I'm correct in thinking I need to go with the first letter of each name, I've got 3 P's, 2 Z's, and 3 A's to work with. X_x;

  138. I found clues, decoded them, I'm not sure how to order them, but I tried all possibilities and nothing works.

  139. for lvl 18 i mean.
    xaq - you have to google that painting and find the correct wiki page with all those people numbered in the picture, use those numbers, not first letters

  140. Ah, thanks Mako! I found the painting a while back; been using it for Google searches on the other clues to get the names.

  141. lvl 19 - I found two eggs and now I'm in hell, even read the XXVI part, but nothing works.
    Janet, for 18 look for hidden clues, TAB+ENTER works

  142. Mako,
    Add Priory to your Google search.

  143. Thanks! Another egg...

  144. one more egg (scrambled eggs for dinner?) and onto lvl 20
    Thanks S-T without that "Priory" google did not want to take me to the right place!

  145. I'm still stuck on 15. Got all the names, got the numbers from the wiki page to go with those names, converted the numbers to letters... but granmaa and I can't get anything out of the mess I got:


    Am I on the wrong track? :[

  146. Xaq, 9 letters only. Don't use those two from the small picture. And you've got one letter wrong. 8 correct

  147. thanks on all the help on 15!
    now on level 18, i have all the clues translated (not sure about the first clue with the 1's). cant get the c.........s right.

  148. Reut, clue with 1's is very basic, it's for those who love ones and zero simplicity!

  149. when you find the place, make it bigger on the map! i spent hours trying wrong names because the map was not big enough to show it

  150. Still not getting anywhere. I've double-checked my answers and I can't figure out which letter I have wrong.

  151. "Panta rhei" - I think you miss that one

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. xaq,
    I think you got Epicurus and that's wrong.

  154. still getting middle of the sea or desert..
    maybe i have 3a wrong... i'm sure all the other clues are right.

  155. Okay, I see where I goofed up. I realized the one I got wrong (in fairness, he's listed twice, once on his own and once in a grouping with Epicurus), but when I went to change the letter in my grouping, I changed it to the wrong letter.

    ...Aaaand now that I see that one letter difference the answer clicked within microseconds. XP

    Thanks guys. On to 16! (Please be as easy as they've been saying...)

  156. omg!!!! i got it!!!! thank you mako!!!

  157. hi, I'm a newbie from Hong Kong :) Need help on lv4, can only find Alfred Molina, but no clue for the answer. Is the movie Ten Commandments?

  158. I'm staring at 21, I found the clue but still don't know what kind of cipher is that. Have to study about that guy more!

  159. uno hoo: They have all played the role of a particular detective. The television shows that you should look for the actor who played the role in the tv series

  160. Mako,
    You're not looking for a cipher, but a grid with the same size from that guy.

  161. uno hoo, you have to find all the other's names and google them together.

  162. Got it for Lv 4. Thanks!

  163. Made it to 18. (Almost overthought 16 back there...)

    Got everything translated, but I'm a bit confused...I don't recall c********s having commas in them. o_O?

    On a hunch, I tried swapping them out with periods, and the results stuck me on the coast of a country whose language was used in the I on the wrong track again?

  164. I think you are on the right track, is there a special shaped island?

  165. Having trouble on 18 (no surprise). I think I have the 1st two translated and either I'm a short trip away from Dazz ley or an Eastern European country. Tending towards the latter. But the rest of it - have the clue that is in Rovena's language and hope on the other one that the dots and dashes mean the code I think. No clue as to the 5th clue (letter w/number) Trouble is I don't know what goes with what and how to enter it. Help!!

  166. And can you tell me a good website to use it in. Google Maps doesn't like me ;-(

  167. Ooops guess I'm not in Eastern Europe but in a sea...

  168. Janet - Google Maps worked fine for me, actually. Once I worked out which clues went with which other clues (the text color was a big help), I just put that info into GM's search box like this:

    (No brackets)

    And it put me right where I needed to be. As I mentioned earlier, it'll put you in a location that speaks one of the languages you used to translate a clue.

    (If you're still stuck on the 5th clue? To hex with it.)

    Right then, back to working on 19.

  169. First egg on 19.

    Decoded the morse on the bottom, and I'm GUESSING by Google's autofill that the ?'d pic on the top is the capital city of that country, but I'm getting nowhere working something out between the two.

  170. xaq, it's not that city, google two cities and morse code message together, or think of literature

  171. Janet, it's a small island, so maybe you're on the right track.

  172. Ah. Whoops...well, I never bought any of his novels, so that explains the missed connection. And now I've got that Four Lads song stuck in my head. XP

    Anyway, time to see if I can crack Egg #3 before bed.

    (Was gonna say Egg #2, but I solved that one before I could even post this. O_o; )

    Got the connection between the 4 things, now to find an answer...

  173. I was speaking of Dante not Dan Brown btw
    I'm at 28, 10 faces laughing at mine (;゜ロ゜)エェ??

  174. lvl 28 How to get 20 numbers? 2 rows 5 columns, I tried to make a grid with coordinates it gives 20 numbers but is the first row 1 or 2?

  175. Mako,
    Colours have (hex) names!

  176. colour hex names? they have 6 (hex) digits and there are 10 faces, no idea how to make out 20 numbers? I thouth of maching smiles in pairs, one is a little bit pale... no idea...
    but using my grid I found 20 numbers (1-5) transferred them into notes and I got quite a nice melody!

  177. The colours should have hex codes with only 2 numbers (and 4 letters). Pair the smileys (order is the top row).

  178. ok i installed collorzilla to pick the colours (for me it's just orange and cyan..) the first is f9cd47 so it's something wrong with what I'm trying to do

    and I'm sorry to be so irritable and thank you for being so patient with me!

  179. Yes, Google maps and I became better acquainted last night. Maybe I translated wrong. I'm off the coast of C-----a and to the West of an island called S----c

  180. Don't be sorry, not irritable at all.
    I downloaded the pic (don't know if that makes a difference) and I used a freeware colour picker (named: Just Color Picker).
    The whole part of a smiley should be (it is a png file and not a jpg) the same colour.
    You should find colour names like FACE?? and ??FACE

  181. Looks, like you're still a bit off, Janet. West/East seems ok, but it's more up North.

  182. Almost 200 comments, so new comments will be on the next page

  183. Well if it's further up North in that group of gazillion islands, looks like I'm out of luck without the exact coordinates

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