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The Halloween Riddle

Warlocks and Witches - Halloween Riddle is another brain teaser challenging online riddle game. The Halloween Riddle is a spell cast by a coven of riddling warlocks and witches. Twist your brain with 40 level of terrifying puzzles. Replace the last word of the url with your answer. No htm or html needed. There are no capital letters, numbers or symbols used in answers. Nothing is hidden in the source code. Now get your trick or treat bags ready and go through the door and enjoy the Halloween mayhem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Goodevening.
    level 37.
    I can't find the dinosaur-picture on internet, so I can't anagram.
    Any hints on that?
    I personally wish this one too would not have been anagrammed. I find it very difficult to find the correct names in some cases.

  2. mouse over the pic Arrie it tells you what they are

  3. Thank you, Donas727! Lifesaver :D On 10 now.

  4. Lvl 38 How many letters are? I can not get a word in anagram,I'm doing something wrong

  5. Very confused by 11. I understand that I need to look for words with 'eyes' in them, and I've found 3, but I have no idea what to do with them?!

  6. Pichi, you need 14 letters, including the starting letter

  7. BlackFiresong, the title should help a lot. 'O' h, I can't see. what would you need if you couldn't see?

  8. Pichi, level 38 will be 2 words

  9. Thanks, Donas! I managed to figure it out. For anyone else who's stumped: if you are unable to see, what are you, and what would you use?

  10. Thanks Donas! I have egg

  11. Thanks mtatt.
    And with some extra help I made it to level 38. :)

  12. Level 37 was really cute - thank you

  13. Stuck on lvl 38 egg
    Now do not know where to start, which would be the end, the word, of the box ...? I tried all that and got not nothing

  14. Stuck on 17, and going to stop for the day. Need a way to image search those pictures without using Paint - screenshotting and copy-pasting is too much effort.

  15. Hi Janet, glad you're joining me on 38!
    Brrrrr, very stormy weather here.

  16. Where did you end to get to the egg pichi? That seems to be a good start.

  17. And then do as the text on the egg tells you to do. Literrally.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Here too - and, believe me, we don't need more rain!!

  20. arrie I do this, but nothing nadaaaa lol
    Is 14 letters too? Or is only one word

  21. BlackFiresong, for 17, some should google, for the others, just say out loud what you see

  22. Pichi, where you ended is the start for next path, egg said something like stepping DOWN the welknown path.

  23. I'm confused with the 2nd half of 38, please. Am I still moving as per the game (I think yes). And I know where to start but on some of my previous positions, there in no "down". And the egg also says my head is spinning - does that direction apply?

    p.s. I also copied into Paint and circled - great hint!

  24. Janet - Use your circled version that you did in Paint and follow the directions literally - from left to right down BELOW the known path. Don't for get to start where you ended and include that letter. You will need the previous letters to show you which letters to pick. Hope that makes sense.

  25. Not movig like the first part, stepping down the known path

  26. I am still stuck on Level 40. I looked closer (zoom?) but did not see anything. Do I need to use a special program?

  27. level 39.
    Quote: "I don't know what to do."
    Me neither, LOL.
    I counted stuff and turned it around (digital way), but some loose their meaning after turning around.

  28. Still lost on 38, getting all consonants when I go to each previous "step" and then go down alternating the way my head is spinning. And for two previous steps, there is no down cause they're on the last line. From the clues above it seems I need to use each of my previous steps.

  29. What did you turn around Arrie? Janet you know the way ;)

  30. Janet, let me try to help.
    You have the first letter, the last one to solve the first half, right?

  31. Yes and I know my pattern is right because it led me to the egg..

  32. That's your starting point.
    Then, go back to all the letters you passed by that first half. And take the letter below every one of them. This will give you a line, and that will lead to the answer.

  33. I did use Paint and the bucket but not seeing anything on 40.

  34. But LOL - you do know I have great difficulties with Left and Right

  35. So start with that last letter. The letter below that one is a .. Then follow the answer you got back through the grid, taking the letters below them.

  36. Left is the part of the PAINT screen where you see the start button LOL.

  37. Janet - You don't need to spin your head, just move from left to right as you go down each row to pick your letters.

  38. Hmm Puffin, worked for me, copied pic to paint and used my pink or yellow bucket, don;t remember.

  39. But listen, don't follow the two words you found to get to the egg.
    You have to go now from left to right going down.

  40. level 39. Dutchie, I counted the words in the phrases and turned the outcome around (digital way).

  41. You have to turn something else.

  42. Puffin, for 40, I used gimp and picked some numbers to use. I thought I might get hexed, but not the way, I was so scared, my hair turned white!! ;)

  43. level 39.
    I do have to turn numbers? or letters?

  44. Turn one to get the other, It's an often used escape game thing.

  45. Got 38 with a great deal of help. Whew!!! That was a very hard 2nd half for me

  46. Yay Janet, 2 more to go :)

  47. Got some numbers from upside-down thinking. But not getting anything from that. "Alms for the poor" :-)

  48. "their appearance suddenly changes and only three of them remain"

  49. Janet, have you looked for a way to calculate those numbers?

  50. Overlooked something in the text

  51. Level 39 C. I've no idea what to do. Some help?

  52. Lucia, look closely at the words to open the lock, some parts should stand out, convert those words, and then use what that gives for another converstion

  53. For 39 C - look at the words listed and their positions. Can you see some words within the words? Position is very important. Write out the new words you see in the same position.

  54. is 40 related to a song?

  55. Thanks Donas727 and Puffin. Finally at 40.

  56. Donas I don't know what you mean by pick some numbers for Level 40. I looked at the image in Paint and Gimp. I've thrown buckets and buckets on it in all different colors but I don't see anything special.

  57. Won't this level ever end???

  58. Yea Mako and Lucia, welcome to level 40, I could use the company.

  59. Puffin, don't worry about the buckets, you can see that with a tilt of your screen, it's the picking of colors that is important, gimp works best for me, then think about the title's hint, how could you turn them?

  60. lecvel 40 first thing is to look close

  61. On 40 I found hidden and I have two eggs, what is next?

  62. 39 is a great level. Really good.
    Level 40 now.

  63. Puffin did you save or copy the image on 40. That may make a difference on seeing what is hidden. And a screen shot will not show you what is hidden.

  64. For 40 I was saving it and finally just copied it and tilted my screen and can now see the hidden words. Progress...

  65. it is easter on 40 by the way

  66. I see two phrases and a new dot but what to do with it?

  67. Easter? Was that a typo??

  68. No typo just a Mtatt joke :P

  69. Like Janet, with this I have some eggs, but nothing more,I can not do anything with dots

  70. Meaning waaay too many eggs I suppose

  71. One of the hidden words is something that is made up of many other similar things. You need to know how much of each.

  72. I have to leave, please leave more hints for 40. I must complete this riddle. Thanks for the hints so far!

  73. what I will say is gimp or similar program that can sample colours is a must then refer to title hidden text and you have more than enough info to solve

  74. Please say that I'm not going to be hexed. In the last riddle that used that particular tool/clue, I kept getting wrong answers. Until small finally took pity on me

  75. no this is a png it doesnt lose hex values

  76. Janet, no hexing on 40, but that tool might be useful

  77. So what is it? something to do with those colored dots and letters
    I try out words there but nothing leads me to right...
    Please help!

  78. Think it's time for me to go. Thank you all for your help. And it is a great riddle - appreciate all of the witches and warlocks who spent so much time on this.

  79. Please leave wonderful and multiple hints for tomorrow when my brain has (hopefully) recovered.

  80. Janet, I hope you come back to finish. If you need anything extra please email me.

  81. Oh Lin, I'll be back - so close now...

  82. I installed a colour-tool-thingy and know that one word in the hidden text contains a lot of the other ones, thank you Lin.
    I hover over the dots and get numbers.
    Don't know what to say more, lol. What do I do with them?

  83. Its the first time that "almost" finish a riddle in English, but I can't see the end. So close.Take a closer look... Where??

  84. Lucia, try to take a closer look at pic.

  85. level 40.
    What am I supposed to do. I never worked with the colour-tool. See two sorts of numbers popping up. What do I do with them?

  86. Also, the numbers are constantly changing when you differ the position a little.

  87. the colour tool gives numbers but what ultimately are you after ?

  88. they shouldn't if you saved it as a png

  89. Yeah, I know, but what do I need to think harder about? That's the million-dollar question :)

  90. Ah, okay, png, will take a look. I just have it open in paint.

  91. Brrrr still very pixely. When you're a little away from the center it changes. Enlarging it makes it even worse. But the first three before the comma are the most steady ones. I'll write them down.

  92. what Arrie all colours are steady

  93. Thanks a lot dutchie. Finished.

  94. Finish! Thanks all for your help!!

  95. Congrats Pichi, well done :)

  96. Well done Pichi, congrats! :D

  97. Well done Lucia, congrats!!! :)

  98. Wow, ladies, you're OUT !

  99. Thank you very much for such a fun game and all the work put on it. I enjoyed it every bit and laughed all the way. Great job warlocks and witches! Congratulations to the ones that are already out. :)

  100. I'm still scratching my head on 40. I have RGB info for the colors and also Hex. I saw the hidden text but don't know how to use it or what I'm looking for. I know that one word in the hidden text is made up of many others. I don't understand the title. Feeling dense.

  101. Puffin. What would you have to add to those 3 colours to make them the one in the hidden text. Then match them up.

  102. Thank you, thank you, thank you Lin!!!!!! Finally done. That was so much fun and challenging. Thanks to everyone who gave hints.

  103. Are you sure you are done.? There may be a trick there Bwaahahahahahaha!!!!

  104. I hope you looked at that Congrats page VERY closely,

  105. Oooooh noooo. I'm not done.

  106. Do I have to go back to level 40 again?

  107. No Puffin, just look closely at the pic

  108. There is something hidden in the pic Puffin. Jeffrey can help you find it.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. level 25 help please. Ive got first word and have tried being literal with the help of wiki but i am getting nowhere

  111. Hi Juliet, If you found the right words she said, try the answer without punctuation and spaces.

  112. I'm back and still mystified by Level 17. I can't reverse image search the things I don't recognise because the whole thing is one big image. I'm assuming they are types of dances? Like I think the last one is pretty straighforward to figure out... but the rest... :/

  113. OK, I think I have 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Level 17... any subtle hints for 1 and 5?

  114. Almost missed this game! Coming in! Stuck on the "Runny nose".
    A name to put on?

  115. OMG, I actually guessed it right! Yay, Level 18!

  116. level 5 pick letters according to the text

  117. Stuck on Level 22. I have the numbers, I've plugged them in, and I've got a location, but neither the city, the borough nor the country seem to work...

  118. BlackFiresong - look for a name/place that fits with the puzzle theme

  119. p.s. Did you note the direction of the arrows when entering your numbers?

  120. D'oh!!! Thanks, Janet. I hadn't zoomed in! Should have thought of that answer given that it's my home city!

  121. Good Morning. Thought I was on to something for level 40. Not using tools per se. Thinking about the title's Latin roots, why something is good, what it contains and learning way more about a certain 3 letter Model than I ever wished to know.
    And since the purpose is to find letters, looked for those that were or were not there. But my lost didn't anagram to anything. A push back to the right track, please

  122. Done, wow.
    What a great ending of this riddle.
    Thanks to all who patiently gave their hints, thanks mtatt, for leading me through 40 and beyond.
    I definitely needed that.

  123. Janet, first you have to throw a bucket at pic. Then things might get a bit more clear.

  124. Did that last night - what got me thinking about the above

  125. Ok, then you know what colour is the right colour, make them all like that.

  126. Also Congratulations to Pichi, Lucia, Veritas, Arrie and Puffin!

  127. Morning Janet ... early in the morning for you ... you couldn't leave it alone either, right?

  128. thank you dutchie that worked

  129. thank you all for the hints! On my second(or third?) egg of 5. read the above hints but still can't glue some letters.

  130. Uno Hoo - so you've passed the "Whose _______ is this?" page? In that case, take your second and first answers and put them together and that should take you through.

    Am completely stumped by 31. I read that it's M____ C___, but I can't figure out the flashes. There are so many eyes and so many colours. Help!

  131. BlackFiresong - work with one pair of eyes at a time. Notice there is a long interval and then the blinking starts. How long does the eye close each time? Then when you get back to the long interval, it repeats in case you missed it the first time

  132. Got to go for a while now. Bye

  133. Blackfire if that fails open in gimp as layers you can see the times of the layers

  134. Thx BlackFiresong! Now blowing my nose, but, there are more than one "nose" :(

  135. uno hoo, try reversing the order

  136. Thanks, Janet and mtatt100! I managed it eventually after mistaking dots for dashes and dashes for dots a lot! Am now on 33, and I think I'll have to continue when I get home in a few hours' time, as I'm using headphones at the moment and can't Shazam from work (don't judge me, guys - it's been a slow day in the office xD).

  137. @uno hoo: Not sure what you mean by more than one nose...

  138. Thought I needed to delete the n.o.s.e from the pevious

  139. NVM, going on to L6 now. thank you BlackFiresong!

  140. This was a GREAT RIDDLE, thanks to all who made it...... Really loved the animation and music........ Hated the colors at the end...."LOL @mtatt" Now do a Thanksgiving one please......

  141. I'm actually not out. I'm back for a quick look at the final riddle. Looked closer and found a message and that's all I find.

  142. Puffin, find a simple way to look into the pic

  143. I am going back again and again reading the pumpkin old post. Got a Nope, than I go back to the 6 letters' word. Help me escape, anyone?

  144. not sure what level uno if it is 6 then just google the words

  145. Done!!! Quoth the Raven "Nevermore" - LOL at least until I try a few levels of the next riddle and get hooked again!!

    But seriously, I thank you for the time, effort and creativity that went into this riddle. Appreciate all of you. And am grateful (very, very grateful) for your help along the way.

  146. Congrats Janet!! Well done! :)

  147. Yeah Janet!!!! Congratulations!!!

  148. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I've just finished the riddles. That was hard and challenging!
    Very well done! I enjoyed the visual site and sounds and most of all the puzzles.
    And thanks for all the clues and being so kind!
    Congratulations for the authors!

  149. YAY!! Congrats Mako, well done!!

  150. Mako!!! You made it!!! Congratulations!

  151. Finished for real this time. Thanks everyone!

  152. Yay Mako and Puffin!!! Congratulations

  153. Congrats Puffin!!! Well done!! :)

  154. Congrats Janet, Mako and Puffin, great job :)

  155. Puffin, awesome, I was wondering where you were!

  156. I just Shazam-ed all ten songs in Level 33, but I must have got some wrong because I tried to anagram all the first letters of the song titles and didn't get any results. :/

  157. BlackFiresong. None of the songs use the word THE.

  158. BlackFiresong, if you have a D in your letters, look for another letter

  159. Thanks, guys. I figured it out. I realised I'd only Shazam-ed 9 songs, so I had one letter missing. I managed to make an educated guess and fill it in :) Stumped by 34 now - I put in two potential answers, but those just led to Dracula telling me to C____ something else.

  160. BlackFiresong, one of those animals has a lot more letters than the others.

  161. BlackFiresong,
    Some of the animals have an extra word to describe them, like Golden, or Grey, but don't use them, only with the one down left.
    For the others just the kind of animal they are is necessary.
    Then, yes, count.

  162. Thanks, Arrie and LinR!!! Your hints did it :) Now on 35. Assuming the hidden text in the egg symbolises the L***/W***/L*****, but not getting anything that stands out when I take that to Granny.

  163. Hi BlackFiresong, You are on the right track and if you use it;s the third word that starts with S, if you have the right letters of course :)

  164. Aha - thanks, dutchie! I didn't know that was a thing, so it didn't stand out to me in the list as a potential answer!

  165. Are the commas at all significant on 36, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

  166. For 36, commas are not important but the title is very important.

  167. No, Firesong. The punctuation is not used. Let the ghosts and ghouls lead you.

  168. Yeah, I had a POP moment as soon as I posted that! On to 37, woo hoo :) These riddles are so all-consuming. I need to be done with this so I can get on with my life, LOL!

  169. (Not that I'm not loving it - the mere thought of the skills needed to create something like this blows my mind!)

  170. I tried an answer for 37 and it took me to a page with a video on it. Is that an egg?

  171. Never mind - got it! POP really does wonders. xD

  172. I've read all the hints and still have zero understanding of 38 and what I'm supposed to do on it. Are the "..."s significant? Any nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated :)

  173. BlackFiresong, a word in the title should make you think of a classic strategy game, this piece has a specific pattern of movement, the text and hand will show you where to start

  174. Ahh, OK, I get the idea. But I don't know if I'm starting at the right spot. There are two instances of the indicated starting point and the hand could kind of be pointing to either? And the up and down thing could be to the left or the right? So I'm a bit confused :(

  175. BlackFiresong. All the squares in that game have a letter/number designation. The 6th line of text has a capitalized letter and a number which tells you what square to start in. The title tells you the type of piece which moves in a certain way.

  176. I understand the idea of moving around the grid like the piece, and now I get the starting position (I was looking for the actual letter on the grid before and didn't realise the letter-number thing), but even so, moving up can mean 2side1up or 2up1side, and could be to either side. So that where I'm hitting dead ends. Also, what of the lines that don't indicate a direction?

  177. It is a bit of trial and error. Remember that riddle theme but don't let it Haunt you. Two words.

  178. BlackFiresong, include the starting letter and go up, the next two letters should be vowels, making a pic in paint and circling your letters will be very useful

  179. Congrats to those who solved all. You guys and gals are brilliant. I'm on my second day, Lv14 now. Any clues to these horror movies?

  180. uno hoo, each will give a letter. Would you want to go THERE?

  181. Thanks, guys! I found the egg. Now to figure that out...

  182. Finally moved on to 39! And now I'm stuck again. Like completely stuck. I counted the letters in the shaded phrases... is that a good start?

  183. I recognise that I have to follow the shaded bits as steps, but I just don't actually understand any of them! Turning numbers upside down? You wot?

  184. BlackFiresong, look, look, what could you apply all those bits to?

  185. BlackFiresong. You know that thing where letters can look like something else when you red them a different way. I mean read them.

  186. OK, I think I get what you guys mean. Trying to apply what I can to the thing I've re(a)d.

  187. So do I do the "calculate bit"? Or does their appearance change in a different way. 'Cause if I do the calculate bit, I get 5 numbers of which 3 are the same. Is that what they're getting at with the "only 3 remain" part? 'Cause if those three walk away, I'm left with 2 numbers, which is a bit useless, lol.

  188. yes BlackFiresong, They can be split up into three groups and converted to give you what you need.

  189. LinR - I did the calculation and split the answer into three groups and turned it around. I get an answer starting with M, but putting that in leads me to an error page. :(

  190. You need to put an A in front. Wix unfortunately needs a minimum of 4 letters.

  191. Almost 800 comments, so new comments will be on the next page

  192. Oh, phew! Glad my method was right, at least. Thanks, LinR... would never have realised about that "a". Onto 39b...

  193. Hmm. Cannot go "U and R" from the star on 39b as it's on the top row. Confuzzled.


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