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The Halloween Riddle

Warlocks and Witches - Halloween Riddle is another brain teaser challenging online riddle game. The Halloween Riddle is a spell cast by a coven of riddling warlocks and witches. Twist your brain with 40 level of terrifying puzzles. Replace the last word of the url with your answer. No htm or html needed. There are no capital letters, numbers or symbols used in answers. Nothing is hidden in the source code. Now get your trick or treat bags ready and go through the door and enjoy the Halloween mayhem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. there should be a hidden hint for 30 b try googling with " and ? for the missing

  2. Stuck on 30
    I do not understand the 4 and 5 not like choosing here letters

  3. What number is unlucky Pichi - use it to find a letter

  4. Thanks Cee Bee!
    Now on 30b

  5. Level 23 leads me to an interesting site which has a great search box! onto level 24 now.
    Overhere right now the time is .... 0:27 h.

  6. 30b no idea with simple maths, how I do this? Try google and there strange things

  7. it's a charade
    30 b is unsolvable for me
    It's hard even with the numbers. So far I found 6 of them

  8. This site might help Mako:

  9. I did all the math on 30b and got the name of a band and now on the third part of 30. It won't take any of the names I found. Am I supposed to know who's playing on the audio track?

  10. Did you try the latest one Puffin?

  11. I must have spelled it wrong, got it now. Thanks Cee Bee.

  12. Thank you Cee Bee! Onto 31. But that's going to wait for later.

  13. level 25.
    Since nobody asked a hint, let me do that.
    I found out, walking through the maze where the answer has to come from. But there's a lot of info about this subject. Could I get a little encouragement here?

  14. Thanks for the page Cee Bee, very hard level
    Onto 31

  15. lvl 25
    write part of the sentence as an answer for the rest of the lvl

  16. Thanks mako.
    Now, I got the girl with twirling toys around her head. Wouldn't have want to miss that !
    Going to try other parts now.

  17. Do I have to choose letters from the word to form a word?

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Any hint for 31?
    These Eyes... I think it could be ****e code

  20. Yes Pichi - you have the code correct.

  21. Pichi are there short and long flashes?

  22. Catching up ! Level 26. Thank you!

  23. level 26.
    Not every picture can be snipped. I couldn't use the tool on the one left under and right middle. Luckily I knew who they were, but it was a bit tricky.

  24. Thanks Puffin and Janet!
    Now on 32 I found the hidden, but says I'm a mistake

  25. Nice, all those little children poems. On level 27 another one.

  26. Did you find an egg on 32 Pichi?

  27. I'm back and I found the egg on 32 but I can't find a way to read the missing word.

  28. look closely at all the letters Puffin. Do they all look the same?

  29. I found the different letters and now I have a creature asking me for the fifth word. There is a word that's blacked out and I was thinking that somehow I have to read it.

  30. How many words in the image text, Puffin. Add what is asked for.

  31. I was putting the words in the wrong order. Got it now.

  32. yeah Puffin, That was a tricky level!

  33. They're all tricky, but fun. I'm determined to finish even though riddles are not my strong point!!

  34. Could someone give me a hint for level 16 please

  35. For level 16, imagine the scythe is a flag, does that ring a bell?

  36. Good Morning. Level 32, I found the egg, I go back but I see nothing. My eyes aren't sharp enough.

  37. For level 32, look closely at the flashing words, there's something about it. If you found the right egg it tells you what to do.

  38. 32 Title is key so look again where you looked before

  39. Look at those words from last night,maybe my egg is not the right egg. It says me: Go back and look ....

  40. yes it is correct so look at somethinkg else in that picture you will see a difference

  41. Thanks,I'll keep looking.

  42. lvl 32 - I found an egg... but for lvl 39 (*´▽`*)
    I can only see a black rectangle, one letter changing colour and two punctuation signs.

  43. The black rectangle gives the word for the right egg. I don't see the color change or punctuation marks, I think I'll have to leave.

  44. don't forget the title is important on where to look for 32

  45. Try to use a tool to view the pic.

  46. well the picture saves without the blinking part, doesn't show anything

  47. Gimp or photoshop should work then try picking colours although you shoud see it

  48. Extra hint Title tells how many L****s use that one

  49. Also this site is a must for any would be riddlers

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. is a bit of a giveaway lol Lucia

  52. thanks mtatt, I downloaded and installed that gimp, but it doesn't help, seems too complicated
    that site is much better!
    but it still doesn't help'with the ridlle though, cause all I can see is the same only not blinking (#^^#)
    and no idea about the fifth word
    need a ☕

  53. 5th word is on the page Mako so you jumped to the egg

  54. Mako, if you look carefully at the letters you will notice something.

  55. And the egg you find with that word tells you what to do.

  56. oh.. finally..
    I suck at all that computer graphic matters, it only distracted me.
    Thank you all for all your patience with my dumbness
    but I'm happy to have that egg for lvl 39, will help for sure!

  57. Yay good job Mako and "dumbness'? no way! You are a very clever riddler :)

  58. On 30 I found for odd ones out in the words, but I'm not sure what to count or take.
    A hint please?

  59. I know the answer to lvl 33, found by chance.
    The tool doesn't find four of the songs though.

  60. Arrie, use with ? in places of letters your'e not sure.

  61. bookmarked, mako. thanks.

  62. I must have the method wrong, it doesn't lead me to a word.
    I think I need a hint on the method itself, sorry.

  63. 30 it's a charade, 1-7 are letters of a word, no granny

  64. Mako, no question that the tool is somewhat inconsistent. I know of one person that was able to find all but 1 and I could not get it to find any. I am glad you were able to find the answer. It should be noted that anagrammers with take ? as a wildcard for missing letters.

  65. yes, thank you, they are letters of a word. but how to pick the letters? I tried odd ones out, but that gives me three possibilities on the first, looking at both words in that sentence.
    The same for the third line.

  66. Arrie, start with the middle, unlucky letter - which number is thought to be unlucky the most?

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. yes, I know the number now, thanks.

    And I now see the problem. My translation site just translated 'charade' with picking letters or parts of words.
    But it appears to be some sort of puzzle? Thanks for helping me through this one, mako.

    Let's chat on, lol.

  69. I can't imagine I haven't come accross a charade before, must have been .. but ...

  70. hahhaha, reading on wiki about it, in NL we once had a TV-program with this called ..... you won't believe it ..... 'Hints' ...

  71. Oh, thank you so much mako, on 30b now.

  72. Smashing level btw, forgot to say that. Really puzzling.

  73. 34, what to count, letters lead to gibberish, counting legs doesn't help too... just thinking aloud

  74. Mako, there are several ways to count on 34, maybe try a few more and anagram the results

  75. oh, I made a spelling mistake! So that was easy one!

  76. Hi again. I read the hints for 33, but I don't really understand them.
    I have to find more than one song, but where are the hints?

  77. Ah wait, the music is changing?

  78. And there was a tool in the Introduction page.

  79. ehm .. how do you use this tool?


    At the top of this page you see "click and sing or hum" click that, then play the portion of the song from the level, it will record it and search for it

  81. It should be noted that Shazam may also be used. It is an app available for phones and tablets

  82. Oh, I don't have to sing myself ... phew, would have been a bit hard with the brass section in the last one.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. I'm on 38. I know the game and how to move but don't know where to start. Seems like a lot of combinations. Is the hand important?

  85. Ah, sorry, Midomi doesn't work for me.
    Is there another solution? I'm working on a laptop.
    Toshiba. Good brand, nothing wrong with it.
    Windows, FF, let's see what else ...

  86. Puffin, on the 6th line there is a capitalized letter and a number that give a hint on where to start and yes the fingers do point in that direction.

  87. I tried the first four songs, but the tool is not hearing any music on all four of them.

  88. Arrie - I was able to get 8 out of 10 using SoundHound app. Just held my phone up to the speaker. I was able to guess the word without knowing all songs.

  89. Midomi is not hearing any music from my laptop.

  90. All the songs have a Halloween theme to their names. The 3rd song is by the Edgar Winter Group.

  91. Okay, here too just a suggestion for a next time using the music tool? If not all songs work well, or not at all, lol, don't make the answer an anagram.
    It's very hard to find the solution this way when you're missing a couple of letters.

  92. Hmm, I in my guessing for Level 8 I accidentally jumped to level 29! What a good wrong guess :)

  93. For level 33, midomi will not work if you don't have your computer's microphone turned on, it will not find all the songs, but you need 10 letters, so the suggested anagram solver will work with the letters you can find

  94. Erika, first things first, should help you on level 8

  95. Hahaha Erika. It looks like you were reading the paper. LOL

  96. Got the egg for 38. Is the last sentence in the egg telling me where to start? Will I have to visit granny?

  97. Puffin, Look at the first sentence in the 2nd paragraph to know where to start, no reason to visit granny

  98. Yes it tells you to start with what you ended with and go down form there. You should not need to anagram.

  99. Am I using the same movement or a different movement? If I start where I ended and use the same movement I'm not getting a word, just letters.

  100. Puffin, not the same movement, but the old letters are important to find the new letters

  101. Puffin, first find the new letters then read them.

  102. Level 34. Two hours countig. I`ve two eggs. I need help, please.

  103. ohoooo I'm gonna stay on level 35 for a while. Cosy ....
    btw the 8 legged creature on level 34, just call it what it is, not the sort. I had a hard time trying to convince myself to do that.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. Well, of course, the New Zealand one lives on another island, let me rephrase that comment:

    Hi Lucia,
    if you have the correct animals, also the Australian one (on an island near the coast), and the 5th one is not a crow and the last is just what you see?

  106. level 35.
    I found the answer accidentally a while ago, but, how to find it on the level? Any suggestions?

  107. working with the first line, I found a suggestion that satisfies me.
    On to 36.

  108. Arrie - for 35, have you found the egg? There something clickable on the page (a few things but only one takes you to the egg). Once you get to the egg do what you can to see hidden text.

  109. Thank you Puffin, I didn't obviously, going back to try!

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Finally got Level 38. Thanks Donas and Lin! Helped to snip the grid and circle the old letters and take directions literally.

  112. found the dancers, is that what you mean?

  113. I think I have the right animals, they gave me two eggs. I don't know how to count now.

  114. Aha, I think I know what you mean with level 38.
    Can I get a hint on 36? I don't exactly know what to do there.

  115. Arrie - for 36 the title is the key. Notice the punctuation and use a code.

  116. Why is everybody getting those eggs, and I constantly get a cat !
    I protest against this !

    Lucia, only one of the animals'names has two words, all the others only contain one word. Is that correct?

  117. Lucia - Use the names to get numbers and use the numbers to get letters then visit granny.

  118. lucia, if you have the right animals, a simple counting of letters, then convert, should do it

  119. How many letters Lucia?

  120. Thanks to all. Finally at 35.

  121. thank you puffin and donas, that was a little funny level.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. So level 37.
    The treats of course are the healthy candies, the non-healthy candies are the trick, because, eating non-healthy candies means the dentist will have to do a trick on you ! Tadaa, level solved : dentist'!!

  124. I was a bit too fast, it's level 37.

  125. Hi everyone ,came to continue, we ll see how far i can go tonight, with your help ofcourse LOL

  126. level 37.
    Names, numbers, the text ... how do they relate to each other?
    I counted the stuff of course, but 4 in a package, is that 1 (package), or 4 (stuffies). Hmm, bit out of ideas already.
    Could I get a hint?
    And hi new! I wish you well.

  127. Thank you arrie , on 13 now

  128. Arrie, for level 37, google is your friend, the pic names might help too

  129. on 13 , i see a word that tells about a code but where to use it on?

  130. Thank you donas, I already googled the title, but will do the stuffies now.

  131. Keep it simple New, first things first :)

  132. So, we found the whole conversation. And some extra info on 3 of the pictures.
    But no idea what to do with them.

  133. Arrie, each pic shows a different number of things, use that with what you found

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. Level 37. I can't find the images 2, 8, 17 and the last one I know its spanish name, I don't know if it is the same. Do i need them ??

  136. at 37 do we use the whole title of the cartoon?

  137. will continue tomorrow
    Bye all and thanks

  138. Lucia, for those numbers, the pic name is all you need. For the last one, it has 4 letters at the start of the pic name

  139. Anagram makes it a little foggie, I'm afraid. The first word of 5 letters was okay, but then ... do you have to start at the beginning again? Or count on? Both give nothing with the second line.
    I need a little more I'm afraid.

  140. Reading back now, I think I'm on a wrong track although I found a suitable first word.
    lol, what exactly is needed to solve this level?
    the cartoon title, the picnames, and the amount of candies on the pics? And what is used on what?
    It's definitely time to get some sleep, bye bye :) !!

  141. Mako - yes, use the whole title for each one for 37.

  142. Mako, the first page will give a three word answer, the second is one word, look for something to help you google

  143. For level 37, you don't need the name of the cartoon the sound is from, just the names of the things in the pics, anagram each line

  144. Arrie - for 37 you need the whole name and amount of candies in each picture. The one that stumped me a little was the 4th one on the 3rd line. The name is two words. Also, the 3rd one on the 1st line has 2 words.

  145. Thanks Donas. Finally 38.

  146. For Level 39, does their appearance change after they calculate or before?

  147. Puffin, after they calculate

  148. Not sure how to make their appearance change so that only 3 remain. Am I working with what I have or is there another calculation?

  149. Puffin, one calculation, then just find a way to convert to have 3

  150. I'm looking closer at something but I'm not sure it's the right thing. If I'm looking at the right thing I'm not seeing anything, if I'm looking at the wrong thing I don't know what else to look at LOL.

  151. Ohh I see now! I had to look more.

  152. I'm totally stuck on 39 with changing their appearance to have 3. I've been moving things around but can't come up with 3 that will give an answer when they turn around.

  153. Puffin, there is a simple way to find letters with what you have.

  154. Head slap - totally overthinking and forgot basic riddling. Onto 39b.

  155. I needed that head slap as well, Puffin. LOL

  156. Hi again! I read all the clues again and now I think I should google 20 pictures?????
    Is the first word S...H ?

  157. what level are you talking about Mako

  158. I went to google the 20 but it was not necessary in all cases. The first word doesn't begin with S.

  159. google the pics on 37 then count how many to pick letters the answer is not an anagram to make it easier

  160. I tried to do it but nothing
    6 pictures my google doesn't find
    I thought hat perhaps the first word may be H...Y but it is anagram so again wrong?

  161. and do you know that google shows different result depending on your location? I'm afraid it's impossible to find it right
    Please make levels tthat don't need googling that much, it no fun at all. I love those riddles very much, but all that googling tools spoil it.

  162. the candy is all american if you use the mouse over too you can find most of them.Also in paint you can cut the pics and then use google image search

  163. Mako, It looks like your first word may be right. Also a lot of the pics have names that can help you google and changing google from your country default to will change some of the hits you get.

  164. my Mistake it was anagrams but only per line Mako

  165. Mako, which ones are you missing?

  166. Oh thanks! So I guess I have two words, the second (by guessing most with only half pictures found).
    I'll come later to try to find the last word.
    Typynig "" leads me to my native google page LinR, Google is a stupid tool to think for its user, that's why I don't like google involving in riddles apart from basic googling for unknown facts.
    Anyway thank you all for your patience I'll be back later to try again!


    google image search is here

  168. Stuck on lvl 14. I have read the hints, but have no idea what the obvious is, nor where i shouldnt go. May i have another hint please? Thanks.

  169. Hi Clio! Look at the last word in the text (not the big one) it's a bit different, then think about that as you look at the pics, 1 letter per pic

  170. Clio, I sure wouldn't want to go to any of THOSE places.

  171. Thanks Donas and LinR. On to 15 now, after confusing myself with the correct letters, but trying to be a smart-arse.

  172. I finally made it to level 40. Not sure what to do. I've found the name of an author in the picture - am I on the right track?

  173. 40 from the letters in the picture not an authour try to look close in pic first

  174. Good Morning. And thanks for the tools to solve some of the levels - (bookmarked them). I too am having trouble with Level 33.

    My computer says I have Conextant SmartAudio HD. But the front microphone is "not plugged in", and the rear microphone is "unavailable" Don't have a smart phone. Any advice?

  175. I have finally found it. Those 3 words. But it led to too many disambiguations, which names to use and so on.
    Thanks again for all the clues!

  176. p.s. I don't have a physical microphone to plug in

  177. Janet, can I see you elsewhere?

  178. if you can hear the music then Midomi should be able to also

  179. Is anyone still doing this? I'm completely stumped by the first egg of Level 5 (the "But firstly, whose nostril?"). The hints from before say to do the same thing as before. Does that mean B from 'but' is the first letter? And how does the second line tie in? Aaaahhhhh, so frustrating!!!

  180. Level 5 same method but opposite of first word

  181. Hi BlackFiresong, don't use the egg you found to pick from, go back to the main level page

  182. Thanks Dutchie for your help and patience. Appreciate you very much!!!

  183. Yw. It's hard to solve if you can't use a music tool :)

  184. for level 33, you need to have the level sound clip paused where you want to record, then start recording in midomi, and go back and press play on the level. There is a playback link on midomi so you can check what you have recorded, it also helps to have your sound set high

  185. Hi! Stuck on 38
    I think this could be with c***s and the movement of this piece. To start with, would be where the fingers point, is right?
    I get nothing with it not even an egg. I need help, what steps follow.

  186. Hi Pichi, yes, you have the right game, there is also a letter/number hint in the text to show you where to start, but the pointing finger should help too

  187. Almost 600 comments, so new comments will be on the next page

  188. Thanks for replying, mtatt100 and Donas727. I finally got it! On 6 now.

  189. I feel REALLY stupid, as I've not seen a single comment asking about Level 9, but I have no clue what to do on it.

  190. For level 9, take a look in Red Luth to see a dancing code


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