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The Halloween Riddle

Warlocks and Witches - Halloween Riddle is another brain teaser challenging online riddle game. The Halloween Riddle is a spell cast by a coven of riddling warlocks and witches. Twist your brain with 40 level of terrifying puzzles. Replace the last word of the url with your answer. No htm or html needed. There are no capital letters, numbers or symbols used in answers. Nothing is hidden in the source code. Now get your trick or treat bags ready and go through the door and enjoy the Halloween mayhem. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Thanks mtatt100, LinR and Janet for 33

    level 39b - Cant find any eggs

  2. mehroon, try to find two words in grid. Look horizontal/vertical/backwards and you will see them.

  3. never mind, Janet, you are always o helpful.
    I think I lost the link of the tool for coloring the page. Pls find it for me.

  4. What level are you uno hoo? For 40, copy pic to Paint (or Gimp) select the pipette/colourpicker, take a drop from one of the coloured dots, and click edit colours (on the right next to all the colours) You will see RGB numbers. That's what you need to continue this level.

  5. Thanks dutchie for 39b

    Completed. A very enjoyable riddle

  6. But did you really completed it?

  7. uno hoo, for 39 do the actions you saw in tekst on something red, like LinR hinted.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Juliet, It is not the hex numbers you need for level 40 but the RGB.

  10. finished, at last!
    many thanks janet and many thanks to all you guys for your hints here posted.
    and many thanks and congratulations to the riddler.
    very clever.

  11. Yeah Maremoto!!! Well done! Thank you for playing our little riddle.

  12. Congratulations Maremoto!!! Yay You!

  13. many thanks to you, LinR

    for uno:. don't know at which step of 39 you are. if you are at the first one, look at the very BEGINNING of the level (first thing written you see...) and do as the text says you.
    hope to be helpful

  14. Congratulations also to Mehroon. Hope you did complete all of it. You get to see the wonderful "Coven" who made this riddle possible.

  15. I had tried to work with the 6 letters, maremoto. Just hesitate on doing the directions to all or one by one, and not so sure about calculate/change appearances.

  16. Uno Hoo - Level 39. First it says they're "hanging upside down". So write what you RED and turn it over to see what you get

  17. Mehroon, can you contact me please? I sent you a message.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The first is a number, the 2nd a letter and yes the last four make a number too.

  21. 1 Number (letter which means what in calculating) 4 numbers

  22. yes I got a 4 digits times 1 digit. just don't know what to do with "changing appearance" and only three remain.

  23. hahahaa, I eliminated the identical ones after calculation, then 3 letters are left to make a "die"... fortunately this is not the answer

  24. Sorry Uno Hoo - I had forgotten how I did this. When you turn them around - you have four numbers x 1 number. Makes a huge difference!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Uno hoo, when you do the math on the red letters you should get 5 digits, 3 of which are the same. Now group those 5 numbers and covert to get a word.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Uno Hoo - those are the right numbers. A = 1 so the first letter is either a 1 or a 16

  29. You do need to anagram your final 3 letters

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I am so dumb to contribute so much to these 1032 comments... *blush*

  32. Also notice when putting in your answer, there is an underlined letter in the text, so put in a and then your answer - four letters total

  33. Where the text says "it looks like" (underlined a - three spaces for your 3 letter word)

  34. thx so much Janet, I didn't notice that. Now on 39B. Exciting to finish this tonight :)

  35. Lol - Uno Hoo - I did the exact same thing - you're not alone :-)

  36. I found the words oxx and mxxx on 39b, but obviuosly not the final answer. aye?

  37. uno: search well into the grid you'll find two words, one i think you already found it (i mean mxxx) the second is longer (look right)...they lead to 2 hints.

  38. Words can go up and down too

  39. ok, got those 2 words. Now do I need any tool to make the mxxx dxxx?

  40. oh, spliting into 2 eggs.... I had 2 eggs for dinner tonight already :P

  41. Go go go uno hoo, almost there :)

  42. in 39C (hope this is the last egg!), the list of words on the left is for picking up letters or the right side?

  43. oh i see the right numbers...but what about 0 and 2?

  44. No it's not that hard. Look separately at each line. For example if you had the words - lone telephone - you'd have one one. What could you do with that?

  45. And this is that last of 39!!!

  46. Starting with either e or d can't make a word and I am wondering there is a 2 on the left side word.. hmmm

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. uno hoo, you need an eight letter word. Look at hte words row by row. Some have two digits, some only one.

  49. p.s. For the 1st one use the number with more letters

  50. *slapmyhead* why was I complicating the last egg. Got it.
    40 now, phew

  51. Need to sleep :( pleasssse leave me some hints for 40. yeah I know there are eggs waiting for me. Now only see the hidden sapphire :P

  52. Completely off topic, but how do I get to chat on this site now? There used to be a heading called "chat" on the main page, but it is gone now and that is the only way I knew how to get there.

  53. Hi c0fe7758, the chat box was removed by Escaper because nasty comments were made. Even after warnings from Escaper. Some people weren't respectful to others.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Oh darn auto correct. yeah, Uno Hoo. You are almost to the end.

  56. Thank you for the explanation about chat Dutchie. What confused me and made me believe it was still there is both Arrie and Janet on the 1st page of comments here mentioned they were going to chat. I guess they must have some other form of chat. On topic here... I m have been playing this great riddle quietly in the background using all the hints here and made it to the congrats picture which I copied and saved to my hard drive. I went to and viewed that image there but the only thing I get with numbers is the image length, what am I doing wrong????

  57. c0fe7758, there is a message from the maker. Lot of numbers! Hope you made notes or bookmarks :) And nice to see you are playing the riddle. Almost there, just one more thing to do.

  58. How do i use regex to see the message though? Yes, I have the answers to all the levels.

  59. If you copy the image url and paste it on Jeffrey Friedl's site then you see 'XP Comment:" there you see a lot of numbers.

  60. Ah okay, I see now that I had to copy the image's location. Thanks again Dutchie!

  61. Have to go now, hope I will see tomorrow that you're finished c0fe7758 :)

  62. Congrats c0fe7758 ! Amazing job doing it all on your own!

  63. A big congratulations to Mehroon, LadySue and c0fe7758 for finishing today. Great work, all of you.

  64. Congratulations to all the new finishers!! :) Well done!!

  65. I did finish, but only because I was able to skip level 32 (Friday the 13th). I'm still hoping to understand that level but I'm drawing a complete blank, I don't even see how to find the egg?

  66. Congrats c0fe7758 and Maremoto and LadySue too :).
    For level 32, check the pic at Jeffrey's. Look carefully at purple letters.

  67. Level 32, I did check the pic at Jeffrey's, saw the one comment and also noticed 1 letter that looked different, but that didn't help me get an egg. No one else seemed to have a problem with this level, so I must have overlooked something obvious. I'm sure glad I had that "Skip 1 level free" token in my back pocket.

  68. c0fe7758, the frame of the gif with the special number has something hidden that you can find by copying to paint and using the bucket. That is a little red fishy. The real thing to find is the difference between the letters which should give you a word. Some people may need to use a colour picker to differentiate the difference. It may be very tricky for some to see.

  69. Lost in level 38b. I've found the egg and thanks to other people's helpful comments I was able to find a 4 word sentence (d.... .. .. ..r), but I don't understand what to do now with those 4 words ... should I anagram? Plz help ....

  70. Puzzled it looks like you may have missed a letter at the end. Some kids like to go out on Halloween as Batman or Captain America which is just super.

  71. Hi Puzzled,
    The question is: who do you need to be?
    so no, no anagram, the answer is given in the sentence you found.
    The last letter however is not an r ...

  72. On 40, I had found all rgb numbers of the dots, can't see where or what to proceed. Any hints?

  73. Hi Uno hoo did you see the hidden text ......Try to make it with pairs of colours

  74. Thank you LinR and arrie NL !! Yes, I had missed a letter. Now I am missing the right person lol. Nevermind, I will keep trying names, I should find the person eventually hehe
    Signed: SuperDumb ;P

  75. Uno hoo, if you found the hidden name of a Color you need to find what needs to be added to the other colors to add up to that Color RGB. You should start to see some that pair up.

  76. puzzled you don't need a specific one. Sorry if I misled you. You just need what he is. That last word.

  77. Thanks LinR, level 39 at last !

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. You don't need to convert anymore, you can work with what you already have, uno hoo. Pair them up now.

  80. 100 + 155 =255 and so on. Or 255 - 155= 100. that should give you another set of numbers that should match something on the page.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

  82. Oh, I need to color the dots with their partners?

  83. Or linking the pairs to find the letters on the path?

  84. Draw lines to join the pairs. the line should pass through a letter. Take those letters and anagram.

  85. Pop, got it. Thanks so much! Finally! So, going back to find the hall of fame?

  86. I looked closely. So...I can't make it to the hall of fame... *sobbing*

  87. LOL well maybe just one more step. Uno hoo. :P

  88. uSe the same website that you used to see the layers on level 32. Now you know why it was a good idea to keep track of all you answers.

  89. I finally got level 32 (it was an appropriate day to get that level), so now I finally feel like I completed this riddle. Thanks to all that made it and to everyone that gave more hints.

  90. Yeah c0fe7758! Well done! that was a very tricky level.

  91. Used the ex tool. I thought it would be a direct solution. Source code is needed too?

  92. Just the Exif is needed.

  93. Can't find anything relevant... *scratchinghead* :P

  94. Uno hoo, Dit you find a lot of numbers? It should start with 7.1. so use the first letter of the answer from the 7th level. you should get a sentence. You can also find those numbers by saving the picture to your computer and then right clicking on it and looking at the picture properties. look under details to find the numbers.

  95. Oh, Uno Hoo, I so know how you feel! ... so close ...

  96. Finished on a Friday the 13th, woohooo!
    Thanks so much for your patient help, folks!
    Will I get an icon on the Coven, too? So much fun to be in the hall of witches. See ya all for the next riddle!

  97. Yay Uno Hoo! Congratulations!!

  98. Big congrats uno hoo, well done :)

  99. yes Uno when you submit a level for next year we will add an icon on witches for you :P

  100. Congratulations Uno Hoo!!! Well done.!!!

  101. After being technically silenced for a while, I'm now vocal again and want say a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all of the finishers!! Well done all of you!!!!

  102. Puzzled - Congrats! Saw you finished too. Yay!!

  103. yeah Puzzled!!! Congratulations on finishing!!!

  104. Lovely riddle ( even if you play it a few months late ) Thanks to all makers and people who left hints.

  105. Yeah, ike! Great to see you and thanks for playing our riddle. :)

  106. Made it to the congrats page, but couldn't access the HOF. Found no maker notes in the EXIF of the take a close look hidden box. Guess I found this too late! Only 6 years. lol
    Found it on Nord after s-t's latest riddle and saw a couple folks had been playing. I did enjoy it.

  107. Thank you for playing Patty. It seems that Wix has changed the way it displays the pics and the EXIF and picture properties can no longer be seen. I have added a new page that I hope will alleviate the issue.

  108. Thanks so much, LinR. Truly enjoyed this FUN riddle!

  109. Totally stuck on Level 22. I have the Coordinates, tried every word (name/place) I can imagine or found in google-map. If anybody is out there please big help, Big Ben was a favourite.

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