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Escape From Kolmonskop At Namib Desert Walkthrough

Escape From Kolmonskop At Namib Desert


EightGames - Escape From Kolmonskop At Namib Desert is another point and click room escape game developed by Eight Games. During his Africa trip, a tourist trapped inside the Kolmanskop at Namib Desert. There are some clues, puzzles and objects left. Find those objects and hints, solve the puzzles and help the tourist to escape out. Good luck and have fun!

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one of those search, search and seach game again.....

Red X. I don't like spending 90% of the time just trying to figure out how to get back to some place I saw earlier.

Use metal-balls into rod = 5 red balls.

Place the red balls into wall, 1 room right of opening scene. Got a spade. Use in the sand (same scene)

If you get the camel eye pic piece go directly to the pic and place it, or you will lose it. I restarted 3 x's to get it to stay. Or at least in my game.

Didn't have trouble with the camel, but clock-puzzle was hard!

Where to use lens/magnifier?

Don't know where to use magnifier, but found out that the knife can be used on box you found with spade (thanks for the balls in rod hint, Byassen. Did forget about those balls)

You use the magnifer when you get a piece of paper

Use the lens on paper.

This color puzzle is ruff.

what paper? All I have left is the magnifier...

WOW A skip button just as I completed it ! LOL

Paper came from all the horses placed.

No place to use the shovel and stuck now.

Lol and no idea where the knife is. Not the best clues

Nuckelhedd, see Byassens post from 4:25

Nuckelhedd: knife comes from 4 digit safe.

Clues are ok, you just need to read. ;-)

Knife from 4 # puzzle and Byassen posted were to use shovel

Where is the rod? I've gone through every room at least 5 times :(

need to find the last horse then.

bandytrc, is the last horse behind the colored dots safe? Have problems with that one. Is there a hint how the colors need to be arranged?

OOPPSS sorry escapism LOL

The hint is on paper , all the horses were laying around they are very hard to see!

I can replay to see were they all are.

My bad. It is indeed there but where is the clue for the 4 number puzzle?

It is on the board flip it over.

Oh no, I was afraid they are lying around... :-(

Found the arrows clue on the wall in the room right of where the shovel is used but only have 3 of the arrow buttons.

There is 2 clues for that # also.

Can anyone tell me where they found the rod for the metal balls? I'm stuck.

Oh my. Completely forgot about that board. Was looking for a place to use it . Thank you.

escapism one moment I will help.

Found the last horse! I've never liked horses...

Did you get the one, first down arrow then right arrow had a red closet in it?

Clock was easy. start with one and go from there. It is easily lined up

POP! Sneaky horse in that one room very much up with a blue wall and the 6 arrow safe in it, down in the sand.

The rotating colors was difficult for me.

Thanky, bandytrc. Got all now, so I got the hint for the colored dots.

YEA cause I could not find them all fast enough LOL

Rotating color puzzle is not to hard but there is skip if need.

Oh my, i don't remember where the rod came from stephanie.

I'll try a third time, is the rod behind the camel pic? If so I can't find the camel eye, any hints on where it is?

Stephanie it is in far left from start scene

I think It may have come from the green wall safe that is opened with the brass key. There are 2 boxes and the correct one is in the room with the camel eye piece pic in it.

LOL! Funny skip-button on that colored buttons safe.

If you're camels eye is gone. that is what happen to me and why I posted a warning about that.

My skip button showed up just as I completed it LOL

HA now im stuck. Can't find a way to go further.

Out now too. Maybe I would still rotate colored dots if there wouldn't be that handy skip-button. Thanks, Eight Games, for that.

Were ya stuck at?

two more of the arrows behind the big puzzle with the empty circles. Place all the buttons with shapes on them and then move them all to the top.

That gives final piece for the colors puzzle where the left side is 5 pastels and it goes to three then one then three and five again.

That gives door key and out. No balls for what appeared to be a puzzle in the first room. That appears to be the clue for the numbers safe.

Thanks for the help all.

Missing two coloured buttons, can anyone help please?

did pretty good but lost me at the clock....good game till then

I DO like that skip button, thanks again. Eight Games!

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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