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Thorne Riddle

Thorne Riddle is another free online brain twisting riddle game developed by LinR. "I made a new riddle 10 levels. This is a simple riddle. Just replace the word at the end of the url. No htm or html needed. There are no capital letters, numbers or symbols used as answers. Nothing is hidden in the source code. Hope you like it" Good luck and have fun!

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  1. @Jinx, I don't get level 1 either. I'm no good with riddles.

  2. I just don't get what the riddle is lol. to me it just looks like rules

  3. Jinx and Zoz , look at the lines in terms of 1,2 3,4

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think a few drinks might help for level 2

  7. Thanks Janet, your clues are even more cryptic than the game

  8. @LinR, even with your excellent hint, I'm amazed I made it to level 2. I'm definitely having a "brain not working" day.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. man i'm still stupid lol. what do you mean 1,2,3,4

  11. My brain isn't working either. Not getting level 1:(

  12. No worries Janet, i think i will throw the towel on this one.
    Found the first level amazing ly hard but got there with your hint. thought the second one was a magic eye picture. after 5 minutes of staring at it, I find it hard to see anything well now. Good luck everyone

  13. thanks Janet... saw your amazing hint

  14. Alphabetize level two......wink wink.....

  15. Red Luth is an excellent site for codes and cipers and just plain riddle stuff.

  16. look for hidden text in level 2

  17. I have level 2 deciphered but don't understand Enjoy's hint

  18. Ctrl A will show any hidden text, usually.

  19. man. i still must be the only fool stuck on level 1 lol

  20. im gonna go crosseyed from level 2

  21. there is some hidden text underneath the picture thingy. but I can't figure out level 2 even after seeing the text

  22. I'm still stuck on level 2. See the hidden text and have code deciphered but still don't get it. This may be beyond me.

  23. i don't even see letters. i just see shapes

  24. I see a few letters. But I am throwing in the towel. My eyes are hurting looking at that picture

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Jinx - google Red Luth - you'll see the code.

  27. yeah i'm giving up too. that's too many letters to decipher and picking out which letter it is is going to drive me crazy. good luck y'all

  28. Well, even deciphering the picture in level 2 does not give the answer. It says to try again. After all that? Nope. Good luck - I'm just really bad at these!

  29. There are other ways to look at a picture. Maybe this one needs some colour added.

  30. Oh ... THIS riddle ..... after copying that picture of level 2 to paint, chosing a nice colour and click in a place that put the colour at almost everything, I gave up. Didn't see any letters left to use.

  31. Finally! Thank you Arrie for hint

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I hope I'm not the only one working on this. I'll never do this on my own!

  34. @LinR can you give a little hint for level 3?

  35. LW, did you find anything you could click on?

  36. Yes, found 4 hints but don't know what to do with them

  37. google them together, LW. Or perhaps just the worst line. LOL

  38. Well, stuck again. I'm going to have to wait until the smart people show up. Nice riddle LinR. I just haven't done enough of them to recognize what ciphers or codes to use. I'll be back when there is a trail of hints to help me out.

    By the way, sneaky using the picture on level 4 to lead me off on a wild goose chase. :0

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @LinR Deleting your post admitting you are sneaky isn't going to fool anyone. :)

  41. I'm still plugging away on level 4. Someone better show up soon!

  42. Look at a similar item to what is in the pic and then notice where the numbers are. It should look familiar. Red Luth will help.

  43. I've tried both a phone and calculator but no luck. Unless I'm missing something obvious, which I probably am.

  44. I think I might have it! Be back in a minute after I check for sure.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Yep, on level 5 now. That was really tricky!

  47. I was all like "go me!" until I looked at level 5. Let me ponder this one for a bit before I start begging for hints.

  48. Thanks for the riddle LinR - looks like fun!! :)

  49. Getting too tired to think properly. I'll be back in the morning to try to finish. Really great challenge LinR, thanks!

  50. Players please refrain from giving straight out spoilers. This is not an Escape Game. It is a riddle. Solving takes time and some creative thinking. Give yourself a chance to use the old grey cells. Please give hints only.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. These types of games need to be on a different website.

  53. I have too much information and not enough direction for Level 5. Any hints you can give me LinR?

  54. Hi Annie. You have 2 dominant things in the pic. Use one on the other to pick.

  55. Colors and cars are all you need Annie - find them all and then apply one to the other

  56. Thanks! I thought the first car was black, but I got it now! On to level 6.

  57. For the record, LinR...this is a really fantastic game! My old retired brain is not as flexible or "out of the box" so much any more, but it is very good and not "A riddle that nobody likes" (Yes I know who he is.)

    And thank you for giving us something that really tickles our brains!

    (I left at level three thinking I'm just an idiot and went out to eat...and at dinner the answer just popped into my brain!) Very very clever!! Couldn't wait to get home and put it in AND I WAS RIGHT! whooo hooo!

    Now for the next question...may take me a week or so....

  58. Thank you Zoe! Your comments are appreciated. One must consider the source when dealing with comments such as Noge's LOL. I am glad you are progressing. :)

  59. Bedtime for me. I will be back to help in the morning.

  60. Aaaaaand diving in again. This morning I decided to colour the maze red. It looks awesome. I'll keep it open all day.

  61. lol, googling the four words from level 3 (thank you LW !) the first hit I get is 'monkeyslippers'. And no, that's not a spoiler!

    And no, still don't see level 2, I just happened to read the answer somewhere.

  62. Ah level 3, don't google the words together, but the rest.
    Level 4.

  63. Thanks for the riddle, Lin.
    On lvl 2 and after decoding, and reading hidden text, im still in full eyeball spin mode. Do i really need to put into paint? If so,i better look it up. I have forgotten how to. lol

  64. Hi Clio.
    Use the snipping tool, remember? One of the things I learned from riddlers. I use it a lot now.

    So, after doing that, please explain the level to me? Nobody else did. I'm totally depending on you now. LOL.

  65. Hi Arrie. Thanks. I forgot about the snipping tool. I now have it in paint and am just working out how to use the colouring in brush.

    Dont worry, I will have an answer and explanation for us within the next decade or so. lol

  66. I really don't get the level 3, I googled that picture but what I got didn't work and Arrie talked about 4 words to google seperatly, I have no idea what so ever what the 4 words are. Help please

  67. Clio, you just need the paint bucket tool!

  68. Thanks aridza. Just worked that out, after using all the different pencils and paint brushes and badly erasing. lol Lvl 3 finally.

    Arrie, after you use the paint bucket, check out what is left in the white outlines.

  69. Aridza, hover your mouse over the picture to discover more information.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Finally got it!
    Thx Dutchie

  72. Clio dear, I'm eternally grateful that you're pointing out that there are white outlines left.
    They form half shapes which don't form a letter. Now, tell me how you see letters in there. Cause that's the whole point.

  73. Thanks dutchie. I used your hint too. Lvl 4 now.

  74. Dearest Arrie, If you look closely you will see 5 letters in white in top half, and 4 letters in bottom half. Yours sincerely, Clio. hahha

  75. lol, thanks clio, but I don't. Someone gave me a screenshot however and now I see, but it didn't work for me. No idea why, will try again!

  76. arrie, i had tried paint brushes and pencils ...but you have to use the bucket of paint.

  77. No. Tried on another part of the picture, I get a few outlines, but still too many white spaces open to see the letters. Very weird. But good to know for when a level like this comes up again.

  78. Arrie,i had to throw the bucket on all bits of the picture, took three or so buckets worth, i think.

  79. Well, that simply costs wayay too much! Can't afford that!

  80. Clio, it worked now: select the entire page, right mouseclick, copy image, paste in paint, one bucket of ORANGE paint, mind you !
    And only one is needed!

  81. Good morning everyone. Back again for another try on level 5. I read the hints and know the names. Is the 4th color aqua or teal?

  82. Afternoon LW Team Member, good to see you.

  83. LW Team Member, I think it's aqua but teal or blue would work too.

  84. Hi LW. Thanks for the hints you've been leaving. Ive used them all.

  85. I don't think you should let granny drive you around, you can find the way by yourself if you keep the right track.

  86. Morning Clio. Good to see you again.
    Thank you Dutchie. I was off on the wrong track again

  87. Got level 5. I had one of the cars wrong.

  88. Will come back to this tmrw. Good luck everyone, and keep leaving those lovely hinty's pls. Thanks.

  89. Bye Clio, we will try to help (cheat) you through the riddle :P

  90. I did the obvious part of level 6. I think this is where my lack of riddle knowledge is going to hinder me. Anyone else working on 6?

  91. Look at the shape of the logo's. Does it remind you to a certain cipher?

  92. @Dutchie Was this cipher used once already in this riddle? If so, I've already used that and don't know what to do with it.

  93. LW, you have two basic shapes. They are used in a very familiar code.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. Hey, can I have another hint for level 5? I found colours and marks of the cars but still can't find anything from it..

  96. Zodiac. Words have different amounts of letters. Use one on the other to pick.

  97. I thought level 7 was dirty but doesn't seem to fit.

  98. LW, make sure you find all the pics. The way to find the second one is well hidden.

  99. Thank you LinR. on to level 8

  100. Have to leave for a few hours. Will be back to finish later. Hopefully some hints will be waiting for me.

  101. I only get gibberish for level 4

  102. Gary, look at the location of the numbers on the item in the picture.

  103. I have and it comes out with nothing readable. 1 has no letters

  104. Perhaps you need to turn out the lights to "see" them. :P

  105. Finally finished, thanks for the nice riddle Lin :)

  106. If it's based on ITU E 1.161 the only thing for the group is "pi a" followed by j,k or l . What am I missing?

  107. Hmmm, the 2nd pic on 7 is very well hidden from me - where do I need to look?

  108. @Gary try feeling your way to see what you are missing

  109. yeah I am stuck on level 4 also. I am thinking keypad. but 1 doesn't have anything assigned

  110. Ceebee, sometimes you can find a place to click.

  111. Not ITU E 1.161 but a much older standard. Thanks

  112. Gary, you must try a different approach. Maybe try drawing out the locations with a pencil and paper and see if there is something that looks familiar.

  113. Help on 4? phone keypad? I can't figure it out with the 1's

  114. Thanks LinR finally found it! :)

  115. Think I have level 6 code (shape of logos) but not sure how to apply - horizontally by line there are too many logos. If I string them all together, made 3 good letters and bit the dust on the 4th. Vertically makes letters but no sense. Please help

  116. Janet, make sure you split them in the right place.

  117. Yes I know that's where I'm going wrong where to split them

  118. Janet, there is an almost imperceptible wider space within the lines of logo's, on the first line it's after the first two....

  119. Thank you - see that now

  120. Level 8 - got a word for the first short line based on the obvious. Guess it would be too easy if that worked for all of them. Sigh...

  121. The same method for all rows, Janet. But then it gets complicated........

  122. I'm missing the obvious on level 8. Get gibberish from the rows.

  123. For level 8 there is an unusually capitalized word in the text and something in bold. Google them together to find the way out.

  124. LW Team Member. I used the two top rows and made a word for the first short row. But after that I am lost. Have tried ROT, backwards but nothings working for me. Even tried to do it like those word seek puzzles!

  125. I will be back to help a bit later.

  126. Janet, do exactly the same thing you did to ALL the rows. Think of the first row as a string of letters and not a word.

  127. I understand which cipher to use now but can't figure out how to use the two top rows to get a word from short rows. I am completely befuddled.

  128. For level 8: you need a special tool to decode the gibberish you get. Look at the sentence under pic. Two words are important! Google them.

  129. @ Dutchie I've used those two words to get the right tool but must not understand the tool well enough. I can't figure out how the top two rows work with the 7x5 rows.

  130. @Janet How did you use the top two rows to get a word from the short row?

  131. Google those words together with the word decoder. I tried several decoders before I managed to solve it. The decoder from Tim Holman worked fine for me. Enter the gibberish as one word, no spaces and choose 7 for key length. If it's correct you can read a down/up sentence. Hope this make sense.

  132. Thanks Dutchie, I hadn't run a cross a decoder.

  133. I'm really stuck on level 5, been on it for a very long time now. I see the cars I got some of the brands, not all of them coz I don't know them but I just don't get the hints given on here

  134. Aridza. Very important to have the makers of each car. For example Ford (which isn't one of them) Use the snipping tool and google images to get the maker of each car.

  135. I'm still getting nothing but gibberish. Time to take a break and try again later.

  136. LW - sorry was called away for a while. The top two rows - count how many symbols there are -- bet you can relate it to something else.

  137. For level 5: You need all the brands and the colour names. Use one to pick letters from the other.

  138. Ok I got all the brands but now what?? I read some hint about how many letters but I really have no idea what to do

  139. Thank you Lin and Dutchie - finally got it. (I saw the strange capitalized word but not the bolded one so your Tim Holman hint was what did it for me)

  140. Aridza - From Lin earlier

    "Words have different amounts of letters. Use one on the other to pick."

  141. I think I understand but I guess I got it wrong, I might not have the right colors name (sometimes for car they use weird color names)

  142. Use the most common name for the color - p.s. first color is not black

  143. so not black is G... but the word I got doesn't exist, lol

  144. Ok got it, I guess google image got the aqua car wrong

  145. Level 9 - have the components for the three words. Not having much luck in figuring out what number(s) to use. Tried column number, the unique number (added if over 26), picking letters from names based on unique number, number of letters in name)

  146. Janet there is another hint on the page that tells you what to do with the numbers you get.

  147. Saw the blackboard hint and tried adding the unique number together if it was over 26 but got gibberish. Am I supposed to re-group them based on the color that they fall into?

  148. Janet just use the ones in each word.

  149. Janet, each word will give some numbers, add them per word to get a new number.

  150. Thank you Janet! It was so obvious after you pointed it out.

  151. Hey Dutchie did that - got three 3 digit numbers for each grouping.

  152. I need help again but for level 8 this time.
    I got the decoder and what the top 2 rows stand for but evrything I did didn't mean anything. Do I use the top 2 rows from left to right? I only got 1 word that actually is a word (the first one if it's correct)

  153. Aridza, you get gibberish, the first word is gibberish too. Use a decoder to translate it into a sentence. Read it down/up/down etc.

  154. POP, got it, it was actually right but didn't read it the right way! could have saved some times!

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. Got it now too. Thanks for the up down hint Dutchie.

  157. Yay - now y'all can help me with Level 9!! Just not getting it.

  158. Sorry Janet, I won't be much help for level 9. I have to assume the different colors are not coincidental. Other than that I'm stuck as well.

  159. Three 3 digit numbers - one for each group is right Janet - there is more than one option for all 3, make sure you have the right ones :)

  160. I was using the unique number

  161. For Level 9 - there is one word that will lead you to the right path. Lol that was the only thing I did get on 9 and that was about two hours ago!

  162. I think level 9 is way above my pay grade. I have NO idea how you would get 3 digit numbers from those words/colors.

  163. I'm with you Janet, got 3 set of 3 numbers but that's it

  164. Janet, 2 of the words can be split up in 2 different ways, Only one way each will give you letters you can use.

  165. The last word of the text tells you where to get the numbers from - each word is made up of more than one that are added together- is that what you are using?

  166. Okay - each of my words was made up of five components

  167. You have to check whether it is N or Na.

  168. Going back, the second word could be only four

  169. And yes the third word could also be different symbols

  170. My second word was made up of 4 components but after you said 5 I found another way to make it up. I'm gonna check the other words to see if there different ways

  171. Yes never looked back to see if there was more than one way.

  172. I really don't see what else to do for level 9

  173. I made the 3# digit numbers (several variations) and still don't have a legible answer.

  174. Me either and my brain is going numb

  175. You should end up with 3 three digit numbers with no zeros. Convert to letters.

  176. Does each digit equal one number?

  177. Can I post my 3 sets of numbers to verify them if I delete them immediately after?

  178. If it does Janet, then I'm not making any word out of the letters I got :(

  179. If you're allowed to LW, I'd love to see what numbers you got to compare to mine

  180. Way to Janet!! Now give us a hint. :)

  181. Aridza - no not one letter per number. That was wrong

  182. Look at each set of numbers - you'll eventually get six letters to take to granny

  183. For example if your first set was 518 - you'd get the letter E for the 5 and the letter R for the 18

  184. 200 comments, so new comments will be on the next page

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