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Rovena Two

Rovena 2 is the second installment of the free online riddle game series created by Rovena. The young witch has returned to steal back Scrooge McDuck's first dime with your help and throughout 30 levels of increasing difficulty. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please do not comment any walkthroughs or straight answers for any of the levels in the game, but hints only!

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  1. I got that tool (thanks, it's nice!) the first shows F9CD47, second F9CD29, third F9CD2F...
    when I downloaded and made it bigger almost each pixel shows a different number
    what am I doing wrong?

  2. That's very strange, Mako. I just tried that tool on the level itself and it gives the exact colours. Don't konow what's happening!?

    But you can mail me for the hex codes (click my avatar to see the address).

    And the same goes for you for the coordinates, Janet

  3. Any help at Lvl7....what is it about?

  4. Thank you Small-tool, your'e Great-Tool not small (I mean the brain!)

    29 was rewarding!

  5. Thanks small !!! Really appreciate your help. Yes, don't get good results when you miss the last clue entirely!

  6. Vanja - on 7 - there is a useful tool that converts temperatures from one scale to another. Notice there's a ?? after the F. Conversion number will give you a famous book/movie. Google it from there

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Xaq - also thanks for your "to hex with it" clue. That got me much closer to the right place!

  9. Uno - posted a clue earlier for someone else. " For the first answer you used a full name, look at the "title" and find "another name"

  10. (T▽T)ノ_彡☆
    I made it! Thank you Small-Tool for your help!
    Thank you Rovena, I learned a lot going through you riddles!

  11. Yay Mako - Congratulations!!!

  12. Congrats Mako :)

    uno hoo,
    I think you are on the egg of level 4.
    No cipher needed, years are not needed, just her other first name.

  13. @Janet, I read that earlier and tried CBE/name in the novel,Poirot etc. Thought I was not on the right track.

  14. uno - the author - not Agatha - look for another name she used (first name only)

    p.s. I did the same thing too - thought all the novels and detectives had something to do with the answer - they don't

  15. can't find the egg in 19 (or the answer), can someone give me a hint to the right direction?

  16. One of the symbols doesn't belong there. It will lead you to the egg.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hi Reut - stuck right with you. Have tried several things with association and/or letters. Not working for me. Though to be honest, still brain-dead from Level 18!

  19. No luck solving 19's 3rd egg last night.

    I know it has something to do with a particular group of space rocks, but nothing I've tried so far as worked.

  20. Hi Xaq - thanks again for your hex hint. I only had the 1st # (didn't even see the last clue) so I was hopelessly lost. You really helped me get closer

  21. Glad I was able to help, Janet. :D

  22. Giving up :( Can't find the name in South America having hummingbird,condor, aderidae,lizard...etc

  23. Uno - google, hummingbird, lizard, condor together. You'll see an image right away of what you're looking for.

  24. And let me know if you need more help...

  25. You want the 'name" not the country

  26. oh, thanks so much, Janet! I thought it's Galapagos.

  27. Xaq, level 19: you are right about a particular group of space rocks. Take first letters and anagram.

  28. uno hoo. Yay! And please, ask whatever you need to and I'll help you. You may not finish this riddle (heck I may not finish this riddle) but every level you do finish, you'll learn new tricks for the next riddle.

  29. Granmaa and I are running out of options with what I've got for 19's 3rd egg (doesn't help that the 1980 clue's answer doesn't seem to have a name), so just to verify here:

    Am I looking for a 4-letter word?

  30. They're all here:

  31. Ah. That gave me what I needed. Thanks ST.

    On to...another...egg.


    *facedesks* Does this level -ever- end?

  32. Lol, it's the last egg. Don't overthink, Don't Google. Just do what the text tells you to do.

  33. Oh wow. The last egg and level 20 were actually rather painless. o_o

    Welp, on to 21, I suppo----

    *gets to 21*


  34. Don't understand what the plane vs whale means in Lv 6, what is it to do with Shakespeare play?

  35. uno hoo - I have to work today so won't be here. If you have questions, I'll look when I get home and leave you help if no one else already has :-)

  36. The plane is a 'jet', the whale is a 'shark'
    Think musical.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Deleting mine since small-tool already answered

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. finally finished 19 (with the help of dutchie and Mako - thank you!), going to 20 - i know it's easy,but nothing come to mind... someone?

  41. pop! got it! on to 21...

  42. on Lv 9, the six letter word of the dates, I tried paints, points but no luck :(

  43. Any luck with 21, Reut? I'm still stuck at the very start; I don't know WHAT to make of this other than to think a can of alphabet soup exploded.

  44. Check the properties of the pic to get a hint.

  45. Oh. Right. EXIF data. Okay, I feel silly now, thank you.

    Wow, once I got past THAT mental block 21 fell like dominoes. On to 22.

  46. Bwagh! Had to triple-check myself on 22...taking a break from this until I'm done going cross-eyed. X_x;

  47. uno hoo,
    You got some of them wrong.
    There is no i or n.

  48. Okay, got 23. Deciphering the top part gives the name of the cipher to use on the bottom part.

  49. Just can't get going on 19. Thought I had a thread and was looking at features of two (since I thought there were two symbols that didn't quite fit ) very far off places and trying to use the letters of the other clues as a guide. Brain is blocked.

  50. There are 6 symbols, but only 5 text descriptions. Use the one that is not described in the text to get the first egg.

  51. Yes, noticed that too but thought it was a red herring since it didn't lead me anywhere with the names of the other symbols

  52. Dang - it was that easy?? I had the counterpart a long time ago but related it to religion

  53. Just the name of that one is the answer to get the egg.
    (Got a few minutes left before sleep to 'blab' if you want to)

  54. Thanks small tool (again ;-) )

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Got 2 of the actresses on 25, but the way the pictures are covered up makes image searches a bit difficult...I'm guessing I need the names of characters they played in the listed years, correct?

  57. Never mind, managed to guess it with just 4 of them. On to 26!

  58. Quick question on 27: Do I need to keep note of the differences in any way?

  59. xaq, just save them and take a closer look...not only what you see..

  60. Damn those time differnces! just got the "exif" hint on level 21... way behind you guys...
    i have the man, and i know what the grid is, but i cant make the connection. long day at work..

  61. Trying to write the little men gestures as letters in Lv10, but can't. Any hint or one example please?

  62. uno hoo, try this page:

  63. Reut, google that man with "magic square"

  64. mako, that part i did, but even when i know what the square is, u don't have an answer.

  65. @Mako, thx for the tools,will be of big help.

  66. Look for a completely filled in 8x8 grid and use that.

  67. I FEEL SO DUMB..... sorry about that...
    nvm, level 22 and hope to carch up real fast!

  68. * catch
    and thank you mako!

  69. Wow, I keep forgetting to check that particular bit of information. *facepalms* Okay, 27's done, and 28 I solved on what I will admit was a complete fluke.

    Anyway, on to 29. (What th-- is that Minesweeper?)

  70. Sheesh, where are my manners this morning? Thanks for the assist, Mako.

  71. Go, go, go xaq, you're almost there, level 30 is easy (that is; if you still know the previous answers).
    29: make the pic and recognize the animal.

  72. Been keeping track of my answers up to this point, so no worries there.

    Anyway, got the pic done...I think?...but I'm not recognizing it. Looks like either a bug, or a Space Invader. (the latter didn't work for an answer.)

  73. ...Well, *I* feel silly now. XD

    Okay, on to 30!

    *stares at it for a bit* ...


    -what.- :|

  74. Lol, so maybe not the latter. You said it :)

  75. Oh, okay. I see what 30 is now. Just gotta translate it all first...

    I'll wrap this one up after class.

  76. Hi uno hoo - this is a direct link to the code you are looking for on Level 10

    p.s. Just in case you didn't know what to look for. I found this from another riddle.

  77. Just getting things on level 30 translated took me about 10 tries due to going cross-eyed from it (would have been much nicer if that were text rather than a picture...), but once I got it figured out, the final level crumbled.

    My brain followed suit shortly after. That was awesome, Rovena, but I'm -beat- after that. X_x;;

  78. Yay, well done xaq. Congrats :)

  79. Hey Xaq - Congrats!! Don't forget to look back now and then for us poor stragglers ;-)

    But actually, ya know, I'm not completely kidding...

  80. level 24, i have no idea how to ead music notes... how do i start?
    i tried google the notes picture, and google the word with the flower. nothing.

  81. It's from a very very famous opera, think of that red rose, it is very often on posters for that opera. It's for mezzosoprano voice.

  82. for Lv11, I got all the numbers 9xxxxxx, but it didn't go through. is it a word?

  83. No work today so I'm staring at 20 hoping for Divine inspiration - ooops no divine was level 19. Maybe if I post this..

  84. And I'm looking for six numbers, not five right?

  85. Janet, for lvl 20 google the hint

  86. Am I looking in part to use the F-------- sequence?

  87. no, another sequence, look at the SC

  88. Thanks Mako - didn't even think to look at the s c - need to do better at looking at everything on /in a level

  89. I found the pic and decoded the text in Lv12, but what answer is needed? not the author of the fairy book nor the names of fairies...

  90. You need the kind of spell/power (one word) from that book, the one that has to do with what you decoded.

  91. On 21. Found what I thought I needed. Was trying to fill in the empty spots using "magic". Used column 2 as my basis since it's the only completed one. But my calculation for line two comes out to a negative number.

  92. You don't have to fill in the empty spots. Find a 8x8 grid that's filled in with numbers 1-64.

  93. Never mind above - just looked at row 4 which is also complete and it doesn't match column 2

  94. I found that earlier - with yellow, orange and white squares. That's why I thought I had to do the same with the missing-letters square

  95. Use Google Image and there are a lot of them (52 in the top left corner).

  96. Found the square. But not understanding how the Exif clue led to that name. My pic was of S--flowers.

  97. Janet, are you sure you've got the right square? It's maths magic square 8x8, it was devised by that guy.

  98. Honest Mako - not sure of anything. The one I first had had a 64 in upper left. ST said should be 52 which I found was devised by a famous guy with a kite.

  99. Lol - this is usually why I quit riddles at this point - about 2/3 of the way through. Embarrassing to have to be spoon-fed

  100. That's the one, now start on 1 then 2 etc.

  101. storms - keep losing internet

  102. Mako, you are a sanity saver! 27 was fun!
    now stuck at 28, i have the colors numbers but the strings i have are not the answer. i tried top row from left to right, tried backword numbers for the top row. help?

  103. Janet, I know what are you talking about, but don't worry, I really hit the wall at 28, couldn't solve on my own. Don't loose your heart now! Some levels ahead are quite rewarding for your effort! I did not finish Rovena one but now I was more determined.

  104. Great! Reut, just order them in pairs, the order is the first row and get a 20 digit number.

  105. Well, I found out how to get the clue - didn't have the EXIF add on. So I was downloading the picture and looking in the properties there. Where there was no clue!

  106. Mako, i was trying to that but i did the pairs in the order of the top row (left to right, and right to left..), checked the numbers 6 times...
    i have a mistake but i dont know where.

  107. lol! thanks small-tool, i tried to put the whole number....

  108. Still not getting it. I have the right square but I'm not supposed to look for what's in the missing spaces? Am I supposed to draw?

  109. Pick letters to find a sentence.

  110. Thanks again - Started that 1,2,3 etc but was thrown off by the blank spots. kept thinking I had to find them.

  111. Back to counting for 22. had a four letter word that was very appropriate (for me) but it didn't work

  112. Counted wrong twice. On 23

  113. Yay - 24 on my own!!! Though I will admit never translated the top part since I recognized what the code was

  114. Ooops 23 on my own. Guess the above was just wishful thinking

  115. On Lv 14, it requires the Pxxxxx number of the album? but how to find it?

  116. uno hoo - not the album. The device. Look at album title

  117. Finished! it was great! thank you guys for all the help..
    first time i'm playing a live one - it was so fun!!!

  118. On 25 - have the actresses and the names for the roles. Not getting any connection

  119. *facepalm* I tend to dig deeper for the answer, thx Janet! Can't solve all these without your hints. Big cultural and language barrier for me :P

  120. Uno hoo - you are very welcome. I get totally lost and I don't even have the culture and language barrier!!

  121. Level 27 - I have all the "hidden" letters. And have found the picture differences. That left me one letter in each set. But they don't seem to anagram to anything that works. A hint please

  122. With the correct letters it should anagram. Only use the pic (of a set) that is the same as the real pic.

  123. Real pic??? You mean i need to 'go outside" to find the original picture?

  124. Back to the drawing board...

  125. Arrgh - had to go back to the original page or my answer doesn't work. Thanks small-tool.

  126. Level 28 - lol "all I need is" Yeah, right. But only 3 more levels to go. I will beg shamelessly for answers to finish this! (Just not yet but please keep checking back)

  127. Janet - You know how image-editing programs label colors with 6-digit hex codes? If you check the color on each of those items, you'll notice 4 digits on each one spell something significant.

    It's the other 2 digits in each one you'll need to find the answer.

  128. I downloaded and used Just Color Picker. But my results don't match the color Hex codes I see in the Color hex chart. For ex, my 1st code was F4CF48 and the matching other pic code was 50FCCB. Where am I going wrong?

  129. When i put my hex codes in, I do get three numbers a R,G,B value

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. made it toLv 18. Thought it was a horror film :P I almost wanna to email the web and ask about the designer. Can't find anything still. Help please?

  132. Janet, they are all wrong. You have to find numbers either starting with FACE or ending with FACE. Like the first colour is FACE43. I picked colours in paint and put the RGB numbers on this site

  133. uno hoo, it's like an escape game, you have to move your mouse over the picture and find six places where a clue is hidden. Try the pillows for example.

  134. How do I get the FACE codes? I had Just Color Picker open and hovered over the strongest part of each image - usually the circle around the face. Those are the numbers I got.

  135. Janet, it did not work for me as well with colours. I got the codes by e-mail, couldn't do it by myself, all I got was wrong.

    uno hoo, use TAB and ENTER, there are 6 hidden clues

  136. Yes and when I changed color picker tool to R,G, B indicator and hovered over the images, then put the RGB numbers in Dutchie's website, came up with the exact same "wrong" codes.

  137. Okay copied the first image into paint and clicked on the brush to make that color Color #1 - how do I find the R,G,B values?

  138. Now I downloaded again the picture as png for my disc and that "just colour picker" worked properly! No idea why it's wrong why it's right, I don't know that much about computer graphics. When I was going through it a few days ago it did not work at all.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. You can put the RGB numbers on the site in my earlier comment.

  141. And if I download the picture and then use Color Picker on the download, I get slightly different R,G,B numbers but still no FACE type codes in translation

  142. Those RGB numbers are wrong.
    Did you try to dowload the pic, like Mako said, as a PNG (jpg or other formats don't keep the original colours) ?

  143. First on top row should be 250 206 67. I used paint to get the RGB numbers.

  144. When I input 244 R, 207 G, 72 B in your site Dutchie, I get code F4CF48 - the same one as Color Picker

  145. Yes but like smalltool said, your numbers are wrong.

  146. The first time I used Color picker directly on Rovena's screen. I did download as a PNG and bring up in Paint and my first one got exactly the same results (was saved as a PNG file)

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Sorry about the earlier comment - I hadn't refreshed.

  149. 244, 207, 72 for the first one

  150. So very strange. No idea what's happening.
    The other day Mako had the same problem and like she just posted; today it did work for her.
    Anyway, I can mail the hex codes if you want me to.

  151. Pretty please.... with sugar on top

    p.s. I was using the three numbers directly below the color box on Color Picker with the setting on RBG. Were those the right numbers?

  152. Thanks so much. Now after all that, I hope I can do the rest of it!

  153. So I matched the faces up and have two sets of numbers for each face pair. Okay Rovena doesn't want my numbers as an answer. Tried googling each pair and came up with assorted Bible verses and other strange things. Am I looking for coordinates?

  154. Google the whole 20 digit number

  155. Dang - all together then. This level was soooo hard. Thanks all for helping me through it

  156. p.s small-tool I did google the whole thing before your last comment - I'm salvaging a tiny bit of pride here

  157. Level 29 - are the clues the numbers themselves?

  158. Follow the instructions on the page in regards to the picture; I'd start with the two 9's near the middle.

    When you're done, the squares you have filled in will make a pixel image that will give you a 3-letter word.

    BIG HINT: The pixel image is symmetrical from the top left down to the bottom right. So if the square 3 to the left of the upper-right corner is painted, the square 3 up from the bottom-left corner will be painted as well.

  159. This comment has been removed by the author.

  160. Bless you Xaq - have been working on this for over 12 hours. Symmetry was a big help.

  161. Glad to help. If you'd still been stuck, I could have just mentioned the fact that I accidentally posted the answer while working on it myself. XP

    Anyway, good luck with the final level! :D

  162. I finished!!! Now I can have my life back (and stop hearing Len grouse about his missing wife). Thank you all. Small-tool, Dutchie, Xaq, Mako, Reut. I had a special reason to finish this. Thank you all for helping me do it.

  163. uno hoo - now I have all the answers so, trust me, we'll get you finished too!

  164. Awesome! Congrats Janet. :D

    Keep at it Uno, you're nearing the end!

  165. congratz Janet and xaq :) I am still swimming around the sea. Can't locate with my coordinates in Lv 18. I think 1111 deg 1'4"E 23' and 43 deg 4'9"N 3A' are not quite correct.

  166. You have to make 1111 and 3A other (decimal numbers). They are in another base.

  167. Yes, ST. I have adjusted those. But I am using GPS It's not helpful. what website will you recommend?

  168. You can use Google Maps, or this site: (use the bottom right box to fill them in).

    I'm not sure anymore if you had to do a bit of trial and error to see which numbers go together.

  169. I got a spot: Oxxxxx Sxxxxxx in the C country, but seems not quite right. :P

  170. 4'9 is not correct (should be 3 digits) with a decimal dot in between.
    In 1'4 the ' has to be a decimal dot as well.

  171. This comment has been removed by the author.

  172. 31 is not correct and the 4.9 is not correct (latter one should have an extra digit between the 4 and the dot.
    Btw, better delete that comment. It's a bit too spoily.

    Have to go now. I'm sure other will come to help.
    Good luck

  173. Uno hoo - as small said the 31 is wrong. Try translating using:

    H-- to D------

  174. I found the place Jxxxxxx Mxxxxx in Txxxx, so, what to put on the answer? or I am still lost? :P

  175. Still a bit lost I think. For your second North number, the 31, try this link. And convert H-- to D------.

    Even without the last N number, it will put you right below an strngely shaped island

  176. I got that finally, thanks Janet & ST. Proceeding, wish I had more time and wit to finish when some of you are still here.

  177. uno hoo, we will check here regularly and help you if necessary, I am sure you will finish this riddle :)

  178. This comment has been removed by the author.

  179. for the egg of Lv 19, I found the 26th navigator of the elite group, a french writer J C, but nope?

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. looks like you have the right one. J--- C------ Try typing the full name again. Sometimes I have typed something wrong or left a letter from a previous answer still in the space. So I get the Error message

  182. Also no spaces between first and last names - sometimes it's easy to do that just from habit

  183. Wow, ate 4 eggs finally. Finished the 19. How many levels in total? Going bed now and wake up with a clear mind to proceed with Lv.20. thank you all :)

  184. uno hoo - there are 30 levels in all but YAY!!! you're almost 2/3 of the way through. And we'll be here to help. May be some problem with time differences, but I promise I'll check back often.

  185. I'll keep tabs on things here until you're done as well.

    Also, the comments are closing in on 400, so new posts will start popping up on page 3 soon...just FYI so you don't think we've vanished on you or anything. :]

  186. Good to see you are still here, Janet & xaq. Can't figure out Lv 20. straight numbers or I need anagram? Tried some words though.

  187. uno hoo, just focus on the numbers. It is a sequence beginning with a single digit, you get the next by describing the previous one.
    The second says there is one red number (1) in first = 1.
    The third says there is one black one (1 1) and one red number (1) in second = 111.
    The fourth says there are three black ones (3 1) and one red number (1) = 311
    Do the same with the fifth, describe what you see in fourth.
    (You see the red numbers are in order 1 2 3 4 so the red number will be 5)
    Hope this make sense.

  188. very helpful indeed, dutchie, thank you!


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