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Thorne Riddle

Thorne Riddle is another free online brain twisting riddle game developed by LinR. "I made a new riddle 10 levels. This is a simple riddle. Just replace the word at the end of the url. No htm or html needed. There are no capital letters, numbers or symbols used as answers. Nothing is hidden in the source code. Hope you like it" Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Still not getting a word out. something must be wrong with my numbers then

  2. You have to anagram your letters to get the word

  3. There are no zeros in the correct numbers Aridza

  4. Tried anagramming but they don't make a word as I've only found 1 vowel. I really do suck at riddles!

  5. Aridza, you should have 2 vowels. One from the first word and one from the second

  6. @aridza I ended up getting 2 letters from each 3 digit number. There were 2 vowels.

  7. Got it finally, Thx!
    I forgot a number in the second word

  8. Well Done Janet, LW and Aridza. That was not an easy level.

  9. and now onto level 10, my brain is fried and it's getting late in France. As usual, I'm stuck with the sudoku

  10. Very good riddles, thank you LinR!

  11. Ack! I thought I solved level 10 and ended up with an egg!

  12. Got the egg as well, it was too easy to be true!

  13. I'm too tired to continue so I'm off to bed, hope someone solves the level 10 egg and leave some good hints!

  14. For level 10 egg: The asterisk tells you where to start

  15. @Dutchie That is where I started and only got gibberish. Do we need to do something else with the letters?

  16. No, if you start on the right place it should give a 16 letter answer.

  17. LW. Make sure the shape of the diagrams match. One is a square and the other a diamond so........

  18. Hmm, nothing legible is coming. There was more than one solution for the soduku so I bet some of my letters are wrong.

  19. LW, I think there was the only one right solution to the sudoku

  20. I'm just not getting any words. I'll have to be happy with getting this far. Fantastic riddle LinR. Wish there were more posted like this more often.

  21. LW, Don't give up this close. Start on the middle of the left side. No anagram but a very long word.

  22. OH and remember the shapes.

  23. Come on LW, you are almost there, you have to finish :)

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  26. I'll redo the soduku. Thanks for the tip.

  27. LW, it looks like you walked from top R along the right side to the bottom. You have to walk a full square. Start at P on middle left and follow the 16 letters.

  28. Congrats Mako, I see you are finished :)

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  31. Oh!! Let me try this again. Thanks for all the help.

  32. Yay!! Made it all the way through. Thanks so much for your patience LinR and Dutchie. I really enjoyed the challenge.

  33. I'll pretend all of my stupid questions were to help Clio when she gets back :)

  34. Hahahahaha, she will thank you for your questions but they were certainly not stupid.

  35. Had to do my Sudoku twice but after a break, it all fell into place. Thanks for a wonderful riddle and especially all the help from everyone!!

    p.s Soooo glad you stopped at 10 levels ;-)

  36. Congratulations Janet!!! Thank you so much for playing!!

  37. I just stopped by to see how everyone was doing - great to see you finished LW, Mako and Janet!! CONGRATULATIONS!!

  38. Congrats Janet, you are a real riddler now :)

  39. Finally finished it after a good night sleep! I kind of guessed the word for the 10 egg but it worked out! Thx everyone for your help, I think that's the first time that I complete a riddle

  40. Congrats Aridza, well done!

  41. Congratulations Aridza!! It was fun playing with you :-)

  42. Congratulations Aridz!!!

  43. It's OK to post spoilers...You all do it on every other game.

  44. Luke, It is NOT okay to post spoilers. This is a riddle not an Escape game. Thank you for reading all the comments though.:)

  45. LinR
    I could not get past level 1
    The only way of learning these games is to see the answers and feed back to learn
    I disagree with you

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Joe, I respectfully disagree. The way to learn to play riddles is not by being given the answers in a way that spoil it for all players experienced and non-experienced. There are definitely techniques that need to be learned and they are best learned while playing. Little satisfaction comes from being given the answers. The enjoyment comes from solving something you never thought you could. We ALL need help, make no mistake. Very experienced riddlers can fail to see the most obvious clues sometimes. I suggest that beginners start with a riddle that actually teaches some of the most common methods of solving such as Smalltool's 1st PREQUEL TO
    SMALL STRIFE ( found right here on EG24.

    Never be afraid to ask for help. There are no dumb questions! The players here on EG24 are very generous. Just getting an answer does not teach you how to find it and the finding the correct answer is most satisfying.

  48. I dont disagree with you Lin but I am still stuck on level one and cannot see solution. What does one do if you cant even see stage !
    Perhaps posting the answers somewhere else on a sparate web page so thoese of us who want to learn can do it?
    Interesting dialogue...Shows some others on EG 24who are nasty that it can be discussed pleasantly with no animosity(HUW)

  49. Hi Joe, The first level was a bit hard indeed. But there were several players who posted a hint: I'm amazed I made it to level 2. / Found the first level amazing ly / saw your amazing hint.

    I hope you will give it another try.

  50. Hey Joe. A very common riddle trick especially in the early levels is to do things in a pattern. Sometimes the first letter of each sentence to form a word. Sometimes the 1st letter of the 1st sentence, 2nd letter of the 2nd sentence etc. Or just sometimes, you pick words not letters....

  51. Hi Joe. I totally understand what you are saying, because when it comes to not 'getting' riddles, im the expert. However, as everyone above has said, there is no such thing as a dumb question and help is always avble. Quite often, what would seem like an indecipherable reply is a mega-major-nearly-spoiler hint which only a person playing that lvl would understand. I say go for it! Ask away. You can ask blunt questions, even though the reply may be somewhat obscure. I do that all the time. I just say straight stuck, i dont get it and i need help pls. (then i chuck a tantrum, beg for mercy, and someone is always kind enough to shove me in the right

    Speaking of which, lvl 4. I see the pic and am relating it to a phn (i think), but ...(only a quiet tantrum).....wahhh. May i have a hint/subtle as a brick shove pls? Thanks.

  52. Where are the buttons, er I mean numbers, Clio?

  53. Thanks Lin. The old real estate adage eh? Position, position, position. I felt i would get there in the end. yayy. Lvl 5.

  54. Had a sneaking suspicion there'd be a new riddle up today. Wish I'd gotten an earlier start on it, though, because I'm stumped by the first level. X_x;

  55. Oop, never mind, brain clicked into gear. *facepalms* Time to play catch-up.

  56. Okay, I've looked at everyone's clues on Lv 2, I know exactly what I'm supposed to be looking at, and aside from a pair of M's I'm not seeing a blasted thing.

    I hate conceding defeat to a riddle, but this one's making my eyes AND brain hurt so bad that I'm genuinely getting a migraine.

    You guys have fun, I'm out. [ALT-F4]

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Xaq - make sure you color in all the little triangles and strangely shaped pieces too. Look only at the grid lines for what you need

  59. Thanx Guys
    just got Level 1

  60. Yeah Joe!!! Keep going. :)

  61. Hi there, anyone still playing? I'm so late to enter this game.
    Stuck on Lv 3, had all the hints on picture 4+1 google already. Can't get an answer.

  62. Hey uno hoo - glad to see you back!!! Remember how you used tab before to find the clues? And then you hit "enter" to see the full clue? You'll get four phrases - not words - to google

  63. And Joe, happy you came back too. It's a great riddle and happy to help you in any way

  64. Hi Janet, lucky to see you here. I made it to the logo words on Lv6. Read the hints and saw the clusters of letters. Just still can't pull the string. Anymore clues?

  65. Level 6 - look at the shape of the logos - some are round (almost like "dots") others are rectangular. There is a famous code that uses those two shapes.

  66. How does barley3 relate to level 7?

  67. Arrie, barley3 is not important. Try to find another picture. A dot might led you the way!

  68. Barley is a teeny bit of a clue though because another word can join with it to make something altogether new.

  69. thank you, Janet.Got Lv 6 and now on 8. good riddles!

  70. all i need for Lv 8 is the decoder help. got the rows n columns, googled some decoders but still can't solve it :(

  71. Just one question remains ... those cars.
    What colour, not black, does the first car have? Who knows a colour, starting with a C?

  72. And I said it in two other places already, but ... here too ... thank you Lin, great graphics, great ideas, I really enjoyed this riddle!

  73. First car color starts with a G

  74. Congratulations Arrie - great riddle, wasn't it?

  75. Uno hoo - I never would have gotten this level if Dutchie hadn't mentioned the name Tim Holman

  76. p.s. Add the bolded and strangely capitalized words when google the name

  77. Hi Janet, I mean level 5, the word starts with a C, not a G.
    So the first cars' colour starts with a C as well ?

  78. The first letter of the color wasn't important - just the color itself for a different reason. Use one to pick from the other.

  79. lol, yes, of course, I forgot about that part. Thanks, Janet.

  80. Still can't find the right decoder for the 7rows x 5 columns. Google Tim Holman and the bolded and capitalized letters leads to an error page :(

  81. Uno hoo, have a look at this site. It explains the cipher. It is easy to write out with pencil and paper.

  82. I got it! Thank you LinR! In fact I had looked up this site but didn't try drawing the grid :P

  83. Yeah Uno hoo. Well done!

  84. Can't get the numbers in Lv 9. I tried digits on a phone and the numbers of the alphabets. Any clue?

  85. "Element" is the hint to use a certain kind of (chemical and stuff) table.

  86. Now headache for the thornesoduku. Shape? Alphabet values?

  87. Oh,got it. Now the final prize--the egg :P

  88. the final egg, how many letters should remain? :P I am getting too lazy.

  89. I assume you're on the last (the second) egg. It's 8 letters, but you have to anagram.

  90. if someone is still checking this forum i am stuck at level 8, i know is tr*********** cipher but i get only gibberish after decoding


  91. Found this one yesterday. Enjoyed it. Quite challenging enough! Thanks, LinR, and escapegames24 riddlers for needed hints.

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