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Truly Kryptic

Truly Kryptic is another brain teaser challenging online riddle game. Truly Kryptic is an extreme game in the "online riddle" genre where the goal is to find the secret word in order to proceed to the next level. The game requires thinking and creativity to get through the levels which get harder as you progress. Only a few people will be able to complete this adventure and have their name featured in the Hall of Fame. This game saves your progress using cookies, the start game button will take you to the furthest level reached. Good luck and have fun!

Note: Please don't post exact answers, just post hints for levels!

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  1. Roller skating right on by this one. You brainiacs have fun! ;)

  2. Usain Bolt is pointing right at cronometer, but i doubt this is the solution.

    However, i'm going to bed now, and return on the morrow to lots of hints from you guys. Have fun!

  3. The link takes me straight to a web-hosting website and not the game.

  4. Still not really fixed. It doesn't seem to let you go from Tutorial3 to Level 1. I was able to get back in because I had bookmarked my last level (11) and copied that url into But could not get back to any previous level.

  5. Laborious and boring, not for me.

  6. Hmm tute 3?
    goes new page but return got google ad..

  7. derr me read source better LOL

  8. Looks like the link from tutorial 3 to level 1 isn't working. This is the link for level 1
    I'm stuck on level 13 egg.

  9. Ah ok, for 13, google all sentences, gives 6 letters for answer.

  10. There are 6 eggs at level 13.

  11. level 5 what tool to use?

  12. trying GIMP again but no luck

  13. Look for another oic in source with almost the same name.

  14. I had not seen your solution dutchie. I solved zooming out.

  15. yeah keyboard zoom..
    trying to figure the phone..

  16. Stuck on 22, know what numbers it are (I think) but no idea how to move on.

  17. Any hints for level 21?? I've an egg but I don`t know what to do with it.

  18. Level 21, you need to play with Audacity,

  19. Stuck on level 1. HEEEEEEELP

  20. Did you check the source? Convert to letters A=1 B=2 Z=26

  21. Level 7 anyone? Stevie Wonder wants to tell me something, and apparently it's not that he loves me!

  22. Unknown, there is no trick there. It is just not lined up perfectly. Patience is the only tool you need.

  23. did consider roman numerals but 7 doesnt fit
    tried phone number converters.. No joy..

  24. Leroy. LOL are you too young to remember how to text with a flip phone?

  25. Or did you just mercifully block that out of your memory when you got a smart phone?

  26. For Leroy and for those too young to know the "old ways" LOL Go to 9 second letter because there are 2 nines and so on. The answer is not a real word.

  27. Good Morning. level 22, I do not know what to do with those numbers. Should I use them all? or only those for the question marks.

  28. think I vaguely remember that method of texting..

  29. Lucia. Level 22 , You need the missing numbers. Google them together.

  30. Thans LinR. That was the firts thing I did. I will try it again.

  31. Level 12 - the cookies. Is it something to do with website cookies or am I over-thinking it?

  32. Tried everything I can think of on level 8 what am I missing?

  33. Gary, the text tells you what you need to use. Use it on the only other text you have.
    Kernowman, you are on the right track. One is special.

  34. Thanks LinR. I've been all through my stored cookies but nothing stands out. A little nudge.....

  35. As I said tried that and it doesn't work. Have the source hint and page title first and last gives nothing

  36. Gary a common riddle trick is to pick the first letters of the words .......... or the last.

  37. Kernowan, you can look at the cookies using the Inspect Element function of your browser. You should find a lot of cookies from Truely Kryptic. Look at ALL the names used for this Riddle.

  38. Thanks LinR. The problem was I was playing in Private Browsing so the cookie didn't show. Found it now :)

  39. Level 28. Do I need the name of the song?? My app doesn't find it.

  40. If you google the text then you should find the song. A special word in lyrics leads to an egg.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Can anyone help me on 29 ? I tried solving the crossword for so long but i don't think its possible. I found 3 words so far.

  43. The words form a shape. there are two long words. Use the rest to make the other shorter words.

  44. Thanks Dutchie. I found it.

  45. Can you give a hint about horizontal long word? I tried so hard but can't find it.

  46. 13 letters H, 11 letters V.

  47. Lol this level is killing me. Thanks for your reply but there isn't even any H letters in the picture.

  48. Lol, H is horizontal, V is vertical. There are a lot of horizontal letters.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. Level 29 is very difficult, impossible for Spanish people.
    I am very sorry but I have to quit.

  51. Level 2 ?. Anagram of beer?

  52. Level 2 is an anagram of 3 words. For level 5, despite the hints, I still don't know how to zoom to find an answer?

  53. Level 5. Not zoom, the opposite.

  54. level 5 use ctrl +/-
    Im stuck at level 9 wondering what to read...

  55. Leroy, google the title.

  56. Agh, a new riddle pops up while I'm working on school presentations and I miss out on 2 days worth of stuff! D:

    Managed to catch up a bit, at least...made it to 10 on my own, but I can't figure out what these 5 people could possibly have in common. O_o;

  57. Xaq, google will find it if you have all the names correct.

  58. TY didnt think to look tab label LOL
    damn Im out of riddle practice...

  59. I travel with ya Zaq I just hit 10 LOL

  60. Ah, I see where I goofed. 1st pic is the character, not the actor.

  61. Got 14, I'm at 14b? Anyway, not making any headway with the o_O;

  62. Xaq, some are on and some are off. Like a code.

  63. Yeah, can't believe I didn't think of that particular code.

    Stuck on 18 now. The hint makes no sense.

  64. Kernowman, look for more pics.

  65. Thanks lucia, but still not getting it! I've tried an image search, but not seeing anything.

  66. Kernowman, look for different pics by opening the picture in a new tab and changing the name.

    Xaq - you need a square.

  67. Spacing things out in the square helped me see the answer. Thought it'd be along one of the sides, but it was somewhere else instead. Anyway, on to 19..thanks guys! :D

  68. Okay, going off of 20, I think I need to give everyone a heads up:


  69. xaq, keeping track of your answers is always a good idea in any riddle.

  70. Need help with level 11 (know your world). I tried both miles and kilometers between each set and then convert to letters but that didn't work. Also tried to do something with what country each was in but only got consonants.

  71. c0fe7758. draw some lines on the map and then see what you need to see.

  72. Can I get a hint on 33? I searched google but nothing works so far.

  73. Zodiac, The level title should give you a hint as to what it is about. The picture is a chart. Try googling together with what the title hints at. Be warned that the wiki version is reversed. Try to find another version.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. It looks like you are looking for the right c**e . Think more about what you would call a chart like that in business. What makes it flow.

  76. Thx LinR, finally solved it.

  77. Been stuck on 26 all day. X_x; I've gone through most of my thesaurus at this point, and nothing seems to be working. Am I on the wrong track?

  78. Oop, hang on, think I just induced the power of the post here.

    ...Yep! On to 27!

  79. And now I'm stuck on 28. I found the song, been trying the lyrics, still not finding the egg...unless the error message the song title gave was it.

  80. Xaq, what would you do if you wanted to get out of something on the computer.

  81. i need help on 36,

    I am using the software, but it doesn't work. I need a password a guess? But how can i find it?

  82. Zodiac, yes you do. You have a representation of a very famous mural as the picture.

  83. thx, i solved it. onto 37.

    btw, I found another riddle about a king and queen in this level but never used it. Did you find it too?

  84. I found the one riddle that applied to the level. Was there another one somewhere?

  85. Well, I found two riddles, one of them gave me the answer. other one is about a king and a dead queen. but never used it.

    which level are you on now? I stucked on 40b right now. I know logo shows me some numbers. But am i suppose to decode it?

  86. Zodiac, try putting the numbers in a different form.

  87. Oh thx, it helped me like a charm. So that was the last level?

    41 under development :(

  88. Thank you Lucia and Leroy for your help on level 5 and LinR for your help on level 11.

  89. Thanks LinR, that got me on the right track. On to 29.

  90. Okay, just finished 29...figured some people might need a trigger warning on that level. A particular symbol that many people might find offensive is involved, so...yeah, just a heads up.

  91. Can anyone give me a boost on 33? I've tried googling the names I've got here and trying to find some variation of the chart they're on, but I'm getting nowhere. :[

  92. Xaq, I gave a hint about 17 comments back. The names in the title should give you a clue as to what you are looking for and then you need to find the correct chart.

  93. "Should" being the operative term there, because I don't get what it's supposed to be cluing me in on at all.

  94. Is there a cody that Morris reminds you of, Xaq?

  95. Stuck on level 30 - letters. I thought I was looking for a pattern made with the letters 'C'. If it is I'm not seeing it. Also not sure where the source code clue fits.

  96. Never mind - the power of post :)

  97. ...
    *facepalms, thanks LinR, moves on to 34*

  98. Need a boost on 36. I got the info off the pic, but I can't decipher what it means...what d********s is it referring to?

  99. Who made the game Xaq. Check out the about section thoroughly.

  100. Ah, okay. Didn't check thoroughly enough the first time, I guess. Thanks!

  101. Now stuck on level 14 (mathematical equation one), I don't see anything to do with the quote by Einstein or the equation itself?

  102. c0fe7758, did you know you could google equations sometimes?

  103. I tried that LinR but didn't scroll far enough... thx again.

  104. Well, I got 37 on my own at least, but I'm stuck again at 38. I can't find anything particular about the c***r in the picture that's noteworthy. Tried converting the letters to numbers and somehow converting that to a c***r, but nothing's working. :[

  105. Please, can someone help me on level 7 ?
    I am really stuck on this level ...
    I can't sort the dots in order :/
    (Sorry for bad english)

  106. Xaq. you seem to be close on level 38. Maybe you could ADD to those letters.

  107. Lua Nova, you don't need to sort them, you need to read them. They are not lined up nicely so it is a little harder to see.

  108. But, I don't have idea how to line up them :(
    I look for it and I can't see nothing ...
    I already look of many ways, but nothing :/

  109. Read as if you can not see.

  110. Thanks again, LinR. That was clever. On to 39!

  111. Cracked the hint on 39, but I'm having trouble IDing one of the pictures; Google Image Search isn't giving me any hits on the one in the upper-right. :[

  112. Xaq, I had to adjust the picture somewhat before google could find it. Make it more square.

  113. Ah! That did it, thank you.

  114. Stuck on 40's 1st egg...mostly because I can't quite figure out what a g******e is or which ones it's wanting me to use. X_x;

  115. Don't worry about that word, Xaq. Combine what you have and look at the the things under the gold in a different way using some riddle tricks.

  116. Thanks for the hint, LinR. Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to start over from square 1 on this, because my desktop decided it wants to update to Windows 10 on me, so I have to work on it from my laptop instead.

  117. Never mind. Apparently I remembered the answers well enough to get back to where I was. Back at it.

  118. WOO! Got it! On to 41!

  119. On to 43 now...felt good to pull 41 and 42 off after banging my head against some of the earlier ones, but I did wind up chasing a self-induced red herring on 42. After translating what I was given, I read it as a factual statement rather than what it was, and wound up trying to find a way to make some info a Swedish death metal band work.


  120. Hello, I'm on. Almost missed this! Working on Lv 6, the texting. I know how to text by pressing 3 two times for an E. But what to text? I tried text/message/textmessage, how many letters are there for the answer?

  121. Hi Uno Hoo - have you checked the "Source Code" to see if there are any hints.

    p.s. A good thing to do in this riddle for every level.

  122. Hi Janet, thank u, I got it. Moving on to Lv9 tomorrow ~V

  123. Level 26 - I know what I have to do and have 5 j**'s to su*******se. Tried to use GIMP but each one I try to layer is blocking out the rest. Any advice or a better tool to use?

  124. p.s. Figured there may be more than 5 but thought I could at least start it and see what materialized

  125. p.p.s. Y'all know I am not very proficient with all these riddle tools but am very S L O W L Y learning

  126. You can use threshold on GIMP and finish on paint

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Ya know that Fleetwood Mac Song "It's over my head" but, lol, it sure doesn't feel good. Thanks Lua Nova for trying to help me. I appreciate it but think this is over my pay grade.

  129. Been stuck on 35 - the symbols - for a couple of days. A little help woul dbe appreciated.

  130. Janet, it is best if you try layering the images in Gimp and adjusting the transparency.

  131. Kernonwman, The symbols are a numbering system used by an ancient civilization. There are some online translators that you maya find.

  132. For the map in Lv11, I made the intersection but none or the surrounding cities is correct. Is it a particular spot or landsacpe?

  133. I entered"kxxx" inLv11, then I got a "right" that led me to "s[level 13]" which is blank. What should I do?

  134. This comment has been removed by the author.

  135. 26 - trying for ever! i have the really offensive symbol, and now stuck.. can any one give me a nudge to what i'm suppose to put in the url?
    please help...

  136. nvm... pop!!!!!! finally 30!

  137. To get back to Level 10 this is the 1st part of the url:

    (it has to change a bit every 10 levels)

  138. So put your answer to level 10 after the url above and it will take you to the Next button which will get you to Level 11

  139. p.s. For level 11, think big!!

  140. Help on 33 please? I don't know who these people are...

  141. Reut - LinR gave some good hints for Level 33 above. See 12/1/15 9:04pm & 12/2/15 9:03pm

  142. Been trying to work on 43 off and on the past couple of days while studying for finals, but I'm just not getting anywhere with it. All I've worked out is that it's a m***c s****e, and trying to find anything relating that to the text below the pic does me no good. X_x;

  143. Kernowman, I saw them, but i have no idea who is morris and cody... it felt like they are famuos and i'm the only one who don't know them... i think that is where i'm stuck, unless i'm on the WRONG track.

  144. Reut, does morris cody sound a bit like something else you may know? ...---...

  145. I could use a nudge on 38. I saw LinR's earlier hint but it didn't help. :(

  146. Reut, Morris has a code. Google

    BarmaidsApron Did you know colours have a number value? What would happen if you did some arithmatic. :)

  147. XaQ, It is what you think. Google what you get. It is special. Then you need to go to his special page.

  148. need help on Lv 13. Found the speakers of the sentence, tried the names/last names initials. can't make a 6 letter word.

  149. BarmaidsApron and LinR - thank you! didn't see that at all.... now i know what to look for.

  150. There are six eggs on Level 13

  151. p.s. Now I know how you got that funny screen on Level 11 (your post at 11:40 am on 12/7)

  152. oh , got it. thank you, janet. I once entered Kxxx in previous level that had led meto one of these eggs :P

  153. Finals are done, now I can get back to working on this.

    Finally got my head around 43. Found out which mathematician I needed to look for and got to the first "Correct, now do this" page.

    Finding what it's telling me to find is proving a bit tricky, though. Is the particular thing I'm looking for in English?

  154. Oop, never mind, definitely found the right one now. It mentioned the riddle by name.

  155. YES! Cracked it! (Hint for anyone who gets to that point: You're looking for 5 things. 3 are hidden in photos.) On to 44!

  156. Oop, sorry, forgot this in my last post...thanks for the assist LinR!

  157. On Lv 18,what's the meaning of square things?

  158. Square the words (put them in a 'BOX') without commas and spaces. Then look carefully at string of letters above the box.

  159. Still hopelessly stuck on level 38. Any chance of another hint please.

  160. BarmaidsApron, do you have a color picker? try to use that on the one color you already have...

    i'm stuck at 39, any one can help? I can't figure out the hint in the source code..

  161. Reut, look at the form of the TUBE, YOU have to use the text in source in a certain place on the internet.

  162. Thanks Reut but I'm still none the wiser. Looks like level 38 is my nemesis.

  163. thanks dutchie, i thought no one is here any more.. moved to 40, now trying to paint something useful.

  164. BarmaidsApron, The letters can be converted to numbers and back again. Add the numbers you get from the colour and add to get new letters

  165. Help on Lv 21. I have not used audacity before. How do I start?

  166. Finally on to 39 Thanks LinR and Reut.
    Could have sworn I'd already tried that, I guess it pays to keep better notes.
    Another riddle lesson learned the hard way

  167. uno hoo use Change Speed under the Effect menu to speed up or slow down the audio.

  168. Hi
    on level 27 do I have to take value of positions ? ex: 1**º 1*º *º & 6*º *º 8*º ....
    I'm stuck in this level a few days :(

  169. Lua Nova: I don't know what you mean but think about the numbers in the source in relation to the theme of the level

  170. ty, but I can't see the relation with the theme of the level and the numbers of the source, the only thing I can see is that the numbers in source represent position in the decimal places (I guess i'm wrong :/ )
    Sorry for bad english ...

  171. Lua Nova, if they asked for the 10 decimal place and that was a 5 then convert that 5 to an E as the 5th letter of the alphabet and so forth.

  172. Stuck on 40's egg. read LinR from 12/4/15, 8:31 PM, and i still getting nothing.. Tried to use the oldest trick in the riddle book - not working.

  173. Reut did you write out what you found?

  174. level 41 am I meant to be playing this game or have I gone a bit wrong with my decoding?

  175. LinR, i did. but i can't get it right. it just the six letters, right? or i need more?

  176. Reut, you need just one more.

    Level 41 brought me to a game also, not sure what to do next

  177. Thank you BarmaidsApron! But I think I have to give up. I am not used to the audacity ssoftware. Had copied the audio on Lv 11 which is opened with iTune. Didn't know how to controlthe playing in audacity.

  178. uno hoo have you downloaded the .mp3 file from level 21 and opened it in audacity? The buttons to play, pause, rewind etc are right at the top.

  179. level 29 I found 3 words using vertical letters, but in horizontal letters I can't find words to all letters ...
    For post " 11/30/15, 12:31 PM "
    I don't find a word with 13 letters H , or 11 V with letters of puzzle :/

  180. Uno hoo - I copied the mp3 file from the riddle into Audacity. Go to the Source and you will see the mp3 file to copy. Once in Audacity, look at the top right. You'll see a green Play arrow and a slider which lets you control the speed. Look for the word that is missing.

  181. p.p.s remember to click on the green Play arrow again each time you adjust the speed using the slider control

  182. Been working off and on with 44 the past few days, and I'm about ready to throw in the towel. I get the tab title's reference and how it relates to the 6 pics, and I've gotten the 6 eggs, but I don't know what they're telling me to get with those eggs.

  183. Not saying the other method doesn't work, but I had difficulty changing speed with the slider control button on Audicity too. What did work for me was this : open "effects" in Audacity and go to "change speed". Then, in the pop-up, change RPM from 78 to 331/3. It will still sound too fast, but if you listen carefully, you can just hear enough words and then google can help you from there ;)

  184. help on 41, played the game, got nothing but the "another castle" stuff.
    tried using the title on the pic - nothing their too.

  185. This comment has been removed by the author.

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